For the Love of the Map
Are you looking for an out-of-headset dose of all things Supernatural: Unreal Fitness? Look no further! This is the place to discuss the latest scoop on new choreography, in-depth workout reviews, and all the happenings in the community. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, the show covers everything you need to stay up-to-date and continue to find joy in movement!
For the Love of the Map
Episode 24: Shiny New Toys - 2022
In this episode, we discuss our favorite shiny new toys from 2022. But first, we start with a brand new Shiny New Toy from July 4th, 2024, the Stars and Stripes Spectacular!!
We dive into our top shiny new toys, including Dance Around the World, Swedish House Mafia Flow and Boxing, Pros Only Underground Grime, the Super Birthday Two-Year Anniversary Workout, and, obviously, Forget The Madhouse. We chat about the emotions and memorable moments from each workout.
We discuss the three features of a Shiny New Toy: choreography, music, and coaching. Tune in for an episode packed with enthusiasm, heartfelt stories, and plenty of workout tips to inspire you!
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Welcome to episode 24. We are going to be talking about shiny new toys of 2022. But before we do that, I have to talk about the workout that came out on the 4th of July. Oh my goodness, we've barely even gotten to talk about it together. We did not do it together. We've barely even gotten to talk about it together. We did not do it together. Marla is probably so glad that we did not, because I think I would have hurt her ears pretty bad with my excitement. But I mean, I'm sure you had quite a bit of excitement for this episode, for this workout as well, but it was a sweat symphony. Sweat symphonies are some of my favorites, excuse me. Stars and Stripes. Spectacular 15 minutes high intensity from the 4th of July, 714.24, with Coach Mark Marla. What in the world were your thoughts when you finished this workout?
MJ:Well, first of all, let me tell you. Well, first of all, I did not skip the warm-up and I have a feeling you skipped the warm-up, I skipped the warm-up, I skipped the warmup, you skipped the warmup. This is another example of a perfect workout and why you shouldn't skip the warmup on your first play.
MJ:Don't assume this is going to be just like any other workout I've always done. Sometimes you'll do the warmup and you'll learn nothing new. Great yeah, but if you skip it, you don't know what you're missing out. So I already went in with the expectations I would be marching the entire time, but it was probably within the first 20 to 30 seconds of the first song that I was like, okay, someone stepped up their game with the knee stripes the target choreography. There was nothing special for me in the target choreography.
Julia:It was okay. There were a couple of times. I think it was in the last song, the Way we Turned. I played it twice in a row and I was like I love the way they made us turn here, with some really fast targets coming out of a couple of portals. But I agree with you this workout was the knee strikes. This is about knees.
MJ:It's all about the knee strikes. These are the kind of knees when in past episodes I'm like, eh, I could give or take knees, these are the kind of knees I'm looking for. These were fun, innovative. The way they have you marching in place is no joke. It was perfect it was perfection.
Julia:The knees had a purpose. It reminded me of how cool the knees were in St Paddy's Day, our St Paddy's Day workout that we got this year. This was like the closest to when I've been begging for that workout that Rainier did a sneak peek with before knees were even out. I was like I want knees like through the whole thing. I want to run, I want to walk, I want to jog, I want to do whatever Make me move. So this I am very sore. Today I sat down in between my two plays and when I stood back up to go back in, my abs were in a bind.
Julia:Like I couldn't even stand all the way up, I was like whoa, and my hips, my booty, my legs this is like full body, but it also brings you so much joy while you're doing it because it's challenging.
MJ:I was giggling up a storm. I was with a friend, I was with our friend Miranda, and we, after the first song, I think we were both like, should we pause for a second? Like this is epic. We need to tell the whole world how good this workout is. I mean, it was just so much fun. But the last two songs, for me personally, were my favorite. And when you mentioned the very last song, um, the 1812 Overture, that you're right. The turning, the way the turning targets had you turning and moving, and then that little tiny tail, that kind of you know. You had the two double hits and then this one random third target there that goes with it after the doubles with the tiny little tail. I love those in workouts. I've seen it before. This was just a very fast paced, great high workout. But I'll be honest, if you took the knees out of this, I don't think I would have enjoyed it in the way that I did. So make sure you leave the knees on and do this workout. Yes, turn them on.
Julia:Mark's coaching was like always great he brought so much fun to it and of course, we love to talk about choreography and the choreographers. I don't know who did this one, but great job. I have a feeling. Let me know who you were Call me.
MJ:Let's talk about this workout. Please Come on the show. I have a suspicion who I think it might be. And I think we might be going all the way back old school, to the very first choreographer in Supernatural, and that is Benny White, and I think that this is his workout. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong and I admit you know that I'm wrong right here on the show, but I really sorry to the other, sorry, I just have a feeling this is a Benny a Benny workout.
MJ:There are similar hits and setups that he uses in workouts that I know are his um that I saw here and the way he got us to March in a fun way. It was also challenging for your brain. So challenging I mean this. This workout has so much replayability and you know that's big for us. Like we want to be challenged. We don't want to get a workout on the first play.
MJ:And this one is definitely a shiny new toy. We are going to be playing it. Man, those knees were epically fun. And it shows us our dream of the can-can and really doing the can-can is possible.
Julia:It can-can happen. It can-can happen.
MJ:Sorry, that was a.
Julia:Mark joke it was. But this one, if you haven't done it, give it a try. If you're not on high level, just go in and have fun and laugh, Because this one, oh, it was so good. And there was several times where I'm like what am I doing? Or how am I doing this? But I really think that we've had training to kind of get to here with the knees that we've been given over the last year, year and a half, however long we've had them. So if this came out as you know, I say I want that workout Rainier showed us. But if this came out first, I think I don't think we would have been able to keep up and do it, Even though it's just one leg up, the other leg up, back and forth, while hitting targets.
MJ:It was, I agree with you, very challenging to the brain, but that's what we want and it has some of my favorite knee target combinations where it's the left leg going up as the right arm is hitting and you know the opposite. It just that movement and you're absolutely right this was an ab workout, an ab workout for sure. All of it. All of it legs, abs.
Julia:Oh, it was so fun I want to go play right now the whole thing. There was like very little amount of time you were not doing knees, so it's perfect.
MJ:Well, it's funny that you said march through the whole thing, because our friend Miranda, she said I'm just going to continue staying marching even without a knee strike there, so that I can keep up, because it was like once you missed one you missed the next several. You know, it took a minute to get back in the groove of everything and so she just stayed marching and I was like, oh, that's smart, she's smart, I'm gonna do.
Julia:she's a rocket scientist, so I I mean like she's a little what she says yeah, I'm gonna do what she says.
MJ:So at that point I just marched through the whole rest of the episode, or episode? Look at us work out, work out um whether they're on knees or not, and it did really help. It really did help, loved it. 10 out of 10, so good. Recommend yes, yes, yes again, round of bravo.
Julia:so shiny new toys of 2022. Marla, did you ever imagine that it would be this hard to narrow down our list? It was ridiculous. I was like, oh, this is going to be easy, and I went through the app, the companion app, and I started scrolling and I finally got to the 2022, because we don't have a filter for 2022 because we need that.
Julia:I was like oh no, I have like 50. It probably wasn't 50. It was a lot and we can't have as many as we both had on here we would be here for hours. We had to work very hard to pare this down together we really did, we really did.
MJ:And there will be some honorable mentions where we don't necessarily go full into that workout, but just, you know, mention it because it was extremely difficult to pare this down, so we should back up. For anyone who has not watched the first shiny new toy episode that we talked about? 2020 and 2021 workouts. Let's go ahead and explain to people what a shiny new toy is, you know? I think that's important.
Julia:That is very important.
MJ:So what are you doing?
Julia:Basically what we just talked about for stars and stripes. Is that what it was called? Stars and stripes?
MJ:and spectacular stars and stripes, spectacular.
Julia:You are thinking about this workout when you get out for the rest of the day, the next day, the next week, the next month Right. Exactly. It's one you think about when you're like, what should I do today?
MJ:Oh yeah, I'm going to do that new workout that I just found because it's so fun, so fun, yeah, yes, it's a workout that grabs you on every level. Music coaching movement. The choreography is challenging, or maybe it's not challenging, maybe it's just a workout that you discover and it makes you feel incredible you know and you want to continue to play it.
MJ:That is the definition of a shiny new toy. So I will let you start with your first shiny new toy. Oh, yes, Because I think this one. I played it many times with you, I remember.
