For the Love of the Map
Are you looking for an out-of-headset dose of all things Supernatural: Unreal Fitness? Look no further! This is the place to discuss the latest scoop on new choreography, in-depth workout reviews, and all the happenings in the community. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, the show covers everything you need to stay up-to-date and continue to find joy in movement!
For the Love of the Map
Episode 20: The Magic Of Supernatural VR: Why We Keep Coming Back
Why do some VR fitness apps gather dust while Supernatural keeps us hooked? In this episode, MJ and Julia recount their journey through the virtual fitness landscape, including MJ's accidental year-long commitment to an app she can't stand. We explore what makes Supernatural stand out—gorgeous locations, motivating coaches, and the perfect mix of fun and fitness. Get ready for a lively discussion on the quirks and perks of VR workouts, from the absurdity of flat, weird-eyed coaches to the joy of smashing virtual targets. And, hear our take on the new mixed reality feature that shows your living space mid-workout. Join us for a fun-filled chat that will leave you motivated and laughing!
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So I was thinking today well, yesterday actually about all the reasons we choose to get in the headset daily, why we choose to get in with Supernatural versus all the other VR fitness apps that we have tried and have never gone back to, or go back to every once in a while there's so many of them.
MJ:There's a lot if you go search we've tried a lot of them well, I have an annual subscription for one and it was an accident. I didn't mean to pay for the annual subscription, but that one is like legit working out I don't like. It feels like a chore uh, a hundred percent, a hundred percent a chore I don't care for the graphics as much.
Julia:Yeah, um yeah, like flat coaches. If it's the one, it's the one I know you're talking about there's flat coaches they look kind of weird.
MJ:Their eyes are weird. Well see, the funny thing is I was into it at first. I was like, all right, I'm going to do this because I wanted to do strength training and that's it, and I could do it there.
MJ:So I only plan to like pay month to month, like get a little bit of a membership, but it went to a year and now I pay for the whole thing month, like get a little bit of a membership, but it went to a year and now I pay for the whole thing. But I haven't been in it for probably since the very beginning of January maybe, oh wow, or maybe even December.
Julia:Yeah, you're paying for something now that you don't even know. Well, I already paid for it, so I was paid in a lump sum Ready to go.
MJ:I was lazy. I'm sure I could have emailed them. Maybe their customer service would have been awesome, I don't know. I just chalked it up to stop trying other apps besides Supernatural.
Julia:Yeah, because we're stuck, we go back. I've put a lot of thought into this and it's sometimes I just don't know. But Supernatural is just so special and we do just keep going back. And there are other things out there. I have two subscriptions to two other fitness apps myself that are monthly and I'm just kind of waiting, like do I use this? Should I keep it? And I'm like I don't, I don't go in and I don't use them and it's like why Supernatural is just, it's different and it's the best, it's just the best.
MJ:Yeah, and I think for some people and a lot of people actually it just gets you right from the jump. It's just so fun. And a lot of people actually, it just gets you right from the jump. It's just so fun it is. For me, that is the main selling point. It is fun. Every day is something new, right.
MJ:And there are lots of workouts that we go back to often, but for me it's fun and I don't realize I'm working out.
Julia:Yeah, true, there was just a new feature put out, the MR feature and we both tried it and I feel like our feeling about it was the same. I don't want to see my living room when I'm working out and I love that.
Julia:That's there for the people who need it. Some people love it and I think that a lot of people are enjoying seeing the coaches in their living rooms because that is really cool. But when you click into that workout and it puts you in your first location, you're still seeing the location, but you're seeing your living room, like off to your sides and turning in like your arm, and for me it was like, oh, this is reminding me that I'm actually working and it didn't feel as fun anymore. It took away some of that joy for me. That like taking me away from where I was actually at and putting me in this location that I'm fully immersed into and I wasn't fully immersed anymore, so I didn't like it. But I can see. If I was in a different place, like in a hotel room, or if I had to come into a different room in my house, or if I needed to be aware of people in my house, I could see. Maybe using it and I love that you can click it on and off between songs too.
MJ:Exactly I wish or in the middle of a song.
Julia:Yes, all of the settings like super sense.
MJ:I wish you could turn super sense on, on and off or no? Knee strikes, yes, knee strikes what other?
Julia:accessibility options one arm, mode one arm mode squats forward facing yeah, yeah, I agree with you. I think it would be cool for that to pop up in the in the menu when we pause. I'm sure there's a reason why it can't, maybe, but I would love to turn. I think I would use super sense the most. I would love to turn that on and off when I wanted to, when I felt, felt like you know it was.
Julia:It was just needful to to have it on or to have it off you know so um cause how many times if we turned it on and then went, forgot that it was on, put your headset away, came back and jump into your first workout of the next day and you're like no, and if you're like me and you don't like partials, you either have to wait it out and play with that on or you have to.
MJ:Well, a lot of the times we work out with other people, you're not just working out alone, and so when you realize, oh shoot, I forgot to turn this accessibility feature off, or super sense because that's not really an accessibility feature, that's a an option. What do you? What would you call that like a really an accessibility feature? That's an option. What would you call that Like a really cool thing to do?
Julia:SuperSense is under modifiers, that's right Modifiers. And it's the only thing under modifiers, and I would not have been able to tell you that if I did not just look yesterday.
MJ:I think because we're working out with other people. We just don't want to inconvenience other people Like, oh shoot, I forgot to turn this on or off. Let me back out. I'll be right back.
Julia:So we just play through? Yeah, we do.
MJ:Don't let me forget. I need to turn this on, or turn this off, or you know, on the last song so that we make sure the next workout we're all on the same page.
Julia:That's right, that's right, that's right. But I mean, as far as me coming back, I just think it's just all the incredible locations. They're beautiful, they're stunning. There's like 150 plus of them. There's so many workouts. There's almost 3,000 workouts as of today. I did go look at the stats so I'm going to say them, cause I took the time to do it 2,865 workouts as of today. Um, there's 1,615 flow, 898 boxing, which obviously is because boxing came out a year, year and a half, after Supernatural started, and I was using another fitness app for my boxing before Supernatural came out with boxing. But when Supernatural came out with boxing, I never went back there. The experience is just well.
Julia:I mean, the music that Supernatural has because of the licensing, I guess, to be able to have that the good music that we can listen to on the radio or whatever Spotify you know, a lot of those other apps don't have music like that the different genres and stuff we have. I wrote down our genres too and I lost it, of course, right, don't know where it's at. I know I wrote it down, but there's a lot eight plus genres of music. We have our six wonderful coaches who, visually, when we turn the headset on, they look real. I mean, they are real.
