For the Love of the Map
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For the Love of the Map
The Supernatural Evolution of a MadMouse Part 2: Survive EP|32
What if the most daunting challenges could transform into your most exhilarating achievements? We are back with part two with Miranda, the Mad Mouse, as she takes us on an extraordinary journey of personal growth and resilience in the face of adversity. Together, we explore how a no-alternative mindset and camaraderie can turn tough workouts like the "Madhouse” into thrilling triumphs. This episode celebrates the power of mental shifts and the strength we find in shared experiences, reminding us that embracing challenges with enthusiasm can lead to incredible growth.
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Don't look down, we're not going that way. And everyone will ask me how did you do this, how did you do that? How'd you get through it? You're such a fighter, all of the things. What is the alternative? Don't look down, we're not going that way. There was never an alternative. I stood up and I freaking did it, and then it comes up at the end and it's got the hundred. You've said this all through your podcast. You train, yeah, you have to train for it.
Miranda:If you're going to get in and you're going to do the minimum of what you can do. You're not going to grow, you're going to plateau. I gave my husband my phone. I was like you have to message these people. They're freaking out, yes, and they're worried about me, yeah, like, okay, stand tall here and don't you dare look down. We're not going that way. That didn't suck as much as I thought it did. Okay, I kind of like it much like madhouses with the madhouse monster at least once.
MJ:Yeah, twice, twice I have only completed all four of them. Back to back to back one time. Um, we need to do it again that I think was in like we need to do it again.
Miranda:That I think was in, like I don't remember it was around christmas.
MJ:Yeah, it was around christmas of last year that we did that whole madhouse marathon, because I remember not being, I had a huge lull in work and I was like, okay, let's do this. It was a big party, a big group of us, and we just did all four back to back. Um, yeah, just to say we did it proved to ourselves that we could do it, you know, yep.
Miranda:Yeah, so that was. That was like the big confidence boost, building up the endurance. That's when my mentality flipped of. I don't hate these Um and around. That same time is when, like I had other favorite workouts. I remember going into my like that weekend before my surgery, stone into sand came out Yep.
MJ:I was waiting for this. I was waiting for this the weekend before your surgery. That workout came out on a Friday. No, it was a Saturday, wasn't it?
Miranda:It was a Saturday.
MJ:It was a Saturday because that's back when we got daily drops. It was high flow Saturday because they would alternate boxing and flow on Saturdays. And we woke up, looked at that playlist and freaked out. You freaked out because that's kind of your jams and I'm like, well, this is not my jams per se, but maybe it will be good. And then Mark comes in.
MJ:It was like madhouse-esque. It really was, because you see Mark, and he's like hey there, hi, you know, and you're like you know, you're like well, this're like well, this, this might be you're in for it, yes, yes, yes, I lost.
Miranda:I don't know how many times he says in that one this is on the higher end of a high. Yes, it's gonna be like an h plus and I know we had like a friend who couldn't do it at the time and so, like I did it once through and I was on the floor and I was shaking, I was like this is the hardest thing I have ever done. Oh, my gosh, I love it. This is insane and I it.
Miranda:I flipped from that person of that was dumb. I'm never doing this again. You couldn't pay me to do this again too. From that person of that was dumb. I'm never doing this again. You couldn't pay me to do this again To I'm on the mat, like on the mat On the floor, shaking, going. I'm going to jump in and I'm going to do it again and I'm going to do gameplay so I can send it to this person so that she can see it, and then I'm going to see if I can do better. I did it three, four, five times that day. I don't know, and again, I don't know who that person is or when she popped out.
MJ:When she came alive, you know, it was just the evolution.
Miranda:It's the evolution of the Mad Mouse. Right when we did them all back to back is when I actually got titled by somebody else, Yep. Our friend Debbie You're crazy Debbie said you are the Mad Mouse, because you are the Mad Mouse burning down the madhouse, and that's what she titled it, that. And so I was like, oh well, that's going to be my supernatural name now. And it has been ever since, and so it's some variation of that. That's how you can find me in Supernatural. I am.
Miranda:Miranda, the the mad mouse beast mode stalls.
MJ:Yeah, it will change parts of it will change depending on the shenanigans, but it's always miranda the mad mouse the mad mouse it has to be, and that's how it it's important.
Miranda:The it's important it is yes, yeah, it became, that's my thing, and then it was like we got all the way and that was like the perfect lead into that surgery?
MJ:It really, really was. I remember that time so vividly because the day stone into sand came out, you played it, you played it, you played it and I was for sure you weren't going to join the party we were having the next day on that Sunday. I was like she's going to be dead. But no woman shows up. It's like let's play it again, let's play, you know, and we played stone and sand. I believe we played some other high, high intensity workouts together. You went back in after the party and played it again, Like you were obsessed with the way it made you feel, Because I trained you did train.
Miranda:You've said this all through your podcast you train, yeah, you have to train for it. It matters.
Miranda:If you're going to get in and you're going to do the minimum of what you can do. You're not going to grow, you're going to plateau, and if that's what you want to do and you're going to maintain, that's fine. But I had a goal, I had something I was working for and I was scared. She had instilled like a fear in me of, like I didn't know what. I knew what to expect, but like it's still, she tried to prepare me as best she could but I was scared and this worked through all of that and I went into it knowing that I did everything. I did my homework, I understood the assignment, I did everything that she told me to do to prepare my body and my mind and my family, like they knew they had stepped in my work, they knew I had stepped back, I had taken care of me and I was working towards something and I was getting ready. I had people that were I was talking to, like Karen was still checking in on me. It was just I was ready and it it.
Miranda:It was a huge shift from where I was a year and a half before, with the diagnosis and the unexpected surgery and just the fear and and everything. And the fear was still there, but it wasn't like controlling me. I was scared that we were going to go in and she wasn't going to have a blood supply and we were going to I was going to go in, I was going to be under and it was going to be all of this for nothing. And I was going to be in and she wasn't going to have a blood supply and we were going to I was going to go in, I was going to be under and it was going to be all of this for nothing. And I was going to be right back, having to do the other procedure that I didn't want to do, and I was going to have to wait even more time to do that one and it wasn't going to be what I wanted, right Like. So there was still. All. Get through. Helped you feel strong.
MJ:Have that click in your head that you can do this helped you train for this procedure.
Miranda:Doing this. My body is evolving and changing and I'm ready for this and I've done everything in my power yes, for for this, for this moment, and I'm ready, I'm ready. And she was not wrong. It was terrifying. It laid me flat. We did a, we did a side-by-side before we went into it, that boxing workout with doc scars.
MJ:It was so big and we had secretly reached out to doc and asked him to come. You know, would you send me a video so I can put, put you in with our group? And as he graciously always does, he's like it would be my honor to send you all a video. And so no one knew at the time that Doc was going to be a part of it. And I remember you sent me your video right before you went into surgery and I remember that day. I remember sitting in silence and holding you in my heart and really putting out that energy. You know that like oh let her be okay.
MJ:It was a really long day, it was I gave my husband my phone.
Miranda:Yes, I was like you have to message these people. They're freaking out, yes, and they're worried about me, yeah, and I am not going to be in a place.
Miranda:Um, these, these are my people, my beast mode girls had. They were checking on me. I was like, okay, so I've got a couple of things I need you to do. You've got to respond to this work chat. You've got to respond to this family chat. Like everybody had their assignments right. Like my sister had to respond to a certain group chat my mom was reaching out to people again. Like I had all of this love and care and thoughts and prayers and all of the things going for me and I went into that surgery. We had to get up. I couldn't do coffee. I could do coffee, but you have to do it black.
MJ:And that was the worst thing on the planet. Don't even do the coffee, then.