Julia:Well, and I think a lot of ours bridge together more than the 2020, 2021. Man, that's hard to say. Then this time I think we have more and we had some that were our own and then some that weren't really my shiny new toy until we played them together. So you have some that are just yours, but they're kind of still mine too, because I kind of found them through you and you kind of found some through me.
MJ:Well, and if most people don't know, Julia and I started our friendship in 2022.
Julia:So you're absolutely right.
MJ:That's when we started partying together all the time. So our toys, our shiny new toys, do overlap a lot.
Julia:They do, and we just celebrated our anniversary Monday. Oh yay, we got to play this special workout. I think just celebrated our anniversary Monday. Oh yay, we got to play this special workout. I think it's listed in here, maybe it's not, I don't know.
MJ:It is not. It is not listed in here, but it is the super monster brain fart. This is why we list everything.
Julia:This is why we list everything. It's got a little hairy monster on it. I don't have the name in front of us. It's not a shiny new toy, it's just one we had to play together and we played it together on our anniversary. So we play it together every anniversary.
MJ:Every single anniversary. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right.
Julia:So the first shiny new toy for me, dance Around the World debut, because we love Dance Around the World. They're usually pretty good With Rainier 14 minutes, medium intensity from 3.822. This one has such it's boxing y'all.
MJ:This is boxing. Oh, it's boxing. I did not know that. It's so important that y'all know that this is the year of boxing. Boxing was brand new. It is going to show up heavily in this episode, whereas in the previous episode there was no boxing yet, so we couldn't even mention them.
Julia:But I love that your first one is boxing. Yeah, this one, the music was so good. Rainier and 16 Shots. I love 16 Shots. If you remember and have watched um on our q a section, we were asked what our playlist would be, 16 shots was on there for me if I could make a supernatural playlist for a workout. Um, this song gets me hype. All of three of these borders, 16 shots and lockdown.
Julia:You love borders I know, there's just something about the beat of this, the music here and the way the boxing targets come Things that Rainier says it's just so good Gets me hype. It makes me feel like I've just done something incredible. I love to go back to this workout. If it ever disappeared from the library I would cry.
Julia:That's another thing we should put for, like shiny new toys. I love to go back to this workout. If it ever disappeared from the library I would cry. That's another thing we should put for, like shiny new toys, if it ever disappeared. You would like have to take a moment, yeah.
MJ:Yeah, it would be a huge loss to lose some of shiny new toys. Oh wow, I don't even want to think about that.
Julia:I know we should erase it, erase Rewind, take it out. I know we should erase it, erase rewind, take it out. Delete, delete. I said nothing of the sort.
MJ:Do not put that into the universe, julia, that's right. Sorry, apologize, take it out. Yeah, I loved this was not a shiny new toy for me personally but I remember playing it with you often and I had lots of fun playing this workout. I remember it being pretty fast.
Julia:It is. It's a medium plus, for sure. Okay, that's what I thought. Yeah, wow, very fast paced, especially that lockdown. Ooh, I think it built in intensity as it went on.
MJ:I think you might be right. If I remember correctly Also, I thought I had four songs. Have they taken a song out, or is it?
Julia:always in three. I think they may have Okay, but I don't remember which one it was. Yeah, I don't either. It's probably best, I don't know, because then I would be upset.
MJ:Oh man, so my first in many, many shiny new toys. I'm going to go right out and call out one of the first artist series and I'm going to say Flo and Boxing for me, and it is the Swedish House Mafia. Flo and Boxing. Boxing was coached by Leanne, the Flo was Rainier. This is from September 12, 2022. It was our first high-intensity artist series workout too.
Julia:I love Swedish House Mafia.
MJ:Absolutely love Swedish House Mafia. I freaked out the morning. This came out and I woke up. I was going everywhere. Oh is this? So I cannot wait, and when? I saw it was a high boxing flipped out the second song Red Light, that remix. Flipped out the second song red light, that remix. Oh man, it is perfection when that beat drops and you're the targets.
MJ:Absolutely love that workout and again, it was the first high boxing in an artist series, so it's a really big deal well, I didn't like this boxing workout the first time I played it.
Julia:I have gone back and played it with you once and I liked it a lot better, but I was more on the flow girl with this. It was the flow. I wasn't really familiar with Swedish House Mafia until it came out, so now I know all their songs because of Supernatural.
MJ:Yeah, I've always been a really big Swedish House Mafia song. Now the flow. This is my most partialed workout. We all know I have no problem partialing a workout if if I've at least played it through one time, I will go in. I will get to the song I like or songs and leave. I have played the very first song in this flow almost 200 times. Just partials. That's not even the whole workout.
MJ:I have a lot of counts on the whole workout as well but, now that we can skip songs, I make a quick hit of this workout, I play the first song, I skip the second song, I play the third song and then I leave so okay, this flow workout hit me in the feels so much, there's a lot of emotion. There's a lot of emotion and there's a lot of.
MJ:I have a lot of sentiment towards this particular workout. Um, the first song in the choreography is very flowy. The third song oh man, it would. For its time, lifetime was hardcore. It was different. It was different than what we were seeing in other maps. I freaking loved it.
MJ:I freaking always had a low power score on lifetime I would have a diamond, then lifetime I my power would shoot down and then the rest of the songs. I'd go back up to diamond. But it was enough to where I couldn't diamond the whole workout, yep and I loved that.
Julia:I loved that because it was challenging, you know I am really sad that you skipped moth to a Flame that has good choreography too, it's flowy, it does. It's in Cristeria. I think, yeah, it is, it is. Wow, my feelings are hurt a little bit. I guess my feelings shouldn't be hurt. It's not my. I didn't make this work out. No, I'm kidding, I would probably play the first three and then get out.
Julia:Because I don't really remember anything from the last two, but those first three, like I can see the um locations, I can see the, the mapping in my head, yeah, those three of the flow, like if I could, you know, snapshot those and then cut. Well, I can, I can do those you can, and then that would be my little quick hit in a way and definitely would make my shiny new toy too.
MJ:So yeah, yeah, I love this workout when it came out yeah, I absolutely loved both of them, man, so good, please, more edm artist series workouts I know we just got vicki. Hill. I get it, but can like we have more too.
Julia:Yeah, exactly. So this next one would definitely not be anywhere on Marla's list. A thumbs down for her, all of it.
MJ:I saw this sneak on this list in our notes and I was like are you kidding me right now? I was like, are you saying you now? I was like, are you saying you are sacrificing others for this one? But this is the beauty of shiny new toys.
Julia:It is, and I mean, you weren't a pros only girl as much in the 2022. It was not, so this was a very exciting day. I even love the color art cover art on this one. This one is just played it so many times. It is a prose only underground grime the word grime in here with this makes you know you're gonna work hard. 21 minute flow high flow from 3 22, 22 with leanne. Uh, my favorite song in here is Hype.
MJ:Oh yeah, that is.
Julia:And it does just that. I would love to see Hype again somewhere in another Prose, Only maybe remapped. I could skip the last song in this workout. I mean, and I can now.
MJ:I remember the last time I played this.
Julia:I played it with you. I was like let's play this together. We may do this in a party with our friends, you know, and talk about choreography. And we got to the last song and you were like is this going to end?
MJ:I was trying so hard to be positive. I was trying like and Julia could already tell she's like Marla, it's okay if we leave, and I was like no, was like no, no, it's all right, let's, I'm good, I'm good, let's stick this out and then not even 45 seconds later I said like julia, I'm out, I'm done, I can't.
MJ:This is so repetitive I would I died. But I know there are so many people who love that kind of choreography. They want to get in there, work hard, do the same movements over and over and over again. And that is not I.
Julia:That's not who I am okay the hardest one in this is holy moly. You're like attacked with targets. Um, it was just. It was a thrill of a ride to get through holy moly and thenpe made me hype Like I could leave. It's those two in this one now today that would make me go back and play it. But of its time this one was just hardcore, but a little bit of fun too, except for that last song that just went on forever. But yeah, this one, I will always remember this one. This one has a special place in my heart the pros, only underground grime. So I know it's okay, I'll see if I can make you play it again one day I probably I would play it with you.
MJ:I'd play any workout with you. Five well, I would play any workout with you even if I didn't like it, I would play it um and I would even curb my grumbling a little bit.
Julia:No, you wouldn't have to. You grumble, go, grumble away, I grumble in yours.
MJ:Yes, that's funny, I'll allow it.
Julia:Awesome, ooh, this one.
MJ:This next one is definitely a shiny new toy for the both of us. This workout was the first in the anniversary. You know that they started doing and all the coaches were part of it, which made it even a bigger deal. So it's the super birthday two-year anniversary workout, from 4-23-22. It's 25 minutes, it's boxing and it has all of the coaches, which was awesome. Even Chesney was in it.
