For the Love of the Map
Are you looking for an out-of-headset dose of all things Supernatural: Unreal Fitness? Look no further! This is the place to discuss the latest scoop on new choreography, in-depth workout reviews, and all the happenings in the community. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, the show covers everything you need to stay up-to-date and continue to find joy in movement!
For the Love of the Map
The Formula to Excel in Supernatural with Bill Jelen EP|35
Uncover the transformative journey of Bill Jelen, affectionately known as Mr. Excel, as he shares how virtual reality fitness revolutionized his life, and social connections. From initially overlooking his Supernatural subscription to finding a deeply motivating community, Bill reveals the power of virtual workout parties and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Explore how these experiences have turned fitness into a social and enriching endeavor, and the support of friends keeping his fitness momentum alive.
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Bill’s Mr Excel YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@mrxl?si=tTvU-PhHzQV2LNYp
Supernatural Challenge Group: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/17aQYL9ESs/
I usually always ask people how has Supernatural changed your life? And I know that your answer is going to be incredibly meaningful.
Speaker 2:Yeah, In the morning crew they know that if you ask me a data question, I love data questions. I love to go get the air table. I love to do all kinds of crazy stuff in Excel.
Speaker 1:I'm coming for your group. All you have to say is you have a club and I'm down, I'm coming.
Speaker 2:We are about 12 miles away from the launch pads. Right there, I want the spreadsheet of all of Coach Mark's dad jokes, like I want to know. That would be incredible. Where is that joke? Right? That was a hilarious joke. I want to go back and listen to that. I'm going to whisper this because my friends already know what I'm thinking. They can see my face. They know what I'm thinking. Marla skip song on the corn song.
Speaker 1:No, I can't.
Speaker 2:No, don't tell anyone, just don't tell anyone. Just don't tell anyone, I have a photo of myself at Stonehenge, right. So, even though when I was at Stonehenge I had no idea what Supernatural was, when she got me was they have a spreadsheet. I'm like what. I can be on the spreadsheet.
Speaker 1:Exactly. That's all it takes. Hello and welcome back to another episode of For the Love of the Map, where we chat all things supernatural choreography and finding joy in movement. I am your host, mj, and today I'm super excited to have our special guest this week, bill Jelen, also known as Mr Excel.
Speaker 2:Welcome to the show dude. Hey, marla Boy, it's great to be here. This is so cool. I'm a big fan of the show.
Speaker 1:I'm so glad that you said yes. I just hope yeah, I hope that we're interesting. Oh, I'm sure we will be Clicking away right now like oh, this guy. Definitely not. I already know. I already know, so let's just get right into it. When did you find Supernatural and how did that come to be for you? Tell us, that's right.
Speaker 2:So full-time November 1st of last year, 2023. Yeah, I had been in Supernatural two workouts maybe a year before that, and then it just didn't catch on, right.
Speaker 1:And.
Speaker 2:I didn't even realize, did not realize that I would continue to pay for Supernatural, until I got a notice saying hey, we lowered the price, so your subscription is longer. I'm like what, I still have that? Oh, cool Right. And then, since then, I started out two or three days a week and probably within a month had found a workout party to hang out with. And uh, you know, I've been, I'm on a, I'm on a pretty good streak now of, uh, consecutive days every day.
Speaker 1:So every single day and and I think well, I know for a fact this is something that we find over and over and over again in the community. As soon as you start joining parties, as soon as you start joining external communities, you just get sucked in. You find your people and then you're working out for hours a day.
Speaker 2:Right, it's amazing. Like you know, I chart everything. I'm a data guy and just seeing the chart of the day that I first showed up in that first workout party, and actually the day before that the phone rang and I didn't even know what to do, so it was probably a Tuesday or Wednesday. That day someone said, hey, I'm crossing Kelly. Kelly said I'm crossing 2 million points in two days. You have to come back. I don't know who Kelly is, I don't know what 2 million points are, but sure I'll come back. And then pretty soon I was hooked and it's just great. There are people that are around, in my case the eastern half of the United States and it's just fascinating to hear what happened at work yesterday and what's going to happen at work tomorrow. You've got to come back just to see what the next episode of the morning crew is going to be.
Speaker 2:I'm really good. I'm really good friends with a lot of those people now.
Speaker 1:That's incredible.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and had a chance to meet some of them in real life, which is awesome.
Speaker 1:So yeah, you were a part of the, the peeps who went to Nashville. I saw your picture in there.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that's a funny story. I was supposed to go to Nashville and I was on the flight. The flight rolled out and we were going to take off and then there was a hydraulic pump that went bad and they sent us back to the gate and I couldn't get there in time.
Speaker 2:So, I sent my picture in from the airport but I didn't make it into that great. They have a great side-by-side of all of them working out. I was like my FOMO was really kicked in there. It was like, ah, that would've been so much fun next time.
Speaker 1:Now you guys have to plan a whole new get together so that you can definitely be there.
Speaker 2:Right yeah.
Speaker 1:It's always really neat when I see those kinds of posts in the greater, greater community of people connecting, you become like family. You want it like you said. You got to stick. See what the next episode of their workday is like what their family is doing. It's incredible that VR and Supernatural has given us this opportunity to make deep connections.
Speaker 2:Right, it really is, and I say this jokingly and lovingly, but there's there's a few of those people that if I stopped showing up, uh, they would come kick my ass.
Speaker 1:Yes, a hundred percent.
Speaker 2:I appreciate that.
Speaker 1:I've had.
Speaker 2:I've had a bad history in the past where I'll start to ride the bike every single day and then it's very reliable. After four months I stop. Right, I'll miss one day, I'll break that streak. Right, I'll miss one day, I'll break that streak. I'll miss one day and I never come back. Um, but anytime I have considered I won't consider it now anytime I considered leaving like, oh no, I really can't leave because someone's gonna come kick my ass.
Speaker 2:Yes, they're gonna come hunt you down and I really I, I, I so appreciate them getting me over that hump and now that I'm here, like I I can, I can't imagine leaving.
Speaker 1:you know, it's just, it's a part of my day, so yeah, and I usually always ask people how has supernatural changed your life? And I know that your answer is going to be incredibly meaningful. Yeah, and it's funny.
Speaker 2:I was at the doctor this morning and I so one one year ago. I went to the doctor and she was like you're in trouble, you are in trouble, and then she sent me to a cardiologist and I could hear you know I'm leaving and I hear the cardiologist recording into her little voice recorder and it wasn't pretty, it was ugly where it's obese and like this guy's going to die soon, and that really kicked me into gear and I came into Supernatural and I know I had a happy post 60 days later where my cholesterol was cut in half. Right, but today, one year later, one year later. So this is working out two to three hours a week.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry, two to three hours a day. Two hours a day, I was going to say.
Speaker 2:I know you work out more. I see you on the leaderboard, which to me is an insane number, like I never could have done that when I started. But so, for for anyone who knows heart stuff, there's there's a fraction, there's something called an injection fraction, and one year ago I was at like at 40%, which is like you're headed towards trouble, and one year later I'm at 60 to 65%, which is completely normal, right, is that crazy? And there there was even. There was an atrial wall that was enlarged a year ago and it's not enlarged now. Like, yeah, so, um, I, really I I have to give credit to, you know, the doctors who scared me enough to get me in here, and then to my friends who just keep me coming back every day, and really to the supernatural team. Uh, you know, just like that's, that's an amazing turnaround.