Miranda:But I didn't want to have like the caffeine withdrawal. Yeah yeah, I'm a coffee girl. But I didn't want to have like the caffeine withdrawal. Yeah yeah, I'm a coffee girl. Okay, I'm a coffee girl, I need it Right Um. I tried it black Um. And then they were like, well, can you come in earlier? And I was like, oh, yeah. Okay, Um so I it kind of like got bumped up and I was like, okay, so it kind of like got bumped up and I was like, okay, we're in, let's go.
Miranda:It was July, oh geez. Yeah, I'm mixed up. I think it's the 18th, I want to say the 19th, but I think I'm a day off, I think it's the 18th, and so I go in and it's like first thing in the morning I'm there and they're pulling me back at like 7am, right, and I think my husband got the call that they were, that I was coming out of surgery, like three, 34 o'clock that afternoon and that was a good case. Everything went exactly the way that it was supposed to. Everything went as planned. If there were hiccups, if there was anything else, like it didn't. So she's like on a good day it's like a nine hour surgery and that's kind of like what mine was. And she was like there are times that it's 10, 11, 12 or more, 13, 14 hours If there's something going on and we have to pivot, like it could be this, could be this, and so, like my husband left and was like doing stuff with the kids and my mother-in-law was up again. My support system. I could not ask for more. Um, she had. My mother-in-law is amazing. She had come and stayed with us, like during COVID. She did like, so she knew she knows my kids. She did like kindergarten homeschooling during COVID with my kids, stayed with us. We have a small house. I don't know how we all lived, but we already knew how to do it by this point. Right and so.
Miranda:But the but the surgeon told me okay, so it's going to be like 10 hours plus and then you're going to come out of anesthesia. You're going to be under for this amount of time You're going to come out of anesthesia. You're going to be under for this amount of time You're going to have to come out of anesthesia. It's going to be evening before anybody even gets to see you. I was like, okay, so he went out and he was doing stuff and getting stuff ready for whatever, and she's like and you're going to be in the hospital like two days minimum. This is no joke.
Miranda:Your mastectomy was one little overnight stay, a hour and a half two hour surgery, um, with an overnight stay, and then you're home the next day and like a four to six week recovery. This is 10 plus hour surgery, minimum, two nights stay, if nothing goes wrong, and uh, we're going to call it 12 weeks, minimum, 12 weeks, and even then after that, because you had been under for so long, you're going to feel the effects of the anesthesia You're going to that's. You're not going to come back to yourself for up to a year. Wow, and she was not wrong. Oh, wow, she was not wrong, she. She laid it. She was right. She's done this. This is what she does.
Miranda:Oh wow she was not wrong she, she laid it. She was right, she's done this. This is what she does. Yeah, Right she I. I was like I bounced back from them. I bounced back from that. That was my first surgery ever in my entire life, by the way never broken a bone, never really had stitches like never major health issues. This was my first. Anything was the mastectomy and I was like I rocked that Come on.
Miranda:Right, like, look, who's this confident person? That was not me at the time. That was there was me balled up crying in the shower, and then there's this person a year later, that is like, oh, I rocked that, it's fine, I'm going to. I'm going to kill this.
Miranda:Um, I came out of it and they have like a. They have like this implant thing in there. That's like monitoring the oxygen and they are coming in and they are poking and prodding and making sure that it's not going necrotic on you and making sure that it's fine and the oxygen levels are this, that and whatever thing for two full days, every hour to two hours. Because she's like if something is going to go wrong, it's going to go wrong in the first two days and if it does start to die or whatever we will, you still don't get to eat because if something goes wrong, we're going to whisk you back to the OR and there is only a. I don't remember what the percentage was of being able to save it, but it was like it was like 50-50. Basically, if something goes wrong in those first couple of days, we whiskey to the OR and there's like a 50% chance we could save it. So you could still have gone through all of that and come away with nothing. The odds of that like 1 or 2%. It's not zero, not zero. But she was amazing. Everything went as planned. It was fantastic.
Miranda:I was out within a couple of days, like it. It was great, but I had double incisions. I had all these drains. Um, there was, I was one, two, three or four, I don't even remember. At this point I had hip-to-hip incision because that's where they pulled the tissue from to relocate it. I call it relocating it to make a breast, which is pretty freaking amazing if you think about that, so cool so futuristic the science behind this blows my mind.
Miranda:Same same, so cool. So futuristic the science behind this blows my mind.
MJ:Same same yeah, I love it.
Miranda:Blows my mind and I am completely open about this. I am completely open about my journey and, like PSA number 4002, is that if anyone sees this, they're going through this or they know someone who's going through this and they need a person to be their person to talk to them about this, I will be happy to be that person, because I had that person for me and it was huge. I had a huge support group, I had a huge family, I had my supernatural family. Having someone who's been through it is, and she has a totally different reconstruction story, right, totally different from mine, but still it mattered. Yes, it was. It helped.
Miranda:So, if I can be that for anybody that comes out of this, that's what. That's my ulterior motive. Right, like cool, okay, it's October, Everything's pink, but this is a. This is a anytime thing. This is a year round thing. This is a. I'm going to keep working towards this because I do still have chances of recurrence that gets knocked down by my physical activity and all of that. The surgery is no joke. That one it, it, it was. She was right and I went into it thinking I've trained for this.
MJ:I'm ready.
Miranda:I've trained for this, I'm ready, which is fine, and I was humbled and I was so mad at my body. I would, I would get so mad, I would, I would get so mad. Why am I shaking after? And I think I actually only waited like a month instead of like I got the clearance. Okay, so don't come at me. I went to my, I was doing updates, I was going in to see my surgeon. The drains were out, like we were planning for the next Harry Potter. I got pied in the face. I still. The reason I'm wearing that hoodie is because there were drains in my pocket. Okay, that was like a week, maybe two after that surgery.
Miranda:It was dumb. What was I thinking?
MJ:I wish we would have told you to just sit your ass down. But we kept checking on you and you were like no, I'm going to be ready. You did. You're absolutely right. In your pie video you were sitting with that hoodie.
Miranda:And not only that, but for the workouts I didn't have to do the assignments. I could have just been in the chats, but this is part of what the community does and maybe I shouldn't have and it was stupid, but I did have clearance from my doctor. I did seated workouts for the first time Also stupid. That is not easier on your abs. I was healing from abdominal surgery and I was healing from reconstruction at the same time and one of them, like I said, hip to hip scar, and then the other one, it was just like oh man, okay, endurance was shot, memory was shot, pain control right, Like all of these things that we're doing, and it's for like a month after.
Miranda:And then I did. I did seated workouts for the first time on my kitchen chair. I dragged my kitchen chair into the living room and I did seated workouts, and that was only four weeks post-op. That was dumb Madness. And then I took some more time off. It was stupid. Don't do that. I'll tell you right now Don't do that. Listen to the doctor, don't do that. But I didn't want to wait, I needed it.
MJ:Yeah, right, you did.
Miranda:It's become.
MJ:I don't want to say it's become an addiction because there are people who have worse addictions than that.
Miranda:Right, and I know that. But there are also times where it is it's ingrained and it became so routine and I relied on it and, oh man, I needed it and I needed that outlet again and I, I was missing so much and I, I wanted, thought it was physical therapy. It was the physical therapy that I needed and everything else, and I got better at it. I did get better at listening to my body. I knew when it was too much. It would start jumping and twitching and hurting.
Miranda:There were times that I pulled it because there was a lot of internal security going on in there too, and I remember there was a time I did something stupid I'm sure it was a madhouse and because I was feeling it. You have these times where you feel so good and you're like I'm back and your body goes hold up and something had released, something had pulled and something had released. And I went through an entire weekend of like, oh my God, I can't manage this pain. This is absurd. I, I, something's broken, I broke it, I broke it, I broke it, it's going to die. I did all of this for nothing. This is broken. And the surgeon was like no, you didn't, you're okay, you probably just pulled an internal, you're okay, just sit your ass down Right, stop, stop, chill, sit your ass down Right Stop, stop, chill.
