For the Love of the Map

Episode 17: YOU Asked, We Answered

May 22, 2024 For the Love of the Map Episode 17

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Join us as we answer your questions and the unexpected waves of nostalgia they stirred. Our latest episode is a treasure trove of stories, from the enigmatic corners of the globe to the adrenaline-pumping beats of our ultimate workout playlist. 

The laughter in our voices is as clear as the camaraderie we share when we discuss the hidden lives of targets in VR fitness games and how we keep that workout motivation tank topped up. 

It's all about the personal touches that make our experiences unique, just like the bespoke choreography in Supernatural that keeps us coming back for more. By the time we sign off, we hope to leave you with a sense of excitement for the journeys we share and the ones you're yet to embark on—because it's not just the destination that's supernatural, it's every step along the way.

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Hello Julia, Hi Marla, how are you today? I'm good.


It is Friday in our world. Friday, yes, we like Friday, we love Fridays, love Fridays. And today's episode. I don't know how I feel about it, but today's episode is questions our listeners have asked of us.


I always push you into these situations that sometimes you don't agree, and I'm like we're doing this and I just put a picture of us on our podcast page and I'm like I said, ask us anything.


I know I'm like said ask us anything. I know I didn't say choreography.


I didn't say supernatural, I said ask us anything so yeah, yeah.


I don't know that I approve of this, but here we are, so looks like we've got a good bit of questions to go through. We do this should be an interesting-ish episode, hopefully. Definitely a lot less brain power required.


I think so too, which will be nice. Well, we might have a question about choreography, so we might have to describe a little bit of choreography, but it won't be as brain taxing, I don't think.


Well, it's funny because as soon as we hit record here, all of our descriptive words leave our brains. It's something about hit and record.


Yeah, and we are on episode 17,. And it's still hard to hit record every single time. We like sitting here and make small talk to try to distract ourselves every week A hundred percent, make a bunch of weird noises and laugh a lot.


And then I'm like okay, I'm hitting record right now and you're like ah okay, Everybody smile. Smile. All right, so do you want to start? You want to ask the first question? Sure, let's do this. All right, so do you want to start? You want to ask the first question? Sure, so Ryan? Ryan asked us have either of you ever visited a supernatural location in real life?


Well, I have been lucky to at last count last time I looked.


I have visited 10 of the locations in my lifetime, yeah, and what's funny is they're all before. I found Supernatural. Okay, that is cool. Yeah, it is pretty cool. Both of my parents were in the Navy while I was growing up. So we moved all over the world every three years and we actually only lived in the United States twice while I was growing up.


And they were my mother's shortest duty stations, so they were only for about two years each. So four years of my life was spent in the United States. We visited often, but the rest was all over Europe, so we would travel and vacation all over the place. So sometimes when I'll be in a workout and a location pops up, I get a flood of memories of when I was a kid. Which is really cool. But, yeah, a lot of places. So all so, all the Morocco. We've got Portugal. We've got a place in Spain. I lived in Spain for the longest amount of time while I was growing up. I graduated high school in Spain, so those locations are very familiar to me. We've also got the locations in Scotland and England. I visited all of those places and, yeah, it's pretty cool.


Lots of really cool. You're well traveled. Me, zilch, zilch, none. I visited none of them and now I would love to, but I think this would be a good time for you to tell that we have a map that people can go check out, that we have a map that people can go check out.


We do so. There is a community member who is an OG community member has kept up a Google Maps of all of the locations within Supernatural, which is really cool, and we'll post a link and share it with you guys in our group so that you can see they always update it, like usually the first day a workout comes up. So if there's a new location it is automatically updated, and I think that's really cool. It's on a map and you can click each location and it will tell you the name of it and when it appeared in Supernatural.


So I think that's pretty neat and you can see.


Yeah, I'm all about the data. All about the data. Give it to me. I like the data, but I don't want to do the work to find the data.


Yeah, I don't either. Like, if you asked me to figure out all the locations, I'd be like, nope, I'll go visit them when I work out in my places that I like to, and so it's really cool that somebody does want for me.


I do it for work often and I just don't want to do it in my off time and but I like to see it. So we have another community member, rose. She is all about taking all the data that she can find in the air table and putting it in a nice package for us to see and make sense of, like how many workouts are mood boosters or joy workouts or the most popular song, which I would really love to use a lot of that data for upcoming episodes. I've got a lot of ideas for that, but anyway, off happens all the time part of the show.


So even though you haven't visited any of the locations in and for real life, you get to travel to them in vr all the time, which is really neat well, it's part of the magic because I am kind of more we stay, we more we don't travel a lot because we're just not able to, and it's cool that I get to in that way. So I still get to see places and visit there and see. I always spin around in the new locations and look at everything. We find something new. We found something new in a location yesterday, just yesterday, when we were in together.


So locations are really cool they are, and I would very much like to see the space location more often yes, me too.


I love that one. That one's really neat all right.


So the next question is from aaron. And they say okay, you can only pick one move slash combination as your favorite. What is it? And I already know the answer to this. Go ahead, julia.


Mine's no secret and a workout I did yesterday. I had it almost through the whole thing, so it made me very happy Hard to describe, but you're basically throwing your arms kind of in a sideways Y over your head. It's kind of the momentum and the movement of how it makes you feel, and sometimes you lunge after, or you're step touching or leaning and then you do it again on the other side, touching or leaning, and then you do it again on the other side. It's just this really free, like jumping out of your body situation, and it goes perfectly usually with the music of course, and just makes me feel it's a magical feeling and it makes me feel so powerful and and and yeah, it's just good.


Well, fun fact, there are 5,052 variations of Julia's favorite move. There are, and we joke about it often- we do. It is a very, very good move, combo situation, and every time I see it or experience it, I always, always think of you.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you do a workout before me and you see that you're like, she's going to like this one, she's going to exactly, exactly.


I'm trying to think what mine is. I don't have just like one move or combination that I absolutely love. I will say anything that has to do with three portal magic, where targets are coming out simultaneously, at the same time from different portals and they overlap and you have to hit them. And I'm not talking like targets are coming out of one and then start coming out of another, but you're already done hitting those first targets. They need to overlap, you need to be hitting them simultaneously. Something you'll see in Alani, you'll see in Insane, you see in the Madhouse monster several times in several songs. You see it in metallica the hidden pros.


Only version of metallica. That is my favorite move and anytime that happens, I giggle yeah, but in like all, if you can really only find those in pros, only Right.


Yeah, there's no other high. There's no highs with that. A little bit Just like yeah, not as much as you would see it in a pros, no.


And if so, if we're talking about all the other intensities, it would probably be the moves While you're turning for a spin and the more complex. So like, if you have a double target that's turning you and you're hitting to the next portal over, if there's, like, other targets stacked on top of that, so you're crisscrossing and turning. That's probably my favorite combo.


It's the way it makes you feel. It's not just this thing that you like, but it's the way it makes you feel while it is it is definitely the way it makes me feel and what makes it my favorite so our next question is from miranda, and she asked you are picking this one is so good. You are picking the next pros-only set list Five songs. What do you choose?


All right, so I didn't really do any work on these questions, like think about them before we started filming, except for this one. I have to be honest, I spent a good chunk of yesterday listening to music, trying to come up with my dream set list for a pros only workout. I have tons that I could put in medium or highs. Pros only requires a very specific speed, you know. Yeah.


I thought about that too, because I spent time on this too and I was I would listen to a song and I'm like oh, this one. And then I was like you can't prose only that one, so yeah, yeah, and I also wanted it to be cohesive and make sense.


And then some of our friends were like no, no, no, no. This is like I'm asking you this question right off the bat, you have to answer it. And I'm like, do y'all know me? Like this is not the way my brain works, like I'm not coming to the podcast, just naming off random songs, cause I will regret it later on in life. It will be one of those things that I think about in five years, like why did I answer that question like that? So I did come up with a list and this would be like a Madhouse style pros only Okay, but a whole different genre of music. And I'm going to go with drum and bass, a whole different genre of music. And I'm going to go with drum and bass because I think drum and bass lends to lots of drum roll movements and variation in the choreography. While the music is repetitive, I feel like the movements don't have to be repetitive. And yes, I listened to these songs and I acted out like I was a choreographer in my brain and at one point.


