For the Love of the Map

Episode 16: Supernatural Shenanigans

For the Love of the Map Episode 16

Think you've seen it all when it comes to workouts? Guess again. We are chatting all things out of the box, stepping into the immersive realm of Supernatural, and turning it upside down. From the quirky thrill of VR workouts atop a stationary horse to the core-scorching challenge of seated routines, we're throwing the rulebook out the window. But it's not all about pushing the envelope; safety, accessibility, and fostering an inclusive fitness community remain at the heart of our exploits, proving that camaraderie and shared sweat is what truly makes us stronger.

Accessorize your gameplay experience as we grapple with the quest for the ultimate VR gaming grips and take on alternative techniques that transform the way we play. And who says you have to stick to the script? We're flipping workouts on their head, literally, with backward hits and kicks that'll leave you feeling like a choreography rebel with a cause. Plus, your insights are the fuel that propels us forward, and as we wrap up this session with a heartfelt thank you, remember that Supernatural isn't just about the high scores — it's about the high fives we give ourselves for every step taken on our fitness odyssey.

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Good morning. Good morning, marla. Or is it afternoon where people are listening, or maybe it's night.


It's actually two minutes after 12. So it's afternoon to me but not to you.


No, it is still morning to me where I am located, so good morning, good afternoon, good evening all the things and good night.


Name that movie, that's right, good evening all the things, and good night Name that movie. That's right, oh ma'am.


So I've got something super excited. I want to mention Exciting.


I am excited, say it.


Yes, say it, say it. This Friday, may 17th, is the second birthday of welcome to the madhouse yay, so exciting.


Just another reason for us to say madhouse on here 100%, but that's exciting it is right two years. It's kind of hard to believe it's been two years so much has happened it doesn't feel like it's been two years for sure, so maybe a year everyone on friday.


Do welcome to the madhouse to celebrate and post it in the community, say hey, happy birthday, welcome to the madhouse changed everything it really did. It has changed choreography, especially pros, only choreography, yes, the trajectory of the pros for sure. A hundred percent. We're celebrating.


Me too. We are celebrating. I'm doing it, so I will too. Also, if you're a listener of the podcast on Apple, our website or any of the other podcasting places you can now find a link to in the show notes to send us a text message with your feedback or hellos.


So that's really cool too. Yes, that is very exciting. We were testing it the other day and I might have gotten like 20 text messages from our dear friend, crystal crystal, who was sending us creepy messages, like I see she made sure it worked, though.


Yes, and she also said she was going to tattle on me to julia because I was being mean to her, because I was ignoring her messages. Um, which I thought was hilarious. She's a mess, yes, is so. Now that we've got those sort of fun announcements out of the way, you know what we should talk about today.


I think we should talk about just shenanigans.


You know, I am 100% on board with this. Supernatural shenanigans, yes, and how to stay engaged when you're kind of bored and you want to try something different. Or in our case I know, in my case, and yeah, I know it's your case too, but, um, the workouts haven't really the workouts the day haven't really been for us for about a month now true maybe just one here or there, but yeah, musically, and you know just, they've just not been yeah not for us now.


Our time will come, because the last time this happened, we suddenly started getting a whole bunch of workouts that were our favorite kind of music, movements, all the things. So I am putting that out into the universe.


Yes, but yeah, because these are for somebody. Yeah, even if they're not for us exactly.


Somebody's out there really excited that their time has come right and we've been going back to our old favorite workouts a lot, and if you've played some a lot, it's a little boring sometimes, right?


Yeah, I've even gone back to some 2020 and 2021 workouts.


Yeah, I've been meaning to send a wellness check your way because I keep seeing it pop up on your journey and I'm like what is she doing?


Why is she playing that? You normally ask me you're like why did you play that? What are you up to? What are you doing?


Are we researching? Are you taking on the old 2020 workouts? So I don't have to? What is happening?


I have to go back and play some old OGs so I can get that feeling of, oh yes, this is where we started and it is that for me. I know some people will play them and be like what in the world is this? But for me it's like nostalgia that I need every now and again. You know, hurt my shoulders. My shoulders hurt so good. That's great. But when we don't have things to go back on and we get bored of that, we kind of go into shenanigan mode to go back on and we get bored of that.