Julia:I know that's a joke, I didn't think they were real at first, but when they're standing in front of you, they look like you could just reach out and touch them, like they're there with you and good, amazing, good uplifting is the word. I was looking for things while you're working out and, um, they help you with your form, your moves, to blink your eyes, to, to breathe, um, they're just there with you and a lot of times they're telling you I'm here with you, I'm doing what you're doing. I'm experiencing what you're experiencing. My arms are burning too, my legs hurt too, you know.
MJ:So, just knowing that you're not alone, and then, like you, said a lot of times, we're in messenger parties with friends, so you have that too odd how many times in the main community I see people ask the coaches or say the coaches aren't working out with us. They're just reading a script or this, that or the other, and I always reference Instagram because Rainier is so great at giving us behind the scenes teasers.
MJ:Pardon me, supernatural Natural Official also posts things on their stories. I should make a reference post, like I did for the choreographers, and compile all of the behind the scenes content, with the coaches filming, into one post. I'm totally going to do that now.
Julia:Well, that's funny. You said that because I thought about that yesterday. You know we just had Coach Doc on our last episode and you know I found some of those videos and I'm like we need a place, when people ask these questions, to send them and they're all there together. Because you did such an awesome job at putting that choreography post together, we need one for our coaches too.
MJ:So that we can just easily reference it. Show them the behind Like yeah, dude, they're working out when they're doing their voiceover, they're in the workout with you. How do you think they know to tell you to close your mouth Because their mouth's wide open too? They get it. Yeah, that's right.
Julia:Yeah, oh man um, another one of my favorite things is all the intensity levels we have. Now some people would say we have three, but I say we have five because we do have, like, you're getting started and there are some training videos. There's low, medium, high and then pros only, and you could even say we have a sixth, if you say that madhouse is like even harder than a pros only. Yeah, it's on. Um, we have a lot to choose from, a lot of workouts to choose from. So if you go in and you don't like the music that you see or the genre, or even you know if it's a rock, boom baby or a hoedown, you can choose between all of the other workouts. There's so many many great workouts to choose from and we do have our favorites.
MJ:Yeah, for sure I just Supernatural just stuck with us. I mean, I guess if we were like trying to make a commercial and try and tell other people, you know, I honestly don't know how I would go about it, because, yeah, I love it. I don't want to do other fitness apps. Everything I need and want I can find in Supernatural. I'm not saying that you can't cross train outside of the headset and do other things, but I'd rather do the other types of workouts out of the headset and not in VR. Personally, in fact, I know we talk about this and I even just said I wanted to weight lift or I wanted to do strength training, resistance training, in the headset.
MJ:I don't, I've decided I don't want to do that in the headset anymore. I'm not a big. I'm not going to do that because I want to do it out of the headset, where I can watch my form. I can make sure I'm not injuring myself and for me personally, not everything has to be done in the headset. I spent a lot of time in the headset already.
Julia:Yeah, yeah Well that's all I want to do and I think that's okay. I think that there's some pressure there maybe not for you, but for me sometimes to be like well, what else are you doing? And I am paying for one of those apps that you can get that has strength training in it and.
Julia:I used it twice and I've not gone back and it's just not what I'm interested in and I think that's okay. I don't have to lift weights. I can go in and get my movement activity cardio if I want it with Supernatural and Super supernatural only, and that's what I do, because that's where I'm having fun and fitness has to be fun for me, or I'm not going to do it Same. I don't want to meet you at the park and go on a run. I will walk I think walking is great but I don't want to go on a run with you at the park, so don't invite me.
MJ:Don't invite me. That's hilarious's hilarious, yeah, I, I just think supernatural's different. They figured out a way to brainwash us. Man, that's how I feel sometimes. Like went from this totally sedentary person who didn't move, who. I've always been sort of positive optimistic. I always see the best in situations and choose to laugh. More than a cry. I choose to laugh. You know what I'm saying. It's always been my mindset. But to get in in the headset and listen to the coaches brainwash me into believe in myself and believing that I can do anything I want and knowing I can Like that's. That's the thing I don't. Just I know I can. I get in that headset and you hand me a pros only or anything, and I know I'm going to succeed to the best that I can.
MJ:I just think supernatural offers something that no other app does, Like you said the locations. It's so immersive, the choreography so innovative and different.
Julia:Yes, the coaches and we will do a workout that we're kind of like, eh, is this one going to be any good? Just to see what have they given us today? Is there something new in here? And it's the curiosity there for us to do that, because we don't get a sneak peek of what's in here. I mean, sometimes they'll put out sneak peeks of things, but we have to go in these workouts on our own and experience them to see is there a new move? Is there a new joy ball? Is there a new? You know what's in this workout that might? And there are some that we looked at and we were like, oh, I don't want to do this one. And then a friend said you need to do this and it becomes our new favorite. Amazing thing, you know.
Julia:Until you actually go in and experience the workout, you don't know what's in there, but they have done an amazing job and it is, I mean, groundbreaking. I think it's really cool that they're the ones that have done what they've done to to have what they have and, like you said, no one else has what Supernatural I mean so the company, the parent company of supernatural is, is within.
MJ:Before meta bought within right.
MJ:A little history for y'all um within started as a storytelling company within VR Create storytelling.
MJ:They produced and came up with children's stories for the headset, so I feel like they stayed true with that, even though they went towards fitness, because we have these six amazing coaches. Every day there's new workouts with music movement. It's a story in itself. And then you have the community and each person has their own story and they have this connected with Supernatural and instead of Supernatural telling you the story, the users, the people who get in Supernatural every day, they're the story and I find that very fascinating, that very fascinating, and I like to believe it was 100% intentional by the founders of Supernatural, the creative geniuses who decided to do this. I believe it is because the pivot you know the pivot from storytelling to fitness, right at the beginning of the pandemic, right at the beginning of the pandemic, man that's, that's uh, I don't want to say a once in a lifetime great idea because I like to think that the founders of Supernatural, the people who came up with it and started the company, will have many more amazing, creative ideas like this.
MJ:So, but I just think it's really neat that that it's connected in that way.
Julia:Yeah, I was going to say I love that, that connection that you made. Um, that's really really neat to think about. And, as you brought up community and we've brought up community before in a, um, a past episode the community is amazing and there's so many people there, like you said, that have stories and that you and I have connected with on personal levels, and without Supernatural, we wouldn't know those people and we wouldn't have the communities that we have and the connections.
MJ:Well, that's very special and important. It really is, and I know you and I have joked before that we should make a supernatural documentary, like one day when we can travel around the country with our camera and interview people. And partly, you know, maybe that is sort of what our podcast is and will evolve into in a way, because we want to have community members on. I know we we put out that form to invite guests on and we've gotten lots of people and you know we plan to to have lots of people from the community on the show and maybe that's the start of us making some sort of documentary, um, and documenting these stories and continuing sharing them.