I was doing it in my room and, uh, chris walked in and he was like what are you doing? I'm like I'm mapping a song. Okay, she's in there mapping a song, I'm mapping a song. So when I say drum and bass, I have a list and we'll post it in the group with a link to the, to the playlist, so you guys can listen to it if you are so inclined if they want to stand in their rooms and, you know, play your choreography or their own too.


You know they can do it too and just haven't been used yet. A high contrast is someone who is on my weekly song request list. Yes, I send in weekly song requests. Next would be Shy FX and Kings of the Rollers. These are. If you are not into electronic music, I don't expect you to know who any of these people are or what the songs are, but all you need to know is it is drum and bass, it is fast, there are vocals. I think this would be. I would wake up and freak out if this list, if any of these songs, came in a prose only.


I'd be like, ah, time to wake up yeah.


What about you, Julia?


This was hard for me because I'm not like a music person. I've learned about a lot of music since Supernatural. Now growing up I've always been able to sing and carry a tune in a bucket and, fun fact, I played violin a little bit in middle school for all three years.


So I do understand music but I've never been one to know who sang what or stuff like that. But I do know that I like bass. I've always liked, like heavy bass music. So you know I'm thinking of stuff like that. Anything from Skrillex, I like stuff like that. And Supernatural, the OG stuff that just really made you put your head down and go to work. You know that had drops, that type of music. So I'm not really picky, but I did kind of pick out some of my favorite ones that we already have in Supernatural.


Oh cool, so it's not like a no Supernatural. This is new stuff to me because I'm not good at that. But 16 Shots, yeah, that's a good one.


A prose only in 16. 16 shots would be amazing yeah.


So in for the kill, and you know that's one of my favorites. It is, it's already in a prose only.


So funny story about this.


Yes, there is a funny story about this.


I came to a chat one day and I was like oh my gosh, I want this song in a prose only. So bad. And Julie's like Marla, it's already in a prose only. I'm like what, what do you mean? No, it's not. She's like yeah, I told you about it. What are you talking about? It was an old prose only. What is it? From 2021?


Yeah, it's in a few like three of four older. Yeah, 2020, 2021 workouts. Yeah, yeah, I would love it's always in the same location.


I actually realized that when I was playing it the other day it's always in um, is it, chrystaria?


I think is where it's at always. So if the location changed, see, it's going to get real specific here and there are some certain choreography moves that I like in it that I feel like would have to stay. So I don't know.


But it's a good one that's cool.


Um, it has a good drop in it. A lot of good bass hype is already in a pros only, but an older pros only, so I want that remapped and it. It's just good. It has the base. You know, tick, tick, boom is another good one. That one just makes you like go crazy.


Yeah, you definitely give 150% on tick, tick, boom. I do you jump.


I mean, if you're not jumping, what are you doing? No, I'm joking.


I'm joking, protecting my ankles.


Yeah, I know right, we don't jump here, it's illegal. Um, that one kind of seems silly, but I mean, it's a fast-paced song. Yeah, it gets me going. Um. And then this one I heard yesterday and it's in several of our workouts. I don't I'm probably gonna butcher the name talamanca, talamanca, tala.


I don't know how you say it by robin schultz.


It's remixed. Yeah, um, and it's in one of my favorite uh, muscle meltdowns that that came out. You get high points from it. Um, we can't play these songs here on youtube or anywhere else. We wish we could, but yeah maybe we can make a little our own little playlist with these songs and and put them on the podcast group. I think that would be a good idea if they want to go listen to them, which they've heard all of my songs, so yours would probably be way more interesting than mine.


Well, I think it's funny that we both picked electronic music for our sets.


I would definitely EDM. That's right up my alley. Yeah, I think that's pretty cool Also I love how much thought that you put into yours Me. I was kind of like OK, you know, I did a little bit and I tried to make it kind of cohesive because I found a song that I like, trumped all the other questions and sent you on the spiral.


I like, ignored all other questions and I honed in on this one and Mouse about broke my brain. Yesterday I had Chris looking at music with me. I was in a meeting which I was muted in the meeting but then called on and had music blaring in the background and I forgot and you're fumbling trying to.


Well, I forgot for a second and just like unmuted myself and started talking. They're like Marla, we can't hear you. I'm like what? I'm unmuted, and they're like your music and I'm like, oh, oh, oh, my music. Sorry about that, friends.


But I mean, I wouldn't have thought it would have happened any other way than that, though for you.


Yeah, it's true. It's true and in fact I will be transparent.


I made five playlists yesterday. You're going to be emailing Supernatural weekly. I am weekly. Give me my pros and this is my music. And this is the choreography too. So I have to watch the tape.


I really, really want a prose, only rap, because that's yeah, we don't have that, but, um, I did not make a playlist. Well, I made a playlist, but it's got like 20 songs in it, so I couldn't narrow it down to five, but anyway, I I think that would be really cool too, okay, that would be cool. Thanks, mouse for asking that question because man it sent me on a spiral. For sure I rolled her out, she's gonna stay there.


I mean you're gonna have like 20, 30 pros, only five song playlist ready to go at any any moment, I know I'll be prepared job.


Anyone asked me this question. Again, I'm like I got, I got you, I got you, hold on hold on.


I got the answer. Which variation do you want? You have one for every single yes oh man, oh man um all right. So aaron asked what or would you rather have to do? A smooth sailing every time you boot up Supernatural or never get another madhouse level workout in Supernatural again? And your good answer for this was yeah.


You were like yeah, I was like how dare you?


ask me this question. Oh, you were supposed to ask that. Sorry, that was your time.


I was just how dare you ask me this question. Sorry, that was your time. I was just how dare you ask me this question? Like, excuse me, but my answer would be I would smooth sail every day.


I would too.


It would be my first. It would be a warmup. I would be a smooth sailor.


Yeah, I would have to do it too. I mean to never have a madhouse level. No, I mean smooth sail. Let's go. Can it be three songs? Maybe just a quick hit? Can we have a quick hit, smooth sail and a warm up to everything? We'll skip the first song or the second one.


She's going to be like no, it's a monster.


And you know what?


Okay, fine, I would do it seven days a week would do it seven days a week to.


I mean, she doesn't say it would be the same one. What if it's the same one? Oh, we would do it. We would, both of us, we would. I know if anyone's been here. You're fired anytime they're like. We know how you feel about the smooth sailing workouts it was a good question, but still so can we pick the music?


can I make the playlist for the smooth sailing and the choreography? Oh man, oh man, oh man. I don't even know. There's got to be some sort of smooth sailing songs that we would be all right with. We just don't do them enough to know we just know we're not into into it?


No, but we would do it.


Yeah, we would man she knew.


She knew what she was doing by asking that.


Yeah, she did. Oh man, All right. Next question, ryan what do you think the targets are made out of? I don't know of a substance on Earth that flies further than a Mark. I'm assuming this is a baseball thing. Mark McGuire home run ball when bonked by the wrong glove or bat.


So I don't know who he is. Ryan's going to be very mad at us, us right mark. This is what we should have researched.


Mark mcguire is a baseball um person, so he's talking about like when you, you know the targets fly farther than when his home run hits. I got this. I got this figured out. Okay, just stop referencing sports things, because we have no clue.


It's on my TV every night when my husband comes home, but I don't know anything about it.


What's happening here. So what do you think the targets are made out of?


I saw this question. I can't you know. They're just balloons with special helium.


I don't know Special helium so that when you hit, when you bonk one, it goes super flying.


I think it's so smart how they made them do that, though, because you don't feel so. I mean, sometimes you do get really mad if you're going for accuracy, but it's a fun way to miss a target. It doesn't just like you know, it doesn't just not do anything.


It at least goes. It actually makes a bonk noise and just kind of sails off into the distance.


But what they're made out of, you know pixels and stuff.


I guess pixels no, use your imagination. I know you're like pixels and stuff duh a bunch of rubber bands a bunch of rubber bands, and that's why they bounce like they do I. I can see that I'm with you.


A bunch of rubber bands, rubber bands are some bouncy balls, like a bunch of bouncy balls, like glued together it's just a giant bouncy ball.


That's what it is and that's why you have to slice through it. You have to be precise or you'll bonk it off into the mountains.


Oh, I get the next Ryan question.


You do.


So our other Ryan, or another Ryan, asked us who do you think is the strongest, most accurate and charming supernatural athlete? And why is it Ryan Revrad? I guess that's him it was Ryan. Revrad, I don't know.


He is my dear friend Ryan, who loves to challenge me to accuracy. Better scores beat his diamond scores and if I lose, do you know what I have to do? I have to go play hoedowns. See, I know this part.