We kind of go into shenanigan mode. We do so and we start adding extra things to workouts or not doing the workouts like they're intended, and I feel like we should stop here and put a big sign right now disclaimer. That says Supernatural is not intended to be played this way. It is not developed and the choreographers are not building the workouts for you to do what we are suggesting. So if you do them, that's on you At your own risk.


A big wee-woo, wee-woo.


Yes, we are all adults. So you know, do your research, make informed decisions for yourself that's right and avoid injury. But I will say, yeah, last week in the community someone posted a video of them doing a workout while they were on a stair stepper and I had lots of thoughts and Julie and I are like yes, julie and I are on like look at this top, total opposite ends here.


She's like that is a hardcore workout, could you imagine? And I'm like no, no, that's silly, just do deeper squats and lunges. And she's like no, no, no, no, think about all the balance work you have to do, um, and the coordination of stepping, and I'm I might know so. She plans on testing it this week because she has a stair stepper. I do not have one of those things.


But I can see, as uncoordinated as I am, I'm going to be very careful. But your question was was how wide could you do the arm hits?


You know, obviously I'm going to have to go front facing and I'm probably going to turn off the squats and lunges. It seems like that makes sense. But does it impede how much arm movement you can do? And that's what I want to figure out. But I know for a fact not only is that going to burn my legs out, I know it's going to get my abs you know how I'm about the abs.


You are all about the ab work. It is definitely core focused and it involves a lot of balance, which is something that I love. When it comes to balance work, I am all about that. So I could see, but, man, it would be so hard not to want to pick up my feet and move around. So I am interested and I hope you film it because I want to hear all about it.


Oh yeah, I'm going to film it for sure, and I'll have to add it on here if I end up doing it and let them see. I hope I don't fall If I end up doing it and let them see. I hope I don't fall. You know, bust my booty or anything crazy.


Please be careful and please don't go into a high.


No, it's probably going to be a medium or low. Yeah, medium and then I may have to try it for boxing too.


No with the stance.


I don't know, I could still do it with boxing Just no stances, it'd be front stance. You know, make Just no stances, it'd be front stance. Make sure I don't have knee strikes.


Well, this video sent us down like a rabbit hole we spiraled no-transcript. I ended up trying to dodge them, moving out of the way of them ducking below them. First of all, it is a mental exercise, because all you want to do is hit the targets but you're trying to avoid them. And man, did I get a good word? I was out of breath, I was going much lower than typical because you're ducking. I was laughing hysterically.


I was going to say the added bonus to your workout was your giggles.


Yes, I laughed hysterically. I was having a lot of fun, but I will say I could only do a medium quick hit that way before I was like I'm too tired. Before I was like I'm too tired, yeah. So it definitely used parts of my body that I'm not typically used to using in a workout. Right, and it was fun. The experiment wasn't necessarily to do that on purpose. It started with trying to get auto intensity to kick in, so I was missing targets on purpose, but to get a workout instead of just standing there looking pretty.


I decided I was gonna, you know, move and avoid them. But, then all the targets slowed down because auto intensity kicked in because I missed so many of them. And then I was a little bored because everything was coming so slow and I was like, ah, but if you start hitting them every once in a while, then auto intensity will come back and it will go back to the proper speed. So anyway, that's how that experiment came about. I've seen people do supernatural on trampolines.


Yeah, it's probably very similar to the stair stepper, except you don't have to stair step. I mean, I don't remember. I've seen them done on like the little small home trampolines that you put in your living room that have a handle. But I've also seen people on their outside have you big trampoline.


I'm not seeing that, because don't remember if they were jumping.


But the trampoline alone will give you that core balance, that you need. I've also seen people do supernatural, or have I just wondered if I could do supernatural on one of those bujo? How do you say that? The ball that's got the round thing around it that you stand on?


I don't know what those are called and you have to balance your core. But I know what you're talking about and if you're watching on youtube, we'll put an image of, but I don't know what those are called. Those balance starts with a, b.


It's some type of balance ball yeah, you see them at the gym, so I think that would be really cool. But I mean, obviously you have a headset on your head, so and this is what prevents me you would have to work up to that.


I feel like, out of the headset, you would have to be able to balance on that well, out of the headset, to safely be in the headset, because we don't want to fall and break any of ourselves or our headset. Could you imagine if you broke your? I'd be so mad because we use threes now. I would have to either go back to the two no, thank you or go buy another three. No, no. But do you think? Uh, best buy would take it back if I told him I crashed on a no you're doing.