Julia:This was before Mindy joined the team, so it had all the coaches plus guest coach Chesney, and this is actually the workout I picked for hitting 1 million points because all the coaches plus guest coach Chesney and this is actually the workout I picked for hitting 1 million points, because all the coaches were there and it must be a good one, because Marla doesn't willy-nilly just pick something for a 2 million. Wait, was it 1 million?
MJ:It was my 1 million. Yeah, it was my 1 million crossover. Yeah, this meant a lot.
Julia:What I remember most about this one, when I played it for the first time, is and it may not be the first time, I'm sure it's not the first time they did this but when you hit that firework joy ball in the beginning of Champion, like it was so much emotion for me the first song is with Leigh-Anne and I cried the first time I did this workout Because of that joy ball. It just like lit up this emotion in me to hit that.
Julia:I guess things she was saying. I mean this every coach has some really like strong things to say. I mean you get to hang out with each of them and one workout together. I think that's very special and they all say very poignant things during this whole workout. For sure they really do.
MJ:It was a celebration, a birthday workout, it was awesome. Two year anniversary workout. The fact that all of the coaches were involved. It's just my favorite thing and gives me a little emotional. Which song for you, if you remember, was the hardest, the hardest, oh man, was it Get Down For?
Julia:Real Going Down For Real yeah.
Julia:Coach Doc came on. I was like whoa, this turned into a high intensity.
MJ:Yes, it was Going Down For Real. I had to think about it. It has been a minute since I've done this workout.
Julia:Yeah, it's been a while for me too, but I did this one on repeat when it came out.
MJ:Oh no, you're good, I think the fourth song Come Together. That remix is one of my favorite remixes and it is a hype song for me which people will probably be like what you like, that song, marla I like the remix of it. Okay, I like the remix of it and I thought that one was great and perfect for mark to coach us through.
Julia:Yes, yes, I love this workout well, that's the song in supernatural that has my name because it has juju.
MJ:It does and that's probably why I love it.
Julia:Yeah, oh, this workout is so like. When I remember the locations, I can see every single location in this one. Such a good workout. Love this workout. Oh, the next one. I did this on repeat too. This was the first workout that made me feel like I could dance really, and it's a call to arms call to arms in fuego.
Julia:And I think it was because well, yeah, let me finish I get excited y'all. I'm sorry, it's a Rainier workout, medium intensity, flow from 5622. And you know, it gives you those fuego vibes in fuego. And I think, because I did not have any triangles or lower lower body movements, I was able to make my own. And I know I say I don't want that. I want the choreographers to give me what I needed to do. But this is a workout that I used in the beginning when I was learning how to move my feet and I was just like no, nobody's telling me what to do. So I'm gonna do my own and I'm gonna pick my feet up and move around and do what I need to, without the distractions of trying to figure out where I need to go. Yeah, I loved this workout and I still do today. There.
Julia:I think there's also a quick hit that I like to warm up to there is and it just is so fun and if you really just not think about you, know your lower body movement and just have fun, you can really dance a lot in this workout.
MJ:So so I enjoy this workout a lot. I enjoy the music, I enjoy the choreography. It was a lot of fun. I know I've played it with you a couple times your hang-up is the low points. My hang up is a hundred percent the low points. You work your tail off in this workout.
MJ:It feels like you work your tail but you get no points and I'm always on a point mission, it seems. I try to balance the fact that I just want to do workouts I love, but sometimes it's like I got to catch up with the point game and I'm like I can't do that workout because it's a waste of my 20 minutes. I can do another 20 minute workout and get three times the points as this workout Sorry, you're like, this is dead to me.
MJ:It might be fun, it might be great, it might be wonderful, but it's awful, and I think that's why I was always willing to do the quick hit more with you because I was like all right I can sacrifice, you know, the 12 minutes, because I do enjoy it, yeah, but then we can quickly get back to good workouts with high points.
Julia:That's right, fine, and you called me right out.
MJ:I was trying to think how I was going to say it Like I was trying to think how I was going to say it. I got you, I know why. And it's so funny because my next workout that is a shiny new toy for me.
Julia:This one's good too.
MJ:It's so good and for the time, which is 19 minutes, you get fantastic points. So it is glutation.
Julia:And lots of fun.
MJ:It's so fun. Points yeah, so it is glutatious. It's so fun, glutatious coppitude. Medium flow with Leanne from December 8th 2022. Man, when this workout came out, I played it twice that day. It was on the lineup of most every party for warmups. For I'm tired but I want to keep going because this is fast-paced, don't get me wrong, but has a lot of lower body work. It has great music. My, my only hang up is the second song in Feeling Myself and because that is a classic old school map.
Julia:It is basically two down hits two up hits two down hits two up.
MJ:You know you're going through triangles, it is. It reminds me of the old school gluteus slash azalicious movement and that's fine. It's just not my jam. You know I prefer a little bit more, so do you's just not not my jam, you know.
Julia:So do you do it. You get your points, or do you? I do?
MJ:well, since the skip song feature has come out, I have played this twice and I skipped it once.
Julia:I skipped, okay, that second song once and played it but I guess it depends on where your mindset is, on the points it is.
MJ:And see, usually I'm trying to balance the play what I want to play. Don't worry about points, it comes to you. But then sometimes I have this habit of just hyper-focusing on points but also trying to play good work. I will never play a workout that I consider unfun. For more points, Never Right. But I will avoid a workout I sort of really like if it doesn't have a lot of high points.
Julia:You know what I'm saying it's man, the gamification Truffle butter. Don't listen to the lyrics, Just listen to the beat of the song, but the moves that truffle butter makes you do I'm dying Julissa, don't listen to the lyrics. Don't listen to it.
MJ:Y'all. Truffle butter is where this workout shines, so innovative with those tiny triangles the way they get you to do the lunges. The movement Everything is so fun, absolutely so. If this was just for truffle butters movement everything is so fun, absolutely so.
Julia:If this was just for truffle butters, oh, I'd play it. Yeah, don't you wish we could just do that Just sometimes, just make our own. I know I shouldn't have brought it up, but the workout card on this is hilarious and I love it.
MJ:It is a gorilla butt or is it a gorilla stomach? It's a gorilla, I'm not sure what we're exactly looking at.
Julia:Yeah, it's odd, but you kind of know, it's just the what coppitude. When I hear coppitude, this is exactly what pops into my mind. So yes, it's probably a gorilla butt, I think I would think that would make sense. Who?
MJ:the most sense. I don't know dude, who knows? Yeah, I don't know dude, here we are talking about gorilla butts on our podcast.
Julia:Okay, moving on and don't listen to the lyrics. Yeah, just yeah. It's a great workout, though. Have fun. It really is a great workout.
MJ:Such a good workout y'all yeah.
Julia:Yeah, If Marla ever says let's do copitude, I'm there.
MJ:It's a great workout.
Julia:This one is not on Marla's list. This next one.
MJ:No, ma'am, it is not.
Julia:Game time. Turn it up now 14 minutes with Coach Doc. Medium intensity flow from 7, 13, 22. When this workout came out, listen, I love tennis too, too, so the workout card has a tennis player with a racket hitting a tennis ball, and there was something about this workout and the things that coach doc some of your favorite songs my favorite hype, some of my favorite hype songs that just make you feel like you're just awesome.
Julia:And I went in and played this so many times. I recorded every single song for a side-by-side. I even put it all together in one long 14 minute video in which would never play the music because it had all those copyright strikes and stuff. So I did all that work for nothing, but that's fine anyway. My favorite song well, I have all of them. They're all so good, but tick, tick, boom. The medium version I jump everywhere and then can't hold us um with macklemore, oh yeah, there I move so much in the song I get my heart rate up so high. Um, and this, this one probably was the fact that it's a medium intensity, but it feels like a high if you really get into it. So this one I did on repeat when it came out so many times. I haven't done it in a long time. It was one of my favorites.
MJ:I remember playing with you many times and also pointing it out for one of your big milestone workouts, Because I can't remember which milestone, it was off the top of my head, but we were in a party and you were just willy-nillying like going about life and your milestone and I was like hold on a second. I think it was my one million, I think it might have been.
Julia:It was my one million.
MJ:What is the plan here, Julie? How many points you have left? I don't know. I'm just doing workouts. I'm like no, no, no, no, no, we need a plan. And she was like yeah, yeah, yeah, Figure that out for me. So, and all some of my other friends will start laughing.