But what's the Rev Rad? I've never heard of him.


That's just his name in the app. That's his name, okay, okay, I've never noticed that. Yeah, that's just his name in the app, and so I would say he is right. He is the strongest, most accurate and most charming, because there's no one else in the world I would go play hoedowns willingly, for that is very true, he is the only one. He is the only one, and he pushes me to go way too hard on pros only so I can beat his score, so I don't have to play.


oh downs exactly when to challenge you like. Yes, his times very precisely he does.


It's like he realizes I'm bored or I'm not getting in the headset or I'm just lacking motivation, and he is like, all right, marla, come at me, bro, that's right. And I'm like, all right, I'm just lacking motivation. And he is like, all right, marla, come at me, bro, that's right and. I'm like all right, I'm coming, let's do this.


Because it's not a constant thing, it just pops up from here to there, when it's necessary, when it's necessary, for sure, and so, yeah, I agree, it is Ryan Redrad who is the most charming and strongest.


We will both say it is him, he is it.


Okay, our next question is from Yoli. She says when will y'all have a face-to-face meetup? I want to come. So here's the deal, I put this out into the world I am definitely going to come and visit Julia, probably end of September, beginning of October of this year. So, yeah, come, come on, let's plan a little meetup.


She's going to bring her whole studio and then all of a sudden, one of us is going to lean in and be in each other's studio. It'll be really neat.


It would be Just pay attention.


You never know. We may just teleport, just be together in the same room. That would be awesome. We will one day.


Yes, and we will definitely film an episode when that happens yes, we need to think of an actual studio.


For that, though, for reals, we need two chairs. You need to start thinking about this now.


You're like, no, you go buy you some chairs I know I'm like it's your house you figured out. Oh my goodness, I'm horrible. Yes, I going to come visit and you also need to figure this out.


Make a studio for us, let me go buy us a. Well, that's true, but I would have to pre-buy the shed that we need for this right. So I feel like, oh, you're going to go out and buy a shed? Yeah, I need a she shed for my studio.


I mean, we both need t-shirts for sure, so maybe I'm I approve.


We should totally do that see I don't think they really know and understand how much time and effort we've put into our poor studios.


So our poor studios are amazing. No, I'm kidding.


Okay, crystal, who let the banana in here?


Yeah, she's got lots of questions. Here we go the spicy one, okay.


You call her that, not me.


I do call her that All right.


Crystal asks if you could add one element to Supernatural examples to include weightlifting, yoga, yoga, burpees for warm-ups. What would you add? What would you add marla?


none of those things. Kind of new target, some kind of new way to move within supernatural, some sort of I don't know what that would be. I don't have an answer for that. What elbow targets? That sounds sort of meh, but that would totally go with our kicking the knees like you kick the knees, and with our kicking the knees like you, you kick the knees and elbows something this would go for like ragey workouts you got a lot of aggression.


You more talk about like having an actual spin, like a full spin, like a full spin back and forth movements, up and down movements is what I would like, some sort of way I think we're saying the same thing, maybe, maybe, julia. Well, do you want to argue? No, I don't we're always arguing, but we're saying the same thing. This happens to us often.


But in a different way, and I'm like what are you talking about? She's like no, what are you talking? And then we finally realized we're talking about the exact same thing but differently.


It's hilarious, Okay.


So back to the question Question. I wouldn't add anything. I wouldn't add yoga. I'm not interested in any of that stuff. I mean, I do yoga outside of the headset. I don't want to do it in the headset, okay. But some sort of new target, some sort of new way to get us to move on a different axis other than side to side. But how do they do that? I don't know.


It breaks my brain for us to even be able to do the stuff that we do in Supernatural now. So it's interesting that you say that, because that's not where my brain was going with her examples. It kind of closed me into her examples. So I'm like I want the lifting, I want a weightlifting app, but would I stick to it?


I don't know you probably would if it was done by Supernatural, because Supernatural is your thing.


I mean because we have meditation and we have stretching, but I need some weight lifting. Yeah, everybody wants to do strength training and do it outside, but I don't not outside, outside, but like outside of that I don't want to do it, so maybe if it was inside, of the headset and our cool locations you know with With our coaches. Yes, yeah, I could see that. And a very safe, cool way, with some special targets, to be able to do. You know the things. I think that would be really cool.


Or in pass-through where you could look at yourself in a mirror, because I know. Last episode I shared sort of my feelings on weightlifting in a headset. And that's my concern. So if there was some sort of way the app at first went through, you know like a week or two training where you were in pass-through mode and you could see your form and correct your form in a mirror.


I think I would be willing to weight lift and headset. Okay, yeah, all right. Next question All right. Next is from Julie, and the pig butt slapper would like to know if supernatural went away, what would you do for fitness.


This one made us so sad.


Yeah, it really did.


I mean I've thought about this before and I've made the comment if Supernatural went away, I don't know what I'd do. I'd be so sad. But I mean I did do other Supernatural fitness apps before I found Supernatural. So I mean I guess I would try to find something else, but there's nothing that compares. I mean I'm just being honest here. Supernatural is very special to both of us. I mean we have a podcast about it, exactly. But I really have thought about this and I don't know, because I don't like to do anything outside of the headset I have never been to the gym in my life.




So I don't know, because that was always my struggle, I lost weight and I got healthy, but I never had that exercise aspect. But I guess I would find another app to keep me active, but it would be so sad, it would be very sad.


Before Supernatural I didn't exercise, so the thought of Supernatural going away almost induces some sort of panic within me because I'm like, oh my gosh, what would I do? But because of Supernatural, because I found Supernatural, it did open a new world for me. When it came to fitness, I enjoy walking, long, long walks. I try and walk over an hour a day, intentional walks. Some will think, well, that's not really fitness.


Walking is really good it can be.


you know I like you. I would love to get into strength training. I would like to make that a priority in my life, but it's so lame and boring y'all I really don't know.


If you had a buddy, though, like if we lived in the same town, we'd probably be okay, right. We'd be like, come on, let's go to the gym together or do some type of class. I've seen this lady on Instagram just recently. She's like in her 70s and she's doing the step aerobics on this thing and she it's like a choreography thing, like she's stepping all these certain different ways and they're cuing her on whatever it was that she was watching. This lady was fit, she looked young and she was just doing all the little things they told her to do, stepping back and forth over this step thing. I'm like that looks fun. Maybe I'll do that.


I don't know, I'd probably hurt myself I guess, maybe I would good, I would start going to dance classes, maybe dance classes yeah, that's. Yeah, I could see that I could see me doing that for my fitness, but traditional activities and working out in a gym and things like that I I doubt that would stick for me yeah I don, I don't think anything would stick.


It's so sad. Please don't let it happen. Right, okay, the banana's back.


Oh joy.


Crystal. We have several in a row of Crystal questions. I love it If Sweet T and MJ arm wrestled who do you think would win?


I'm not answering this. I will answer this. Have y'all ever seen Julia's arm muscles? Because they are insane. Long time ago, when we first started hanging out, I remember when you would post videos and things like that or your selfies, your sweaty selfies, and you like that. Or your selfies, your sweaty selfies, and you'd be putting your arm muscles out there. I would just be blown away and I even made a joke once that said I'm gonna start the sweet tea guns club. I forgot about that because you had such awesome arm muscles. She would kill me, y' y'all. She would kill me. My arm would just be down.


You've almost been doing supernatural as long as me. So until we can do this in person, I feel like we're not going to know.


That's how the opening of our episode will be when we're in person. We're just going to arm wrestle, but see, I would play dirty and I would do things like try and tickle her or make her laugh we would both be laughing, yeah, so.


So there's that, so maybe I could you'd put some like oil on where my elbow could be slippery, or something like that that.


That is how I roll, that's how I play so um, I totally would do that.


That's funny. That's a funny question. So Marlo would win, that's what would happen.


Yeah, because I would cheat, Because I would mess with Julia. But no, julia would win. I really believe you would win for sure in a fair arm wrestling match. But we'll do that one day and see what happens.


We'll forget. You know we will. We won't be thinking about that. When we're together, we're going to be eating food or something.


And that's funny, because our next question from the spicy one is if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life.


What would it be Now? Is this like a category of food or just an actual food?