Miranda:So I sat my butt down and I crocheted. I am also an avid crocheter Right Um. So I have other outlets that are better for me. Um, I called into parties instead of actually doing the workouts and I still had my group, I still had my beast mode girls for checking on me. My girl sent me a very inappropriate, inappropriate cup. That is my.
MJ:I'm going to correct you is not inappropriate, is the most appropriate coffee mug when you are recovering and you need some humor in your life, which we, you know you definitely did.
Miranda:I got it and I opened that package, looked at it and I laughed and it hurt and so I cried and I was like, okay, now don't take this drunk. But oh my God, you have to take this cup away because it keeps making me laugh and it hurts drunk. But oh my god, you have to take this cup away from me because it keeps making me laugh and it hurts.
Miranda:So anytime anything made me laugh, like kim with her chunky eyes. I thought I was gonna die and these are all inside jokes. But like, if you were there, you know, okay, and it hurt, but I needed it, but it hurt and it was no joke, that surgery and it was no joke and that recovery was no joke. And then, like, coming back from it right, like once I was better, doing better, and my doctor kept telling me would you stop, would you just give yourself some grace, cause I would go in there and I'm in tears and I'm like why can't I do that? And she's like because you had a major surgery, I will tell you again you're healing.
Miranda:It is not a linear thing. It's going to be forward and back, it's going to be up and down and zigzag and you're going to climb up this mountain just to fall down. And you need to stop and just give yourself some grace because this is the hardest thing you have ever done and hopefully will ever do. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you are on the mend and you are around the curve and my surgeon was. She was wonderful, she was actually leaving mine.
Miranda:Mine was one of the last ones that she did and so she stayed through. So it was in july, august. She stayed through like september was in July, august, september. She stayed through like September, end of September and was like gone in October and transferred my care to someone else, but she stayed. I'm like she like kind of stayed I wasn't the last one, but there was a handful of us because she only again, that surgery is grueling for everybody. She does like one, maybe two of them a week because it also lays her out being on your feet and doing that type of focus and concentration for that long. It's it's exhausting, um, and there's not a lot of people who do it. So I guess in that practice I think there's four of them that do it and then outside of that practice there's only another two or three in all of Denver that do that surgery and it's no joke.
Miranda:I will tell anybody that it's no joke.
Miranda:Any of the reconstructive surgeries are harder than the mastectomies. I think that's a true statement and people can correct me if I'm wrong or if their experience is different. It might be, but for me it was harder and supernatural is the thread that really just pieced me together, stitched me back together and held my everything through all of this, like that whole everything, and even afterwards, physical therapy and everything afterwards. I didn't actually have to do physical therapy after that reconstructive surgery because I was like I got a consult and she was like I don't have anything to teach you. Right, you're good, just do what you keep doing what you're doing. You're you're killing it. Take it easy, don't overdo it, keep doing what you're doing. And so like, even after that, it was building back up and I found that boxing was easier for me than flow, because flow is real stretchy. Um, seated was not the break that I thought it was going to be, because it's super engages your abs, which is not where it's at Right. That was dumb, but I thought it was going to be better.
MJ:You didn't.
Miranda:it was not. Um, I learned a lot of things, and then there was finding lows that I enjoyed because I was coming off of this madhouse, high right, yes, and so I was coming off of that and I was like lows are boring, yeah so I found some that weren't. There was a lot of trial and error and I have a whole list yes, and that's me and my preferences, but I've given them to other people too who are?
Miranda:coming off of an injury. I've found ones that are L plus M minus right, like that you can kind of build up to M plus, or L plus M minus M plus. Like, as you're going back up this the ramp to try to get back to where you were which is also not a linear thing, and ups and downs, and listen to your body, all of the things they tell us and relearning all of that all over again and getting knocked down about 4,000 pegs just to fight and claw your way back. It's. It's a lot, and so it is. Let's see it was. I'm coming up on my anniversary. So it was November 2021. So we're coming up on three years next month, like the last.
Miranda:I keep looking back. I find these memories. It's the last picture. Oh, it's our Thanksgiving. Look, this girl, this, this Miranda had no clue what was about to sock her over the head, um, but then all of the things through it too. You see this progression of this person and this appreciation for this body and what it can do, that low that we love, that beauty in the scars yeah, that has significant meaning.
Miranda:For me, and I go back to it all the time, all the time, if you haven't done that workout, it's huge, it's magnificent. If your body has going through some stuff, if your mind is going through some stuff, the coaching through that is everything. I think that it took me to. The surgery was July. I kept kind of coming back, coming back, coming back, and it built back up. I was doing pros again by November. I was doing prose again by November.
MJ:November is what I've got on my list Because the Madhouse Monster came out in November. Yeah, and I remember how excited you were. We were like a little nervous, who's that girl? I was like hold on, a second Hold on, are you sure? First of all, are you sure you're ready for this Cause?
MJ:I you know you were building and building and it was like are you sure you're ready? But also I had some medical stuff and you guys were checking in on me Are you sure you're ready? And so I kind of got your mindset. It's like listen y'all, I'm ready. Okay, am I really ready? Probably not, but we are ready. We have to do this Like we're not done, we're not going to risk our injury, but we have to do. We have to prove to ourself that we can. You know.
Miranda:This was a culmination of other things too. Right For that series, for all of that Right. And that was also when I started going for the a hundred percent club too, because someone made a club and I had to get a hundred percent. Yes, it's the club. Because again, do you see how this switched? I went from this is dumb, you couldn't pay me to do these again, to there's a club for a hundred percent Got to be in it. I need to be in it. I can do that.
MJ:I can do that.
Miranda:So I did it first with Forget because at the time it was the shortest it was. Some people have said that it's the easier one to do. I know some people will disagree with that. That's true, that's true. But for it I think I got. I honestly okay. So I don't want to take anything away from it because, yes, I did it, I trained for it, I did it repeatedly. I think I got lucky, cause that slipknot song is stupid.
Miranda:I don't remember if I had my quest three yet, but I still have tracking issues with some of the things and somehow I think I got lucky in it and I thought, for sure, I still didn't think that I did it. The day that it happened, I didn't think that I had gotten 100. And I was utterly shocked when I did and so that started that, and I was utterly shocked when I did, and so that started that. That was November 20th. 2023 was my first 100% and it got me in the club and I am row number 13. Yeah, that's right.
Miranda:I don't know how many people are actually in that club.
MJ:There are 23 now. Okay, yes, I have a spreadsheet.
Miranda:So that was almost a year ago. There's a spreadsheet. So that was almost a year ago. There's a spreadsheet. I am row 13.
MJ:And once you get a hundred on all three, you get an emoji. That's all. That's all I have to offer.
Miranda:Emojis, so. But so then I went. Then I decided, okay, well, I really don't like the first one, it's a whole different thing it is.
MJ:You've talked about this before too.
Miranda:It's a different vibe and I have issues with it was the first. It's not my favorite. No, it was the first. It's just a little different and it evolved. This beast has evolved and I like the later ones. Um so, and I like the later ones, so then I went into return and I went into return 158 times.
Miranda:Yeah, from November, from when I got 100 on forget, I started going after return. Now, that's not totally all the way through. Okay, that's I go in, I doink in backcountry, I partial out. Okay, that's not 158 complete total playthroughs I'm not that crazy.
Miranda:Okay, I'm a little crazy, but I'm not that crazy. I didn't play it all the way through just to go practice on psychosocial and sudden death, because you do need to practice those. But if you can't get through the first three, what's the point? Exactly, reliably, I spent a lot of time like, after the skip, a song came out. Oh man, I thought that I had nailed Backcountry pretty well and so I would skip it and go to Ties that Bind, because there was a target in Ties that Bind that threw me. Every single time I knew exactly where it was. I would either, early on, doink a knee stupidly right Like there's I have this love-hate relationship with the knees that gave me my name and then I would partial out and repeat. I would partial out and repeat, and that was. There were days that it was like I'm done.
MJ:And I.