You wouldn't be able to tell them the truth. Yeah, not condoning that, just saying you wouldn't be able to do that. Yeah, I doubt you would get a new one. It depends on what the who the employee was, maybe I don't know yeah, maybe.


So maybe, if I look sad enough, maybe a trampoline safer, go for the trampoline option, because then you have two feet like kind of right.


And if you're doing it on if you use a trampoline, are you? Obviously all of these require you to do front facing, I, I would imagine.


Oh yeah, yeah, I don't remember. Like I said, I've seen videos, but I don't remember if they were spinning or not. I feel like most of these ways you just need to be front facing. You shouldn't add in extra. You know ways for you to bust your booty.


Injure yourself, yeah, injure yourself, bust your booty Injure yourself yeah. I have seen someone on a horse with their headset and their controllers and a video.


They were actually flowing, which, wow, that's next level. Wow, I don't even have a word. Was the horse like galloping, or were they just sitting still, or do you?


No, it was just sitting still, or do you? No, it was just sitting still, but could you imagine if the horse was horsing and galloping around? And doing the things and you're like sitting here. But I mean, could you?


imagine Horse strength.


Yeah, your boundary would have to be oh yeah, On a horse, oh yeah, how would you do that?


You couldn't.


No, it would have to stay still.


Well, yeah, that you couldn't, no, it would have to stay still. Well, yeah, that'd be similar to probably, sitting in a chair. Maybe you know you'd have getting a rolly chair and sitting down, but you, you can't have the arms right, yeah, no, you could have spins, have you?


tried spins in a rolly chair I have not, but I know that there are some seated athletes who do have spins on while they're working out, so I know it's possible. I have not. I've only used the seated option once when I had a really bad flare up of my knee for no rhyme or reason I you know, I'm just old and woke up and my knee hurt.


You slept wrong and you wake up, your knee hurts.


I had a dream about falling and I woke up and my knee hurt um and so I just used one of our kitchen chairs exactly, I used one of our kitchen chairs that had no arms and dude seated is intense, it is a whole different kind of workout and really works your core, whether I tried it too yeah whether you need it or not, you should try it I mean, I'm so glad the options there for athletes who want to do supernatural but can only sit.


So that's great. But, man, I have so much I just want to give them a huge round of applause because, man, that hurt my, my ab muscles.


Well, it also targeted my back and shoulders more, so my back was like on fire, because I wasn't.


I was using a lot of my back and arm muscles, my arms and, and you know, back and then your abs too, because you're trying to kind of lean and get some of those targets out on the two side portals If you're not just using the one. You know I would want the three, but it was, it was intense and I mean I have tried all the modifications just out of curiosity. Some people are like, oh, those aren't for me, so I'm not, but I am a very. You know I have to, I have to try it right so.


I've tried a lot of those the one arm modifications, um, and just to kind of see the differences and the target. So there's a lot of things out there that you can. You can play with, um, I would feel like on a bed would be very similar to on a trampoline like oh, you know, a while ago there were two ladies that met up in real life.


They were supernatural friends, met up in real life at a conference and they were in a hotel and they were both a community side-by-side and they submitted their videos for the community side-by-side. So, and now I have to go remember which side-by-side it was.


I think it was, so we can put it in.


Yeah, it was for one of our Euclid community um tournaments, our team tournaments. So it was a team tournament side by side and um man that looked so fun, but also like crazy, crazy.


I remember I was trying to figure out how I knew about that, but it's because I edited in the videos and I did. I don't always watch them all the way through, but that one I was like you're so curious, sunk it up. I was just like this is crazy.


So I watched both of those all the way through.


But they were. They were on the bed. So, I forgot about that.


Yeah, and other ways Well most people will probably know Jess's because we've all seen Jess's. In fact, it was just her birthday and one of the things that I do if I get a chance is to go bump up people's old posts in the community and wish them a happy birthday. It's my favorite thing to do too.


All the memories.


Yes, because you're wishing them a happy birthday, but you're also taking them down memory lane of the last year or two years of their life in the supernatural community. Most of all of our friends have lots of posts there, so it's a great way to um to wish them a happy birthday. But I bumped one where she was on the ground with her controllers on her feet hitting targets. Now she did this multiple times. She tried to perfect how she was going to connect them to her feet. She even had you doing it at one point. I know our friend.