So I thought about that and I thought about asking her to clarify, but then I said no, let's answer it. However, we want to answer it because she would encourage that I'm going to say like a food, like a dish, or even a category of, like a cuisine from a certain country or whatever a meal for me it would definitely be mexican food.


Same tacos. You know the? What are they? The new tacos that everybody's like, the dipping ones? The video how do you video talk? Well, how do you say it? I don't know, I'm having a brain fart.


Now you put me on the spot and my brain has stopped working. Um, I'm gonna remember how to say it. I don't know, I'm having a brain fart. Now you put me on the spot and my brain has stopped working. Um, I'm gonna remember how to say it before the end of this episode and just blurt it out um, yeah, mexican food for me too tacos I've made those tacos homemade.


I know you have from scratch and let me tell you what if you find the right cheese, all the right spices and peppers, I went to a lot. We have a lot of little like Mexican markets that you can go to around here. We don't have the Asian ones, which is very sad because I want to make pho homemade.


I want to. That would be delicious.


Anyway, this isn't what this question is about. We could talk about food for all. Yeah, we could, we really could.


But, yeah, I made those however you pronounce them tacos and they were delicious. Yeah, I would definitely go with mexican food, any and all mexican food, especially with fresh ingredients and oh yeah, summer's coming up, all the tomatoes, all the cilantro, yeah, all the peppers, roasted peppers, raw peppers, all all the things, uh, mexican would be. Yeah, so good I could eat that daily for the rest of my life and be content I could too, and the chips and salsa alone.


That you get before your meal, right come on, give me guacamole, guacamole yeah, I think it's funny, we both like guacamole. Guacamole yeah, I think it's funny, we both like guacamole, because usually either you hate it or you love it. And cilantro too. Okay, the banana is back Again. Who let her in? I'm not sure. But Crystal asks where would you most like to travel to?


I've always wanted to go to Australia. That's like on my bucket list of places I want to travel to before I die. I also would like to go to Svalbard Is that how you say it, svalbard? It's in the North Pole bar it's um in the north pole.


They have like, uh, polar night and polar day, where 24 hours is complete night and 24 hours of complete sunlight. Um, but I don't like gold, I don't like the gold, I don't like snow. So why I want to go there, I have no idea. Like I want to go there for like a, a day or two and then like peace out really warm I, I mean, I really don't like to be cold I don't, I don't like to be cold either.


I don't even have clothes for that type of weather. Like where we live, we might get snow once a year. It doesn't really get below freezing often. I have hoodies, I think I have one coat. I don't own boots like snow boots or anything like that. So when I visit my family in New York I refuse to go during winter, it has to be during summer. Two times before my last trip I went during the winter and I had to borrow people, cousins, clothes because like I had no, I was so not prepared for what the weather situation yeah, give me summer all day long.


Where would you travel to well, since, I already said, I'm not very well traveled, it kind of freaks me out to go outside of the country, so so I don't have a passport, I've never flown on an airplane, so I think it would be really cool to buy a very expensive truck, because that's what you have to have to have an RV. Unfortunately, it's a truck. I think it would be cool to get a camper or an RV and go travel just around here.


Yeah, around the United States there's so many places.


Yeah, and they have different mapped out things where you can follow to go in a whole circle all the way around and different stops you can make over a period of time. But I have chickens, farm animals and gardens so it wouldn't be good for me to leave all that now. But one day, when I am in a place in my life where I could travel, I think it would be cool to do that.


I love that idea. I think that would be great.


And I would love to go to Cancun or somewhere where the water is like really blue.


Yeah, wherever that may be, let's go. That would be awesome. My cat is up there staring at me and sneezing, so if y'all he might make a guest appearance. Next question, crystal what's your favorite board game, julia?


I just thought about this one for so long. I'm like I don't really know. We played a lot of board games growing up. You know your typical Monopoly. We played Risk a lot. I don't know if I have a favorite. I almost had to go look at the games we had and be like do I have a favorite? I don't know. I mean, we played a lot of card games too growing up, but that's not a board game, I guess Monopoly. I don't know. You know how I feel about Monopoly. Dude, I don't like board games, that's right.


Yeah, I'm throwing a board.


I'm flipping it. Get out of here. Go on with your bad self.


I played that Ticket to Ride recently. I was so confused and I was like this is the craziest game. I don't even understand this. I don't like complicated. You have to read all these directions and remember all this stuff. Maybe I'm not a board game person either I'm not like a tan one time and I was like I don't understand this.


So chris likes board games, but like super complicated strategy convolutedness. He likes this game called um merchant of venus, and I attempted to play it and um I think I just annoyed him with all my questions. But these this was like hours of of gaming like this is like a whole day of events. I check out. I just don't I gotta be doing something if I'm sitting down somewhere I'm sleeping like I gotta be moving, I gotta be doing I don't enjoy board games personally um so when we get together, we will not be playing board games because they're very boring and I do like clue.


That makes me think when you said, like games like that, clues okay, but I get so mad because you get to move two spaces and you're like trying to get into a room, and then it's just too much anxiety for me. I don't, I can't do it. Just, y'all play your own board games. We don't want to play.


Yeah, please don't invite us to your board games. We appreciate you, though.


Have a nice time, though, okay.


There is another question here from Chad. Is it you or?


me, I lost track Me.


I don't know I'm going to ask, go ahead, go ask If you could add any feature not including folders into supernatural. What would it be? Oh, he's got two questions here. Oh, he does, and I'll come come, back. Yeah, let's come back to the other one. So if you could add any feature in to supernatural, what would it be?


oh, my kid to save it. I would add to be able to do in the companion app what I can do in the headset does that? Count. Yeah, I think. Just that, just whole. Yeah. Whatever I can do in the headset, I want to be able to do it in the companion app and you can't. So it frustrates me, but I would.


That's, that's what I would love to happen I brought treats to the podcasting station today from a cat in the hopes that he he wouldn't like rub up on the um mic and my computer and all the things push buttons. So I just give him treats and hopefully, uh, that will work.


Loves tater though, and tater appearance is stressful for you but fun for everyone else.


Yeah, he's a red cat and I don't know if y'all know this about ginger kitties, but like they are spicy. So sometimes I'm just unsure if he's gonna bite me because I'm not doing what he wants me to do. So it could really go either way. But I'm attempting this new strategy with the treats here.


We definitely send ginger cat memes back and forth and videos to each other?


We definitely do. He is to a T, a ginger cat, for sure, but he is so loving too and he just wants to hang out and spend time with me and he's like why? Why are you talking to these people? What are you doing?


let me say hi, right, so what's a feature you would like included? Besides folders we need our folders.


And besides, the same features in the headset and the companion app. I should have thought about this before now because, shoot, there isn't anything else I would want. I just want folders, like I know he said I can't say that, but for me, folders is the top priority. There's over 3,000 workouts now, and just simply bookmarking my favorites is not helping. It, in fact, does the complete opposite. So I'm going to do what I want and I'm going to answer the way I want, and not listen to Chad and say folders, and I'm going to answer the way I want and not listen to Chad and say folders.


There's another one. I think that we could say is searching by song name. I guess I mean that'd be cool.


It's kind of minor, but folders it would be cool. But to do that, no, Chad folders, To do that in the companion app, not just the headset.


Yeah, I think that's your answer too, because we have such a limiting outside of the headset. We're so limited and I'll want to look for something. And I'm like you, mean I've got to go walk all the way over there and I know it sounds silly saying it on here. I got to walk all the way over there, get my headset, put it on, go into the app. It's like so much trouble much.


It's not convenient all the time. No, and then you got to turn your headset on. I know you leave your headset on, but I don't I go. I go out of supernatural, though I turn mine and shut mine all the way down. So then I gotta shut it, but you turn it on, I gotta wait, and then I'm just unmotivated to do the searching that I was going in for. It's just. It seems like a lot, but it's not.


Let us do both things in the companion app and the headset and let us search for a pros only yeah, the pros only needs its own category, okay okay, please, please, don't put it in with the highs, please don't.


I'm gonna ask um chad's second part question and then you can ask the next one. Okay, what is your favorite flavor of ice?


cream. So I'm a coffee lover and so I would say, like mocha, chocolate chip probably, and if I couldn't have that it'd be a rocky road Obviously, like chocolate bits into my ice cream, caramel and all those lovely things. I mean I'd put a lot of stuff in it. I make homemade ice cream, so same it's. It's a julia special.