Miranda:There was a day that I did it 21 times, in and out, in and out, in and out, and try and again, and then I learned well, this is not the way for me and I'm going step down. Yeah, it was a step down.
MJ:It was stupid Once a day.
Miranda:Once a day, only once a day. I'm not going to, but okay, maybe twice, because I would go in and get my stupid doink out of the way. And then I'd put together a solid run and any run. I learned that anything after that my anxiety, my frustration, my stress would ratchet up and they would just get worse. And then I'd get mad at the madhouse and I'm like what am I even doing with my life? Okay, stop it, just stop it. Why am I going after this? This is stupid. Who wants this?
MJ:Who wants this. This is your fault. It is a mental journey. Anyone who hasn't done this won't really truly understand. But it's more a mental struggle than it is a physical struggle. It's a roller coaster, and there's something about going through that rollercoaster that builds grit and determination and fortitude and confidence and all of these things that so many of us are searching for and so many of us need to prove to ourselves that we're capable. You know, and there's.
Miranda:There's people who look at, look at it and they're like I have you, you go ahead. I have no desire to do that. It's fine too. Yep, that's fine. That's not knocking any of that, Right.
MJ:Like yeah.
Miranda:But when I did it and my husband watched me do this too right, husband watched me do this too right, like. So he had been doing it since you know, november, like about this time a couple years ago, and, um, I've made him play it a few times and again, it's like not necessarily his thing either. Um, his favorite one is that dang becoming the bull fun fact. Interesting, it is his go-to fun fact, uh, but anyway. So, um, we were home, we were working from home, he was upstairs and like he had come down and I was in or getting ready to start sudden death, and I had finally strung together a solid run. I had one, two, four, like a hundred. I was shaking, I was nervous. I have never been so nervous in my life for anything like interviewing for my job, going into labor, okay, maybe not. Yeah, it's at that level, it really is. Yeah, the breathing exercises, yep. And it's like I at this point had gotten a hundred on sudden death, maybe two or three times, maybe four, probably not, I think, maybe only like two or three times, and I had gotten a hundred and all the other songs. But I had not strung together a good run like this, except for one other time where I strung together a solid run and missed one, and it was either psychosocial or sudden death. But I had gotten down to missing one to two targets in those last two songs. And that's when you know it's right around the corner, it's going to happen, mm, hmm. And I had prepared myself to doink and I couldn't even tell you like which one is. Sudden death is almost like one of those ones where if you're gonna doink one, you're gonna do it in the first 30 seconds. Yes to a minute, yep, that first leading into that first joy ball, um, but if you can get through that, even even like the drum rolls, and yeah, yeah. But like I sat down, I sat on my mat, had it paused, I sat on my mat, I breathed, I was like this is this is going to be it, or it's not, and it's okay. And I sat there between I did this before psychosocial too, because that one was also my nemesis but on this particular day sat on my mat twice before psychosocial, and then I got through it with a hundred and I sat down and I breathed, I paused and I breathed. I didn't send anything to any friends, or no, I didn't say anything about because I didn't want to. You don't want to jinx it. Hey, I'm putting together this perfect run, nope, cause that means you're going to miss one, exactly. So I sat and I breathed and I meditated on it a little bit and I stood up and I freaking did it. And then it comes up at the end and it's got the hundred. And I was immediately on the floor again and I was crying and my husband comes in, he's like, puts his hands on. He's like are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? Did you fall? Are you okay? And I was like I did it. I did it, oh my God, I did it. I got a hundred. I got a hundred on return and I'm like falling my ass out. And he's like, oh my God, he was so excited for me and I had to go back to work. But it was.
Miranda:That was December, january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august Almost nine months to the day of when I started it and 158 plays. I wanted to do it before, like I had a goal to do it for my million. Like before my million, I had a goal to do it before I went to France First time out of the country let's go do return and I got really close. I think that's when I got that one or two like new, best only doinking one or two, but I didn't get it before that. I didn't get it for my million Like it. It took me nine months and 158 plays, most of which were partials I would say probably a good 80, 85% of them were partials.
MJ:Yeah, and for some people listening.
Miranda:They're like why would you?
MJ:yeah, why would you spend nine? Why, yeah, why.
Miranda:This because of the way it makes you feel I I made up my mind that I was going to do a thing Um and then I was wanted it, yep.
Miranda:And once I want something and I'm going to make up my mind that I'm going to do it and I'm going to work towards it and think about where I came from. Do you remember what I said earlier? I let it beat me and then I went through all this crap. I kind of had a bone to pick, 100% right. I kind of had some revenge you did, and it fueled me. So anybody who knows me, I am competitive. We are gamers. If there is a thing that comes out, I can't let it beat me and once I take away that power, I put in my. That's my power. Now, right, like man.
Miranda:There are people that you look at, people who jump out of planes and go oh my God, I would never do that. There are people who look at me like why, why would you do that? That's dumb, right. Why? Why on earth do you have any desire to? I don't know. Why do you jump out of planes? Why do you? Why do you race cars? Why do you? You know what I mean? I don't know it. Just, it became a thing that I had to do and I'm still kind of I don't know what I'm going to do next because, like I want, I want the emoji. Marla, I know you do.
MJ:I know. I know that's why I added the emoji thing, because I knew people would want it after that. We share the same drive and motivation in that aspect. So I just knew if I was going to sign emojis, people would want them. Because I want one, want that row highlighted, you want your row highlighted. You finally get. You're not white on the spreadsheet anymore. You're slight purple.
Miranda:Will you give it to me if I get a hundred on the monster? Yeah it can be.
MJ:It can just be any three. It can be any three, and the reason it started was because there were only three. You know, and I wasn't. I'm not going to go retroactively, take back something now that there's a fourth madhouse. You know people have already earned it.
Miranda:Yeah, and they added that song back into Forget. We're not going to undozy. No, we're not going to undozy it. We're not going to undo.
MJ:But you better believe I'm working to get 100 again on Forget with the song back in. I say so I can have a true 100. But that's not. That's just the way my crazy brain works, Right, you know.
Miranda:And we're not going to take that away?
MJ:No, definitely not taking that away. And um, but yeah, so you get your row highlighted Once you do three. It can be any three, just not the quick hit. The quick hit is not in this. That's only two songs. Y'all come on Um, but it is great practice. It is great practice but yeah, I uh. But yeah, I've gone down the rabbit hole I sucked you in. I'm sorry, it's made you stronger. Sorry, not sorry, exactly, exactly. I'm sorry, not sorry at all.
Miranda:I will jump in and party with anybody who's terrified of a madhouse. There's nothing to be scared of. It's a lot of targets. What's the worst? That's going to happen you pull back your power, you're going to get a bronze Face. It it's going to happen, but that's what it's there for. And again, they tell you this yes, they coach you a specific way in these pros only. And a year ago, more than a year ago, I never, ever, thought I would be that pros only person ever. I was like medium and high here and there, and especially like medium and into high. Boxing was like my sweet spot and like I had no desire to do any of that other nonsense until I did. And then, once I did, there was just no going back, and that's very true.
MJ:Your evolution is one of my favorite to reminisce or tell other people about, especially during competitions, when people are like, oh, pros, I don't do pros only and I'm like, listen, let me tell you about my friend Mouse. Like, let me, let me tell you a story. Sit down, okay, let's have some tea Story time. I just know how life-changing accomplishing something that you never thought you could accomplish or never, you know. First of all, you never had a desire to it was never on your radar. You thought it was too hard. You're not one of those people and you train for it and you go. It's. It's really. I know we say this a lot and it's very cringy sometimes, but it's a journey.
Miranda:Okay, you're kind of journey and you have to train for it. You're not going to jump into this and 100 at your first time and if you do, then wow they are. You're an enigma.
MJ:And then don't message me at all, cause I don't want to know about you.
Miranda:We kind of want to punch you in the face, just a little bit.