MJ:I just see supernatural growing and evolving, but still staying true to the people who use, who use it daily, and the people um where supernatural has changed their lives.
Julia:Yeah, that's true. I've also thought about how you get into a workout. Well, sometimes you don't want to work out, but then you put that headset on and you're just like, okay, this is what I need to be doing. And sometimes I'll go in, I'll be like I'm going to pull back today and I'm just not going to put my all into it, and you can't do that. I do that so many times. I don't think I've ever said that out loud to anybody. But sometimes I'm like I'm just going to go through the motions and just get my workout done and I get in there and it all changes. I soak in the choreography and the music and all of it and I am sweating bullets and you know, going hard and hitting the targets and having fun and smiling and enjoying myself so much, and I can't just get in there and just pull back and just have to do my workouts. It never happens that way, ever.
MJ:Well, I'm so glad you said something, because I often tell myself that too, like I'm just going to get in, I'm going to just be chill, I'm going to kind of phone it in, keep my heart rate real low. I'm just going to get some basic movement in Next. Thing. I know my heart rate is at max. I'm doing things I said I wasn't going to do today. It's been an hour and a half. I've done three pros. Only I get out and I'm like I need food. And then I feel great and I'm like, wow, I was being lame before I got in here talking myself out of out of a great workout. Yeah, but all it took was getting in and going into another land, you know.
Julia:And sometimes you'll tell us, or our you know friend group, you know I'm just going to do these, and then I go look on your journey and I'm like Marla, what are you doing? I know it happens often it happens often, yeah, yes, and you've got like 10 workouts in one day, racking up 10,000 points in one day day, racking up 10 000 points in one day.
MJ:See, I go. I think we all go through ebbs and flows. We're motivated, we're not motivated. You know, we, we talk about this subject a lot. Life gets in the way, your own thoughts get in the way, yes, um, but if you just make yourself do the thing that you know is going to make you feel better, yeah, so all of a sudden you realize, you know, my lack of motivation has been cured. You know I fixed it for myself because I just got in there and did it. You know, just do one song, just do one quick hit.
MJ:We all say this so much and looking from the outside in, people will be like, wow, marla, you did 10 workouts today or you did 10K points. Well, let me tell you, when I started the day, all I had was excuses. All I had was reasons why I was not going to get in today. And all it took was me getting in and doing one song, me going on the community page seeing comments about the new workout that I had no interest in doing. But they're telling me about new moves, they're telling me about that, um, and then all it takes is me getting in there and I'm like I got my groove back, let's go. And next thing, I know I've done 10 workouts.
Julia:I'm like whoa, okay, let's take a break and that person that saw your journey had no clue, they just thought that you were plan that out, you know, and a lot of times we do not. That's not how how it goes for us either. Like we're not always gung-ho now, sometimes we are, we're like, wake up, let's go get in here. And we're not always gung-ho Now. Sometimes we are, we're like, wake up, let's go get in here, and we're really excited. But it's not like that every single day, definitely.
MJ:But action leads to more action.
Julia:So when you?
MJ:are unmotivated to get in the headset, just get up and do it. Like sometimes I will count to myself in my head and I'll go okay on the count, on the count of three, marlo, you're going to get up and you're going to get in the headset, and sometimes I do this over and over again for like three minutes. I'm like, all right, one, two, three up, and I don't get up and I'm like, okay, marlo, let's do this again One, two, three, get up. You know, and I have the same mentality about getting out of bed. I do not linger, okay, and I used to. I used to linger in bed, I used to hit snooze, I used to. You know, five more minutes, 10 more minutes. And I realized I was creating really bad pathways in my brain by doing this.
Julia:You're wasting time, because I've been doing that since summer started. These last two weeks. I'm like I gotta stop this. Yeah, because I'm like I'm gonna be up at seven and I'm this morning nine o'clock. This is ridiculous. I give myself three seconds to get up out of bed. Three seconds, I'm gonna do this tomorrow out, um, anyway.
MJ:And so I use that technique in other aspects of my life, and sometimes I do it right at three, you know. But the headset is an example of that, because I love it and I love being in there, but sometimes I just lose my mojo and I don't want to, and then I'll reach out and ask someone hey who's getting in the headset? I need to get in the headset, you know.
Julia:Yeah, just reaching out to, and there's where that community comes in. But isn't it funny how quickly we forget how awesome supernatural is from day to day yeah yeah, it takes us getting in and being like, oh yeah, this, this is what I want. Yeah, this is what I crave, this is what my body needs, this is what my mind needs, so I'm always hoping it's going to help me to not have, you know, things like Alzheimer's and dementia. I think about that a lot. I'm like I hope this is doing things for my brain.
MJ:That is, I believe it is. Uh, I am an insomniac. I go through horrible bouts of where I don't sleep. Most nights, on average, I sleep three hours. That is a normal sleep schedule for me. Most people are like oh man, how do you only sleep? And, and I go through this, it's ever since I was a little little kid, you guys. Um, this is normal for me, it's also my. My father is the same. So it is so important for me to focus on my eye hand coordination, constantly building neuropathways, constantly challenging my brain in this way and I believe supernatural is going to help me stave off dementia, because as an insomniac, because I do not sleep, my brain does not get the recovery either. Does my body. That someone who sleeps six to eight hours a night would Okay.
MJ:So, when I have brain scans done, which is part of something I have to do because of the condition you know. They say my brain is much older than I actually am because of the lack of sleep. So anyway, I 100% believe supernatural helps me stave off that possibility of Alzheimer's or early dementia. It helps my working memory. I would love to see some studies about that.
Julia:I was going to say those are the studies I want to see Same. We know that scientifically supernatural is a workout. We know that Because we are in there and we are doing it and we've seen the changes in our mind and in our body. But I want to see the studies, the mind studies of how they help the brain. And use me 'll. I 'll, yeah, volunteer. Put the little probes on my head.
MJ:I'm use me agreed, I would do the same thing in a heartbeat.
Julia:Sign me up, yeah, send the stuff to my house in a box. I'm good to go. Neurotransmitters or something Scientific, scientific-y stuff, send it to me Anyway. So we woke up Speaking of really awesome, cool workouts that we like to go back to. And why Supernatural is so awesome and we had this rap attack a couple days ago. Two days ago. How many days ago. When did we have this? We a couple days ago, two days ago, how many days ago. When did we have this?
Julia:we've played it so many times, it feels like we've had it for a week.