Um, I have the same answer as julia today. So I would 100 go with coffee ice cream, but I would mix things into it like a little bit of crunchy, something crunchy, um, yeah, or even crushed up almonds I'm a big fan of those two flavors together or maybe even some hazelnuts, roasted hazelnut with cotton right, right, right, right, um, and also rocky road. Uh, if I was going to pick like a store-bought ice cream flavor that I really love is Ben Jerry's Fish Food. It is chocolate ice cream with these little chocolate fishes.


I have not heard of fish food. Is this a real thing?


Yes, and you can put the image up here. I'll send it to you after we do this, I will I will. There's caramel sauce in there. There's also marshmallow sauce mixed in, so like it is the best, it's all the different textures. That's what's important to me when it comes to ice cream. It's not just like the base flavor.


I want all the different textures and flavors. I want something salty, sweet, creamy, you know want all the different textures and flavors. I want a little something salty, sweet, creamy, you know all the things, see. That's why I like those little yogurt places. Me too. You know I'm talking about where you can go. I do because we go all the time yeah, yeah and then put all your toppings.


And the toppings make it cost like $12. The yogurt ice cream alone is probably, like you know, $4. But then you put the toppings. That's where they get you. So, Chad, we like all kinds of stuff. We're going to the store after this and I'm going to look for this fish stuff I've never heard of this.


I think she's crazy.


I don't think it exists. No, it probably does.


But it sounds amazing.


So now we're going to have to fire up our Ninja Creamies because we both have those, we do. And we actually do make our own ice cream.


We do, but with like protein drinks and stuff, so that they're healthy, yes, but they still taste delicious.


You can't tell the difference Right.


And what's funny is the ice cream that I typically make at home for myself is not the ice cream flavor that I buy when I go out and about which is funny, because I'm like strawberry ice cream at home.


In my Ninja Creamy I like to add like little pieces of vanilla wafers to it. So it's got the crunchiness balance, you know, but it's got tons of protein. I mean, a serving that we make at home has at least 30 grams of protein in it. So I think we're winning there. Oh, we're definitely winning, and it tastes good.


Yes, good for you, and has all that Okay. Next question from Crystal what did you want to be when you grew up as a child, and how has that changed over the years? She has a two-part question as well. So what did you want to be as a child?


I wanted to be a social worker when I was a child. Interesting, yeah, I wanted to work with and help people. I think I did go to college and study psychiatry. I did not complete a whole doctorate degree or anything like that. I did get my bachelor's degree in that, get my bachelor's degree in that. Um studied psychology and I thought about going and being a social worker. However, I'm an empath and I pick up on the feelings of all the other people around me and it takes a lot out of me and I realized that, uh, it would feel good to help others and I wanted to do that.


Uh, I didn't think it would be great for my own mental health and I totally went into it. I ended up at that time, I decided to go to a massage therapy school after that. And you're like what?


Um, you're all over the place here.


I've always been all over the place and, um, I studied massage therapy, was a massage therapist for almost 15 years, left left that field and now I'm a project manager. So it's I. I think that you can reinvent yourself and your career and your interests whenever and however you want and you should. If you're not interested in something anymore, move on, do something else.


That's why I still use the phrase what I want to be when I grow up, right, because anytime you can change what you are and what you want to be.


Exactly. What about you so?


when I was a child I wanted to be a veterinarian and in the school that we went to they had like people come around and explain that job and tell you things you had to do, and they explained the most nitty gritty thing about the job to this classroom full of children. I was in middle school I don't know if I said that or not and I quickly decided that that is not what I wanted to do anymore. But funny thing now is I could probably be fine doing those things now even the gross nitty gritty.


I basically am an a nurse for my son. I do a lot of medical things that I've just been trained to do because I have to take care of him, like a lot of medical things that sometimes the nurses weren't even allowed to do. That came here to the house, um, and you know, I have to do a lot of gross things too. So I think all moms do anyway. But so, yeah, it's kind of funny how that grossed me out then. But now that I'm an adult I'm like let's go, you know, so I could probably still go into a field like that. I think it would be really fun. The second question is if you could do anything now as an adult, what would you do? And for me I'm kind of go ahead and asking it and saying it because I would. I think that it would be really cool to be like a midwife and deliver babies.


Oh, I'd love that for you. I would love to do something like that.


But I feel like somebody calling me in the middle of the night to wake me up. I wouldn't like that so much.


Yeah, you have to be on call 24-7. Yeah, but I could totally see you doing that. You're so nurturing and caring and have a calming presence that I would love for you to be there for me. If I ever had another baby, like I would hire you as a midwife.


Yeah for sure, I've been in a lot of situations, that you have to stay calm and not freak out, that you know that I didn't get to choose to be in, so I think I kind of learned it. But so what would? If you could do anything now as an adult, what would you do?


I don't have anything else I would like to do currently. I am happy you're happy with my career in my, the position that I've made for myself in the world. In that way, I get to use a lot of the skills that are just and I'm inherently really good at. As a project manager. I get to do lots of different things and in lots of different aspects of my life.


I project manage all the things you really do and you're really good at it.


Whether it's for my actual career or for the community, for groups that I'm adminning for, for our podcast, for anything. I'm just uh, it's something I excel at and it's like second nature to me almost to just project manage things, and at this point in my life there isn't really anything else I would rather be doing with my day to day time. I enjoy it.


I think that's cool, though, that you you're content and you're happy in what you're doing.


Ask me in a year from now it might be different. I might decide well, you know, I do want to go be a social worker now, who knows? I mean, I've changed directions many times in my life and, um, I hope I continue to do that, because it just means that I'm growing that's still and you're never stuck in cement, you know you can always if you don't like something, change it. Yeah, I like that answer?


That's cool.


Yeah, that's my answer. Oh, this one.




So this is from Kim Brilliant Kim.


Brilliant Kim Hi Kim.


When did you begin to really dissect choreography? Was it after you met, or is that what brought you together? Oh, this is like a three-part question so let's, let's, let's go from here um. So when did you begin to really dissect choreography? Was it after you met, or is that what brought you two together? You answer I want to hear.


I really like had to think about this, because I think it's it's a lot of answers are OK, because I was always, I feel like, looking at choreography. I feel like I always have, not the way that I do now and not the way even that we did when we started doing that together at parties. But I think I don't remember if we right off the bat kind of started, you know, looking at that together, or I don't think is what brought us together.


No it's not. But we slowly started talking and commenting and realizing that we had that in common as time went on. So I feel like that that is the proper answer. But I'm like is that because I feel like I've known you for years and years? I know.


So from my perspective, this is what happened. Like Julia said, I appreciated choreography. I paid attention to it before the two of us met um, not to the degree that I do now right it was just slight, like, oh man, that move, why did I like that move?


you know, it was me asking myself these questions and I would be in parties or communicating with other athletes and I would just casually mention something, and it was just a very superficial conversation that I would get back. It was like, oh okay, yeah, yeah, and I guess I never noticed that Music's good though. Yeah, music's good though. Or I don't like this song, or, you know, I was kind of shut down in my approach to to speaking about choreography and supernatural.


I didn't see it how you did choreography in Supernatural.


No, until you and I met and one of us mentioned something, and then we just kept talking about it. And then every time we would work out or we'd talk about a new workout of the day, we'd be talking about choreography. And so it was like I found my choreography soul sister over here. Finally it was like finally someone's not shutting me down, who does you know someone's interested in this? And it just sort of took off from there and we've both grown so much together and, um, the way we feel about choreography and the way we like to talk about it and experience supernatural workouts.


Um so I don't think we would be where we are today without meeting each other, no way. No way Because so many people shut me down to talk about it before I met you. And no hard feelings, obviously, it's just not what they were into.


Yeah, it's like when you're excited about something and you try to like contain that so you don't sound like a crazy person.


But we could be that way we could be crazy together and we knew that the other wouldn't be like.


What are you talking about? Exactly, and I did forget to add. And when I read this I was like, oh well, yeah, I feel like I have always been into dissecting choreography because I did comparison videos I did a of them, and it was one of my favorite because I was comparing choreography.


I wasn't comparing songs. So I haven't done one in a while and I'm not saying I'll never do one, because I love doing them. It's a lot of work to record all that. But yeah, I mean I've always looked at the choreography, I feel like, but when we got to get together and realize that that was something we both were passionate about, that was really cool. It really was.