MJ:Okay, no, just a little bit. Yeah, I still get you in the club. It would. I'm just going to put you at the bottom of the list, for sure. I'm not going to give you the greatest emoji, okay, no.
MJ:Everyone's treated equal in the club, but it does open up an avenue. So you start kind of not really focusing anymore on your journey. You're not as motivated anymore to get in the headset. Workouts are sort of boring, You're just like meh. So you find things that motivate you. A hundred on a madhouse, a hundred on portal combat. Chatters has done that. Now he started a club which I have to get in.
Miranda:I'm one target away, one block in witchcraft that I punch every time.
MJ:That was never on my radar, I just didn't. You know I have a love hate relationship with boxing. It aggravates my neck, it just I love it but I hate it and I just never thought I wanted a hundred. You know I stick in, stay with mad houses. You know that's my wheelhouse. It's your wheelhouse. Chad went and made a club and now I got to get in it and so there's just that. Okay, find what motivates you to keep you going and now we have Supernatural together and I really want to push people to try it. Try meeting others in the community, because it really shapes your journey and getting you to focus and recommitted and get you in the headset.
Miranda:What if? What if you're starting to feel a little bit of you've lost that love and feeling and like maybe you need something to spice it up. Maybe Supernatural Together is where it's at for you and it was not around when I was coming back, but maybe you don't need that and that's cool. Like, like I said, I don't understand my husband's type of mentality for this at all. And we talk about it. It's hilarious. And he's like I don't know, I'm just different and I was like you're weird. Okay, so we just had our 19th year anniversary. So, like, this is not a new, this is how we, this is how we banter, Okay, Um, and he's like I said, he's like cheering from the sidelines. Um, sometimes he does workouts because I tell him to and I'm like, hey, I need you to go do this workout and fill out this form and he's like what?
Miranda:And I was like just do it, just do it. He doesn't care, he doesn't care, but he supports me and that's that's love y'all. So, um, but like it's very different. He doesn't have that. Oh my gosh, I love this. I got to go do it. Wow, did you see the choreography in that? Or man, this was tricky. What about this? Or Ooh, that was kind of uncomfortable for me. Did you feel that? Well, no, because you haven't gone through what I've gone through and you have a different body than I do and people are different and mentalities are different.
Miranda:But if you need a little more, if you feel like it's getting stale or whatever, like jump in and see if this is for you. Or look at the external communities. There's a lot. I went all in. I've got medals. Yeah, I don't have as many medals as you, but I've got medals. But they're pretty and I don't know, someday when I die, my kids are going to box them up and give them to Goodwill, but whatever, they are a physical representation of your hard work, the minutes, the time that I've put into this.
Miranda:Um, it blows my mind when you get like the, the um, your anniversary, things from Supernatural, which is really cool, right, and it tells you how many minutes you were in the headset, all the places you visited and how much boxing you did compared to flow, or you know all of those things. That's really cool. Please don't ever stop doing that. If anybody's watching, don't stop doing that. We'd love that. Um, really cool. Please don't ever stop doing that. If anybody's watching, don't stop doing that. We'd love that. Um, it's cool, it's cool.
Miranda:And again, there's like people that you talk to about or whatever, and I think you're not.
Miranda:So that's fine, but the fitness journey that you're going to go on, the thing that you're going to stick with, is the thing that you love and whatever works for you. What works for me is not going to work for somebody else. I have people that I know that I pushed down this path and they're like no, not for me, and they're done, and that's fine, but for me it doesn't. I mean, it feels like I've shifted, because I used to say it doesn't feel like working out, which is a big fat lie, because, according to my Apple watch, I am working out like I'm doing an indoor run or I'm swimming, and there are studies that have come out about this and you should check it out if you don't believe it.
Miranda:Or for the people who don't believe it, there are studies that talk about supernatural in comparison to ellipticals and running and all of these things. So it just you have to find what works for you and what you're passionate about and like, what you can stick with and what you can turn into a routine and, for me, being able to do it in my living room, not having to get. I am not going to be that person that's going to drag my butt out of bed on pros only day Marla 5 am and do this with you?
Miranda:okay, that is not me. You come for me at like 9 am I do I do I wait?
MJ:there, I'm not gonna be the early morning worker outer yeah, and I'm not the late night worker outer either.
Miranda:Right like mid-morning is my spot same or yeah, I hear you Maybe noon, maybe noon, but I can do it, and I can do it three days a week or four days a week or five days a week. My goal you can adjust it up or down to keep your streaks. Mine has been three days a week all this time Same, ever since my first surgery, and sometimes I beat that and sometimes I have to go in and do a quick hits or a meditation to keep it. And somewhere in here I put it in my 1 million post. There was how many times I fell off right and restarted that streak, and it's like 13 different times or something like that, because you're going to fall off. But are you coming back Exactly and if you come back for a week, that's fine, that's still a streak or are you going to fall off and call it quits? Maybe it's not for you, that's fine, maybe you go find something else.
Miranda:My mother-in-law walks. She has fallen in love with walking and if she doesn't get her walk in like I never thought I was going to be this person, this, this was not going to be my thing where, if I don't supernatural, I'm like fidgety, I can't sleep, um, like when I'm sick and I can't do it. I miss it, like who is this person? I've tried other things, I've done other things. None of them have made me feel this way and it's like, oh well, maybe you didn't get him enough chance. No, getting on the elliptical for me is not an everyday thing, but being in these beautiful locations, smashing these targets with people that are of a like mind, amazing choreography that works my brain as well as my body Like it's, this is where it's at for me and it has helped me through so much. Look at this whole thing, um journey, these whole, this whole time that we've talked about this is, like I said, we're coming up on three years and supernatural is so thing, yet it's like the.
Miranda:It's so interwoven it is my foundation is so yeah, for, for, for me yeah and there are other people that are like no, that's not for me. There are people who, if you run I have a friend who runs like that is, that is her jam. Right, that's not mine. So I guess it's like you just got to go find what is yours. Yep, this is mine and I love it Don't be afraid to try things either.
Miranda:You know, yeah, yeah, what if this is the thing that keeps you going? What if? What if? You know, don't, don't believe all the negativity Anytime they come up with something new and different. We hate change, people hate change. We're going to, we're going to fight about it, okay, and then we're going to be like, well, okay, maybe I'll give it a chance. Oh, wow, that didn't suck as much as I thought it did. Okay, I kind of like it, much like madhouses.
MJ:Exactly yeah.
Miranda:So I think this is my, that's my not so super super power. I bring things full circle.
MJ:It's a hundred percent true about you. You do it. It's funny because it's like surefire every night One of the last messages. It somehow circles back to one of the first messages of the day or something from yesterday. It definitely is your superpower.
Miranda:Full circle. It's my average superpower, like if you were going to have an average superpower. An average superpower. It's not super, but it's something that's like oh, that's your thing, it's my thing. Yes, that's funny.
MJ:So I think this is a perfect time to bring up a very specific question. So our very first community member that we ever had on the show, back when Julie and I were hosting together, was Apple Kim that's what I call her and I had this idea before her episode that I wanted her to think about a question she would leave for the next community member. We didn't talk about it during her episode. I asked her to send it to me after her episode and I kept it in the notes until you know we booked your schedule with all this, and so I sent it to you and her question. Specifically. She didn't know who was coming on next. This is just a legacy question, okay, and it was what has surprised you most about your super natural journey? And this is a heavy one because there are so many ways you could. You could answer this, but I'm really interested, like, what is your gut when I asked that question? What has surprised you the most about your journey?
Miranda:I have two things, okay, one that we have talked heavily about, and that is the people. Yeah, and again, it struck me last night, in the middle of the night, as I'm like thinking about this cause you at least gave me the grace to give me this question a little early, so thank you for that. And it hit me at midnight last night when I couldn't sleep. Um, but the people, my beast mode girls, my Karen, who is not in Supernatural, but again, it's all about your people, yeah, my family, my friends, um, my map choreography people, my Euclid people, like it, the people that I didn't know that this was going to make that journey so special for me, or that I that I needed until I had it, right Like that, that this was, this was the thing that really took my journey and kept me coming back.