Speaker 1:It is. Yeah, I'm glad the doctor scared you. I had a similar experience and when I tell that story a lot of people are like I can't believe your doctor spoke to you like that and I'm like, no, I needed to be spoken to that way. I'm glad they kicked me into gear. I'm glad they scared me. You know it's changed my whole trajectory of my life and my health. It sounds like it did the same for you too.
Speaker 2:It did and I know I still have. You know I have more to do Like I've lost. I've lost 45, 47 pounds, but I need to lose more and you know that's, that's cool. I can do that. I'm just doing it nice and slow and not crazy Like I've lost. Twice before I've lost 50 pounds and gained it all back, but now I'm convinced I have a lifestyle, new eating habits, uh, that you know I can.
Speaker 1:I can do this. You can stick with it I managed to live, so that's incredible. Wow, I'm so glad to hear that.
Speaker 2:Thanks.
Speaker 1:Uh, you know, so you know, so are we.
Speaker 2:Marianne was happy.
Speaker 1:And what do they say if the wife is happy?
Speaker 2:Yeah, happy wife, you're happy, Happy wife, that's right. Exactly, I still do enough to drive her crazy, but Well. I would expect nothing else. At least it's not this issue.
Speaker 1:That's right. That's right. So I also know that you are a librarian. But now my mind is blown because I knew you hadn't been in Supernatural that long, but you only started in November of 2023?.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I managed to become a librarian in just under one year.
Speaker 1:Wow.
Speaker 2:And somewhere along the way I had said I'm never going to do that. Like I was trying to get to a million points, I wanted to join the Million to Infinity Club and I got to the Century Week Club. I'm like I'm never going to do the librarian just because there's a lot of music I don't like. But then somewhere along the way I'm not sure what happened. You know, the librarian questionnaire is like how did you decide to do this? I said it must've been peer pressure, you know right?
Speaker 2:So Peer pressure and and you know, just a shout out, a shout out to the morning crew, and I'm I'm just going to be completely honest about this. Like I, I really wanted to get to the librarian within a year and I took advantage. I took advantage of of the rules in supernatural and back when they said you could start to skip songs, I started doing that. Right, and not just the songs I hate, but I would skip the longest song. If there's a seven minute song in a workout, I skip that. And in the morning crew they know that if you ask me a data question, I love data questions, I love to go get the air table, I love to do all kinds of crazy stuff in Excel.
Speaker 2:And very innocuously, three weeks ago, michelle said hey, I got a weird question. Can you tell me the 10 longest songs in Supernatural? Absolutely, let me go do that for you, right, you know? Like a dog running down the street after a ball. And I sent it back to Michelle with no questions. I said do you need anything else? She's like nope, I'm good. And then, like a week later, I discovered that I was unwittingly, unwittingly punking myself because Michelle introduced the new Bill challenge with the introduction of these are the 10 longest songs and we bet Bill has never done these. So each Tuesday and Thursday we're up to the third from the seventh, the seventh longest song we did this morning, and they're going to make me go through them all, which is great.
Speaker 1:That's a great friend.
Speaker 2:I love my friends and I love to laugh at myself, and so, yeah, that's. That was just hilarious, just hilarious.
Speaker 1:Well, I've got to ask. I know that you are one of the admins for the Apple watch challenge group, right?
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:So that's like a whole other level of accountability.
Speaker 2:It is. So it's great I hadn't had an Apple Watch when I heard about this and I heard a lot of people talking about it, right that you have to do 90 minutes of exercise a day. 14 times during the day you have to stand for a minute. So if you get into work, like sometimes, you'll get into work and you're just heads down and two or three hours go by without you even standing up, right, and so that watch reminds you. It's until like, hey, you got to stand up and you can't just stand up, you got to go walk somewhere, right, and so 14 times a day you do that and then burn some certain number of calories based on your weight. And they said, hey, you should join us, right.
Speaker 2:So I joined the group and you get it's a team of four and for two right now it's for two weeks. You're just trying to compete and try and get those. It's usually three people we call them maxers, the people that max out the points every day and then one person who's not a maxer. So we're trying to gently bring those people up so that way they can at least close their ring so we can get our bonus. And maybe you know, like this last time, it was beautiful. The person that we weren't sure about became a maxer right and we had four maxers on the team and we finished in first place and we were super happy.
Speaker 2:But next time, you know, you might get a different group, but you're just trying to encourage people to move and become active and have a little fun along the way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and collect all that data. That's the one thing that I absolutely love about my Apple Watch. So when I started on my own personal health journey, I didn't have a watch. I wasn't until about three months into exercising, changing my eating habits, that I decided to get one. I thought I need one. I want the data my eating habits that I decided to get when I thought I need one. I want the data. So for three years now I can go through, I can see how many steps I average. I can see all of that and I love it. I love seeing my resting heart rate keep going lower and lower and lower All those non scale victories. So I think it's really admirable and such a great idea to create an Apple Watch Challenge group, because someone like you, who is always a maxer, can help motivate the people who don't always necessarily close their rings. You know you're like leading them to better, healthier habits.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, without trying to, be a.
Speaker 2:You know you don't want to be a jerk about it.
Speaker 1:You know like hey you know.
Speaker 2:So we keep changing the questions. Uh, you know when you're signing up, hey, you know if you're, if you're not sure, there's a solo watch challenge, but here you're going to have three other people who are relying on you to, you know, to communicate with us. Uh, show up on to accept us on Messenger and so we can pep, talk you up. Right, and try and close your rings every day just to get those bonus points for everyone else.
Speaker 1:That's pretty neat. So if anyone here is listening and you didn't know about the Apple Watch Challenge group, I'll make sure I pop it up on the screen and I'll also put the link to join in the show notes. If you're checking this out on Apple or Spotify, so you should go check it out, because I think it would be a great way to hold yourself accountable not just to Supernatural, but other activities outside of the headset also counts.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's right. Yeah, walking, biking and the whole bit Right. And I think so far we have eight people who are supernatural athletes, who came up through this Apple Watch Challenge, who have now formed two teams that compete internationally, like there's a group, a monthly challenge with over 600 teams and we're typically both teams are in the top 10 or 15.
Speaker 1:So we're, you know.
Speaker 2:I mean that's cool that we're people who didn't know each other before the headset. We're all friends now and you know, I mean that's cool that we're people who didn't know each other before the headset. We're all friends now and you know, we're pretty cool. We're having a good time and maxing out every single day.
Speaker 1:Wow, I have a confession to make. That's sort of like you're bending the rules and skipping a song. Yeah to stand hours. I am very, very guilty of putting my head down, working, blocking everything else out, ignoring the my Apple watch telling me to stand, and then it'll be like two minutes before the hour's up and I'm over here going, yes, yes, yes, with my hands just fist pumping to get my stand hour. So you know we all do it.
Speaker 2:There was a crazy day. There was a crazy day where I was not feeling well, I was up overnight and, uh, you know, I I accidentally said I've got the 12 AM, the 1 AM and the 2 AM and, uh, you know, I start working out between three and four, right, and I'm like you know, I said I wonder if it'd be possible to do 24 stand hours, which is not what it sounds. Right, it doesn't take 24 hours to do 24 stand hours.
Speaker 2:Right. So you know, I created a little Facebook group for 24 stand hours and so far Dwight and I are the only two people that have managed to do it. I wish someone else would do it. No offense against Dwight, but you know we're two boring people right now. No-transcript, what do you mean? A hundred thousand points in a week, right? And I had a friend who did it and I'm like, what are you doing? Right? And I was like, oh, there's a club. And I'm like, and where she got me was they have a spreadsheet. I'm like I can be on the spreadsheet.