Crystal, tried it at one point I have never tried it.


I bought the archery armbands.


Oh wow, that's what she recommended.


I have them and I see them every time I get my headset out. I see those archery because they're in the cubby hole where my headset lives. I'm like and I think about the, the, the controllers on the feet, and it's just. I'm like take it out of my memory because it is hard, didn't she try a madhouse?


that way too, she didn't remember she.


It hurts to be on the floor yes what laying like that with your neck it strains your neck. So she went to the couch and so I tried it on the. I can't do it long, even on a low. It is difficult. On it you can find a slow low, like there's like slow lows and there's low. Plus, I found a slow low. It it doesn't. It's like 15 seconds and you're done. Your abs are on fire, your legs are on fire. You can't even on fire. You can't even go anywhere Like you can't do it anymore. Yeah, but she's always pushing the boundaries and looking for ways to do supernatural like outside of the box, and I love that Same. She's also gotten weights and done low boxing with weights in her hands, yeah, and I think she's tried to figure out how to have controllers not have controllers so that she can kind of get the weight lifting part of Supernatural or just in general for her life that she wants. I think we need a weight lifting app for sure. Why doesn't that exist in VR?


I have a lot of opinions and thoughts on this, because I feel like a lot of people who are going to VR fitness aren't necessarily fitness body mechanic experts, so they're learning these exercises in VR. And if you can't see yourself, you will hurt yourself.


You 100% it is guaranteed, at some point you are going will hurt yourself. You 100% it is guaranteed, at some point you are going to hurt yourself. And what do we say all the time? You think you're doing something in the headset and you you think you've got great form, you think you're doing it right, but then you record and that is not what you are doing. So I think figuring that out first has to happen before there is like a weightlifting VR app.


Now someone like Jessa. That's why we tell people to record themselves Exactly. Yeah, she's definitely been. She's got lots of experience, she's very athletic.


She's gone to lots of weightlifting classes. It makes sense for her to experiment with weights in that way. Now, me, I don't go, I don't lift weights you know, the best. I use resistance bands on occasion body weight exercise, but I don't lift heavy. I don't even lift five pound weights. So for me to go in the headset and lift weights, I feel like I would probably injure myself.


Great good risk, injury, yeah so definitely be careful yeah, everyone, even with weights in general. I mean, there's weights you can add to your controllers. Um, we even know people. I don't know if you tried it or not, I don't remember, but remember there was a time we talked about wearing boxing gloves I don't remember how we held them or what. I didn't ever do it or buy the gloves. Did you get the? I didn gloves. I don't remember how we held them or what. I didn't ever do it or buy the gloves. Did you get the gloves?


I didn't. No, I don't, I didn't Okay, but we know a friend that did the gloves. Yeah, don't they have some that are made for the controllers too?


They did for the twos, I think so I think so, and I know there's a community member or two that have tried it and they were like my arms were jello Because the gloves are heavy. Yeah, you're adding the weight of those gloves there and I feel like that would only be safe in boxing. That's my opinion.


It's not in flow.


Yeah, but just adding that extra weight, and I've actually wanted to try that and do that, and it was something they said about having the actual gloves in their hands. It felt a little bit more like real boxing. So maybe I need to search and see if they have the controller boxing gloves still available, Because I know they were. I think at that time they were just still developing them maybe. So I haven't circled back around to that yet.


I doubt they have them for the three. I mean they don't even have great grips for the three.


yet they still don't have your favorite grips. It's been over a year.


I don't want Velcro on my grips. They get caught on my clothes, they are annoying, it wears out eventually and Kiwi had the perfect grips for the two. With the battery door it had a pulley system you pull at the bottom and it would tighten and it was just. They were so good.


Those were your favorite I think that's the only thing that you. I never had them. I had the kind that I have now, which is the same kind you have that you hate, but that grommet on there does dig in my hand so if they, have something better that comes out, I'm gonna jump on it especially if you recommend it you know I keep trying and and I said it had been over a year and it hadn't. Doesn't it feel like it's been that long, but it hasn't even been a year, we've had our three.


So, yeah, no, yeah, yeah, we need better grips. So I doubt they have boxing gloves. Watch, they'll have boxing gloves for the three, but they ain't got the good grips. What's wrong with y'all? I know I don't know.