Miranda:It gave me something to come back to. So that is the deep and meaningful, unexpected part of my journey, and also one of the most treasured and important discoveries is the people that I have met in my internet world, my headset people, and I have had the good fortune to meet some in person, or am going to meet some in person, right Like it's a friends and family, um, we met we met in person and just it, and it wasn't weird.
MJ:No, it wasn't you know um.
Miranda:I've met a few of the beast mode girls and I'm going to go spend some time with them, and I'm dragging my sister along with me and it's just I'm beyond excited and it just keeps me going and again and it's not all supernatural all the time. We talk about everything. We talk about recipes, we talk about all of these things right Like life heartache.
Miranda:But that's probably everything. Health and fitness is there, but mental health and just everything adulting, our jobs, our work, our life, our kids, our husbands, our partners. Why do we have to feed these people? Yeah, exactly.
MJ:Why do?
Miranda:we have to feed these people three times a day. Come on now. I have been married for 19 years and if you look at our text messages, like 90% of them are what are we doing for dinner or lunch or whatever?
Miranda:Fine, but so the people is is the big, deep, meaningful one. And number two uh, the music. Um, that I did not think I would ever put on my playlist.
Miranda:Oh branching out and trying and listening to other workouts that I did not think I would do, finding one like when I started I was all up in the 90s hip hop things that I grew up with, maybe a little harebrained, maybe things that I grew up with that remind me of my parents, like the classic rock type stuff, but then, especially like when I was looking for good lows, like there was poppy, ones that I would never have picked for myself, fuegos.
MJ:Yeah, Fuegos are so good.
Miranda:I have Fuego songs on my playlist. It'll come on and my kids are like what are they even saying?
Miranda:And I was like I don't know, but it's so good, yeah, yeah, and it's just the ones that I needed to be able to dance, just the way that you can go from killing something in sudden death, which is also on my playlist now. Thank you very much. Yes, the sick, the dying and the dead, and again and oh. So there was a time that I came in when I was going through my return to the madhouse and we get in the car and my playlist is on because listening to the music will help you people. If you're going to go for 100%, listen, put it on your playlist, listen to it. We get in the car for a hundred percent. Listen, put it on your playlist. Listen to it. We get in the car.
MJ:My kid is like hey mom, isn't this song in that one workout that you can't beat? I remember that day.
Miranda:I remember that day. Oh man, oh, dagger to the heart, kid right out of the mouth of babes. Oh man, yes, dear, yes it is. And I would like to say that I went and beat that stupid song after that, but I didn't do it. It was another month or two, it was, but you did. You got there Stuff that, like the music, and just being able to go from Matt house to, I feel like a beautiful ballerina or, um, most recently, uh, billie Eilish Lovely is a song that I listened to. It's on my son's playlist, like I, and it's just beautiful and the choreography feels like a contemporary dance and it's just magical. Right, and again, I never heard Maggie Rogers before Supernatural. There are so many artists that I have never heard until I worked out with them, to them in Supernatural and stuff that I can't imagine myself working out to. We've said this too.
Miranda:I like hoedowns, thank you, you do, you do this too, I like hoedowns, thank you, you do, um, you do, I will, I I there are boots and I will scoot them and it is all good. Um, but I, I don't mind the country, I cannot imagine the symphonies. There are some that I that are not my jam, but like I can't imagine working out too, like we've said, the Lion King. Yeah, that's weird right Is that weird, except it's not.
Miranda:It's not it's just except it's not, and yeah. So I think that just that was something that surprised me too and really opened up my eyes. And part of that, and that again comes back full circle to the team events and having to pick workouts that I normally wouldn't pick to complete for whatever, and and again and not just you, glenn, but in SNCE, and you got to pick your cards and it was like I would never have picked these for myself, but I picked them for whatever reason and I did them and found a new workout that I love, and so it's like, if they're, if you're complaining about, or you see, people I want to make my own playlists and whatever.
Miranda:There's a whole thing about that why we can't, and whatever but at the same time, go outside of your wheelhouse. Yeah, I am always going to play a rock hard.
Miranda:I'm the person. I'm going to play that every time.
MJ:But you won't always play a sweat symphony right off the bat or a roller rink Right or a smooth. Rink Right or a smooth sailing, but it could be a hidden gem there, you know be open it could be a hidden gem.
Miranda:It could be.
MJ:I don't think so in the smooth sailing, but whatever.
Miranda:Yeah, ask me how many I've done.
MJ:Oh, wow, you're still at zero for them.
Miranda:That's great. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure, I'm pretty sure I'm still at zero on those. I don't know if that's something to be proud of or ashamed of, and I get it it's. There are some people who love them, yeah, and I'm happy that they're there for you, right, they're just not mine. Exactly, exactly.
MJ:Well, I love that answer and now that that's out, Miranda will definitely send me a question for the next community member who comes on the show, and they'll get to answer that question too. No, no pressure at all, dude.
Miranda:It's going to be a good one. It's a good question.
MJ:Yeah, Kim asked a really good question, and you know when I make a post in our private group when this episode comes out, I think I might ask this question. You know what has surprised you most about your own supernatural journey, and we'd love to hear how you would answer Kim's question. Now connect us, let's see what other people say yeah, exactly.
MJ:So I will get fired from my best friend if I did not ask this question, and I have left it off recently, so I'm going to go ahead and just get it out there. What is your favorite food or snack? I know it's hard to kind of like put one food there, so maybe you could give us your snack. That's up to you, but Julia would probably travel all the way to my house and smack my butt if I didn't ask.
Miranda:I I am recently into like a fancier type of chocolate since, oh, from france, I'm kind of into like dark chocolate. I never in my entire life liked dark chocolate.
MJ:You were a milk chocolate girl.
Miranda:I was, or like caramel, but then I think half of my suitcase that I brought back from Vance was chocolate, and so I think I spent more on chocolate than I did on like souvenirs for other people or the kids, but it was for me and my sister, because this is her fault. She said, if you bring me anything back, I want you to bring me back chocolate. I'm like, okay, whatever. And then I went and sent it to these fancy chocolatiers Again, this is the first time I've been out of the country. I am okay now I'm 45 and this is the first time I've been out of the country. I am okay, now I'm 45 and this is the first time I've been out of the country, and it was really cool, but I kind of got hooked on this dark chocolate and so then, um, we ran out.
Miranda:So then I started like trying to find places around us. It became a whole thing and we're like Googling chocolatiers, like it has to be a chocolatier, it does. And we found this place and my husband has found like this place and they have this chocolate bark that they make that has this like it's either freeze, dried or dehydrated raspberry like dust and little things that almost like explode within it when you eat it, and paired with a certain wine, red wine or something which I've never been a red wine girl either. So this is all new to me, but that's my more recent one. And then, going back, so I'll have, like my, my dark chocolate, my wine, on the little table next to me. But then on the other side of me, I have this huge other side of me, I have this huge huge, massive Tupperware popcorn bowl of fresh homemade popcorn.
Miranda:This goes takes me straight back to my childhood.
Miranda:My mom taught me how to make it.
Miranda:She would make it for me and my sister and, like we, she would make it on the stove in a pan over Orville Redenbacher popcorn kernels, real butter, real salt, in this huge yellow Tupperware I'm sure it was supposed to be a punch bowl something and we would sit together we didn't have all these streaming services, we didn't have TVs in our rooms. We would sit together on the couch and we would watch whatever primetime or I remember watching the Olympics and like gymnastics or ice skating and stuff with her. Whoever sat in the middle had to hold that bowl, and then there would be my mom and my sister on either side of us and we would sit and we would eat popcorn together. And so then, as I got older, I learned how to make it and I had for the longest time this set of pans that was gifted to me, like when I graduated from college or like, or maybe it was even high school and I moved out on my own or whatever, and I had these pans and it was my popcorn pan.