Julia:You let Marla do the math when it comes the things. Okay, it's cool, she gets in there with her project manager. I do. I'm like okay, what are you doing? We're not doing that, you're gonna do this and these are your favorite workouts right somebody is like whoa marla, let her choose. And she was like no, no, I know her favorites. Okay, I'm not choosing for her.
MJ:I I it's my favorite I seriously was thinking with your eyes like okay, julie, these are your favorites. I know your favorites. You tell me your favorites and you were like, oh yes, that would be way more meaningful. So I don't know how everyone goes about picking milestone workouts. But you'll always remember that milestone. You'll always remember it. You'll always remember the workout.
Julia:Yeah that's very true so anyway, I remember to be something meaningful. Yeah, it was a very funny moment. The people on the workout party got a kick out of it because marla comes in. She's like what are you even doing? You are not doing what you need to be doing. I'm like I'm doing this, one of these workouts. You're like it's low points, get out. And I did. I like got out of the workout it was so funny.
MJ:It was funny because I was busy. I was working and I was keeping up. I was stalking your profile to see where you were because I wanted to be there for the million but I needed you to get closer before I could come join you and I'm like why is this? She's been in there forever. What is happening? And I find up what's going on. I'm like what? Why is?
Julia:this. She's been in there forever. What is happening? Her points aren't ticking up. What's going on?
MJ:I'm like what is going on, so I finally get a chance to join the call? I'm like Joliet, what are you doing? She's la-di-da-di-da playing a low over here. I'm like no, no, no, lady, you're like focus. That was a great, great memory.
Julia:That is a good memory. I love that. It made me laugh. Some people would be like how rude. But no, that is just us. This is how we roll.
MJ:It is. It is. So my next shiny new toy workout is a boxing workout. It is Just Dance. Spinning records DJ set, 15 minutes, leanne, 8th 2022. I freaking loved this set. First of all, it was so exciting because all EDM it was like. This collaboration with spinning records I was hoping would open, like this new opportunity for a whole bunch of new music. Um, which maybe that has happened, I don't know, but I was hoping for, like, more of these specific spinning records dj set workouts, but, um, anyway, I loved this one. All the the mixes on here are fantastic Super high energy, Medium plus, in some sections, great coaching, great movement. This one was all about the music.
Julia:For me, though, All about the music for me. I don't know if I was asleep.
MJ:The first time I played this. I think you were, because I remember us talking about it after the fact and you were like why?
Julia:You were like let's play that one. And I was like I don't want to play that one. Right, you're like why?
Julia:And then we played it and I was like where was I on this day? And then you kind of turned me to love this workout and I think I had this one on my list and it was just kind of one I paired out because it wasn't like instantly my a new shiny toy for me, but it was for you. But now I would play this today, like right now it has great edm, like it's got edm music, what. What was I doing when I played this?
MJ:I have no idea I don't know, but I think you I don't know when we talk about this all the time.
Julia:Mood effects, mood who Mood who you're in parties with.
MJ:If you're playing workouts in parties with other people, all of this affects the overall, the way you perceive and experience a workout, and that's why I might not like a workout on the first play but I always give it a second chance on a different day, because, man, I'm moody sometimes and I want to give a workout a fair shot, you know, especially if others love it and I'm like what's my problem?
Julia:Even you and I have gone in and I think we can, you know, bounce off of each other how we feel about it. I could not like it, and so then you may feel like you may not like it, but then you may go in alone and be like, wait, this was great, or vice versa. So it happens there's so many factors, like you said, that can really make you, that can make or break you know, if you love something or not, and and so going back in and like I did with you and I'm so glad I did, because now this is one when I see I'm like, oh, we could do that one, I mean, and it's a great, I feel like at times, medium plus boxing, it's just the, the music's great, the choreography and for a boxing is great so it's a great workout all around this next one we have mentioned on the podcast a couple of times.
MJ:This is definitely a shiny new toy for the both of us of the time period go ahead, you introduce it.
Julia:oh power, full body chills, and that it does, or did at the time right um, a medium flow with leanne from 9922. Oh, this one. And, of course, what sticks out in my head the most is Politic. Yeah, it had some of the most beautiful flowy things that Leanne sang. While you're flowing, you just have tears streaming down your face. It's powerful.
MJ:It's a powerful experience, man. It's so awe-inspiring you leave that song like in another dimension, almost it's yeah it's. It's a powerful, powerful workout from start to finish. But that song politic I get chill bumps, so good just remembering the feeling this one gives us you know, yeah, very good, and I remember this is the first time they changed a location in a workout.
Julia:My body used to be in a different location and they changed it to another one, so that always throws my brain when I play this one, but this one, the weird thing about this one it is 24 minutes, which I would say is on the longest side, but this one always does feel the length. Some of them you get in and they go by really fast. This one, for some reason, I always feel like I have to have time for this one.
MJ:And I don't know why that is. I agree Now that you say that, because I'll see it in my list and go. I'm going to play that and I'm like, oh, I don't have enough time, but it's only 24 minutes, yeah, why don't I have?
Julia:the time. So there's something about this one and maybe it's a song that needs to be skipped while doing it. I don't know. I hate to say stuff like that.
Julia:Something about this one.
MJ:I don't know, I think it's like. It's not a bad song. It is on the longer side. The choreography is is is good, ish, it's fine, um, but it like goes on too long. It feels like there's nothing new that changes within the choreography. To keep it fresh, it's just the same and, um, maybe we should do an experiment and go into this workout and skip the first song, skip the first song and see how we feel about it. Yeah, feel that way about it politic.
Julia:For its time, though, I feel like had some very innovative choreography innovative so flowy, so beautiful.
MJ:It's a freaking masterpiece. I just want to go do politic. Okay, the choreographer deserves a round of applause. A freaking raise like, yeah, this is, it was good, a masterpiece for us and for lots of other people in the community.
Julia:Love that map, love it, it's good. Good map, good workout. Oh man this one.
MJ:Oh man, this one, this one, this one, this one, this is Julia. It was both of our shiny new toys when it first came out. Self-love I am powerful with Leanne. It's 23 minutes, medium intensity from August 6, 2022. This, I believe, was the third in the self-love series. The third year or the second year. It was so powerful. It has leg lifts. Some parts of it are on the medium. Plus, it has some classic songs turned to medium, some classic high intensity maps turned for medium, like um, scary monsters and nice sprites. Ghost train has one of my all-time favorite songs and maps in it. Feel the love. Yeah, rudimental. Oh, I love this one so much, um coaching and this one is just.
Julia:That's something I feel like that makes this the things that Leanne says in this workout. I can't pick out anything off the top of my head now because I haven't done it in a while and I do think I used this to cross one of my big milestones you did sure of it but the things that she says to lift you up and just you just feel so good after doing this workout agreed very good workout has great came out.
MJ:I played it three times the day it came out and it's actually feel. The love is the first side-by-side that I ever filmed of just me Long time ago, back in the day of days, back in the day, I would not put out a side-by-side alone. It was not a, it was just this thing where I was like everyone else puts side-by-sides out alone, I'm only gonna put out side-by-sides out alone. I'm only going to put out side-by-sides if I'm with another athlete or someone else Don't ask me, why I thought this way.
MJ:I film myself all the time. I just did not share them with the world, and so I remember the day that I put that side-by-side out. Julie was like Marla, you put a side-by-side on the internet alone. I'm like I did.
Julia:I love this one man. I love it so much, it's so good. I'm so glad you did, though, because now you put side by sides out alone all the time, and I know you won't put one out unless it's like truly meaningful for you you don't willy-nilly just put out a side by side that's not what you do, no, but that one definitely, and I think this one also kind of feels long to me too it does.
MJ:I don't know why it does feel like by the time I got to the end of it.
Julia:I was like is it over?
MJ:it's so good though the last song is the hardest. It is a medium plus um, but it's fantastic straight through. Y'all this one was great very good one.
Julia:Oh, look, what's next. I think that we should, though, say that we do not have welcome and the shiny new toy of 2022, because it wasn't regrettably we do not, but it is a part of our story in our journey with with the madhouses.
MJ:Welcome to the madhouse. Did not make our list, y'all, it didn't. And everyone's mind is blown Like what.
MJ:Madhouse. Girls don't have the Welcome to the Madhouse on their list. We don't. We hated it, we didn't like it, we weren't into it.
Julia:We didn't like it. I was like oh Now, tornado of Souls now has like much meaning to me now. So that one, so that one and the songs in that one and the feeling I get when I play it now.
