For the Love of the Map
Are you looking for an out-of-headset dose of all things Supernatural: Unreal Fitness? Look no further! This is the place to discuss the latest scoop on new choreography, in-depth workout reviews, and all the happenings in the community. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, the show covers everything you need to stay up-to-date and continue to find joy in movement!
For the Love of the Map
FTLOTM: A Brand New Era
In today's heartfelt episode, I share an emotional farewell to Julia and outline the exciting future of "For the Love of the Map." With Julia stepping back, I'll be your guide through captivating stories from community members, engaging discussions with the choreography team, and all things supernatural. This episode is all about setting the stage for what's to come, ensuring you stay in the loop about content and format changes.
Hello and welcome to For the Love of the Map where we chat all things supernatural and choreography and music and life and, who knows, whatever comes up when we hit record. If you're watching on YouTube, it's just me and if you're listening on any of the podcasting platforms, you will just be hearing from me. Today, as Julia has decided to step back from the podcast to focus on her family and life and supernatural. Don't worry, she's not leaving the greater community. She will still be in the For the Love of the Map community. She's just taking a step back from the podcast. You never know, she might appear at random someday, especially if, like a new madhouse comes out. So we'll see. But moving forward, it shall be me. Y'all are stuck with me. No, I don't think I'll come here and just speak directly to the camera alone. I I think this is the one episode that I'll do that I won't say never because we don't know what will happen. Maybe I'll feel compelled to come on here again and blah, blah, blah all over, but I doubt it. Definitely want to have lots more community members on to chat about their stories, to talk about workouts, mapping, going, to have more coaches on. We've got seven more choreographers to come on the show and introduce the community to all of them. So there's lots of content coming up.
MJ:Now I don't believe I'm going to do a weekly podcast anymore. Definitely at least once a month. I'll keep Wednesdays as the upload days because I like Wednesdays middle of the week. You know it's a good time and we'll see what happens. Moving forward, I promise to continue showing up and talking about the things that I'm obsessed about and chatting all things supernatural. It's going to be a learning curve, though. You guys got to be patient with me, well, I hope. But I definitely plan to continue to continue putting out valuable content and excited for the future and what that holds. And just wanted to thank all of you for the love and support and being there for Julia and I both and the show. It has meant so much to us both. So, who knows? I can tell you that an exciting episode will come out the beginning of September, maybe end of August. No pressure for me, but we'll see what happens.
MJ:I had to come up with a new intro and a new outro. What do I say when it's time to leave? This week I do have a workout suggestion. No, I don't. I'm not prepared at all for this. I just decided to come here and chat with you guys. I figured it would be a good opportunity to lay out what will happen, moving forward a little bit, so that the next episode that airs and Julie is not there you guys know why. And again, she, her and I are the greatest of friends. The podcast will be me and guests moving forward. So I hope you guys stick around and, uh, we grow together. Supernatural is changing and evolving. There's so much still to discuss and new people to meet, so stay tuned.