Miranda:And like it's just like it's a pan yeah but, but I know if you know anything about this. If you have, you know the exact setting you it's, you know what heat to put it on right how much? I add ghee to it now instead of oil when I pop them.
Miranda:It gives it a whole other level um, but I still, I had to buy this big giant popcorn bowl. I have big giant popcorn bowl now mine's blue and, um, I will, I will make that and I make it for my boys and we have a lot of memories and so now they can say, oh, my mom, you make the best popcorn and, like my mom used to make it, we'd go to drive-in theaters.
Miranda:Those are things you go in your car in your car a movie screen outdoors show with a little speaker that you had to stick on your window and so she would put them, she'd make popcorn and she'd put it in these bags. So we would take our own popcorn with us and we were like sneaking it in. But it's a very core, it's a core memory and now I make it and I make it for my kids and there was a same kid who said something about psychosocial was like can you just make microwave popcorn?
MJ:Oh, this kid. What is the deal? This kid Right. Come on now, get with the pitcher.
Miranda:He's better. He's better. Now he has admitted that I make the best popcorn.
MJ:Well, there you go, it's okay, now he's winning.
Miranda:I will have my wine and my dark chocolate over raspberry dark chocolate bark over here and I will have my big giant popcorn over here and we share. And they don't share the wine. But I don't share that chocolate either, because it is expensive and they do not appreciate it. No, they do not appreciate it. They take it and they stick it in their mouth and it's gone in two seconds like a dog with a treat. They can have a Hershey bar. You go, have that Reese's peanut butter cup or whatever. This is mine, this is for me. I will share my popcorn, but I'm not sharing my chocolate. I love that.
Miranda:So, that's my, and then in general, I think I probably would go. Mexican food, yes, general, everybody loves. I don't know there are people who don't like Mexican food.
MJ:I don't know. There are people who don't like mexican food. I don't know them, but I don't know who they are we're having enchiladas over here, exactly, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, always mexican food. So we ask a question every episode about what emoji would you use as a hug? React Now for a history lesson for the listeners in the community.
MJ:Mouse is actually a part of the original group of friends that created this idea of all of us using a different react for hugs, because we were in a big group chat in Messenger and you can see the hug reacts and a lot of us have different phones and they don't really have a great hug. It just looks like a blob, a blue blob. It's weird. Right, it was weird and I don't remember exactly how it started, but we all started chatting and picking animals and picking animals.
Miranda:I could not decide. Yeah, and I couldn't decide. And everyone all the good ones were taken right, Like everyone else had already picked and we're like a day into this.
MJ:Yeah, you would come to the chat.
Miranda:I was busy, something happened, yeah, and so if I could pick? So so we're going to tell you what I would pick if I could pick an animal now. Oh okay, okay.
Miranda:And then we'll tell you what it actually is, because I've been mentioned thrown under the bus on previous episodes before for not having an animal. We'll get that, so I would probably pick a wolf. I love wolves. Um, they are all over my house. I've been obsessed with them since, uh, probably middle school. Someone from a rescue brought a hybrid in. It was a time when they were starting to reintroduce them to Yellowstone. I did a huge report on just their near extinction and their reintroduction and all of these things. Huge, huge, huge love wolves. Pack, structure, everything. That's my one tattoo. If you see me in a side-by-side and I'm flipped around, I have my one tattoo. That's wolves. That would probably, if I went back in time and picked, it would probably be a wolf.
Miranda:But, since I'm not. I'm your one friend who doesn't have an animal, and here's why this is Sweet Tea's fault, this is Julia's fault. So I don't remember what it was. But when I came into the chat, y'all were talking about food something, and everyone already had their hug emojis and I was still hemming and hawing over it and I don't remember what it was. Maybe we can go find it in that old chat. Maybe it was a dessert of some kind and it was something to do with donuts and I don't remember if it was like a sandwich made out of donuts or a dessert made out of donuts, but there was a whole bunch of donut things going on.
Miranda:And this was in Messenger, like you said, and it was before you could edit your messages, and someone else had posted this delicious, crazy looking thing and all of a sudden we see this message pop up from julia, in all capital letters that said oh my pants. And we all died. And I was like yes, if I ate that, my pants would be screaming. Oh my pants. My pants shrunk two sizes just looking at that. Oh my pants. And they would be so tight, like a hug, like a hug, like a hug. And I was like that's it, pants, it's my hug, it's my hug, it's my hug. So what she meant to type was oh space, my space, lanta. So if you've heard Sweet Tea, I'm going to butcher it.
MJ:Oh my Lanta.
Miranda:Exactly that's what she meant to say, except autocorrect switched Atlanta to pants. Yes, and so that's how that happened. This is Julia's fault and I have. I have leaned into it. So we will say that my hug is pants, and here's why I'm going to lean into it.
Miranda:When you you're out, you go to work, you had to dress up, you want to get home, you're going to cozy up on the couch, you are going to take off those constricting clothes, you're going to put on something warm and fuzzy and comfortable, your favorite pair of pajama pants. Or you're going to dig that pair of jeans You've you've been working out in Supernatural and you're going to dig that pair of jeans out of your closet that you haven't worn in two years or a year or 10 years, and they're your favorite pair of pants that hug you in all the right places and make you look good and give you this confidence that when you go out in them, you are on fire and they just make you feel good. That is a Miranda hug. So it's either your favorite comfy thing or it's your favorite jeans that you just make you feel good. So I have leaned into it. Pants, pants.
MJ:And you're the only ones We've had. Other friends or other people we're in chats with try and pick out a non-animal and I'm the first to be like no, no, no no no, only Miranda. Only Miranda's allowed to have one. That's not an animal.
Miranda:I mean, I think I was mouse at the time and I was like well, that's too easy. Yes, and they have tiny arms, have tiny arms you're absolutely right.
MJ:You didn't want to be too obvious, you know right I did.
Miranda:That was the all. At the time it was like the only thing I could think of, and someone else had picked wolf or something already, maybe, um, but like I. So I was like, oh, I don't know. And then it was just oh my pants, and it became a thing this.
Miranda:Is it like to the point where, like we're not really in messenger much anymore, we moved to telegram and like they did not, they don't have like the pants, like react and something made one for me. Yes, so like, and it like just recently it's been like a year that I didn't have pants. Yeah, and it was very sad it was, but it's back now and it like just recently it's been like a year that I didn't have pants.
Miranda:And it was very sad it was, but it's back now and it's awesome, and so the mouse pants are there and it's amazing. So it is pants, it is pants. Well, there you go.
MJ:And there's your emoji. And now you guys all know the origin stories of why we started asking people what their emoji hook would be.
Miranda:It's a it's a way on a go ahead. Yeah, on a couple of episodes they're like well, we have this one friend, I had to explain it to Mindy. Y'all were like pants. That's so weird.
MJ:I'm like you better ask Miranda. I'm not going to tell Miranda's story. You got to go ask her.
Miranda:Ask her what you know.
MJ:Yes, miranda pants are your favorite pair of pants. There it is Comfy, hug, warm cozy. Makes sense to my brain. Yep, I get it All right. So we always leave the audience with a workout suggestion. I would love it to come from you this week. What workout do you want everyone to go play?
Miranda:This one has a special place in my heart. It was my million crossing. It was uh. It was like the first time I actually decided I was going to go get a hundred percent on a workout way before madhouse it's probably in. I mean, at the time it was still hard for me.
Miranda:It was Um, and I decided that I was going to go a hundred this one um before surgery and it was like the first time I had this goal and it is a rock hard. Surprise, it is a rock hard with Dwana. It is called Full Throttle Roar. The choreography is fire. It is also probably the first time that I actually focused on it or noticed it, kind of delved into this love of choreography. I would say the music is my jam.