MJ:But at that time, no yeah, at that time it was not my all-time favorite coaching moment of all time of history happens in Tornado of Souls.
Julia:I know.
MJ:I often talk about Mark's quote. I use it often. I mean it is powerful. I use it often. I mean it is powerful, it is such a poignant Tornado of Souls is so good, but at the time we were not there.
Julia:No, If you wanted me to play that, I was kind of like we got to. I feel good when I finish it now, but then okay.
MJ:Well, the reason why we're talking about this.
Julia:Well, I feel like I have to confess, since you brought up.
MJ:Welcome that I didn't even play Welcome to the Madhouse in 2020. That is very true.
Julia:Yeah Wasn't until 2023 that I played Welcome to the Madhouse, which is crazy, which is crazy, but this one we definitely played the day it came out, which is the madhouse, oh man yeah, so good. Yeah, now we have a lot we can say about this one and we'll try not to stay here too too long. But we're gonna talk about it. Okay, that's right, we should. I remember that oh go ahead.
MJ:Well, I remember the day this came out. Yeah, this after this workout is when you and I started our pact of doing pros only together on release day.
MJ:Because I got in at my super it was like 3.30 in the morning to play this workout. I played it alone. I made a huge post about it in the community and then I waited for Julie to wake up and I'm like when are you getting in? When are you? When can we play? I want to play it again. She's like, oh, you want to play it again. I'm like, yeah, I'm playing it with you. Um, so I got to experience Julia's first play and we recorded um a song with our microphones on.
MJ:So, we have that saved, which I think is really cool.
Julia:We do. I think we did the last two, but we only put together and published out of the black. We did. It's very funny because, of you know, I'm like oh my, oh my, oh, my goodness it's fantastic, it's fantastic, it's great. I was not prepared for what came at me, for forget now. I can play forget now and be okay, like I don't have to pause between the songs or if it's been a while. I mean I am a little bit like whoa.
Julia:But before I forget, it's probably my favorite one in here but, when you finish out of the black and before I forget, you feel like a huge sense of accomplishment after doing those they have so much emotion and I mean I feel like the hand that feeds it. The hand that feeds used to be my favorite song out of uh, forget the madhouse. Um, I just loved the choreography and the way that that one made me move. It had some really fast turning hits in it.
MJ:Yeah it did, yeah it does.
Julia:Yeah, I would say now, probably before I forget, because of all of the emotion and the choreography that goes with that emotion and helps you feel the emotion. That is what now I feel like before I forget, would be my favorite one out of this one.
MJ:Out of the Black is my absolute favorite in this. If I watch gameplay of Out of the Black, I will immediately have to go play, like if it pops up in my feed like it's that bad, I can't control it, like I have to go. Bad, I can't control it, like I have to go. The emotion, the emotion and out of the black, for me is like the precursor for the emotion that we get in the madhouse monster micers out of the black, oh man it's so good.
MJ:I love it, and can I leave now and go play it?
Julia:I know, maybe we'll be back. That one, I feel like, is the first time where we were like, how is my one arm doing this? And the other arm.
Julia:Like how is my brain and my body and it's one of those that you kind of have to just let go and let you let it all just do what it's gonna do. We were trained to do it. Because we were able to do it. We were shocked. I was like how am I even and I said that in our recording like how am I even doing this? Like it was crazy to my, to my brain and my body that I was able to even hit the targets that were coming at us. They're crazy. The only thing about this one is we want our song back.
MJ:We want the first song, the first queen of the stone age song.
Julia:Yes, the lost art of keeping a secret. It's in the library.
MJ:They have it back please put it back and forget.
Julia:We are very fortunate that we have a recording of this song. Yes, um, and we we are in it with the choreographer, justin, who put this one together. It's very special to us. We go back and watch it often because we miss it and all the spins and the corkscrews and oh, can we hear it back.
MJ:Something just hit me. What we technically don't have 100% accuracy on, forget the Madhouse, we don't, because the first song's not there and the first song was your face. Right now You're like the first song was taken out. Yeah, the first song was taken out before 100% accuracy mission started.
Julia:Yep, please bring it back.
MJ:Please put it back in there so that we can get a real, legit accuracy on this workout.
Julia:It was part of this workout and now this one always just kind of feels like almost like a letdown in a way when we play it because it's missing. It's missing something. And even though Get Free is not my favorite choreography, it still is there and it belongs there and it's part of playing this workout and it has a warm-up.
MJ:You need to warm up, so I love the warm-up on. Forget the madhouse, it's got fantastic. Choreo y'all. It's so short. It's like what a minute and 12 seconds. It's got great. The turning hits in it are like some of my favorite, um favorite turning hits ever I love it, don't, don't skip the warm up, y'all.
Julia:Yeah, it's tricky that warm up like I was bouncing targets in the warm up I knew I was in for it the very first time we played, we of course did the warm up and everything and it was a joke.
MJ:We were like this is the warm up song. What is about to happen to us? We were done.
Julia:Just the warm up we were. We were like, okay, that was a great workout. Oh, wow, we could spend so much time. Oh, the one that's next. See, I get excited for everyone. So we know these are true shiny new toys. Oh, this workout, such a pivotal workout, this is the og shiny new toy. I think when we really realized that shiny, you know, when we coined the term shiny new toy, our minds kind of go back to like, this was the first one that we just went bananas over.
Julia:And it had some very interesting innovative choreography in it, made us feel like we were dancing. We screamed in each other's ears the first time we played this. Yep, sure did. Loved seeing Jess's side-by-sides on this and how like or even anyone that would put a side-by-side of these their takes on interacting with the that time very complex triangles yes, um I couldn't get crossover hits crossover hits.
Julia:I think we had a few one-handed corkscrews. Joy balls were used in fun places, yes, especially in blinding lights. Yeah, this workout really fun. It's probably not a shiny new toy to us now but, we will definitely go in and play it together and have a good time and reminisce over what it was to us then. And it is pop till you drop. Oh, yeah, thank you, cardio.
MJ:Coordinated cardio with Rainier. It's 19 minutes, it's a high flow from November 16, 2022. Oh man, man, this was such a great. It's still a great. I still find it to be a great workout, but, man, when it came out it really blew our mind and left us craving more high-intensity workouts like this. It goes by fast. That is not 19 minutes, sorry. It goes by too quick, too quick it does. It is so good. High energy makes you dance, man. It makes you move in different ways, especially at that time.
Julia:It was so innovative and I would be shocked if, more than like I bet more than half the community finds coordinated cardio to be a shiny new toy of if they were around back then you know yeah this was talked about a lot and I must say I'm glad you were here, because I would have just talked and talked about this and not even told anyone what workout this was. I get so excited. Thank you, Marla, for giving all the information, since I failed to do so. They're like tell us, tell us.
MJ:Are you going to tell us what workout is it?
Julia:Oh man, this one though, especially those middle three songs.
Julia:And Crazy what Love Could Do was in the Becky Hill artist series recently, the high intensity and I would say that map was not changed that much.
MJ:So it has the foundation, definitely the foundation. Was there A lot of the same combinations of target hits. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it was nice to see sort of revamped a little bit. Yeah, yeah, what would be for the time if it was?
Julia:yeah, two years later brought back in and um. But yeah, this workout we did all the time and I called it um. I had a hard time saying coordinated cardio and I think I said cardinated cardio a lot you did. It's like a tongue twister. Let's just do that one, the one with the popsicle the one with the popsicle.
MJ:Come on guys.
Julia:Yes, that's the best but that of that year, this probably was our number one workout of 2022 for flow, for, for flow, for flow. Yeah, for flow. For sure You're right For flow.
MJ:And it made a huge impact on our friendship in the sense that our journey together with choreography and starting to pay more attention to choreography together. I remember going in that workout so many times and you and I picking apart all the parts that we loved and why we loved it, like made us really think through things, whereas before we liked things, yeah, that was fun, but why did we like them? Why was it better here than somewhere else?
MJ:So I say I agree with you. This one, because it's very sentimental to us too, makes it our shiny new, like the shiny shiny of 2022. If you're making us pick one.
Julia:I need to go back and do this one. I haven't done it in a while. If you're making us pick one, I need to go back and do this. When I haven't done it in a while, and now that I've gone through my triangle training and just kind of see how I interact with it now, it kind of made me think about that because I know that I struggled interacting with it when it first came out.
Julia:I just I loved it and I loved the choreography in it, but I really struggled with the lower body dance part of it, the lower body dance part of it and I do have um side by sides of me that were very hard to put out because I felt I did not feel like I did the choreography justice with the way that I moved through it.