I'm gonna go look, though. Um, what about holding the controllers different? We've seen people actually strap them to their arms so that they can have like a free.


Oh yeah, flow dance yeah, yeah, yes, I remember that. Yeah, that is pretty cool, that's pretty yeah that is.


And then we have people who do claw grip on the controller instead of just the traditional holding it by the actual grip.


Can you claw grip with the 3 now, though without the?


Oh, I don't think you can, because we had the Halo and that's why we did claw grip. Probably not unless you somehow tied it to your arm. You would drop it. You can't claw grip and use the, the grips that we use. So but I like grips. I put the grips on and the controller feels secure, so I loosen my grip up a lot on the controller.


So yeah, I love grips, for sure grips are the best no controllers, so so I guess, if you're not going to, use any controllers at all and just get in there and free flow. You really cannot care about score I don't know, you cannot and you wouldn't get that visual or hepatic feedback yeah, that you hit a target. Or the sparks, because we need the sparks.


We need the sparks. That would be hard to go in and do, but people try that. Um, we know someone who has just gone in and they had this whole. You know, I tried it so you don't have to. And, um, she did swords because it's it's called in with swords. When you actually take a video from the headset, yeah, and look at, that's what it's called. But she tried actual swords, which reminds me we had Kim that tried one armed lightsaber, like a real, legit lightsaber. This girl also tried bats, a bat in each hand and I know that when these people tried this, that they were like trying not to hit their floors and their ceilings and all the surrounding things. You would have to have a big area, but they said it was really fun, but it added that weight that could be dangerous to your joints.


It can be very dangerous. I would be so careful with that kind of stuff, especially with flow, because we talk about in form that you want to use your full body to swing and flow especially your legs. Now, I know that can't apply to our seated athletes, but could you imagine being seated and adding weight, the strain on? It would be a lot oh I'd be very dangerous I worry.


Yeah, yeah, so please be careful. If you try with bats or even just weights because they make weights you can add to your controllers I would be very careful doing that in flow, take you, I would.


I would have them for boxing, but then I feel like it would be aggravating. I've thought about buying them before, but I feel like it would be aggravating. I've thought about buying them before, but I feel like I would forget to take them off between flow and boxing, and I like to alternate. So it would almost make me feel like I would have to have a boxing day and then a flow day so that I don't accidentally leave them on there, or two sets of controllers.


Two sets of controllers. Just jump right out and get you some extra controllers, no problem.


Boxing controllers and flow controllers, because you know we all have lots of money laying around, so to buy extra things problem solved.


So one thing I did recently was I had some knee targets in a boxing that I didn't care for. They just didn't feel natural to me so I just started like uppercutting them and again, like you, like dodging targets. It gave me the whole giggle fit. So I am giggling these because the targets are just bouncing off like off onto into the distance and it was just the coolest thing. Obviously your accuracy score is going to be right, you know not good after doing that, but you have to be okay with just having fun sometimes, just to pass the time and do something fun and different and shake things up.


And I think if you are in a rut, like it starts to feel like a chore to get in the headset, or you're not getting in the headset because you'd rather be doing this or that, Experimenting in this way and changing it up and having fun, letting go of your scores, letting go of this and getting in there and laughing is the best way to get your mojo back for getting in the headset.


Yeah, we do that in parties a lot. That's how I learned about this one and I'll let you talk about it the kicking the knee targets. I didn't know how fun that could be, it is so fun and I'll let you talk about it. The kicking the knee targets. I didn't know how fun that could be, it is so fun. And we're like let's do this, let's try that together and see what happens. And so you were like, oh, kick them.


Yeah, kick them. It was actually our friend Crystal. It was the first time that she played Return to the Madhouse. She had had COVID, um, she was sick and out and she was finally ready to get back in the headset and of course she's. She's like marla, let's go work out. And what do I suggest her first few workouts.


So we did some highs first that she was really interested in, that she had bookmarked from when she was sick. And then I was like, well, we could go play return. And she was like, okay, let's go anyway. So, um, she started kicking them and, uh, it was the most hysterical thing. I was like, seriously, you're kicking them? And she's like, yeah, I hate these things, I'm kicking them. And so I started kicking them and it was there.


It's a lot of fun and you can do like, so fun do like a little hop, kick and um, it's good time.