It was like finally we found each other. We've been searching and searching for someone to be as into it as we were, and I've never found anyone else?


that's as into it as we were, and I've never found anyone else that's as into it as we are and really pays attention to it and dissects it and knows what feels good and well, this doesn't, and we know why. Because we know what the choreography did to, you know, not go the way we wanted, or we know why it was great. You know those types of things.


And we know each other's. We have differing opinions sometimes on workouts. Some people think we just always think the same, but it's not. You know. There are some moves and workouts that I really enjoy and Julia's like what? No, and vice versa no-transcript. We were definitely not as into it as we are now. We've just grown together in this way. We fed off of each other's interest in choreography and now it's. You know, there's no one else I'd rather talk about it with than you, and hence why we have a podcast.


And then you know her last question did we do video reviews together, like watching game film, and that's really funny, like I could see us doing that, you know together. But have we put it out together?


No, but we work out together, experience the same things together. We record gameplay often and we'll talk about it, we will watch it, or we'll the gameplay down to 15, 20 seconds and send it to each other, or sometimes I will take a screenshot and circle a particular thing and be like this If this angle was just slightly different, or the target before this, if it led to a better angle here, this would be more comfortable, this would be more enjoyable. So, yeah, we do actually do a version of that, or with your comparison videos.


We break apart the choreography after you make a comparison video.


Have we ever? I was gonna say no, but I actually think that we do, we do yeah, do we?


film it what?


about this part and I'm like send you Well here it is yes, exactly. You know something I saw on an old map the other day and I'm like we had this. You know, so Right, something I hadn't noticed before. And so we actually kind of do video reviews together, not in the sense of like.


Filming it and sharing it, and we're sitting on the computer watching and diagramming, everything, but in a way we kind of do it would be cool to do, though maybe we should well, and I mean the the back end of this podcast, we have a lot of research that we do that we put time that we both put in to looking for gameplay, looking for things that we're talking about, looking for different choreography moves, remembering I mean they joke and call us the encyclopedias we remember locations, we remember moves, we remember what moves certain workouts are in Songs. I don't know how we do it, but this picture above my head, that's what's happening.


I couldn't remember Birria tacos until just now.


Oh, you said it, you're welcome. I have to remember Birria tacos.


We can remember all the locations, all the moves, but, like important everyday things, we don't really remember. What did you eat?


yesterday. No clue what did I eat yesterday, but I can tell you where the centipede locations are right, exactly. This is so true. So oh man, that's hilarious okay, all right, that's a really good question. It was a very good question.


Thank you, kim, that was a great question um and it reminds us of our history and our connection together. Um, there's definitely no one else in the world I would rather talk about choreography with than you or experience new workouts and I'm going to get sappy about it, I know, I always think about our workout that we did together, our first one. Yes when I think about us.


I think about that.


Well, our anniversary is coming up. It's in my calendar.


It is coming up.


It's in my calendar and we will do that old workout together and talk about it and dissect the choreography that's right Last year.


Yes, exactly.


All right. Next question is from Tommy Ann, and he is asking what keeps you motivated to get into the headset?


For me, it's just the love of the choreography, it's just the well. You know, every day we get a new workout, two new workouts, usually from Supernatural and on the weekdays, and there's always something new. I mean, we have said the last couple of weeks we haven't felt as about all the workouts, but it's still good to get in there and just give it a try, and so it's. It's the, the, the cool factor. That's probably not the right words. What am I looking for?


The unknown of getting in and seeing what we have that day and I think that's the coolest part about Supernatural is that we get two new workouts or new workouts. Every single day we get new workouts.


It's our love of Supernatural. So even if we're unmotivated to work out, we are motivated to see what's new. That's right To have the experience of getting in the headset, seeing the locations, listening to the coaches, listening to the music. That's what motivates us at the end of the headset. Seeing the locations, listening to the coaches, listening to the music that's what motivates us at the end of the day, because we know we'll feel better.


Oh yeah.


Yeah, that's, that's my motivation.


Having a plan to. I mean, we have a birthday party today for the Madhouse. We do you know, just kind of kind of always having, always having something going on in the background.


Yeah, to look forward to yeah.


You know we're going to try to get together and do this this day and always having good. I don't know about you. I always try to have some of my favorites kind of in the back of my head, remembering which ones you know. So when I get in I'm not like, what do I do today?


Because I think that's the trouble. I mean, even though we do get new workouts every day, we also have almost 3,000 workouts, so there could be this paralysis of what in the world do you even want to start with, because there's so many to choose from. But I just think having a plan to, kind of know, get those workout clothes on, sometimes that's the hardest thing, or don't?


It is. Just go in what you got on, just go in yeah.


But I'm not always motivated to get in the headset though.




Same and I think it's okay. Yeah, but most of the time I am.


But understand that you're not always going to have motivation, but you still got to do it because it's what's best for your health your mental health, your physical health and reminding yourself why you started in the first place. Yep and stay tapped in to the community to your friends, to the community.


Yes, make plans, that's the most important.


You know when I'm struggling, I know I need to schedule a party with someone Like someone, get in the headset with me who wants to get in today, because I already know I don't need to schedule a party with someone Like someone, get in the headset with me who wants to get in today, because I already know I don't want to get in. And it's not that I don't like it, it's just I, just you, just man, you just need that yeah. I'm not feeling it today.


But you've never gotten out of a workout and regretted it.


Never, never, never, never, never, never.


So I always remember that. Well, I mean, I'm just joking, I'm just joking, I'm joking. No, no, no, no, no. It's true Every single day, so we can have a madhouse-ish workout again, right?


right, exactly.




I think, just staying true to why you're getting in the headset, yeah, even making post-it notes and posting them in your bathroom or in your workout area or whatever, just to remind you. You know, focus on the reason.


I think what you said, though, is probably the most important, is staying connected with the community, because when I disconnected myself from the community, I fell away. I didn't fall away all the way, but I went down to just working out like two or three times a week, and maybe that sounds a lot for people, but I was working out every day in the headset.


And then maybe one or two times a week, you know, would hop in there and I started having excuses. And then I built back up new friendships with a new community group and I was like all right, you know, and it was like a whole new feeling. So I think community being involved in the community is very important.


It is. It is for me, and I think if you are lacking motivation to get in the headset, you're choosing to do other things versus doing the thing you know you need to do. Plug into the community. Plug into the community. Join some events, join some parties, make a post and say, hey, y'all, what's your favorite workout? That's going to get you pumped, and then go listen to that playlist and just going through the motions of the plan, building the plan, that in itself will get you excited.


Look up, uh, side by side videos of other athletes watching a couple of those will get me amped up to get into the headset every time.


We need to make a graphic for all of this we should, we'll have so many graphics. I mean really a checklist of getting yourself motivated for the headset.


I think that's a great idea and I think I will work on that because it could be a great tool for lots of people.


I think so Try this.


If it's not working, keep going down the list until you get your butt in the headset so chad asked first question what got you both into supernatural and vr in general?


and I? We've actually answered this in an old episode I know chad.


Did you not watch that episode? Come on.


Chad's in trouble.


I went to the doctor and the doctor said Marla, you've got to do something about your health, about your weight, about all of your blood work numbers. You are not even 40 yet and you're going to live for 10 more years. That is exactly what my doctor said to me, and the next day I was like, oh, my kid has a headset, let's see what's happening over here. I need exercise. And it was the middle of summer and it was hot and I was thinking and I was not in a place with my confidence to join a gym or go work out in front of a bunch of people, and so I got in the headset and I played Beat Saver. And after I was done with Beat Saver, supernatural popped up and so I downloaded it and that is what kicked off a whole change for me in taking my health seriously, because the thought of only living another 10 years was devastating.


And hearing the doctor say if I continued living the way, that I was eating and not exercising, eating and not exercising and that, um, I would leave my kid without a mom, uh, really, really jumped, pushed me, I should say, into making better decisions for my health, and I'm so happy that I did.


Me too, and it's really cool to think about that. Supernatural is what you found, because you could have gone in all kinds of directions and it was that. And you think about how one little thing changed that we may not have connected and we wouldn't be here doing this today.


So it's really cool to think about both of our journeys kind of weaving together into one, weaving together into one and another. Cool thing about your journey I just thought of it was you know I hope you don't mind me sharing back when you got sick back last fall, you were in the hospital and you were down for almost two weeks correct me if I'm wrong and then you were able to just get in there and bounce right back and do one of the hardest workouts that had just come out in the library the madhouse monster, like. Think about that for a minute. That's just incredible that your body can do that now.