MJ:I did what I did and it was fine, but I'd love to see you re-record and put them together, please. Now that I call you out here on the episode, you have to do it.
Julia:That's exactly right, everybody's gonna be looking for that. Yeah, I think that I would definitely move a lot different in it today.
MJ:I think you will too, then and actually I think you'll be surprised in some of the similarities, not just the differences, but I think you'll find that a lot of it. Even back then, when you didn't feel as confident with the triangles, you were still doing the movements. Maybe just not as deep or as an intentional or something like that. But I think you'll find more similarities than you expect to find. I'm excited to see it.
Julia:Yeah, yeah I feel like. I have a lot more lower body confidence. I feel like I have a whole, a lot more like lower body confidence with um. I think I think I felt like I wasn't um steady on my feet when I did it before. I just felt like I was like trying to get to the places that I need to be, and I feel like now I would. I would feel a whole lot more confident with my movements and interactions with the triangles. So triangle training. With the triangles, so triangle training.
MJ:So if that was our top flow, this next one is our top boxing.
MJ:Same sort of feeling and sentiment. It was pivotal in our journeys and it is Fuego suave sparring with Mindy High Boxing from December 29th 2022. Dude, I know we have mentioned this boxing before. It is so freaking good For its time. It was mind-blowing. So many little tricky things with the targets moving you from portal to portal and the white being on the black side and the black being on the white side. There's just so many great things that we see in a lot of boxing nowadays.
Julia:We wouldn't even bat an eye about some of the things that we saw in this Now, we wouldn't. We wouldn't be like, oh, that's every day. But then it was innovative.
MJ:It was so innovative and definitely a shiny new toy. We played it so many times the day it came out. We've played it so many times since so many times, since it comes up for events, add it to competitions, like it is a really good workout.
Julia:Y'all really good this one makes me think of jessa too, because the day before she asked for despacito.
Julia:Yes, and then this workout came out and then when we were allowed to go live on the community page, she went live and she was like, hey, I'm going to try something. And so I was like her moderator for her live, asking her questions while she was. She loved this workout, we love this workout. Did this one so many times, gave us all the fields. I will go back and do this workout. This is a shiny new type of toy for me today. I would do this same any day, any time. Let's go. I will never say no to this workout.
MJ:It stands the test of time, and I think I might have said that the last time we talked about this workout. That's what clearly sticks in my mind Like I feel like it would still be so good three years from now, like it's just going to stand up to all the innovation that is going to come that we can't even imagine. It's always going to be a shiny new toy. It's just that good, you guys Just that good yeah.
Julia:Always be on the list.
MJ:Oh man, this next one. This was a shiny new toy specifically for me. Julia liked the quick hit version of it and it always would irritate me when they would be like, let's do this quick hit, it's so good and I'm like, but no, no, no, no, the real version of it is 10 times better. They missed one of the best songs for the quick hit. Also, this is a 20 minute workout and the quick hit is like 16 minutes y'all.
Julia:Just do the full long version. Yeah, and I did just be brought time.
MJ:I learned that over time that this one.
Julia:I actually have gone back and done the full one and it's three songs, 20. The first song is three minutes and 37 seconds.
MJ:Second song is almost seven minutes. Third song is six minutes and 40 seconds almost, and this is legit an endurance rush. This puts me in a flow state. That second song is ooh dude. This one was during the time that I was heavily into boxing, like I only wanted to box most days and I cannot tell you how many times I have played this workout. I played it so many times. I absolutely loved it. And then when the quick hit came out, I was like why did they pick this to make a quick hit out of? Like I had?
MJ:all sorts of thoughts and then my friends that I was partying with all the time picked up on the quick hit and I'm like y'all. But you know there's a full version of this, that's even better right?
Julia:no, no, no, this quick hit, this quick hit, and I'm like oh, man, but yeah, the endurance of this one and when you finish it, which I think the quick hit is, with coach doc and his coaching is really good in there too, mark's coaching is also good, I think the last time I visited this workout I did the full with Mark and you feel like a million bucks when you get done because those songs are long, but I do love.
Julia:this makes me remember. I do love doing flow or boxing with songs like these that don't have lyrics in them and you can get or I can get in a flow state very easily with just music that has a great beat, there's not lyrics and so, like you said, the flow state for this one is where this is at and the sense of accomplishment. Obviously, because by the end of some of these songs you're like am I gonna make it?
MJ:right, exactly. You're like oh my gosh, how can I keep hitting anything? It does take a lot out of you. So this next one. We have another artist series on here and what's funny is I picked boxing, julia picked flow, but in the end, because we partied with each other so much together, her flow became my shiny new toy and then boxing became her shiny new toy because we did it so much together. You see what I'm saying. Yeah, go ahead, you can, you can talk about it.
Julia:I did not put the flow on our notes, but you have it know it by memory imagine dragons artist series and there's very few that we like the both, both the boxing and the flow but, this is the boxing 21 minutes high or high medium intensity, with coach mark from 7, 18, 22, and I would say today the boxing would be my favorite.
Julia:I would have told you then it would have been the flow, because of thunder. Thunder is one of my favorite. Imagine dragons, songs, um, but the boxing not only does it have a sentimental, you know thing between you and I, we've played this a lot together um, I think I do now like the songs better, the coaching, the things that are said in the boxing, like I would go to the boxing before the flow if I did imagine dragons for me, this is my most played boxing workout of all time I have not
MJ:played any other boxing workout more than I've played this. Imagine dragons boxing um, I probably played it daily four months, four months, four months. The last three songs whatever it takes shots and it's time were my absolute favorite. They um the coaching just the actual songs were huge in my life at that time and the movements absolutely loved it. I remember anytime I was in a party and it was my turn to pick out a workout, I'd be like can we play Imagine Dragons boxing? At the time it was a big deal for me. I have not played it in probably over a year and it probably doesn't hold the same excitement for me. I should go play it again. But Shots I that song shots I absolutely love it in the emotion and the movement went so it was very therapeutic workout for me at the time.
Julia:This was one of the only artist series that the artist like announced in the beginning. Like had a special message for us, and I think it was at the beginning it was of the boxing and at the end of the flow, or maybe it was at the beginning of the flow too, or both. It may have been on both of the flow the beginning and the ending, but I thought that was pretty cool about this one, that um that was the only time they did.
MJ:I'm trying to think that happened. Yeah, that's really cool. Now I even like it even more because I'm like, well, they're so cool to. It was the only time they did that. I'm trying to think that that happened, yeah.
Julia:That's really cool.
MJ:Now I even like it even more because I'm like well, they're so cool to have recorded us a message. You know, that's really neat.
Julia:Oh man, this next one this is still Another side-by-side from you.
MJ:This is well, I've recorded every song in here. This is still a shiny new toy for me and it is Power, beauty and the Scars with Leigh-Anne. It is a low flow y'all.
Julia:A low flow. Yes.
MJ:I love low flows. I love them. It is from July 27, 2022. It is 17 minutes. To me, this is a therapy workout the coaching, everything Leanne talks about, straight to your heart, straight to your heart, the songs, the movement. So flowy, so flowy. I love this workout. Again, it's still a shiny new toy, I put it, I try and put it in competitions. I suggest it to people, especially people who are on Lowe's. Say they've had an injury. They're sticking to Lowe's looking for something interesting to do. Whatever I'm like here, go do this one, go do this one.
Julia:I've turned a lot of our friends on to it. Yeah, I forget about this one. I remember when it came out and thinking, oh, this one is good, I need to warm up with this one today, you should.
MJ:Please do, please do and really listen.
Julia:The things that Leanne says in this workout man, it's good stuff, it's a power workout, it is Power, those power workouts, man.
MJ:It takes you on a journey.
MJ:It really does take you on a journey. This next one I know I've man it takes you on a journey. It really does take you on a journey. Um, this next one oh, I know I've mentioned it before is also another artist series. What is the deal in 2022? We have a lot of love for artists series. I can't say I have that now. Yeah, I'm with you. Um, I don't. I don't think when we get to Shining New Toys of 2023, we'll have a lot of artist series. But anyway, this is Coldplay Artist Series Flow from November 14th 2022 with Leanne. It's a 30-minute flow. It's long, it's long and it's glorious.
MJ:It is flowy, flowy, flow, beautiful. If you like Coldplay, if you need to feel the emotions, and it's glorious. It is flowy, flowy, flow beautiful.
Julia:If you like, coldplay If you need to feel the emotions.
MJ:This is an emotional workout. Y'all this is an emotional. And what is it? I like flowy flow.