Speaker 1:Exactly, that's all it takes. That's all it takes for some of us. It's such motivation, you know, such motivation. It's hilarious. I do wonder if I know that you're a fellow space enthusiast. I have you live in the space capital of the United States, basically get to see all the United States, basically Get to see all the launches.
Speaker 2:We do. Yeah, we have a great view. We have a great view. I'm going to point we are about 12 miles away from the launch pads, right there, and I love the history of this particular house I'm in. The person who built this house back in 1995 was a space fan and the house faces one way, but they this room that I'm speaking in and right above me is angled directly towards the launch pads and there's a rooftop, there's a rooftop deck above me that we call the launch viewing platform, right, and it's just so clear to me. She was a New York city Rockette. She's passed on, but she built this house with that beautiful viewing deck.
Speaker 2:And as we, we were in another house a mile South of here and as you would walk around the neighborhood, you would see the people that had the launch viewing decks and it was like, oh, yeah, that'd be great to one day have a launch viewing deck. I got a great one. So, yeah, we, we have. You know, anytime someone's in town and there's a launch, like, hey, you got to come over. Um, um, watch a launch upstairs. I have cameras up there. We even have a now souvenir patch, a commemorative patch. If you watch a launch at our house. We give you a souvenir and you sign, sign our guest book. So we're we're huge space fans. Uh, it's just, and it's a great time because they're gonna have 100 launches this year. Right now we had 100 from 12, five years ago.
Speaker 2:So right yeah, it's awesome how has.
Speaker 1:How has supernatural and starting your health journey had an effect on this part of your life? You know um on your enthusiasm. I know you take pictures of the launches. You do a lot of that stuff. Um has becoming more active helped you in in that hobby of yours.
Speaker 2:Has it? Does it roll over?
Speaker 1:to every aspect of your life.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so just for various reasons, going out to set up cameras for the launch was something that Mariella and I did for about three or four years, right, and it's a big hassle to do, especially when it launched Scrubs with a minute to go, because then you're going to spend another day out there, and it's actually when we moved into this house. I set up the cameras one more time and then I realized that I can just go upstairs and get my photos. They're not as good as the ones at the at the uh, at the launch site, but uh, you know that. That, really you know. I my. My joke is now, if there's a launch at 12 oh 3 AM, I'll wake up five minutes before that. I'll wait until it lands out on the barge, maybe get that photo, and then you know I'm back to sleep 10 minutes later.
Speaker 2:Whereas those wonderful people who go out on the media bus. You know they'll be out there until 3 or 4 in the morning just getting chewed up by mosquitoes, and so it's just easier from here to not have to go out. We have great photos from those days and we have great friends. But you to not have to go out, we have great photos from those days and we have great friends. But now I'm just happy to get a nice street shot.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, you have the perfect house for it now. Yeah right, you have the perfect setup for that hobby, for those shots. I just think it's so cool. I remember telling my partner Chris about you and about I always show him your pictures. He's huge space enthusiast and I think in another life, maybe when he retires, he would love to be in the position you're in, with a house with a viewing deck and all of that. That would be his, his dream. He always says when I'm old, I'm just going to stare up at the stars and watch launches and so I could see him loving that.
Speaker 2:And it's cool.
Speaker 2:I mean there's cool signs happening, you know like the back when I was going out, I got to interview the guy who was the principal investigator between the spacecraft that went and surveyed the asteroid Bennu. You know, and you know that that's a three-year trip to get there and a year to map the whole thing and you know a year to come back and so just to watch that entire process go, you know six or seven years of your life it uh, it's fascinating to to watch everything that's happening out there. And you hear, you hear these crazy plans they have, like they're going to land on the moon and use a big mirror to melt the ice at the. You know, and it's like you just hear that stuff and you say that's never going to work. But then it works, you know.
Speaker 1:It's like okay.
Speaker 2:Or it doesn't. That's incredible Some of them do it's cool.
Speaker 1:It's cool. So you came into Supernatural and I say this with all love as a huge data nerd oh, my cat is here making an appearance. Just you know, ignore him. He's okay. You came in as a big data nerd, so it does not surprise me that you continued following the data once you got into Supernatural.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. As soon as I heard that the air table existed the community air table I was instantly on that and it was weird to me because it wasn't in Excel and not in Google Sheets. It was something else. But they had the export to CSV and, you know, once I had that data in Excel. You know I'm always, as part of my job of as Mr Excel, I'm writing books about Excel, but I also havea YouTube channel. I always need examples.
Speaker 2:And so you know, where do you get the fake data from? Well, now, hey, I had this great set of data, like all the workouts and supernatural, so you could you know, if you had to do a pivot table and might as well be a pivot table about you know about, uh, the workouts or what you know. Here's a question let's see if we can solve this with a with something Right. And so it just gave me a great data set to work with and it allowed me to, you know, connect with my community. A little bit about Mr Excel uh, you know, saying, hey, this is, this is what I'm doing, here's my headset.
Speaker 2:Um, you know, I'm, I'm trying to get healthy, and did I? Did I that day say, if you want a referral code, let me know? I, you know, I'm not sure, um, but I was probably thinking it. You know, hey, let's get the $25 credit from some of these folks. And I even said, hey, hit me up, if you are in Supernatural, let me know, and we'll follow each other on the leaderboard. I have a huge leaderboard of people. You know anyone that I hear, and it's funny, I never want to be at the top of my leaderboard ever Same I am super comfortable having 10 people above me, because it just reminds me that there's more that you can do.
Speaker 2:And I would always like when I finally got to the point where I could get to 20, 25,000 a week, and I remember a guy named Jim who was religiously above me and I would like his workout every time with no response. And then one week I finally got to 30,000 and he, he comments, he says hey, you're having a good week, Right? So you know, that means that he at least knew I existed. And and to hear from someone who was my hero because he's constantly been above me on the leaderboard, that was, that was super motivating.
Speaker 2:Yes, you know Right, and so I, yeah, I follow. I follow anyone who I think will be above me. Which? Is great because it gives me a great view of all the millionaires. Someone becomes a millionaire it's like, oh, I'm going to follow you.
Speaker 1:That's amazing. So completed the library. I know you did your century week. Was there a workout that you repeated consistently that was worth a high amount of points to help you get to your century week? Because I know I have several, I'm interested to hear what one of yours was.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I have 10-minute quick hits pro zoning with coach mark from 9, 18, 22. It has, uh, venom they're. They're death metal songs, which I actually hate. I hate the music. There will be times, um, in that century week, where I will just turn off the music and just listen to coach mark.
Speaker 2:Um, which is ridiculous, right I, I get that you know it's just like it's such angry music, but for me that's a really high point per minute and I know it was Groundhog's Day. So I currently live in Florida, but I grew up in northeastern Ohio, where it's just freaking cold.
Speaker 1:Right and.
Speaker 2:I remember, when I was about three or four, my older sister, 12 years older than me, told me about this magic day where potentially tomorrow, if the groundhog didn't, or something about a shadow, that this horrible winter could be over Right. And so for me, the groundhog's day is my favorite holiday, even though it's not an issue anymore. So on groundhog's day I did coach Mark's workout 28 times.
Speaker 1:Woo 28 times.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because of the movie groundhog's day, right, and I posted it, and that was the first time Coach Mark ever wrote back to me. In the post you know something about, he had a funny remark and so I knew in my head that if I would ever go for the Century Week, I would. That would play a big role in it. But what's funny? What's funny is Mary Ellen Jelen, mrs Excel, she looked at me and said you should not be attempting this, right.