You're absolutely right, I wouldn't, and I was so worried about you.


I was like no, marley, you're not doing that and you're like you're not gonna tell me what I'm gonna do. You were like I've got this my endurance is great.


And I was.


I was completely thinking that you needed some some little you know you're going to do mediums for a week no, we're going to do a pros, let's do this.


And I think we even did another workout after that. We did, we did. There's no way I could have done that before. Uh, I was a little nervous about it just because I was very, very sick. Oh, you were very sick, yeah, and I had just gotten, I had a pick line in installed that's how sick I was. And, um, had nothing to do with my, you know, it was just something that happened. It had nothing to do with my eating habits or any of that stuff. It's nothing that I could have prevented. But I was a little nervous to come back thinking, oh, I'm going to lose all my interest, all this hard work I've put in. But I didn't. And I mean I was winded. It was hard, don't get me wrong, but I mean I kicked butt and I was shocked.


I was surprised that I was able to keep going and I find that, um, even if I take a little break from the headset, I can get right back in. And and but that's the longest I've ever taken a break from the headset. Of course it was forced. I would never choose to take that.


We've both had some forced breaks, yes, so since I've had those two and then coming back in, I know how that felt to be like. Am I going to be able to get in here? And I mean, and not only was your break, it's not like we had vacations, we were like you get, like you're going to sit down and you're not going to do a lot and you're going to be in high stress situations and you know so to be able to come back and just jump right back into it.


The way you did is very inspirational and shows you how far that you've come. It's true, and mentally too.


And this kind of ties back to how do you find the motivation get in the headset. I remember things like this when I couldn't, when I couldn't, when I physically couldn't get in, I remind myself of the way that made me feel and, um, how distraught it was, thinking I was going to lose all of the progress I had made. I remind myself that and I get my butt in the head. I, you know. I forget about all the excuses, all the reasons why I'm telling myself I can't get in, and I remember the reasons why I should get in and I just quiet that part of my brain and it helps motivate me to get back in really yeah yeah, yeah.


So for me I mean kind of the same kid bought the kid kids a headset for Christmas, didn't even know what it was. I was like, here you go and you know, I popped into it and was wowed by the whole thing. I thought it was, did not know it was going to be that realistic to use and found, kind of did the same thing as you played with a few other apps and I didn't get the Supernatural app prompted to me. But I went on a search for fitness apps because I was like, well, what can this thing do? If I can hit these Beat Saber targets in here and play these cool little games I had found to do, what else can I do in here? And that's when I found Supernatural and just a search in the headset and just immediately was just I couldn't stop, just I couldn't stop.


So loved, loved Supernatural from the very beginning Couldn't even imagine my life without it, so glad that I found it. Good thing we had children, that we bought headsets for.


And then they got it taken away very quickly, right?


I did.


I was like this is my headset now, or I don't remember if I bought a new one for me and I got then I'm pretty sure that's what happened. We were all sharing and I'm like they're like mom, you're sweating on our headset. This is disgusting. And I'm like I'm really sorry. And this is before we knew to get silicone, like there was, like we had the foam thing. It's just gross, okay. And so I finally was like, okay, ok, it wasn't a month later. I think they were still on sale from Christmas, and I'm like I'm getting another one. So we actually had to and I would not let them touch my headset like this is my baby, right, you cannot touch this, you cannot look at it. And all of a sudden I was into VR. You know when before, like two months prior, I didn't even know what it was, so very cool.




So the second part of Chad's question was did you have a preference for choreography in other parts of your life before Supernatural? I thought this was a very interesting question.


I have always been into dance. I love dancing in general. I'm one of those people you know you take me somewhere and I'm going to dance if there's music, so, and I also watch a lot. Even before Supernatural, I watched a lot of dancing content, whether it was on Instagram or YouTube. I've always been into dance, so movement and how you choreograph that movement is definitely something that I was interested in and probably is what shaped my love of supernatural choreography why I started paying attention to it, because I realized I put the two and two together. Well, this is choreography too you know um yeah, so yeah, yeah, yeah.


I would say, yes, I was what about you?


no, oh wow, I couldn't. Even you know this. We all had the zumba. We tried zoom. I don't know if you tried zoom.


A lot of people, of people, tried Zumba. I had all the DVDs. I may still have them. I couldn't do that stuff. I'm not coordinated. I mean, I'm going to just say this People are like yes, you are, you can dance, I can do supernatural, and it's taken me a long time to learn how to move the way that I do.


But naturally, no, I've never danced, I've never been a dancer, I'm not coordinated. You put in one of those DVDs where you're supposed to follow what somebody else is doing in a dance or Zumba, or even some of those other workout ones where they're changing up the move so constantly. I have a hard time with those. So, no, I've never. It was never anything that I that I paid attention to, or it was not part of my life. And I think that that is kind of what got me excited is I was finally like, well, maybe I can learn how to move my body in a different way, and so I think supernatural has kind of given me that love because I, I found, I found it there and how to do it there.


But it was not prior to Supernatural.


That's cool.


I'm going to skip and come back to this other question. Oh yeah, I'm going to ask there's one more question here from Chad how much different would your lives be today if Madhouse was never released?


You can tell who watches the podcast and who knows us All these Madhouse questions, I know.


This is a very thought.


I mean, we wouldn't know what we don't know.


Exactly, you're absolutely right.


So I mean, when the Madhouse came, it kind of was like what is this? And kind of took me by surprise, for sure, and I didn't even like it. I don't think I liked the second one, but I still was like I mean, it wasn't something. I was like let's do it again and again and again. I don't think until return came that I was like really into it the way that I am now, but I do feel like there there had to be something to make the progression of choreography that we have now. So I don't know, this is a really hard question. How would you answer this?


well, like you, I wasn't very into it initially. It wasn't until return came and it wasn't until after bring down the house, not in this alone, you know, go big or go home that I started to realize that the madhouses without the madhouses, these other workouts that I absolutely love wouldn't exist.


So you know, you don't know what you don't know and the thought of it is, I think, about the journey I have personally been on when it comes to the madhouse workouts. They, you know, they have been there for me when I've been unmotivated to get in the headset or just bored and I needed some sort of new mission, some sort of new challenge. You know, that's that's a big part of who I am. I need new challenges, new, different things, and I spent a lot of time in return to the madhouse trying to get 100% accuracy on that workout and it challenged me and it taught me a lot about myself. I spent a lot of time with myself and also with Mark and the choreography in there where I had time to think about things and not think about things.


But then, when I would get out, I'd have these big epiphany moments and it wasn't something that I would just be thinking, but the movement, the process of going through the challenge is what opened my brain up to think about things differently. Would that have happened if there were no madhouses? I I don't know. Uh, maybe eventually I would have come to some of these things, but I do know times. Oh, I'm sorry.


No, you're fine. Go ahead the times that we go back to them, because there's so much in there to digest, yeah, and and, like you're saying, go through, and so they could be used for so many different things. It would be crazy to think that we just didn't have that. I don't know.


I interrupted you I'm sorry. No, you're fine. I just yeah, you just don't know what you don't know. I would like to say a lot of our favorite workouts wouldn't be around if the madhouses didn't come out, but maybe they would, just in a different form, that's true. It's like an alternate reality with no madhouse.


It's not the reality I want to live in.


So let's not entertain this question.


This question Poof, so which one you want to leave for last?


there's only one more, whatever my nickname.


Answer is easy. I don't know what you're gonna say, so go ahead ask.


Ask the question, okay. Crystal is in a lot of trouble.


Um, that's her. Crystal is in a lot of trouble. That's her name. Crystal is in a lot of trouble. Wants to know about your nicknames. So my nickname was not. Well, I feel like we need to say this Nicknames. You can't give yourself your own nickname, Somebody else has to give you your nickname.


That is my rule. You cannot go nick nickname in yourself. Okay, that's not how nicknames work. Nicknames are is. It's an endearing thing, it's something someone, it's a name someone gives you because they care about you, because they think about you, because you know it just fits right. You can't go giving yourself a nickname. So let's just put that there first.


That's right. So if you've given yourself a nickname, so let's just put that there first.


That's right so if you've given yourself a nickname, you got to erase it. You got yeah, it's really not yours. You got to wait until someone else gives it to you.