Julia:And I like emotional things.
MJ:I have a big connection with all of that stuff. And I think it's because I often use supernatural as a way to regulate my own emotions.
Julia:Um to.
MJ:It truly is. I mean, I see a therapist too, but it is, it's my home therapy. Um you know I I know I have mentioned it before on the podcast, but I am a recovering addict. I am 13, 13 years sober, and since I found Supernatural I have never been more regulated in my emotions because I have this beautiful outlet to move through them and we talk about it all the time.
MJ:You know the combination of exercise, getting your heart rate up, music, coaching all of these things come together and all of a sudden, you're processing things that you had no idea you need to process and you're moving through them and this workout does that so beautifully, so so beautifully. I absolutely love it. Pardon me about my dogs if you can hear them, so I recommend the Coldplay Artist Series workout to other people. Absolutely glorious. Me onto this next one. This next one I have on here is an absalicious, no indecision. It is with duana. It is a high flow 16 minutes, super quick, super quick, fast from october 7 2022.
MJ:It's got the seal on its side and a little belly out the workout card always wakes me up on this one yeah, I love this one. And why else do I love it? Besides the music and the choreography and the coaching, fantastic points, all the points. This is so good for points.
Julia:So good for points, 16 minutes.
MJ:Absolutely love this one. It is a true ab workout. Man I love it so good, should do it, go do it.
Julia:Yeah, it's a good one to go back and do. Still relevant, oh, this one. I'll announce it and then I'm going to let you talk about it, because this one has so much for us, both of us. This one is a rapture. Beat the odds. Boxing medium boxing, 13 minutes, 7-7-22. Coach doc, this workout will put you through it.
MJ:This one is a journey. This one starts off and you're going deep.
Julia:You're going deep If you're listening to Doc, which you're going to be listening to Doc.
MJ:Right off. I mean just the moment it starts. He is going to take you on a therapy session. Each song takes you but Battle Scars. I remember the first day this workout came out was a workout of the day. I played it. I was not expecting. I was like, all right, let me get the wads done, I want to play the workouts of the day. And it was 4 15 in the morning. I remembered this. I had to pause after, after the first song because I was sobbing Tears, legit like full-on ugly, not just like tears here and there. I remember like bending at the knees and holding my chest with the controller straps.
MJ:I used the wrist straps and I just let them hang and I literally rocked back and forth like this for two minutes and then finish the workout. It was intense for me and so when I bring it up, it's intense like this for a lot of people. And I remember the day that it came out and the community was posting about it. I even made a post about it super early in the morning. The community was posting about it. I even made a post about it super early in the morning. Um, I played it three times that morning because I was so. I was so shook. I was like what is doc doing to me? Like what is happening here?
Julia:we were contacting a lot of our friends, too, that we know had been through things and had their own battle scars. And this workout was just. It was so heavy and emotional, but it's so powerful too because coming out of the end, you felt like you conquered something, because you did, you went on a therapy session with coach doc. I mean felt like I should have paid him something after this one. I agree.
MJ:Thank you, sir. Yeah, yeah, and the beauty is he takes you so deep to somewhere you're not expecting in the first song and then, like you said, you know it, it changes. After each of the second song he's building you back up. Third song. You know, now you're feeling real good and you, just, you really leave this workout with a sense of accomplishment.
Julia:yes, um and it's a side by side yeah I will have been playing the side by side, the community side by side. We made with battle scar as well, if you're watching on youtube while we're talking about this.
MJ:So and I knew the day that, um, we picked this workout as a community, side by side.
MJ:I I was like I got to get Doc in it, you know like he has to know the impact, he has to hear it from us, the impact that this workout has had on us. And I remember reaching out to him and and being like, hey man, you know it's it's me the one who always wants you to film yourself and for side by sides. Um, and I just told him how meaningful this, this song, and his coaching and all of it, um, and he, of course, as always, his genuine kindness, he's like it would be an honor for me, you know thank you and he actually filmed this entire workout for us.
MJ:Each song, and we've only used the first song, so so maybe it's time that we, you know, put out the other two songs and and add, add coach's doc in there. Um, yeah, but this was such an impactful you and jessa and I forgot the other community member of the time you guys hopped in a party and it did a side by side. Um, it was a big deal. This was a very big shiny toy for both of us and, I think, a lot of community members yes, first song, if you didn't shed a tear during that first song you, you like it.
Julia:Like marla said uh, you were like and I'll be right back could you imagine if you did that one for the first time in a party, if you were in a party with a bunch of people like everybody would have been like are you okay, is there?
MJ:I remember that day too yeah, no, I remember that day. I was fine, I was going into my workout like no care in the world.
Julia:Didn't even know that you were about to be hit with all that.
MJ:I didn't even know, it shocked me and made me. That's the day I first started meditating. That was the day because it shocked me, it made me realize I've got a lot of things I need to work through that I had no idea I need to work through. Maybe if I start meditating and really listen and introspecting, and I don't know, man, it was a very powerful workout and still is. Still is I played it on a case, I actually just played the first song because I don't mind partials, I'll just go right into the first song on some days and just listen and move, because well, now you know it's there when you need it.
Julia:So that day you did not, but now you know no, and that's a cool thing about going back to workouts you just know what you need when you need it. And again, I know this sounds like a broken record, but if we had a folder for all the emotions that we had, dude.
MJ:I would have this one would go in the therapy folder. I would. I would put it in the therapy folder. It would be right there, 100% Yep.
Julia:At the top. Ooh, what a fun one. Next.
MJ:Next one is definitely a shiny new toy of its time for Julia and I and y'all are going to be like what. It is the very first roller rink. Is it the first? It's just called roller rink, so I'm assuming it was the first.
Julia:Oh, I just not all the other roller rinks.
MJ:Yeah, all the other roller rinks say roller rink and then have like a sub name. This one is just rollerink. It doesn't even say debut on it, it just says roll rank. It is medium intensity with Rainier, 23 minutes from October 3rd 2022. Dude the community on this one. Yes, this one. Rainier shows up in skates off the bat. People started posting videos of themselves and side by sides in skates it was like a whole thing.
Julia:Like please don't do that people they have to take their posts down. The community riled this one up so much. When I get up in the morning and the workout of the day is all over my feed, I know what kind of day it's going to be. This one already had side by sides up. This one was being talked about like crazy and I looked at the playlist and I was like really, what are we doing here? Yeah, exactly, when you play it, it's so fun and it just makes you smile and have immense joy through the whole thing.
Julia:It really does. It's uplifting, it's a mood boaster.
MJ:yeah, it's fantastic so much energy in this one. So many two steps. Y'all so many two steps. Be prepared to dance. Yes, it is so good. For me, it's the last two songs every time. Shake your groove thing. Ah man, such is the greatest freaking hits. Okay, this is the greatest hit in every sense of it for me personally. Absolutely love it, man. Y'all go play this workout. It's so good it's it's very good.
Julia:It has great playability today. Well, quick hits we do a lot now. Yeah, we do, we do, we do the quick hit a lot now.
MJ:We do, we do, we do play the quick hit a lot. It's just a fun, good time workout and it's great points, if that matters to you.
Julia:Oh yeah, great points.
MJ:She's always like, and great points and great points because it's on one of my lists of great point workouts with great choreography. It's a medium. So if you're on a points mission and you've been playing a ton of highs and you need sort of a little bit of a break, this one is great because you're still getting great points. It's still fun. You're still moving a ton. It will give you more energy to continue on your point mission that day. It's fantastic. I absolutely love it. Very fun. All right to continue on your point mission that day. It's fantastic. I absolutely love it. Very All right. My last shiny new toy is a boxing workout. My own personal by myself shiny new toy we got one more workout after that it is boxing.
MJ:It is super freak. This is probably the only super freak I will ever suggest is probably the only super freak I will ever suggest. Spar and soul with coach doc. 12 minutes, june 20th 2022. This music listen. I have nothing against this music, but it's not the music I'm going to gravitate to for a workout. Okay, I recognize all these songs. A lot of these song is uh songs remind me of my dad.
MJ:Um, the coaching in this one. Something clicked for me when it came to the speed scores your overall scores in boxing doc's coaching, the way he explains how, if you want to get your speed up, how if you want, you know, think of your punches, like snapping a towel. You snap a towel and snap it right back, so it's always staying in guard, snapping it back. That coming back is what is important. And it clicked for me and I've been able to diamond almost every single workout since, except for really really hard pros only, like portal combat. I haven't gotten a diamond on that one yet, but it also I feel that you will. It also pushed my actual median speed in boxing up by like three, three points I mean. So this one had a really impactful, the way that I kept form, the way he coached doc, coached you. Through this I felt like I got boxing finally and it was fun.