Speaker 2:And then I heard that it was possible to do a one on one session with with Coach Doc. Right, mary Ellen and I did that to talk about scheduling, and it was a great hour with Coach Doc. But she called me out to Coach Doc, coach, he's trying to do this crazy thing and Coach said you should not do that, right, that just shouldn't be done. So that scared me away for a good four to six weeks. But it kept calling me back, right, and that's good, you know, because you can't do 100,000 a week without doing a 14,000 day. You need to be able to get up to that point. And so for the century week, I think, I think I did that workout Monday through Wednesday, just continuously. That's all I did and it was so funny to watch the scores improve because it gets synced to how fast you can hit those targets.
Speaker 2:Right you know like after 10 plays, that's after 20 songs.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, right.
Speaker 1:Your algorithm adjusts for that particular workout my cat? I'm not aware. I know the morning crew knows me, but I wasn't aware of the other people. That particular workout my cat, I'm not aware.
Speaker 2:I know the morning crew knows me, but I wasn't aware of the other people that knew me and someone came along and said you're not doing the most efficient workout. There's a workout that's faster. You're at 66 points per minute. There's a 73. And so for half a day I switched. I switched to the 73, but I really liked the other one and I went back to it. But I just, I liked I, I, I really liked the other one and I went back to it. So, yeah, that week there were, there were a lot of that one workout over and over and over, and at the end of the week I said, well, this, this was insane, I'll never do this again.
Speaker 1:You know, but now.
Speaker 2:Now you're like eight months out and you're like you know, well, maybe we could do it again, Exactly that's.
Speaker 1:that's the thing about the hundred, the century weeks is, you know, it's possible, you know, and then it's like, well, why not try it again? I personally have no desire to do it again. I've done it. Um. However, I should never say never, because I have been thinking about it and I would do it with only my favorite workouts.
Speaker 2:I want to do it in a different way.
Speaker 1:I went for high points workouts last time, obviously points or workouts that I enjoyed, but they were really based on high points and I would only do them with workouts that I love the choreography on. So I would love to do a century week in that way. But, fun fact, the quick hit that you're talking about is made from Welcome to the Madhouse. That is the only Madhouse quick hit that we have in the library.
Speaker 1:So it's not surprising to me that it's so high points, you know because it's so dense. Welcome to the madhouse was dense.
Speaker 2:And you know, mr, excel, we're all about saving clicks. How can we do something faster in Excel? And so you know, as you're doing the same workout over and over, you learn these little things like, okay, I don't need to, I you know, it's going to be up there on the right.
Speaker 2:If I just wait, it'll be up there on the right. I can just I can save a click there. You know, and and you know it's so funny. At one point Mark says if you need an extra moment to hit these targets, take a half a step back. Like my. My brain knows that's coming. I take the half step back, even though it's kind of ridiculous.
Speaker 1:But yeah.
Speaker 2:And, and you get this little in the battle ropes of that second song, you're like you know there's, there's a rhythm there. There's yeah, you just become very much in tune with that workout.
Speaker 1:So I bet your muscle memory is so so in tune with that, you could probably do it with your eyes closed If you just heard the music and the coaching that's funny. That would be a cool experiment.
Speaker 2:We should try that. Let's do the whole catalog with our eyes. I mean, I'm trying trying to do it in super sense right now, but let's go super, super sense. Blindfold On a horse. Blindfolded on a horse.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're going to start a whole new club. People are going to go crazy. There are quite a few workouts in the library that I do feel I could probably almost nail with my eyes closed, because I've done them so many times and I do know the movements by heart, and sometimes I will close my eyes, ish, and do turns and hits and that's always fun. That's just a challenging thing for me.
Speaker 2:So I have this I have this crazy long-term goal to diamond everything and and I hear you talking about the way to diamond something like you just do the same workout over and over and you listen to the music and you do all that and I'm not committed enough to do that yet, but there will be a few workouts where I don't get close to a diamond. I'm like, if I'm ever going to do this, I'm going to have to do what marla said. I'm going to have to go like really study the workout and, you know, figure out like film it, figure out where you have to film it.
Speaker 1:Exactly and a lot of the times it's the angle at which targets are that make it difficult for you to achieve a power hit. So for me, after studying and watching, it was always a lot of double up hits and it was difficult for me personally and it had to do with momentum. But after watching myself filming them, watching the gameplay, I've been able to adjust my own movement so that now I can hit them with power in my power, in my personal power range, and I think a lot of people don't understand this about the algorithm and when it comes to how to get a diamond and the fact that everyone has their own personal algorithm power range and you have to hit each target, no matter what target, where it's coming from, within that range, as fast as that. So if you're trying to diamond everything, you have to figure your range and you have to be able to do that for every level, from pros down to lows, especially if you're trying to do the entire library you know, uh, yeah, right, yeah, it's, it's.
Speaker 2:The consistency is more important.
Speaker 1:And that's why.
Speaker 2:I think like if you go from a low to a high, that low is going to screw up because you're you're going to be able to hit faster or harder.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And so the one advantage to my century week plan of just the same workout over and over is that it got in tune with itself. Like it, my history was that the last 20, 20 workouts or 20 songs or I've, yeah, it goes both ways.
Speaker 1:Usually, songs is what I found personally. Um, only because, by happenstance, I partial a lot of workouts. I play workouts where I only like, want to do the first two songs, or I want to skip the first song and play the second and third song. Two songs, or I want to skip the first song and play the second and third song. And so I realized just accidentally that it's based on songs versus full workouts.
Speaker 1:And I don't think a lot of people realize that it's not something I go post about, but it is part of the algorithm that I've sort of figured out accidentally. So I would say 20 songs and not 20 full workouts.
Speaker 2:Yeah, right, yeah, that's cool.
Speaker 1:But also, if you wanted to, I think it would be hard to diamond the whole catalog if you don't separate the intensity levels. So say you go for diamonding all lows and then you move to diamonding all highs or all pros. But if you mix everything in, all the intensity levels, that will definitely change your algorithm and make it more challenging to get a diamond on all of them. That's just my piece of advice when you're going after that goal.
Speaker 2:All right, yeah, that'll be a ways away. Let me finish super sensing the catalog and we'll figure out where we go next. And, by the way, super sense. You know I started doing the super sense because there's a workout party on Saturday it's called Super Sense Saturday where everyone's supposed to be in super sense, you know, and so you would do it one hour a week. But if you just switch over to SuperSense, like just switch over today, it all becomes very much second nature.
Speaker 1:Yeah, 100%.
Speaker 2:Like you don't notice those things are disappearing.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I personally don't play SuperSense a lot because I can't study the choreography as much, or as in depth because you can't see it. It comes and goes. So I don't use SuperSense as often as I could I could on my older workouts. On old workouts I've played so many times, but on the new ones I'm always studying and always trying to figure out the choreography and pay attention to it that if I did it on SuperSense I think I would miss a lot of that.
Speaker 2:Okay, so let's talk about. I got a pet peeve here.
Speaker 1:Sure, bring it on.
Speaker 2:Okay, so if I can't find the data then I'm going to go crazy lengths to get the data, Like you can go into the app and you can look at the workout detail and you can find, you can calculate the actual numbers. Because it was driving me nuts that if I would get 98% accuracy, sometimes with 99% power on flow, that would be a diamond, but not all of the time. And then I finally realized that what you need on that right side is you need a 99.5 for the 98 on the left side to get you a diamond right. And the problem is they're showing us 99.1, 99.2, all the way up to 100. We get to see those in tenths of a percent.