So if you don't like knees, they don't register for you, or whatever reason. Try kicking them as long as you have the space. Um, it's a lot of fun to kick.


Yeah, a lot of it is and I didn't think that it would make much of a difference.


But I went. It really does kicking them is.


It's really so much fun. And if you have a day where you just need to get some aggression out, instead of doing the actual, you know, bringing your knee up like you should kicking them, just it just releases some of that anger. It really does. It's really fun.


And our friend Julie. She always has issues with knees. She goes through a knee strike strike and will turn the knee targets off on occasion when they stop registering for her. That happens a lot, anyway, I wonder if she's tried kicking them. I have to ask her, julie, have you kicked the knees?


Tell us Julie needs to go try it and like come back. I think we're going to. We left this one last on purpose, because I feel like we'll talk about it the most, but hitting the targets backwards. We've brought this up before, um, but this one's really fun and interesting it is interesting.


So I know for you and I, we discovered it almost two years ago because someone in the community posted a video gameplay and we were like hold on a second, what? Why does that look different? Yeah, um, and we're investigating and trying to figure it out and we realized she's, they're hitting the targets backwards from the cone into the center. And so we mention, and in that post, hey, hey, I don't know if you know this, but you're, you're hitting the targets backwards. They didn't realize, they didn't realize that's what they thought, and this is why you do the tutorials Okay that's right.


I don't know how they missed the tutorial, but they did somehow and they also kind of took us on a journey of relearning how to hit the targets the right way. Like it took, it was a process for them to actually figure out how to do them right, but that sparked, you know, interest in us going in the headset. I ran to my headset really fast. Yeah, you did.


You did. I have to try this.


I'm a monkey, see monkey, do so. If something, someone tries something in the community, I'm like I want to. You did, I have to try this. Yep, I'm a monkey, see monkey, do so. If something, someone tries something in the community, I'm like I want to try that. I have to try everything. So I went straight in and tried it. It is so hard it really is Because you have to retrain your whole mind.


So starting in a low, you know it gets your heart rate up. It makes your body move completely different because it's not the way that the choreographers intended for you to move. So it's real jerky feeling. You have to remember what you're doing and a tail will come and totally re-scramble you to hit them the right way.


And then you have to get switched back the other way. That's exactly what happened to me. When the tails would come, I'd be like well, how do you hit a tail in this way? Yeah it is a mental challenge and physically challenging because obviously you're going lower or you're jumping up higher for it. I know recently another one of the podcast listeners community members Bill did a big post about it and I believe he has a YouTube video as well about hitting the targets backwards.


So this is something that comes up sort of regularly within the community, because there's probably a large section of people who accidentally start by hitting the end of the targets upwards. Start by hitting the end of the targets upwards. He had a friend who originally started playing Supernatural that way, so he wanted to test it, like you and I did. Oh well, that's interesting. Now I got to figure it out and he realized he was getting his heart rate up a lot higher than the traditional way. So it's interesting, but y'all be careful. If you're going to do that, than the traditional ways.


So it's interesting, but y'all be careful if you're going to do that, because you could definitely smack the ground or anything like that coming backwards. It made me appreciate the intended choreography when I played it, oh yeah.


Because it takes all of that movement, intended movement, away and you're doing like pretty much the complete opposite of what they want you to do true, um, but yeah it'll. Someone will come through with a gameplay video in the community every now and again and you're like that why does that look? It takes you a minute to realize why things don't look quite right. And then we you know there's usually a lot of people in the comments kindly reaching out like, hey, we just want to let you know.


You hit it on the big fat balloon side, not the cone side, and I guess if you hadn't watched a tutorial before, that would make sense to like slice through the skinniest top pointy part. I don't know, but I thought of a hitting a balloon and exploding a balloon. So I think I would have hit it the right way, but especially with tails and stuff. But who knows if I wouldn't have done the tutorial. But the tutorial completely explains exactly exactly how you're supposed to hit them, exactly how the triangles are supposed to go.


Um, I'm sure we've missed well, there's one that I've recently done. I went into the settings within Supernatural and recalibrated my height and I lied.


I've never done that.