Julia:Is this the one where he, in one of the songs, talks about swaying like back and forth on your feet? And maybe you don't know it is okay, because I have taken that. I still use that today and I think about him, but I use it in my boxing since this workout yeah, it was the way he explained it.
MJ:so we hear all. We heard all these things over and over again within all the new boxing workouts. However, sometimes you can hear the same thing over and over again but all the new boxing workouts. However, sometimes you can hear the same thing over and over again, but just in a different way from someone different, and it clicks. And this was a perfect example of that and I ignored this workout and it wasn't until I saw Tommy Curtis, viking the Viking of Oakland, post about it, and Tommy is not a boxing fan and he posted about this workout. And he haduclid post about it, and tommy is not a boxing fan and he posted about this workout and he had a lot to say about it and I was like, if tommy's posted about this workout, let me go see what it's about.
MJ:And it became a shiny new toy instantly. Absolutely love it. Recommend it, especially for new boxers yeah, if you're new to boxing, new to supernatural. Please play this workout because it's, I think it will change the game for you.
Julia:Yeah, that's great boxing tips in it, for sure, and there's something about the way, like you said, the way he explains these tips that it does it just kind of clicks, so it'll help your boxing form and your scores and your speed, all the things, your speed, yeah, yeah.
Julia:Oh, what a fun one is. Next, this is a shiny new toy. Um, well, I'll go ahead and say it's coach mark um gluteus, bounce the bum bum beat. And she had saved it for me to say bum bum beat high intensity from 9, 14, 22. This is a shiny toy of oh, oh oh, but hold on.
MJ:What's this? Really called because the real name is not bounce to the bum bum beat it's.
Julia:That's not the real name of this workout. We don't know it because of this. This is the pig butts workout yep this was so controversial. When this came out to the community, everybody was like get this workout card down. It is a picture of two piggy bum bums and you can see their bum bums very well. People were either loved it or they hated it. So we coined this as the pig butts workout.
MJ:Yep, this as the pig butts workout, yep, and I even got a strike from uh, from Facebook and I posted this workout in my stories, um, talking about how good it was with my heart rate tracker, because back then I used to, for accountability, I would post every once a day one of my workout sessions in my stories and I would post at least one workout that I did and talk about it and link a song from it like it was a whole thing I did it for, like I missed that you should do that again, you like, brought me all the way back yeah, I forgot.
MJ:For a minute. I was like oh, wow, I forgot about that, so I had posted it in my stories and Facebook took it down because it was inappropriate.
Julia:They were like no no, this is inappropriate. This workout card is a lot to take in. Okay, it is.
MJ:And not only is it a shiny new toy for you and I, it is also a shiny new toy for our friend Julie. Julie, in fact. She is nicknamed after this workout. Poor Julie, yes, she is. I nicknamed her Pig Butt Slapper Many years ago because she loved this workout so much she would play it all the time. It was her jam.
MJ:I nicknamed Julie but she has embraced it. She has embraced the pig, butt love. And she even uses the pig for her emoji, reaction and things and she proudly wears it. So I love that.
Julia:She does. But the slapping part comes from the song Swalla, which was one of my favorites in this workout. This whole workout is fire, okay, and it will wear you out 21 minutes. It feels so long It'll wear you out 21 minutes, it feels so long it'll wear you out. But in swalla you do a slapping motion, which is one of our favorite things, and so we're like we're slapping pig butts and then from there it just turned into the pig butt slapper you know, for julie pig butt workout pig butt slapper all the things, this one has a lot of sentimental value to us.
Julia:always makes us think of Julie it does. We will go back and play this one with her every now and again and reminisce and have a really good time during this workout.
MJ:It's so funny because I forgot that this is called Bounce to the Bum Bum Beat. I would never recognize the pick butt workout like we do in others. Like a lot of workout names we it registers to us, you know or at least we have to see the workout card, then it definitely registers. We don't even have to read the name. But as soon as we see the workout card this one we see the workout card and it's pig butt workout it's pig butt workout that's the name of it.
Julia:Yeah, so fun. If you haven't done it, you've got to do this workout at least once. Yeah, 100%, it's a lot of fun. It has got older choreography in it, but I think it makes you dance. There's a lot of triangles. Is it high points?
MJ:It is oh, yeah, maybe, yeah, yeah, yeah. And this is another reason Julie loved it, because she's always on points mission. She just got high points. It was fun. She loved the music, the coaching. It's just all around a good time, but there are parts of it where you're gonna work it's not fun all the way through there are. There are some where you're, you're really it is a work, work, work, workout. Yeah, um so I, I feel like I, uh, we need to warn people. But, it's still fun. It's still fun, y'all.
Julia:My favorite song in that one is probably the Cola song.
MJ:And I just yell ole.
Julia:Yes, yeah, everything. But you know, swalla is also fun. It's a lot of fun, it's good. Oh, I like this next thing.
MJ:Yeah, so we had a hard, hard time paring down. I I feel good about the workouts that we've talked about there are still so many more we could talk about, and this is where I think, like the honorable mentions, wasn't 2022 the first year we got disney workouts? I I.
Julia:I think we got our Disney debut in 2021.
MJ:Okay, but we did get Encanto in 2022.
Julia:And that was so good, don't want to spend too much time on there, but it was fun. Honorable mention.
MJ:Honorable mention, there was this high-intensity monster by Dewana with the kitty cat Mm-hmm.
Julia:Laser eyes Shooting laser eyes.
MJ:Yes, um, that is an honorable mention. I played that so many times. Laugh track, the very first song yes, absolutely love that one. It's a little creepy with the laughing but you get into it after you know.
Julia:You kind of accept it, we, we might maybe I should or shouldn't say this uh, we might put up like a big, huge collage of like all the ones we had to pay.
MJ:Maybe we should. Are you making?
Julia:maybe I shouldn't say that I'm missing, are we not?
MJ:if it shows up, you'll get it.
Julia:If it doesn't show up, we're not making it okay, it's hard to collage a ton of workouts.
MJ:It is and you can't be able to see it. Yeah, it ends up being like four pages, and then it kind of defeats the purpose of the graphic. But, Julia's promised it.
Julia:Another delete, take back rewind, we'll see what happens. We'll see what happens. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
MJ:Yeah, I want to see what other people's shiny new toys of 2022 were. Because I bet a lot of the ones we took out are theirs.
Julia:Can they fill in the holes? Yes, please fill in the holes, guys.
MJ:Please fill in the holes, because this was heartbreaking to pare down. It was so hard.
Julia:When we were talking to our friends, they were like you didn't have that one. We were like it was in our OG list but we had to take it out yeah it was very hard.
Julia:I did several pare downs of my list and then we were like, well, wait, don't take out anymore, let's see where we overlap, let's see where we can, kind of exactly. And we didn't want this. I mean, we're already at an hour and a half, but we didn't want it to be too incredibly long. But we wanted to be able to share, yeah, so that you guys could. If you haven't heard or seen of these workouts, you can go and play them too but, we do want to know what weekly workout suggestion you would add.
Julia:Um. We do have an account in the app um, so if you want to go, look at some of our older um weekly workout suggestions. If you want to be inspired there too, you can go and bookmark any workouts there that we most of those are shiny new workouts also yes, all of them oh yeah, and then after they go check that out don't forget to rate your workouts, whether they are old ones or new ones.
MJ:Make sure you're letting supernatural know your thoughts on them, please. You can hit like you can hit, not for me. You can hit love. You can pick each category that applies. You can hit other and email them. Send them an email with your detailed feedback. Rate your workouts. It's not just for the algorithm to suggest workouts you do, it's for supernatural to hear. So think about it. If you're rating your workouts, you are having a say in what workouts come out three, four, five months from now. You liked that rap attack and you want more like it. Well, you better tell them you want more like it.
Julia:How are they going to?
MJ:know if you're not telling them. So rate your workouts. Please Rate your workouts. They want to hear from us. Oh, and then, when a workout you sent feedback on and you get another one similar to it, you can be like I told them to make this and they made it for me, so you get that. You get bragging rights. Yeah, you get the bragging rights. So if you're writing your workouts. You know, one day a workout special just for you will come out.
Julia:Yes, yes, well, thank you guys for tuning in and hanging out with us today.
MJ:We appreciate you all and don't forget the real joy and love of supernatural is found in the journey you go on bye.