Speaker 2:But, on the left side, like back at 98, you don't know if that 98 is really a 97.5 or a 97.49.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Or a 98.49. Like that whole range is just reported as 98. And you can go it's hard, you can go figure it out. You can actually go do the math, like when you're like, oh, I should have got a diamond, and you really go look. But you know, my question is why? Why can't Supernatural just give us that decimal point? Because then it'd be so much more clear of exactly how this is working and where we need to be and like why that 98 this time worked and you know it didn't work the next time, because there's some percentage point that we're not there, that we're not seeing. So I had a.
Speaker 2:You know, if I had a and there's room for it, there's clearly room for. It's not a room issue. You know they're they're doing an extra step to to round it um. It would be easier for them to show us the decimal point. Let. That would just make it a little bit more transparent, a little bit less frustrating, like, oh, I should have got a diamond on that, why didn't I?
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Or even triple platinum to double platinum or wherever you are in that continuum.
Speaker 1:For sure, you can see both of those percentages.
Speaker 2:It would be a cool thing.
Speaker 1:I remember when they didn't show us any percentage points, so you only got 99%. That was it. There was no percentage, it didn't say 99.1 or 99.5. And then, when it changed over, I think it was towards the end of 2021 that we finally started getting the percentage point that we see now.
Speaker 2:But you're right they could show us. I should stop whining and consider myself lucky, because it was a lot worse before.
Speaker 1:No, no, definitely not, because I would love to see that, because I pay attention more to accuracy. For me personally, right, but you know, triangles are weighed more than targets, I know right.
Speaker 1:So if you miss triangles, it can put your score to 99.8, even though you've missed one triangle, versus missing one target, and it goes to 99.9. And I personally have trouble with triangles because I move so much. When I play Supernatural my feet are never just stationary, I'm always moving side to side, front to back. So I will follow the triangles but then I will quickly move out of them and when I'm trying for accuracy I have to try and stay. Still, don't move so much, marla.
Speaker 2:That's crazy. That's crazy, that's so counterintuitive, but it makes sense.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. It's hard for me because the Madhouse Monster is one of the Madhouses I have not gotten 100% accuracy on, and what ruins it for me is the song. It's the Korn song and has all these triangles, all this. They've got the leaning triangles, they've got the lunge triangles and it knocks me to 99.5% accuracy from that song every single time. I have gotten a hundred percent accuracy on it once but I did not move Like I did not pick my feet up, I just followed. I even kept myself small, trying to stay under the peak, like I want 100% accuracy on this sock. So it's crazy.
Speaker 2:I'm going to whisper this because my friends already know I think I'm thinking they can see my face. They know what I'm thinking. Marla skip song on the corn song.
Speaker 1:No I can't.
Speaker 2:No, don't tell anyone. Just don't tell anyone.
Speaker 1:Just don't tell anyone. Just don't tell anyone. Just don't tell anyone. No, I couldn't, I couldn't claim it. It's completely legal.
Speaker 2:Do you do the warm-up and cool-down? Honestly, do you really do the warm-up? I mean, we're doing 10 workouts in a row.
Speaker 1:I do the warm-up on every new workout. On my first play of a workout, gotten people into doing the warm-up because I noticed the choreographers and the coaches are communicating new movements to us in the warm-up. So if there's a new move, new triangles, the only way we're going to learn it is in the warmup and me being choreography obsessed, I'm naturally go listen. And so now my friends have to do. It's just the first play. If it's a workout I've played before I will skip the warmup, but I do skip every cool down.
Speaker 2:See the thing, the thing that's missing from the air table and the thing I would kill for, and I know you have different data ideas.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I want the spreadsheet of all of Coach Mark's dad jokes. That would be incredible. Where is that joke? That was a hilarious joke. I want to go back and listen to that. And the other one that got me was it just cracked me up. Coach Joanna one day was talking about how she loves to eat and just knocks out Yo Kiyo Taco Bell. Right, and like I just roared and then okay, wait a second, I need to go find that one again. I remember that I was in this ocularium, so that means it was an afternoon workout. And so find you know all of your history with Coach Tawana in that time of you know year where I was working upstairs and I finally found it. I finally went back and found it. But if there was just a great database of all the hilarious things that the coaches say, oh my God that would be.
Speaker 1:That would be incredible. I would love that. I would also love when new movements in choreography show up what workout, what song, a video of it that's my personal dream for the air table or for any data set, just to have that recorded. And then when it shows up again, and so if there is a move that you absolutely love in Supernatural or you're trying to master, you can easily go look it up and go, okay, well, let me go train and do them in these following workouts. I think that would be really rad information to have, but I like the dad joke idea.
Speaker 2:Every once in a while. Every once in a while, I see someone in Supernatural Maine on Facebook say hey, we really would like accessibility and we'd love captions right, and I don't need the captions, but if that caption data existed, wow, then the dad joke database becomes possible. You're absolutely right.
Speaker 1:I didn't think about it in that way, but you are absolutely right, that's the door. That's the door we need open to get the dad joke database.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I need captions too.
Speaker 1:Right, I mean, I'm a caption person when I watch TV.
Speaker 2:Oh, so am I.
Speaker 1:I don't know. I mean, maybe I would use it in Supernatural.
Speaker 2:There are so many jokes that you can only hear in the captions. Yes, because the captions people are going from the script, right, I was like that was hilarious, but no one would have picked that up.
Speaker 1:I think it drives.
Speaker 2:Mariellen crazy when I turn on the captions, and especially if it's a British show.
Speaker 1:Oh, definitely.
Speaker 2:You know, I just I need this on, but there's so many little jokes that come out, so yeah, the way my brain works and processes information.
Speaker 1:I find personally reading. I have to see and then I have to read, like I need all of the ways to absorb information. So I've been a closed caption person for years and my partner he's. He already knows it's always on all the TVs that comes on automatically. There's even like a radio that does closed captioning and I'll just sit there and read it while we're listening to the radio. That drives him crazy.
Speaker 2:He's like why why?
Speaker 1:Marla, but it's just the way my brain processes information. So if I'm trying to learn something, the best way for me to learn it is to watch a video, to read about it and then go do it. Yeah that makes sense, so I wonder what closed captioning would be like in Supernatural.
Speaker 2:I write books and a few maybe seven years ago, microsoft said look, we're going to commit to this, there's going to be alt text. There's going to be alt text for every image. I have 1,000 images in the book, so I'm writing a lot of alt text, but I get it. It's like a great way to have a conversation with people outside the text. You know you have little jokes in the alt text and I turn my own alt text on just because I get to go back and see the funny things I said.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You know right. So you know closed captioning is really important and it's also important the number of people that are using closed captioning that can hear perfectly well. You know they're either speaking English as a second language and it's easier to read, or they're in a work environment, like if you can't watch a YouTube video, if you're in a cube farm, but if there's captions you can get away. You know you can do it, so it's definitely worth. For me, it's always worth it to have the captions available on the content 100% yeah.
Speaker 2:Gives more people access, a lot more people access.
Speaker 1:So, if we're on to our data wishes, what would you wish to see happen in the companion app, Like if you could get more data? Obviously you've already you said the percentage points you want to see. You know, is the accuracy 97.5? Is it 98.2? You want the full percentage points for all of that. What else, what other data would you love to see?
Speaker 2:There was a great adventure where we tried to work out in every place around the world, right, and so you could go to the air table to get that. But, boy, it'd be nice if we could just search for, give me all of the Tahiti, like, what are the workouts, what are all the workouts that are in Tahiti that I haven't completed yet? Like, that would be really good, right, uh, just, and what? We can search for artists, but we can't search by song title. That you know. I mean, those are, those are, those are things that would be, um, be a lot better.