MJ:I think it came out on a tuesday, june 4th, it's a two days. A tuesday it's two days ago from this recording, but many days when people hear this. So yeah, and it was amazing. This is the. We've been in a little bit of a low for us when it comes to new workouts that we really love, or what?
MJ:we like to call shiny new toys. They are the workouts that you play, you get out of and you obsess about, you think about, you're like I gotta play it again. I gotta like I got to play it again.
Julia:I got to play it again.
MJ:Let me play it again.
Julia:Hold on. You want to see all the side-by-sides. You're thinking about it while you're stirring your dinner. It's like you just want to do this workout nonstop.
MJ:You get 17 minutes of free time and you're like I'm getting in the headset and getting sweaty and playing this workout. Yeah, this workout has been out two days and I've played it 10 times already. Yeah.
Julia:I haven't played it 10 times, but I feel like I've played it 10 times in my mind. I've watched the side-by-sides that I can find over and over and over. This has been this is a great workout.
MJ:This is the style of choreography you and I crave, and the funny thing is, I would 100% call this a dance workout. Yes, no subjective way of looking at it. This is 100% a dance workout If you are moving with the triangles, as in keeping your head directly under the foot, keeping your feet on the sides. Oh man, it's so good and it's got complexity, yep.
Julia:And the setups. We also call this the triangle training workout too.
MJ:Yes, 100% the setups, but yes the setups yes. It is so comfortable and there are no. When I talk about setups, what I'm saying is when you hit a set of targets, your arm naturally will end somewhere. When your arm ends naturally over there, there should be a target. Okay, yep, okay, oh. Every opportunity is taken advantage of.
Julia:Yeah, if you're playing this and just busy doing something else in your mind or in a party, this just comes just naturally. It's hard to explain the feeling unless you're in here just doing it for yourself. It's so smooth and you don't know it's coming the first time you play, but you almost feel like you do, and that's what makes me hoop and holler if I may say that, while we're playing, this, yeah, because it's like how, why?
Julia:This is just crazy. And that's when I get like. That is when it just feels so perfectly natural from move to move and I can feel that I'm doing dance movements when naturally my body, I couldn't, outside of the headset, do these movements. It does not come naturally to me. So to be forced in these targets and triangles to move this way just feels so cool to me. It's hard to describe, it's really hard to describe and, on top, hard to describe the way choreography is what it is and what it looks like on a podcast like this. But if you're watching the video version, we will be popping up clips and things for you to see.
MJ:But this workout it it just the way I describe it is the setup. Like each target leads you perfectly to the next set of targets. There's nothing left on on the out of the map, like it takes full advantage of the space of the music. Oh man, I just I guess you're not just standing there waiting for something. Exactly that's what you're saying. Yes.
Julia:You're always moving in some type of way and it is high movement. It's a high intensity, obviously, but it's like what did we even name it? What this workout Did we should?
MJ:tell the workout. It's a rap attack and it's called battle to the beat. It is with coach doc, and again, it came out June 4. So, man, this one is just well in the description.
Julia:Yeah, she has played it 10 times. I wish I could have been in there every time with her because, I haven't been able to get 10 times in, but man, I would have. But it says get hyped up, athlete, bust out your best dance moves alongside Coach Doc as you flow to the beats of rap legends past and present. So in it he is coaching you through a dance battle and in it he is coaching you through a dance battle.
MJ:Yes, and I love the way he does this because he takes from each song and has a very specific focus. He's like all right, we're dancing, you know, for ourselves this time. Then the next song. It's like we're dancing to prove to everyone else you know we're going to kick their butt in this dance battle. It's just the way he progresses. That's one of the things I love about doc's coaching style is he is a storyteller at heart. He is, and if you really focus and listen, he's so thoughtful in his storytelling, from song to song and it goes with the choreography. I really admire that, wow.
Julia:Something else I'm surprised you haven't said yet. Don't skip the warm up.
MJ:I was coming, I was coming.
Julia:Do not skip that warm up, don't skip.
MJ:Look, I have a new rule. I am not skipping warm ups when I play a new to me workout. I'm going to honor this and I'm gonna stick with it, because and there's multiple reasons One because, especially in this one, doc goes over some triangles that we have only ever seen in two other songs Okay, that's true, I don't think people know how to interact with these triangles, and this is this is partly because we're not being shown how to interact with the triangles, but doc shows you, he shows you and he even talks about a little bit of slide action. So so important not to skip this. Then it's real quick, y'all. It's real quick. He goes over what y'all need to do so that when you encounter it, you'll know now, and then the first song.
MJ:It comes fast, oh it comes right away, it's right there and it goes fast.
Julia:Yeah, yeah and out and out, let's go. And I was like whoa and you'll see one's one, it's hard you'll this one's one that you see the oh, I'm sorry, marley, go ahead, you go, go go.
Julia:This is one that comes. You want to get back in? Well, obviously, you said because you've played it 10 times and I've played it several times myself, but it forces you to want to go back to make sure you're doing. You want to go back and like am I doing this right? I want to do this again. I want to experience it again, Try again and you see something new and different every single time you go in there New dance move or a new target or a new. It makes you feel it a different way. Every time you go in, you experience it differently. I mean the first play versus my second play, two different, completely different plays for me. My second play, two different, completely different plays for me.
MJ:Yeah, A hundred percent. Now back to the warmup. Coach doc, when he talks um, when he goes over those moves, you'll see the triangles right away. Um, and it's the way they're asking you to move. It's like this lunge, toe, tap situation happening. Julia will put her video up. If you're watching on YouTube, it's in our group. If you happen to be listening on Apple or Spotify anywhere you're listening you can actually go to our group and see the video. Um, I feel like we should record coach docs warm up and post that too. Like, if y'all aren't going to watch it in the headset, watch it here. It's literally two minutes. Like, watch it please. And you can tell Doc's so excited in the warmup he's like ready.
Julia:And this is one of the workouts he says I've been waiting for. This workout is what he says when he pops up.
MJ:This is one of the workouts that he talked about on the last episode that he was so excited about that's about to come out but he couldn't talk about. So y'all don't skip and do it, um, cause there's some interesting moves in there. Uh, again, I think this is a dance workout. I can go and watch music videos in the hip hop category of music videos and and catch some inspiration for some dance moves. Now, I don't know if that's what we're supposed to be doing. I try and do what Julia does, which is the lunge, toe tap situation. My leg quivers and my butt is like stop, it's hard, y'allall, it is hard, it is really hard, and maybe part of the reason I've played it 10 times is because I'm trying to master this particular move in here.