I'm going to have to try this one out. They want to see how tall you are and they say just to let your arms sit naturally next to you, the controllers. I brought them up and I brought them almost higher than my waist, like higher than they would be. So it was like saying I'm much taller than I really am, which brought all the targets way taller, and that was a lot of fun for me. It was exhausting. I did one workout that way and then I went back in and recalibrated again and made myself much shorter, which brought everything lower, also made all my triangles lower. How did you make yourself shorter, though? I bent down, oh, you bent down with the controllers by your feet. I've been down, oh, you've been down with the controllers by your feet.


Yeah, exactly, so instead of standing normal and tall and upright. I went down and put my controllers down. I didn't go all the way down to my feet. I think I went a little bit past my knees, not quite to my ankles and but I only did a quick hit. That way it was much better to make myself taller, because I had to get on my tippy toes a lot or try and jump up to get targets, which I found very exhausting it completely exhausted, like I was done I was like okay, I'm done.


And I did it in a prose, only like a complete new.


Oh, man, marla, I know, of course you did right. I know, of course you did right, I know, of course. Oh, I'm gonna have to try that one Again. Monkey see, monkey do.




I need to go in and try. I love trying all the new fun things that that people think about and post about. And again, I'm sure we've missed some. Maybe not, I don't know, but I just found these interesting, a lot of these.


Some of them could cause injuries. So please, please, be careful. Please be careful. You know your limits, you know your body. You're an adult. Make a can, you know, an informed decision to try some of these things right, but some of them are just plain fun and won't cause you, I think so yeah, if you want to spice things up and again have some shenanigans in your, in your workout um, you have to let go some form and some of your points, your accuracy, your power on on some of these.


But you know the points don't matter anyway, right? I?


mean I guess they do to some people. They matter to me.


Last week, I know, I know and you had a big week last week I did I had a very small week compared to what I would normally have, so you did but I'm still not caught up to my friends so that we can hit three million together.


I was like 8k away and now somehow it's grown again because I'm trying to catch her while she's actively working out. So hopefully it's funny.


It's like when we all go in a party together and we're trying to get more points than somebody, but we're all doing the same workouts.


It doesn't work. It doesn't help you at all, it doesn't.


Well, if anyone has any other really fun shenanigy type shenanigy that's a new word type supernatural things that you've tried or you've seen in the community that maybe we we've missed and you think that you know people need to know about Facebook page for the love of the map podcast and we'll make a post and you can, or you can, make a post and tell us what it is, but we can also make a post and if there's anything that we missed, comment on that post.


We would love to hear anything. So we want to try all the things. That's just how we are. We want to try all the things.


Definitely, except I'm not trying the stair stepper thing. No, not doing it.


You will wait till I do it.


I'm not trying the stair stepper thing. No, I'm not doing it. You will wait till I do it.


I'm gonna go do it today. I'm gonna film myself and you're gonna be like, all right, amazon, all right, amazon, I'm getting one.


We'll see, we'll see, we'll see. Never say never oh man yeah.


I know you want to do that one workout with this one thing and then get off and you know, have that, have the six-pack, abs and the noticeable difference.


Always joking I'm joking so I think with that we shouldn't really do a workout suggestion this week. We should just say, hey, go do your favorite thing, yeah, and do it in a weird new way. Try something like hitting the targets backwards or dodging them. Don't hit them. Move your body away from them.


And let us know, like Julia said, I haven't tried that one either. I'm gonna have to. I'm gonna be busy today when I go on the headset. I'm gonna be real busy. May not be able to move tomorrow, and I hope I don't dream about falling asleep and hurt my knee like you.


Careful, careful. It happens, man it happens, I know right.


Oh man. So we also want to let you guys know that we have a companion app account called For the Love of the Map. Surprise, surprise, right, marla Right, and we have our weekly workout suggestions there. You can find them there and bookmark them after we make the suggestion. Go in there, find them and bookmark them, and that might be an easier way for you to have them in your list so that they're ready to go for you and after you do your workout don't forget to rate them.


So important. Look once you're done the workout and you're at the score screen and it's like you did such a great job. Here's a yellow box the best you've ever done. Look to the left and rate the workout. Pick the needful. You loved it. Why you loved it? Maybe you only loved one part of it and you want to tell them that you would hit other and an email will be generated to you and you can reply with all of your feedback. Don't forget to rate the workout.


Don't forget. We really appreciate, appreciate you guys taking the time out of your busy day to hang out with us. We appreciate you and don't forget.


the real love and joy in Supernatural is the journey. You go on Bye, bye.