Speaker 1:Valuable, valuable. I never remember. I remember song titles because I'm repeating the words, the lyrics of the song in my brain and I'm like, oh well, this is the name of the song, let me search that. I don't necessarily know the artist, so I agree with that. I would love to be able to search by song.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then genre and year, that it actually was originally released. I don't want to know that was remastered in 2006.
Speaker 2:Like, this is a song from the eighties. Uh, and I actually I have a funny Excel example. Um, Microsoft labs, which is a group in Cambridge England, put together an ad in where you can write a formula that gets sent to chat GPT. And so I have this great example where I took all of the songs in Supernatural and asked chat GPT to tell me what year it was originally recorded, so then I could create a true 80s playlist, which is one of those things as I listened to myself say that it is just absolutely insane, Like why would I admit that I spent all of that time for something so silly? But it was just the challenge.
Speaker 1:It's the challenge of it in the data. It's your hobby, it's what interests you. I don't find it silly. I would do something like that in my own silly area, I suppose.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah. So if some guy in Florida can do that you know it's meta, right, there's someone. Yeah, some guy in Florida can do that. You know it's meta, right, there's someone and I get it. They have important things to do, more important than silly stuff like that.
Speaker 1:But you know, even even.
Speaker 2:Here's just a great idea. At Microsoft they have one week a year is called the hackathon, where every Excel developer gets to go work on some pet project that can be done in less than a week, Right, and just these tiny little things get added from that week that you know would never get prioritized. But you know, it makes things, it makes life a little bit better.
Speaker 1:So you should have a hackathon A supernatural hackathon. That would be cool. Wow, so some of the data that I've seen you post in the community that you've just come along collecting, because I know you're really big into the locations, you even ABSN, hosted that event where it was workout everywhere in Supernatural, every location, right, right, yeah, so you've collected all the data of the most used locations, the least used locations. Let's talk about some of that data, because I find that fascinating and I know you have it categorized by year.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah.
Speaker 2:So what's the new place in Tanzania that just showed up three months ago and it's been in every week's wows, right, it's the pink sky. That is just my favorite one. It's gorgeous, right, and I love that that's a new one and it's quickly becoming one of the favorites of the people that put these together, because we're getting it every week. So, but I'm always looking for the things that have been popular the whole time but then were popular for a while and then, like, just fell away, like no one was using them. So, uh, let's see, I, I show, and this is probably a week old.
Speaker 2:Uh, the most used environment is in new Caledonia I don't even know how to pronounce it Plague de Wano with 169 different workouts. Wow, yeah, right. And that's crazy, because there's other places, like Mount Fuji, I think has only been in five workouts or something like that. Right, yeah, right. And that's crazy because there's other places like Mount Fuji, I think has only been in five workouts or something like that. Right, so you know, when you were trying to get to Mount Fuji, it was so hard to find workouts that you know were high, medium or low to match your search. And I get it If it's brand new, like new in 2024, you know, I have a list here Like the two places in New Zealand, the Lindis Valley and the Lindis River.
Speaker 1:You know I get it.
Speaker 2:It's only been used once because it's brand new, Right Like even Stonehenge. I remember when Stonehenge. I was excited when Stonehenge came out because I always said, oh, it'd be great to go work out in one of these places, you know, to actually visit a place in real life. And I have a photo of myself at Stonehenge, right? So even though when I was at Stonehenge I had no idea what supernatural was, at least I can say well, I've been to one of them.
Speaker 1:It would be fascinating to find out the people who pick the environments for the workouts. So that's a whole group. I don't think a lot of people realize how many different teams it takes to put together a workout. So you've a whole group. I don't think a lot of people realize how many different teams it takes to put together a workout. So you've got the choreographers, you've got the coaches, you've got the curators who pick out the songs and curate the vibe. So whether it's going to be an absalicious, a retrofit, you know that's their idea. And then who's over there picking out the environments for the workouts? Yeah, right, you know, and there's patterns.
Speaker 2:So I love the people that I work out with because they've been around a lot longer than I have and pay far more attention than I do, and there's certain things like the. You know, there's certain really hard workouts that always end in the desert, like it's a joke, right, right, you're always in Death Valley.
Speaker 2:Like you're dead at the end of the workout and I was like like I never noticed that it's a real easter egg it is no, it's cool and I appreciate that someone there is doing those things, and sometimes you'll hear something in the song that matches the environment. It's like okay, that didn't just randomly happen right that that, that was intentional yeah, right, and so, yeah, I'll, even I'll know I'll fanboy.
Speaker 2:When I, when I was early, I went out to LinkedIn and I started looking, I started trying to find the person who would be the environment person and try and track them down, just to say, hey, I'm just so amazed with all of these, you know and you know, and of course it didn't work. Either I didn't find the right person or they were smart enough to not engage with me, which is probably the right thing to do, because I'm only going to get you in trouble when I try and beg you like hey well, how about this place? How about this place? Because if I find you, I volunteer at that museum. Let me connect some dots, and I would just become so annoying. So if the person who's doing that is watching this, don't ever reach out to me because I will leave you alone Hide from Bill.
Speaker 2:Hide from Bill. You never know.
Speaker 1:I mean, it was a two and a half year journey for me to find all the choreographers.
Speaker 2:There you go.
Speaker 1:Build you know, talk with them, chat with them, bring them out. So maybe one day you will meet the people who are responsible for building and creating the environments and that was a huge win when you had a choreographer on your show.
Speaker 2:I'm like oh my God, look at this. You found them and you got them to come on the show. That is the amazing, amazing thing. But you know, they can become rock stars too.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Just, you know, like the coaches, I have a great client in Southern California who has a chain of women's boutiques, right so he's designing handbags and stuff, and I've learned that from him. He, you know, he has eight or 10 designers and he started making the designers public, right, and like, when the best customers come to the factory each year, they meet with, like, this guy named Tom and you know there's, there's Tom's army, and Tom is so cool Just because he embraces these people who come out who are fans of his. And you know, when we see something new, like even today, we'll stop by their store and like, oh, that that has to be. You know, that has to be Tom's, that has to be from Tom. We know that guy, you know, and so you know there's. I don't think there's any good reason to keep everyone's secret other than you know the possibility that Bill Jelen shows up on your door begging for an environment.
Speaker 1:Right that, though there are so many environments, and I'm sure they're working hard behind the scenes, there's a lot of things we don't understand the requirements for the places and all of that, but um and what was it?
Speaker 2:Okay? So now this I'm going to rely on you for this. There was one day early this year where we get a report from Supernatural with all kinds of statistics, including how many different environments you had worked out.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Is that an annual thing? Are we going to get another one of those this?
Speaker 1:year. It used to be an annual thing. I've got them. I want to say two years in a row.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah.
Speaker 2:I hope we get it this year, because then you start getting people Like I think I know how many environments there are, but then you get someone who has more environments than what I think are there and then you start to dive in. It's like, okay, what's going on here and there's two environments that are exactly the same place, but the sun has moved a little bit. Like does that count as two? It's the same place that has the same name, but clearly it it starts in a different spot. So if I do both of those, like this year, I can't wait to get that number and see if I increase the number of environments.
Speaker 1:I bet you it is classified behind the scenes as two different places because they're two, they're different, and so when they're going and scrubbing that data for each user it's popping up as two different locations, when we know it's actually the same location, slightly oriented different. You know which? We wouldn't consider that a different location, but in the back end there it does.
Speaker 2:A Halloween workout. So the Monastery Ad Deir D-Ei-r in petra, jordan is appears in a lot of workouts, but there's one version where it's dark they've just it's dark, it made it dark. Does that count? If I work out in both places, do I get credit for two those?