MJ:Um, but I was watching a music video, a drake music video, and he does this, this move with his, with his leg, and choreographer Justin. He has some personal videos of himself on his page, if y'all go look, and he does this thing with his legs sometimes and I know it's a dance thing, you know it's a dance part of him enjoying dance so much, so he just sort of adds it in. I wonder if he's trying to get us to do something like that. But you can't really convey that with the triangles in Supernatural, like you kind of have to interpret it how you interpret it right. Maybe we need some new triangles.
Julia:I mean, if they put a tiny triangle and turn it just a little bit, that would make you maybe I don't know.
MJ:I don't know what that would visually look like.
Julia:To get you to like, do your legs um, I'm sure it's very difficult to convey what they want it to convey, so we have to use some of our own, you know, creativity.
MJ:Well, there's lots of room for that.
Julia:And I mean not everybody's going to interact with this map the way I would. You probably interact with it differently than me, and that's okay as long as you're moving and dancing and sweating.
MJ:Move y'all. This is a workout. You are moving, okay. Yeah, you are going to need to recenter yourself multiple times possibly. I use a mat. It helps me stay where I need to be, but I can also go out of the mat, so I know how and when where I need to come back. I don't often have to recenter myself, but I do. This. One makes me move. I want a bigger play space because of these workouts, like it encourages me to pick up my feet. I'm never just standing still.
Julia:And I love that.
MJ:I absolutely love that about this workout.
Julia:Well it also. Oh, my thought just ran straight out of my head because I got a notification on my phone. Well, that's okay, we can move on. Shiny new toy, we're excited about it. Oh, so good.
MJ:There's another. There's a couple of good workouts that have come over, come out over the last few weeks. We got a new Disney workout. Yes, your favorite.
Julia:I posted a funny little thing on on the community page because we did say that. Well, I said, and you agreed, so you didn't say per se. I said I'm going to work out to Disney music, y'all this workout. I was like, okay, I'll play it. You know, it's the Lion King, I like these songs. Listen.
Julia:My son was home when I played this. It was a full karaoke. He's like what are you doing in there, mom? I'm singing at the top of my lungs, which reminds me what I was going to say about the other workout. Keep your supernatural inhaler close. But anyway, I'm just joking. The singing and dancing with this Lion King is a whole nother level of working out. So if you want to belt it out and have your own karaoke, you're going to get your heart rate up even more. But I had, and I know that I played this in a party with you. You weren't playing this workout at the same time, but I was trying not to sing because I knew you were doing a different workout. So and it's annoying if you're doing a different workout and somebody else is singing what they're doing while you're trying to do something else.
Julia:But I couldn't help it. I just couldn't help myself.
MJ:But it's because there is. This movie is from our childhood.
Julia:It is. It's just nostalgic.
MJ:And really is.
Julia:And gave me all the feels. I've played this one twice now and one of my favorite things is the new location In Tanzania.
MJ:It's so beautiful. Please, please reuse this location Not just for this workout.
Julia:I mean, replace some of those sandbar weird dirt places, the dirty locations, the ones that look like dirt. Yes, the muddy locations, the muddy locations.
MJ:Yeah, one day I was going on and on about like why are we standing in mud? Out of all of the places we could be in the world, it's here. Yeah, like color. Yes, this location was magical it was. I had to pause and do a few 360s in my living room and to check this one out in the sky.
Julia:Oh man, oh it was it and I don't know if you noticed, but they look. It looked like there were several places where there were different suns or moons or and like it was just it was, it was beautiful yeah it was totally beautiful and it was very flowy, great tales.
Julia:Yes, it was lots of movement um, it is weird when you're hitting targets to um songs from movies like this and there's like talking parts. I'm sure that is probably really hard, probably for the choreographers to get the timing right. It's probably really weird thing like, what do I make these people do during some of these parts? So I think some of those always feel a little bit weird, but this one, this is my new favorite. If I needed to do a disney workout, which there is a disney challenge right now with supernatural, um, I just need to do this one workout which there is a Disney challenge right now with Supernatural.
MJ:I just need to do this one, that's it. This is theographers. Dances at Disney. Works for Disney. I won't say their name. You guys can do the needful if you must go find it. And I wonder if they choreoed this Disney workout. I would assume if I was a dancer, I also danced at Disney and I also was a choreographer for super. Maybe it's actually the opposite. He's like they're like no, I don't want it's true no more disney.
MJ:But I feel like they would be like this is for me like I've got to do this one. Scoop it up really fast, yeah, exactly I in my heart. That's what I tell myself you, I'm like no, it has to be them.
Julia:It has to. Yeah, they need to get in and do this one. It was really good, really really enjoyed it.
MJ:The same day that that high rap attack came out, which was June 4th, Tuesday, June 4th, Medium Boxing came out that I personally really enjoyed. Now it's a dance around the world and I love dance around the world. It's called Afrobeats Heat Wave. Oh, interesting, I didn't even look at the name. It's good, it's quick, it's 11 minutes. The music is fantastic. They've got another Sophie Tucker remix in here. I love Sophie Tucker remixes.
Julia:There's another workout. I really love that has one.
MJ:I think there's only two songs in there remixed by her in Supernatural. Anyway, sorry, I went off. Julia had something to say about the bars in the first song. She was not very happy with those. What was it about the bars?
Julia:Oh, that's right, this is the one. Okay so there are some, just one specific thing in boxing. That comes well too. I don't like the slow bobs and weaves. Those drive me crazy and I feel like, but anyway, that's not the one. I love them. There's's. I can't stand them. There's bars that come and I think they start as a straight like dog bar and then it goes off to like one side or the other. They break my brain.
MJ:I hate them, so you go into a squat, yeah, basically. So what I do because you're in boxing stance, right, you're doing a front lunge, so this is when I get my front lunges in, I go down and then I go over. So it's like a shot. It's I like the move. So when I heard you react like I hate these, rob, why they? I was like really.
Julia:I'm like, I like them.
MJ:I'm like, I like them, I'm cool with them.
Julia:We don't see them a lot, so I think that that might be another reason too. So I don't know if we saw them more and I could get trained more, and that's the thing. It's really down to training it is, and my brain is just not trained and my brain is very confused about which way, what I'm supposed to do, because I see it and I feel like it's a bobbin weave and then my brain freaks out about which way I'm supposed to go, it's just, they throw me off.
Julia:They throw me off, but overall this workout was good.
MJ:Yeah, I enjoyed it. It had great music yeah, it had really great music. Now here's another workout that came out. I'm going to be honest I have not done it. I don't know why I haven't done it. Why haven't I done it, julia?