And we're really big on nicknames around here. If you haven't, you know, heard us, I mean we're talking about mouses and bananas and spicy ones and you know all these things PBLs, and so for me, I was in a party, you know, people got to know me. I am a much more conservative type of person, I am more quiet, I am more reserved, I don't say a lot of foul language, so I just think from there. You know, I was in a party one day and they were like oh, you're just sweet, like sweet tea. Correct me if I'm wrong how that all went down. We've had it feels like it's been years, but it's only it hasn't been that long but and it just kind of stuck. I turned into sweet tea and I've, you know, always been sweet tea since then.


So that is definitely the origin story of your nickname. It just fits perfectly for you. You are Sweet Tea.


And when I fill out y'all's silly forms that you make us fill out, I always put the sweetest of the sweet ones or something like that the sweetest of the sweetest teas, or something. Yes.


That's my favorite. That's my favorite. When you do that, when you sign up for events and it says your name. It's my favorite, that's my favorite. When you do that. When you sign up for events and it says your name, it's like sweetest of the sweetest teas. I love when you do that.


I give a lot of nicknames to people. It just happens, but I didn't have a nickname because you can't nickname yourself and my friend Crystal. She decided she was going to create this dictionary entry of a nickname for me and she adds on to it as she feels, inspired as things happen, who knows, but it all started because she figured out how to give shortcuts in an iPhone. So if you start typing in a word, it will automatic. You know you can do a shortcut, so O M W will just automatically type on my way, right, so you can change and add things in there. And so she put my name in there and she would change it to random stuff so that people would be confused. This was the. This is how it all started, so I wouldn't know.


I don't think I know this story much, so.


I wouldn't know. So I'd have to figure out who she was talking about, how other people would, and it would be the most random things, like the sky is yellow. And so she would be like and the sky is yellow said, said that this song was so lame and we'd all be like what. And then as soon as we figured out who she was talking about, she'd change it. And so she did it as a shortcut in her phone. So every time she typed Marla, it would just fill in Right. And then that became Tommy and got irritated at me. We were just bickering back and forth one day and um, you know, in in the way friends do, in a friendly way, you know. Um, I said something to him and he was like okay, fine, fart blossom. And I was like what?


and of course, crystal was if you're telling this, this is great uh, and of course crystal was there and she picked up on it and she knew immediately that I hated, I hated it, right, and so she ran with it, and so it has just grown from there. So it's fart, blossom, noun, and then a whole bunch of other things that I just don't even know where.


To begin saying this on the podcast, but it's like well, you can't say it on the podcast because it's a little crude, but I will pop it on the screen. Ok, I will. You can make it into a fancy graphic if you want. No, or we could leave it out. I can't even believe that she got you to tell this is her greatest joy right now.


It is. She is my only biggest watching this.


She has been trying to get me to say this on the podcast since we started the podcast and I have said it. I have a love-hate relationship with the nickname situation. I love how much thought and love goes into it Because she gets it. She gets the way I feel about nicknames and she shows me that love. Now, do I like the whole fart blossom thing? No, but I'm embracing it because I I love flowers. Um, I paint flowers, watercolor flowers, all the time. I don't like to be stinky.


I don't like to talk about bathroom things. You don't want people thinking that you're stupid, and so she turned this. It got turned into this whole thing. That makes sense to us. It makes sense as a nickname for me, even though it is rude. Don't want to be a fart, okay, oh man, but I have embraced it over the last year that it has been given to me.


There are some elements of your nickname that are my fault, but you probably know that there's something that you've said or done. And a lot of people will run to banana and say oh, add this. And sometimes she adds it and sometimes she doesn't.


Exactly it has to make sense for her. And the way she adds it into the nickname is hilarious and it's not always at the bottom. No, it's, it's not always at the bottom, no, it's, it's. It makes sense in the middle somewhere. But yeah, when I look at the nickname um, it reminds me of a lot of really great times in my life and it reminds me of so many of our friends and it it's like a big hug for me when I read it, almost even though I hate fart balls.


Um the rest of it's great first name. On there is the greatest yes and she uses it like the most, like the greatest times, like when it's appropriate. She doesn't always use it, but you'll have this big wall of text come through and you know it's marla's nickname. She's calling marla for something.


What's even funnier about that is big walls of texts. I'm like really big about I hate it. You need paragraphs, I need paragraphs, I need all the things. I'm not gonna read it and and she knows that about me. So the whole thing about the nickname, is it really? I embrace it because it's very fitting in all the ways.


So yeah, thank you, banana we are big on nicknames I mean I gave tommy ann his and he calls me leaf bag instead of sweet tea yes, he does and um. We just all in our, our group of friends have a lot of different ones for different people.


We even nickname people who aren't necessarily in our group of friends.


That is very true To remember.


Yeah, to remember who they are, not in an ugly way at all. It's very endearing. There's lots of people we speak to and know in the community that we admire greatly, but you wouldn't consider them in your inner circle. They have nicknames.


You know, we even give nicknames to some of the choreographers, yes, Well, the most funny one that came through recently was a nickname I had never heard before for one of our friends and we were like, wait, where did this nickname come from? And it took a couple of us coming into the chat and one of one of them was like oh, where did this nickname come from? And it took a couple of us coming into the chat and one of them was like oh, yeah, it's because of this and they remembered why that and it didn't stick, but it still held a memory it did, if you have a nickname that was not given to.


You feel very special.


Yes, exactly, all right. One more question. Drum roll for our last question, exactly.


All right, one more question. Drum roll for our last question. Oh, dave, he would like to know what color dress you both saw. And because we've discussed this before, I know how this is going to go. Let me get my weapon.


You answer first. You answer first.


The dress, marla, was blue and black. No, it wasn't it wasn't.


How do you see blue and black?


I have a story about this and we've already. You know, we're an hour and a half in which I had no idea this was gonna be this long.


Um. So I, when this dress thing came out I don't even know how many years ago, it's been a long time my kids were a little itty-bitty. My husband was not home. He bowls in a league. He was gone to that. I had it popped up on my computer screen. That's when we were all on Facebook on our computers, because I guess we didn't do it as much on our phone, I don't know. And so I've got this dress on my computer and I'm looking at this. My husband has I know he has nothing, doesn't know anything about it because he wasn't tech savvy and I'm arguing with people online about this dress. He comes home I said look at this dress. And I said what color is it? And he said that it was gold. And what is it? What are the other colors? White and what? White and gold?


and I flipped out because I thought it was just a joke and people were just saying random colors, just to play with each other, and that's when I knew that this was like serious and I don't know if you remember how long this went on it went forever.


Internet, yeah, forever yeah.


So we will have a post about this silly dress too in the community just to rile everybody up. But yes, marla and I who agree on mostly on choreography saw the different colors. I have tried to look at this dress 500 different times, types of ways, and I have never seen it. Now my husband has been able to see the dress both ways. Have you been able? Yeah, I've been. I've never been able to see the other way, ever. Really.


There's been a picture shared that was like this is what it would look like if you could see the white and gold. I've never been able to see the actual picture on. I've tried lots of devices. I've never. I've tried to stare at it. I've tried to squint. I've never been able to see the actual picture on. I've tried lots of devices. I've never. I've tried to stare at it. I've tried to squint, I've tried to like turn my head real fast and be like no, never seen the other colors. It was so interesting to me. That dress just blew my mind when my husband came home and he was like I knew he knew nothing about it and I was like you've got to be joking me.


So the dress was fun that that was a fun question and I'm glad that we could end on that, so so what does mj, this mj locations?


what is that? That was about my question. She's looking at our notes.


She's like what? Is next no there's a question about locations.


No, no, no, no. I don't think we have a workout suggestion this week.


Well, I was going to say, because we were so excited to do this and some people not so excited, it's okay, it was so fun, marla had had fun, don't let her. I did. I didn't tell you any different, okay, and we didn't discuss like what, how we were going to end this. So I don't think we should have a suggestion go do something fun. Um, this is, I was going to say go do the madhouse, but it's already past that.


So when they see this, I hope you did the say go do the madhouse, but it's already past that.


So when they see this, I hope you did the madhouse on the madhouse birthday. Yes, you haven't go do that and of course you know Marla always tells you to rate the workout.


So please go rate it all of your workouts, whatever workouts you're doing.


But we're glad that you guys Well, first off, thanks for those who sent us submitted questions. This was really fun and we may do this again in the future. I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed reading all the questions. They're going to get more and more personal every time huh, probably. Okay, well, thank you guys for watching.


We appreciate you all and don't forget the real joy and love of supernatural is in the journey. You go on Bye.