Speaker 1:are the things those are the things that keep me awake. Well, I bet it is because this is fascinating to me the way you do that with locations. I do this with songs, and the mapping of songs.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So, um, Sometimes in Supernet there's lots of songs that are repeated. In fact, you have a whole data list of the most popular songs, how many times they're in there, but how many of those are different maps.
Speaker 2:Original maps.
Speaker 1:Exactly, and that's what fascinates me. So I see your data and I see you know the top five most popular songs, right? Look, I'm going here to my notes to see We've got the longest songs.
Speaker 2:Popular environments but how many times.
Speaker 1:So if a song's in there 26 times and it's six times in low, 12 times in high. But how many of those are different maps?
Speaker 2:That I want to know, see, and that would require some real memory, like you would have to remember the other times you did it.
Speaker 1:Exactly and you'd have to make notes and I do make notes like that on songs. For example, there was a new workout this week that is a muscle meltdown. It's a high flow. It has raining blood in it. Now we know that song is from madhouses. We also know that song is in one of your absolute favorite workouts, which is stone into sand.
Speaker 2:Yes, right.
Speaker 1:And this is a different map than any of those.
Speaker 2:Okay, so now for you if it's the exact same target order but a different background. Does that count as the same map? Yes, yes, if you're swinging the same way. Yes, because that's happened right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh, that happens all the time, yeah especially when they make quick hits, because they'll always change the environment from the original environment to a new one. But as long as the choreography is the absolute same, I would count that as the same. I'm here looking at the choreography and I know sometimes they take and rework them, what they call a reshuffle. So they'll update them a little bit. So it will have the original choreography. But say, these two targets over here were altered the angle slightly, or they added knees into it or added more triangles. So I like to see the difference there.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I now see that we have departments here, right Like we need to go get hired by Supernatural right. And I'll be in charge of obscure environment questions and you'll be in charge of obscure mapping questions. Like we have a role for both of us. We do, I agree, from each other, yes, and then we can go to lunch and share our notes and our data, because I would love that.
Speaker 2:That would be really. I remember when I first downloaded the Airtable and I'm trying to look for duplicates. I'm looking for song title and artist and I noticed there was a song, which is currently number three, called Bang Bang, by William, and there's also a version by Dizzy Gillespie from 1934. And without listening to the song I was convinced that that had to be two different songs, that there's no way that this song from 1934 and will I am is the same song. But then later, when I actually wanted to do it correctly, I went and got the lyrics for both versions. I'll be a son of a gun. They are the same song, right. So now in my list I now combine those two versions, which makes Bang Bang in a three-way tie for third, with 24 plays across all the workouts. And that to me is just hilarious that who knew that the William version is a cover of this 1934 jazz.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I had no idea that that was a cover.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's wild. And then all my friends talk about I'm Coming Out, being you know like they're like it has to be. I'm Coming Out is the most used song.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:But it's not. I have it at number six with 22 plays, and that's including I'm Coming Out and also Upside Down slash I'm Coming Out, yeah, Okay, but then I'm working out one morning and it's a rap attack or a hip-hop or something and. Mo Money, mo Problems has sampled. I'm Coming Out right and I actually again. This is so embarrassing. I have these little notebooks next to when I'm working out for things that I think of right. I always have these notebooks I jot down.
Speaker 1:Please remember who you're speaking to. This is not embarrassing. This is someone who pauses between songs to make notes about the song okay and about the choreo. So this is never embarrassing, friend, never, okay, go ahead.
Speaker 2:So I actually sat down at YouTube to listen to Mo Money, mo Problems and how many times they sampled I'm Coming Out Right and Mo Money, mo Problems has more I'm Coming Out than I'm Coming Out has Right. So, really, you know, there's a version of this top 20 list that combines those and of course, it is the clear winner. But then someone said, well, then you're going to have to go find all the other songs that were sampled, so I backed away from that. So currently I'm coming out, I have it number six. Uh yeah, number six on the list.
Speaker 2:So, uh, and then aha take on me and are you going to be my girl? By jet have been going back and forth between number one. I think we just got an aha this last week.
Speaker 1:I think we did too an aha. This last week I think we did too. I don't know why. It surprises me that Jet song is one of the very first songs in a workout in Supernatural. It goes back to the beta days.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:So that's fascinating to me that it's still going. It's still popular. You know they're still using it.
Speaker 2:Right, they're still using it. Interesting, yeah, so interesting, yeah, just crazy, crazy. And you know, I came in to Supernatural as a Bruce Springsteen fan and, for whatever reason, there is hardly any Bruce right, the only Bruce Springsteen we have is a Tom Morello where it features Bruce Springsteen. And uh, my, I was doing lows. I was sitting here doing low flows and I discovered that that song was the 10th track in a high monster, um, and so I had to go do it just to get to that one Bruce Springsteen song. I was laughing the whole time.
Speaker 2:We're coming so fast. It's like no one could ever do high flows and thankfully they moved that song to be the it's in two workouts. Now it's the first track and I actually use the. I geez just saying this stuff sounds so silly If I like. This morning I I ended up at at 8,004, 8,004 points and I knew that 8,008 would be a funnier number to end the day just because it's a palindrome, right. So I can count on Bruce Springsteen to get me two, four or six points, depending on the number of triangles at the beginning. So I play that one as a partial a lot just to get the number to be some number. That amuses me.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so.
Speaker 1:I do the same thing, um, I always try and end with all the same.
Speaker 2:So if it's 4,444 or if I'm that close, it's a monodigit. There's a word. I went out and looked up the word.
Speaker 1:Those are those are monodigit numbers.
Speaker 2:Uh, yeah, and trying to get one, one, one, one, one, two, two, two, two, three, three, three, three Monodigit numbers. Okay, yeah, and trying to get 1-1-1-1-1, 2-2-2-2-3-3-3-3.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, that's yeah, I'm into monodigits, then I hope you screenshot them, because we're going to have a club. Oh yeah, You're absolutely right. There will be a club I want in it.
Speaker 2:So I better start screenshot, saving them for sure. So on my way to 100,000, I had told a lot of people I was going to cross on Saturday, and so we had a plan. We were all going to get together, but then I got there too fast. I got there Friday, I was ready to cross, so I stopped. I stopped at 99999. And so I created the club 99999.
Speaker 1:You did.
Speaker 2:On the edge of glory. Just you know, I say on your way to 100,000,. Stop here to ponder what a stupid thing you've just done, and then you should never do it again.
Speaker 1:Well, what's on another episode of For the Love of the Map? I mentioned your club for people who want to attempt 100K a week and they want some support.
Speaker 1:They want some tips. I mentioned your group for that, and so if there are other people who like doing the things they once thought impossible safely and want some tips, you should definitely come over. There it's been we. We don't really advertise it per se or talk about it, you know um make posts about it, but it it exists. So if you've ever thought, let me go be one of these crazy people and do a hundred K in a week, we've we've got a group. You can come and talk to us about it. We'll help you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I remember I had a lot, just a lot, of tips. I'm like I should memorialize these somehow, you know, in case, like in case, I ever want to come back, you know, here's. Here's the crazy thing. I have this YouTube channel. I have this YouTube channel with 2,600 Excel videos. Uh, and people think that I'm doing those videos for other people. They think that I'm making those videos for other people to watch. I just know that I have a horrible memory and when I discover something new, I go make the video so I can find it later. Right, it's just a cataloging system for me, right?
Speaker 1:The fact that anyone else is watching just blows me away. It's a memory. It's for you to come back.
Speaker 2:How do, I do that again.
Speaker 1:How did I? Yeah, that's smart.