Julia:I don't know. It's really good and I feel like you should. It's just a lot of dots. Okay, this one is for the people who want a really long workout to not have to make any decisions. Yeah, get in and just click on a workout and just go, and this one went by really fast. It is a 50 51 minute super monster um promise to rumble with leanne, high intensity, like right up my alley, and the dots don't really bother me if I'm having a good time. This, like I said, it went by really fast, came out on six one um and a lot of these songs are some older songs, some of them from, if you're familiar with, club Frost. That was a very popular workout in its time, and some of these older songs are popped back in here, and so my first thought is are we getting some new choreography? So I just had a light bulb moment.
Julia:I'm so glad you said this. Oh, is that why you yes?
MJ:Because now I remember why I haven't done it. One. I like to make choices. I like to hop from one workout to another. I love to partial workouts if I'm into a song and not into another. Yeah, I don't mind monsters, you know, but I feel like once I commit, I commit and I'm going to need someone there to chat with or I'm going to focus on the dots, right.
Julia:Yeah, but.
MJ:I looked at the playlist and I love this playlist. You know I am so into electronic music. These are my jams but, I was afraid I was going to be disappointed because they weren't new maps.
Julia:And I had this conversation.
MJ:I know, and you've told me that there was edits and updates to some and this. You thought this one was new and I still haven't done it. I thought about doing it last night so that I would could talk.
Julia:You need a buddy. You need a buddy with this. Yeah For this one. I feel like it it. You need a buddy with this one. Yeah for this one.
MJ:I feel like it is.
Julia:Maybe I'll get you to do it with me today Sounds good and when I said I talked to you about it, we had the conversation before I did it about oh, these are a lot of these. Some of those songs are new, but the majority of these songs are older songs from older EDM workouts with Leanne, like the OG songs, like the OG workouts that I love doing. When I first started Supernatural, this is the stuff I went after. So when I saw this, I'm like, even if they are old, I'll have a nostalgic time, you know, and I'll be able to feel all the feelings from before. But I was like, deep down, I'm like I want to see some new choreography, I want to feel a little bit different, some different movements, not as choppy, and I want some more triangles in here.
MJ:So I made some assumptions about this workout right off the get-go right. I don't know if a lot of people realize this, but monsters and super monsters typically. This isn't a blanket statement, this is just something I have noticed. Okay, y'all, I could be wrong sometimes, but sometimes they're made from already mapped songs.
Julia:They are.
MJ:Okay. So a couple of edits will be done. So if you've seen it in a 20-minute workout and now it's in a super monster, 90% of the time it's the same map, okay. And I just had another light bulb moment for myself. When I first started, this is story time with Marla now. When I first started Supernatural, I was on Lowe's for a really long time and the music I craved was electronic music, was this music. But they didn't offer. It doesn't make sense to have this kind of music in Lowe's. I mean, no matter how much I would have loved it back got. I understood why you don't see it a lot. It'd be so hard to map and and the lows that do offer this type of music. You want more from the map You're like this is a low so anyway, you're right.
MJ:You're right, I think I wanted to play these highs so bad and I was nowhere near being able to that. When I was finally able to play the Frost Monster or Club, it was Club Frost.
Julia:Club Frost yeah.
MJ:Any of those old school ones.
Julia:When I got to it, I was already appreciating the smoother style of choreography so you were underwhelmed by the choreography that wow, that connection I love that it was. You had already advanced in your choreography by playing the lower intensities by, so by the time you got to these that you dreamed of playing.
MJ:Yes they were they didn't have that choreography they were let down for me, and so when I see these, when I saw this, I made a huge assumption on my part that I was going to be let down. First of all, I know a lot of these songs. I know some of them are new, so it's probably a mixture of old maps that are slightly edited, thrown in with maybe. How many songs would you say are new on here? I don't know. I mean, I know Do it Right has been in many a workout, yeah.
Julia:There's only three or four new songs. Yeah, so I believe Rumble was new and maybe I don't know there's there's only a couple.
MJ:There was only a handful of new ones. Yeah, and like quick hits. Quick hits are are maps and songs taken from longer workouts. To make two little short ones. Well, monsters and Super Monsters are typically the same, but in reverse, they take them and put them. So, no, I don't get super excited about Super Monsters. I'm not someone who wants to go. I'm not one of those people asking for a 51 minute workout, so I don't have to make any choices. I want to make choices.
Julia:I want to play 10 different yes.
MJ:I want to jump all around Now, if a full workout is amazing, like, oh, there's a monster, I know a monster here. Um, it's the rap one. I don't have it right up here. It's the one where they took the first song out. Now I got to get it. That's also a coach doc. It has holiday in it, has fantasy in it. That monster, that is new New choreography and it is bomb.
Julia:And I was excited, but it doesn't feel like a monster, but it doesn't feel like a monster?
MJ:I'm excited about that one, but so anyway yeah, that's story time with Marla. I'm excited about that one, but so anyway, yeah, that's story time with Marla. That's why I think I made those assumptions and I wasn't excited. And it probably made no sense to people who know me because they're like but Marla, this is your jam. It's a high flow too, so what's your problem?
Julia:I still haven't played it. I should play it and give it a chance. I loved this one and, like I said, I'm pretty sure all but one song, mayday. I'm not 100% because there's a couple that I was like I think these had some changes in it, but I believe Mayday is exactly the same and I know people are like how do you remember that? I played it so many times when the original came out that it's like some of these maps are like instilled in memory.
MJ:It's muscle memory. You know the angles and we pay attention to that stuff. Well, and I have a side by side, yeah, with mayday also.
Julia:So I've watched it, I've studied it. You know, I've I've done the whole football. Here's the X's and we go over here and you move over there and throw the ball over there. Um, so yeah, all of them had had changes and edits done to them and there were a few new ones and there were a few, um, new moves that I saw in there.
Julia:Um so that's always exciting to me to see something new. Whether or not it's always, you know, done exactly the way, the most comfortable way for me, or not, I still enjoy seeing, you know, the choreographers trying something new, something we've never, seen before and that gets me excited.
Julia:So it did. It took me all the way back to my OG days. I was like, yes, this is my playlist. This is not one. I'm like let's go dance, marla Marla, let's get in this and dance for 51 minutes. This workout, for me, is like you're going to put your head down and you're going to go hard and you are just going to tear it up, and I'm not going in this thinking, I'm just going to. You know, half do or pull back. This is one that I'm going to go insane on.
MJ:And I did and it was great. Yeah, you got a diamond on it.
Julia:I did and it shocked me. I'm like whoa, because that medium that we talked about, that medium flow, what was it called? The girl, I don't want to say. Or have have we even talked about that one yet? We have not talked about it.
Julia:Yet the Girl Power medium that came out. I couldn't get a diamond on that and I've tried that one several times. But this, and it's just that mentality of going in there with that power and getting that diamond and I wasn't even going for the diamond, I was going for the nostalgia of. These are some OG songs and I can't wait for this.