Miranda:There is a quick hits for it now. That has Leanne and she is fantastic, but this one with Juana is her, her coaching yeah again like she's the first person.
Miranda:She's the first coach to make me cry, and probably the only one. Well, leanne and the one before my surgery kind of made me cry too, but, um, this one still gets me. I've done it. I don't think I haven't done it as much as Madhouse, because that was a whole different. That was a different thing.
Miranda:However, I've done it a lot and it took me double digit plays to get a hundred percent, and so it's, I remember, for my one million play, which was right around right before my three year anniversary. So it took me almost three years to get to a million lifetime points, and that happened just this past summer and I played this for my crossing and I played it by myself and as I went through I took notes of what Tawana says, like in each song. That just struck a chord with me so I could try to figure out or like pass that on, like why, why this one? So it starts with uh, god smack, I stand alone, and in there she says you are never alone, and that's true. And it just again, it just strikes a chord with me because I all, I had so much love and support and and it goes back to my finding my people and find your people because you are never alone.
Miranda:That's right. And then it goes into corn. You'll never find me, and I don't remember where in the song it is. But she says when things get tough, you find a way to persevere. I'm just like, yeah, yeah. And then she's like they're crowding around you now in that mosh pit. Push them off Like I. I know her coaching like through this by almost by heart. Song three Cedar fake it. Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows and Cedar wrote a song about it. She opens you up with that.
Miranda:And, oh my gosh, do you have any idea how many times I've had to fake it in the last three years? As far as like just dragging myself out of the bed and getting through the day with a cancer diagnosis, with a. I'm going to go about my day and go be a real person and like, do things and yeah, but but there's this thing. Or we're going to go about the day and pretend I wasn't just a ball of emotion in the shower because that was my spot. Okay, you got to have a place where you can go cry, and I'm not saying you have to go hide and cry, but that was my place because it was cleansing. It would wash it away and I watched it go down the drain and there was something metaphorical with that that also resonated like, made it real for me of I'm going to go and I'm going to break down and I'm going to watch it go down the drain and I'm going to go about the rest of the day. Sometimes you got to fake it. Sometimes you got to fake it when you're telling your kids whatever, right, and that struck from the very beginning of the song with that for me.
Miranda:And then later she compliments her butt and everyone needs that. We are building a better booty on top of your already amazing booty and I'm like my booty is amazing, yeah, yeah. And then you go into Ladies and Gentlemen, which has some amazing movement to it. The choreographer makes you fly. It's just the swing. You do this almost like figure eight, swing from portal to portal and you feel like there's a build to this entire set list.
Miranda:Okay, and this one, she's just funny. It's by the band Saliva and she's like Saliva moistens the mouth, neutralizes harmful acids. Let's neutralize some targets, baby. And we do. It's amazing and I love it, love it. And all of that prepares you for hail to the King.
Miranda:I should be honest, and this is going to surprise you. I had never heard this song before this workout. What? Maybe that's not well, maybe maybe it was this workout that made me go find the boxing workout that it's in. It's in a boxing workout as well, a medium boxing, um.
Miranda:But this song became everything for me. I played it on repeat in the car to and from work when I had to go into the office, like it. I still have it in my car and I will still play it on repeat and I still love it and I could it. It's not like they're compared to a madhouse, right, like the drum rolls that are in it, but it was like the first ones that like someone snuck in and she tells you there's going to be some surprises, and she gives this evil laugh, wah ha ha, and like at the beginning of the song and um, so you know you're in for it and that was the one. I would always doink a target in that one, and so I had to. It was always in that song and I never minded having to play through the other ones to get through it.
Miranda:Like this one for me stands up, beginning to end, five full songs and like I love every single one of them. There isn't a single one that I'm like skip right, not a one. And in this one she says she's got four in this song. It's a long song. First one she says we have to find a way to breathe through the hard. And that's when it's like there's choreography coming in and you're doing like crazy spins and you've got one arm doing one thing, that the time there's a different one doing something else and that's the first time I ever did that, either Right, where your left arm's doing something different from the right. And then she says you know it, we can kneel, we can crawl, we can stand tall, but we can never give up. And that strikes a chord with me, obviously Powerful.
Miranda:And then towards the end she's like you're getting ready, like, you're done, you've got, you've gone through these drum rolls. And she's like okay, stand tall here and don't you dare look down. We're not going that way. That is one of my favorite, favorite quotes ever. Like it is just everything to me. Don't look down, we're not going that way. And everyone will ask me how did you do this, how did you do that? How'd you get through it? You're such a fighter, all of the things. What is the alternative? Don't look down, we're not going that way. There was never an alternative, there was never one. That ended with me in the grave. Okay, so like this is only, we're not going that way, right. And then at the very end, like she says, taste the fear, spit it out and let's finish, and it's like just the perfect wrap up for all of it and it's so, so good.
Miranda:So I encourage you to go play rock hard, full throttle, roar, the full workout with Dawana. Um, because her coaching is spot on the whole way through and that during that one it's older, but I will still, like I always said my husband has his go-to, like that's my go-to. If, if I'm standing in the headset and I'm like scroll, scroll, I don't know what I'm going to do today. That one has never been unbookmarked, it has never come off my bookmarks. I take the one with Leanne. I love that one too. But I love Hail to the King so much, even just choreography wise. Even when I don't have the Dwana coaching or whatever, I will go and I will do the quick hits and I will like jump to that one, just if I need that warmup or I need that boost or I need that rock. Just it's everything to me and I like. Even that one was like oh man, we this, this is, this is my one, I love this one and it was the first, first one. I had to go get 100 on Awesome.
MJ:Well, I'm excited, I'm excited for people to re-experience it if they've played it, or experience it for the first time. So I will definitely post the workout card in our group for everyone to go check it out and what should they do?
Miranda:That might be one of the ones. Go ahead. And what should they do? One of the ones. Go ahead. That might be one of the ones that I finally broke through my confidence barrier on recording by myself. It's one of the first side-by-sides I put together by myself.
Miranda:It is constructive surgery and posted in a community like that was big for me. So you're gonna go, you're going to play it all the way through and when you're done, you're going to look to the left and you're going to rate it. You're going to love it for the music, for the choreography, for the coaching, because it's fire, all three of those for the difficulty and you're going to come and you're going to tell me, tell us in the community that you played it. And yeah, I mean you could tell me if you didn't like it, but there's a lot of people, the music is not for everybody, but uh, that one it's always got my heart, always. There are other workouts that have come out since then, but you're going to write it because they need that feedback so that we keep getting amazing workouts like this.
MJ:Yes, yes, definitely, wow, I guess, man, this has been incredible. I'm so glad that we did this. We have this recorded and saved for prosperity, your whole journey, plus we're sharing it with all the people.
Miranda:It is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Get your scans. It is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Get your scans, do not put them off. It doesn't hurt that much. There's worse things. Ask me, reach out to me, find me in the community, find me in any of the external communities, message me if you're going through it and you need someone who's been through it, or you want to ask a question. I am 1000% open about it and there are times I will tell my people, my friends, my loved ones, all the time do yourself checks, get your scans, because early detection is key. You're going to see it all over in the football games, right, but it's not just in October, it's year round, it's all the time. Early scans are the key. They're recommending that you do them earlier and earlier. Please, please, please, do not neglect yourself. Get it done. And thank you for bringing me on and letting me get on my soapbox and say that Of course.
Miranda:It's important.
MJ:We appreciate you and thanks to everyone listening. It's always a great freaking day when we can talk about supernatural choreography, the joy and movement, and hang out with my dear friend Miranda, because that's a that was a big deal for me for you to come on the show. So, yeah, thanks everybody. Thanks for listening. Oh, she's doing a. Oh, I'm going to do it too. Thanks, guys, and uh, we'll see you next time. Bye, in the description below. If you find value in the show, please share it with your friends. Your comments, likes and reviews are invaluable and I cannot thank you guys enough. See you next time.