Speaker 2:One of our jokes is you go out and you're like you have to do something in Excel. You go, Google it and you have a website with something that you wrote three years ago.
Speaker 1:It's like oh look, I did know this at one time. I did know how to do this. That's hilarious. Oh man, so we want more data from SuperData. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, it would be awesome to have more data, although it's a slippery slope, because as soon as you give me one decimal point, I'm going to ask for two. I get it, that's true, yeah, yeah, but just something A little bit of Easter egg here and there.
Speaker 1:It would be nice to have a little bit more transparency on the algorithm and the scoring. I know we're in there working out, I get listen. I've been here three years. I understand, but it is gamified fitness and there are some people that it highly affects to have bad scores. You know, know.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:It discourages them, and if they could understand that it's not about hitting harder and hurting your shoulders, it's about consistency in what you can consistently do. If there was a little bit more transparency about that, I think it would greatly motivate everyone involved you know. I'm not sure why they hide that from us. I've always wondered.
Speaker 2:And it could be that they're busy creating great new things for us to do like together mode.
Speaker 2:And that takes a lot of engineering hours, and the tiny amount of time that it would take to give us these crazy things just doesn't seem like a priority. But that's the greatest thing that they have, all of these raving fans who are desperate to know more. And you know, we, we, we want to become evangelists, we want to tell the world. So you know, to a certain extent, you know, keeping us happy is is good, because you know we'll, we'll love supernatural, we'll love you forever.
Speaker 1:Yeah and you know we'll.
Speaker 2:We'll try and get the whole world here to be as crazy as we are.
Speaker 1:That's always the goal. So I have two important questions.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:One is food related. Do you have a go-to snack, something you cannot live without?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so you know I'm a big fan of all the things that are bad for me.
Speaker 1:So I, but I don't.
Speaker 2:I took all of those away, so pretzels are the crunchy salty snack that I still have. Um, so it's probably pretzels or popcorn popcorn man.
Speaker 1:I love popcorn. I'm a big fan, you know.
Speaker 2:So down here in Florida our grocery store is Publix and our local Publix has a great clearance one rack, four sides of a rack and every time I go there I always go hit the clearance rack to find the products that someone thought were going to be a great idea and they didn't catch on. So now they're dumping them right, and this morning it was. I know this is going to sound horrible, but I couldn't stop myself. It was Air Pop popcorn with pumpkin pie spice.
Speaker 2:They're just closing it out for like 87 cents a bag. I'm like, okay, well, it's worth 87 cents, just to find out.
Speaker 1:Right, just to find out.
Speaker 2:By tonight, my new favorite snack might be.
Speaker 1:Pumpkin spice.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and the bad thing is anything on that rack that you find that's good, you'll never be able to find it again because it's been discontinued, so you don't actually want to like anything.
Speaker 1:Oh wow, I didn't even think about it like that because it's gone. Oh wow, yeah, I don't know that I want to buy anything there. What if you? Fall in love with it and it's like your new favorite food ever.
Speaker 2:When a book doesn't do well, when they order too many of the books, when they print too many books and the book doesn't do well, they don't sell the book. They sell the book by the ton, right, so they go to this company that buys it by the ton and then it ends up at the front of your bookstore, in that you know the bargain books rack. So it's always like you know when it makes it to the clearance rack at Publix.
Speaker 1:It's the same as when my books end up on the dollar rack at the front of the store. It's better than throwing them in the trash. Right it is, it is. It's absolutely better than throwing them in the trash. Well, now you'll have to let us know how that pumpkin spice popcorn is.
Speaker 2:I'll leave a comment down below.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Leave a comment, Let us know if you liked it and enjoyed it. I don't know about that, but okay, I know. So we started this tradition where we always ask everyone if you were to pick an emoji reaction hug, and it had to be an animal what would you pick? So, think I send you a message, a messenger, and I just have this horrible day and you don't want to heart it because that's not appropriate right, I'm glad you had a bad day, marla, but you want to show that you read it and that you care, and you want to give me a hug.
Speaker 1:What animal would you pick for your hug?
Speaker 2:I'm going to have to go with my black Labrador retriever. Our, our wonderful Bella just left us a couple of weeks ago and we sure do miss her. She was a great dog, so I would, I would send you a hug from from a black lab named Bella.
Speaker 1:I love that. And now, when I get a black hug reaction from you, I know and I'll think about Bella too, you know that's really cool yeah.
Speaker 2:I like that one.
Speaker 1:Well, I appreciate that. So, last thing, we always leave everyone with a workout suggestion. What is your workout suggestion of the week?
Speaker 2:Okay, so this is a crazy one. I was new that obviously I'd be talking to you. I was trying to come up with all kinds of interesting data, and so I went back and ran some reports that I've run before. One focused on things that have a high points per minute, which is how I found Coach Mark's quick hits that I did for that century week, and it's funny. There's, uh, quick hits that I did for that century week and it's funny. There's what welcome to the man houses has high, pretty high, very high points per minute. Um, but this new track from just two or three weeks ago, uh, it's a high flow from October 14th, about a 20 minute workout, um, that's generating 66 points per minute. It's called take a dance.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Um and I points per minute. It's called Take a Dance and I did it as part of the Wows and I thought, well, this is cool, but I didn't realize how high points it was, so I'm going to go back and start playing that one a lot. It's a great way to get a lot of points without the angry death metal of the other one. It actually seems like good tracks, and so that'll be my new favorite track for a while.
Speaker 1:So Take a Dance.
Speaker 2:October 14th, 24, High Flow.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's a Leanne workout, it's. We've been gifted so many new pros only this year.
Speaker 2:It's like double it's been great yeah.
Speaker 1:Double the amount of pros only that we've gotten in previous years. It's great to see that they listen to our requests for more pros, right, that's right.
Speaker 2:See that they listen to our requests for more pros, that's right. And all the people out there who are listening to us saying no, we hate pro zoning.
Speaker 1:Why?
Speaker 2:We need more low flows. They listen to you too.
Speaker 1:Exactly.
Speaker 2:We don't have run data about it because we're not crazy about it.
Speaker 1:Oh man, I will make sure to post the workout suggestion of the week in the group and also here. If you're watching on YouTube, and when you guys get done playing this workout, do not forget to rate it. It is so important, so important. They want to hear from us. Also, we've been told so few people rate it that the people who do rate it have a much louder voice. Their opinion counts so much more because not as many people are rating workouts, so it's so important to rate the workouts guys Most definitely.
Speaker 2:That's good to know. They should put that more in your face. It's hard to look over there to the left. It's just hard.
Speaker 1:It is especially if you are moving quickly to the next workout, because once you click off there and your score, the rating area is gone and you have to repeat the workout to be able to rate it which I'm onto the next thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there'll be a lot of times where I'm like, oh, I would have loved to have had a comment, but it's too late, so, yes, exactly, so make sure you rate them.
Speaker 1:guys and dude, I appreciate you coming on the show and sharing all your data with us and just chatting with us and telling us your story.
Speaker 2:I hope you come back I appreciate how much work it takes to put this out week after week after week after week. So for all the people watching you, thanks for all the editing and planning and everything. I know how crazy this is I appreciate, appreciate you.
Speaker 1:Thank you, dude, and uh, anytime I get to spend talking about supernatural choreography and the joy and movement is a fantastic day for me, and so thank you guys, see you next time. Thanks for joining us on today's episode of for the love of the map. As always, you can join the discussion in the private Facebook group and follow along with show updates on Instagram and TikTok. Links can be found in the description below. If you find value in the show, please share it with your friends. Your comments, likes and reviews are invaluable and I cannot thank you guys enough. See you next time.