MJ:And it went by fast for me.
Julia:But I mean, you may go in there and be like, okay, this was a one and done, I don't want to do this again.
Julia:And I think that is interesting too, how everyone has their different needs and we do come together on a lot of the things that we like and that we we do over and over. But there are a few things you're over here doing this and I'm like hi marla, and I'm over there doing that and you're like what are you doing? So it's very true, and that's I mean and that's another thing that we could say that supernatural is so cool about supernatural it caters to so many different needs of so many different people. So anyway, super monster, if you like those, this one's for you. It's a good one, it is.
MJ:I'm excited. I'll play it, we'll see. Maybe I need to change my mindset around Now that I realize why I made that assumption and why I was just eh about it. I kind of need to think about it for a minute so that when I do go into it I go into it in a positive way, because for some reason there's some sort of block there. For me it's like a trauma, like what happened Marla, yeah exactly, exactly.
Julia:I couldn't. But don't beat yourself up, because we do this about a lot of workouts. I know we do this. I couldn't do highs.
MJ:This is something we do, and then, when I could, it just wasn't what I wanted it to be yeah.
Julia:and then here they are. They put this one out in their face, just to.
MJ:I know Exactly, I know exactly, oh man, but let's go back to the very end of May, may 28th, to the medium girl power, magic in the air that came out. This one surprised me, like I was very happily surprised. I have played this one a few times. It's so flowy.
Julia:It's so flowy it, so it is flowy, and smooth and um, it had. It has a two-step, two-step tall triangles with a target right inside the corner or right outside the corner on the opposite dude, it's the cupid shuffle, move it is this workout and so you're like stepping away, but you're hitting away at the opposite and it is, so it's a diff.
Julia:I would classify it as a more difficult move for a medium, yeah, but to me it is so satisfying and then it changes back up to you stepping in and hitting the same side again, the way we would normally see. So there's, you can't. Ok, well, maybe you can go into flow state. I can't say what other people do. I can't go into flow state during this workout. I am like hyper aware there's portals opening everywhere for a medium.
Julia:There's a lot going on in this and I just love it because it just gives me all of that like, oh, this target's over here and oh, there's one over there, and it's just so wide and expansive, it's flowy but it's stretchy. This one has so much going for it in my opinion.
MJ:And I did record daisies. And I need a side by side. You need to do a comparison of the pros only version of daisies from not in this alone to this daisies from the medium, because, yep, it was honored and this, listen, this is an example we can play it.
MJ:If you're going to give us a song, give us a whole new map? Yeah, but this is an example Well, this is an example of an edited map where it honored the original but also changed it enough to make it feel new. It was like a nod to the pros. It was yeah, and just like astronaut in the ocean from the rap, rap attack.
MJ:Uh, battle into the beat that we talked about initially. There's a medium version of astronaut in the ocean and we will cry, astronaut in the ocean, and we will cry, cry, tears if a prose only of astronaut in the ocean is not made one day that we are putting that into the universe and I hope that it is honored and a little nod is placed there. Yes, the medium and the high version of astronaut in the ocean.
Julia:Yeah, um, I believe we also have astronaut in the Ocean, in a boxing too, so it just needs to make full circle. Get into the pros. It would be perfect for a pros. Yeah, we need to see it now. It's time it is.
MJ:I really love this one. It's like you just got it in this. It was very stretchy and encourages you to make large movements, so I know we've mentioned short and choppy hits sometimes of older workouts. A lot of these newer workouts are like the complete opposite of short and choppy. They are expensive and they want you to play with that range of motion.
Julia:And I just love that. It makes me feel happy. This one is a great stretchy and there is for a medium. I feel like there's a lot of complexity and triangles. There's a lot of triangles in this too.
MJ:I'm up here dancing, thinking about this.
Julia:You're dancing.
MJ:All right. Next one I did not do this one, but this I got to do this one, oh.
Julia:I got to make this one time. I don't always click on a low. I'm just going to be honest. I mean, a lot of times I'm like it's a low. There are some really good lows out there, and this one I'm like a glutaceous. Let's just see, because I, if I see absalicious we've talked about this before if I see glutatious, if I see call to arms abs, I want it to be working that part of my body. I don't want to get out and be like I thought it was a glutatious. I don't want to have to look again and be like right was it marla?
Julia:the first song had like 10 targets it may have more.
MJ:So let's back up seriously. What's this one called? Back up, you're right. What's this one called and when did it come? Out glutaceous reggaeton rump shaker which is hilarious as a picture of a line she did.
Julia:It's a 17 minute low flow from 6 5 five 24, with Rainier, of course. Of course, we talk a lot about twerking in this workout, oh, okay.
MJ:Rainier talks a lot about twerking.
Julia:Not me.
MJ:I knew you were using royalty, that's right, and can I?
Julia:and did I twerk? No, because you know I can't. I've tried, um, I can't. I've tried. This workout I was shocked by. I just figured it would just be a low gluteus and I'd be like, okay, no, whoever mapped this workout did a fantastic job. I'm just going to tell we don't normally talk about target hits, but it had 401 targets, but it had 979 triangles variations of different types.
MJ:We've been talking about this forever, about how we want to see a triangle training workout or a gluteus workout where it is way more triangles than targets. This was so that you can really get the lower body work and it did it.
Julia:It had a lot of variation of different triangles. You have leg lifts, and not only do you just have leg lifts, you have squats and then like four leg lifts in a row which you don't see in a low.
Julia:That's awesome and I'm not saying it shouldn't have been in there. It was definitely great training for someone to move up, so I would call this a low plus, and it made me sore and it made me work and I sweat. I was out of breath. My heart rate was up in the 140s to 150s. I'll have to do it. Yeah, you've got to do this one. This is a great warm up too, and I will say I know we keep going back to that rap attack that came out Tuesday. I did this the day after that, so my legs were already burning, my body was already sore.
MJ:This is why I did not do the low yesterday when it came out because you spoke about it. Two of our other friends spoke about it. Someone in the community, like I, was seeing it everywhere and has some goals this week that do not align with me. Not being able to walk, okay, or sit on the potty. I'm like and-uh, and it's bad enough. I've already done that battle to the beat 10 times and trying to do those lunge, toe, tap, leg things and my legs are already pretty jello-y.
MJ:Yeah, and I got to catch my friend Julie so that we can cross three million together and she just keeps outpacing me and it's a never-ending chase. But I love it. I love it. She knows I love it. I need the chase. You don't get a break. You ain't getting a break until you hit three million with her, you're not getting one?
Julia:Just go work, Marla. Why are you even here? Why?
MJ:are you even here?
Julia:I gotta go. I'll just finish this up by myself.
MJ:No, please don't leave me, yeah, so I'm gonna get to this low. I will get to this.
Julia:You need to because I'm gonna tell you one of my favorite moves in here. I don't remember any black and white arm targets okay they could have taken them out. This was pretty much. I mean, there are more triangles than target over half.
MJ:Yeah, that's awesome.
Julia:So there and we've seen this before, but never in a low, I don't think but it's when you're doing a squat or a lunge and then they're taking you to that little tiny. So you have to stay in your squat and get over in that little tiny triangle off to the side on both sides. So you have to stay in your squat and get over in that little tiny triangle off to the side on both sides.
Julia:So you're squatting and basically toe tapping in and out and staying down in squats, and then there was a lot of up and down like faster up and down squats, like you've got to do this workout. You're going to be shocked by this workout, like I thought about this workout yesterday. If I get out of a workout and I'm still thinking about a workout that's a good workout.
MJ:And for a low Wow, will this workout go on your triangle training list?
Julia:Of course, Of course, and there are so many variations. For a low, like I said, there's leg lifts, fast feet, which I haven't told you yet. There is fast feet. There is squats, lunges, sidesteps, little triangles to go sidestepping and squats. Every single triangle, just about that you can think of, is in this workout.
MJ:There's not like.
Julia:I don't think there were like the sidesteps, like the slides in this. One could be wrong, maybe they were. There's a lot of variation of training. This is a gluteus workout and it is a great training for a medium. Okay, if you are. If you're trying to triangle train, this is a perfect workout for that, because it's a low and you're not having to think about the black and white targets the arm targets Right. And I agree with you. I think that there should just be a triangle workout.
MJ:Yeah, I think there should be. Take all the arm targets out Low medium high pros and just take all the yeah, just take the arms out and for the purpose of learning how to move with the triangles, so that when workouts come out you know you can be prepared. Like you talked about triangle training and not focusing on power hits, but really focusing on movement, and then you can come back and put them all together and I think it would be a great resource to have some workouts like that Well, it reminds me of the salsa workout.
Julia:I can do the lower half salsa part, but when I start hitting targets, I can't do the salsa stuff anymore. So if there was a full salsa workout with just me doing salsa steps, that would be really cool and I think it would be a way for me to train my body to do them. And I guess you could just do them on your own and get in and not hit targets. But that's hard to do. It's hard to just get in and not hit targets. It really really is.
MJ:It's hard to just get in and not hit targets. It really, really is, and I'm sure people who did docs workout suggestion from last week you know that because man, it was hard. And it was the it was during the one of the my favorite movements in the choreo too. I was like are you kidding me?
Julia:And finally I had to.
MJ:I was like doing the movements cause I was dancing and and it naturally wants you to sway your hips and the momentum those movements were asking of you. I was just moving and like dodging the targets, like he asked us to um however, then my brain was like hit them, hit them, they're so fun.
Julia:Yeah, it's hard and you did go back and do it after he recommended. I haven't yet, but I remember when this came out and he was right, I was not able to just stand there and not hit targets. I was like what, you have got to be kidding me, I'm not doing that. And I remember saying out loud I'm not doing that. And I kept hitting my targets. I don't want to mess up my accuracy, but wow, what a lesson in discipline that would have been so.
MJ:I do need to go back in and see how I feel about it now. Standing there, I think I I legitimately did it for so long for the majority of the song. I mean I got 98% accuracy on that workout and it was good. It was good, it was good to move I still moved. It wasn't like I was just sitting there on that workout and it was good. It was good, it was good to move I still moved. It wasn't like I was just sitting there and doing nothing Standing there.
Julia:Yeah, Put your arms down and just like yeah, oh I quit.
MJ:No, it was a different form of interacting with the map.
MJ:I hope everyone goes and does it.
Julia:But anyway, me too. Yes, glutatious, glutatious. Go do it please. Okay, not just you Everyone. It was so good, it truly shocked, me how good it was.
MJ:Well, now I'm conflicted because, like, maybe this should be our workout suggestion for the week.
Julia:And we could have two workout suggestions. I think we should have two. It's all about triangle training, because we have to say the one that we already have.
MJ:We like all about triangle training and movement, encouraging you to move. Take up space, y'all. Take up space. I know that some of you have limited play space. I get it. Yeah, try and take up as much space as you can. Shoot your fitness is important. Make some space in your house, y'all. And this is me telling me this too, because I want more space, looking in the mirror, as you're saying it.
Julia:And I mean, if they want a workout suggestion in all intensities this week, we could even give that to them, because the girl power, in my opinion, would be the medium.
MJ:So so this week we have three, we have a low medium and a high for y'all, and we've talked about the low is the gluteus with Rainier. What's it?
Julia:called the reggaeton romp romp shaker. Thank you, thank you, thank you Just for. Marla. The medium is the girl power magic in the air medium with Dwana from 52824. And the high intensity. I'll let you announce this one Miss 10 times.
MJ:Battle to the beat with Coach Doc from june 4th 6 4. It's 17 minutes.
Julia:It's 17 minutes of perfection we maybe had our whole episode be this workout probably.
MJ:I mean, did we kind of in a way sort of it tied in with why we love supernatural, it was perfect it was perfect. Um, this is definitely one of the main reasons we love shiny new toys. These shiny new toy workouts keep us um coming back, seriously, seriously. They do keep us coming back, and when you're done with them, y'all don't forget to rate the workout. Do the needful you know. Pick whatever options apply to you.
MJ:Be honest they want to hear from us if you have more to say than what the options allow for you to express, hit other. They will prompt an email and you can write them a novel, like I do on occasion, which I need to get my thoughts together for my novel on the battle to the beat, because it's coming, it's coming well, I hit other on that glutatious and I wrote them I know you were like marla.
MJ:I wrote that I was like what that's Marla. I wrote that I was like what that's rare for you. And I know that and I was like oh okay, all right, my legs need to get it together. They're a little sore today, but maybe that's a good thing. You know, sometimes you work the soreness out when you think you're a little sore and you start stretching, you start moving.
Julia:You're, you start moving. You're like, oh, I'm loose, now see if this happens to me. This is why I'm gonna go easy.
MJ:I'm gonna get in the headset and just do a little bit and then suddenly you're gonna do the, the rap, five, five more times today, maybe six, it's definitely. I'm definitely playing it again today and another I'm gonna play. Earn it. I want to see, I want to play those two yeah so but rate them even though you have rated them.
Julia:Just keep it in select or say on there submit yes, yeah, okay, guys, we got carried away there at the end, but thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to hang out with us. We appreciate you so much we really do.
MJ:And don't forget the real joy and love of Supernatural is in the journey. You go on Bye.