For the Love of the Map

Episode 15: Flow Choreography Styles

For the Love of the Map Episode 15

Flow choreography styles, they’re are styles? Step into the world of 'flowy flows' where workouts aren't just about breaking a sweat; they're an art form. We'll guide you through the nuances of flow choreography and the emotional empowerment it brings, all while keeping an ear out for the music that drives these movements. Whether it's jazz, indie hits, or the powerful anthems of Florence + The Machine, we're exploring how the perfect playlist can turn a workout into a cathartic experience.

It's not just about moving to the beat; it's about the memories we create with every step touch, and side-by-side session. This episode is a treasure trove of nostalgia as we revisit sweat sessions that left us needing tissues mid-workout and recall the euphoria of joining our virtual community for a 'Swagalicious Celebration.' And it's not just about the highs - we also discuss the importance of organizing workouts and the longing for features that help us bookmark those sessions that resonate with us deeply. So join us as we reminisce over the 'Pump You Up the 90s' and share our excitement for discovering new, flowy gems like the 'Indie Structable' category.

Last but certainly not least, we delve into how your feedback shapes our fitness journey. The heart of our discussion beats to the rhythm of the Artist Series workouts in Supernatural and the full-body chills they induce. This episode is about more than just recounting our favorite moments; it's an invitation for you to influence the future of our workout adventures. So, after you've swung your virtual saber and grooved to your favorite indie track, we're eager to hear your thoughts and experiences. Ready to amplify your workout experience? Press play, and let's step into a world where every flow has a story and every listener has a voice.

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Hello Julia.


Hi Marla, How's it going? It's going good around here.


Awesome. It's another episode of For the Love of the Map. Thanks everyone for tuning in and we've got a lot to discuss this week. I feel like, yes, yes, you know what we should start with.


I think we should start with. I think we should start with star wars, and the reason why is because I accidentally kind of look like princess leia you know this you got the buns, you got the space buns. You have the buns too, I do I have the space buns on top of my head.


Yeah, it's all the same color there.


So the back bun is not a good podcast-y situation, but it's fine. Here I am.


It's great for getting in the headset after this, though Very true, I'm ready to go.


Yeah, you are. I may even wear my dress. I'm on some workout leggings underneath I think I'm just going to go like this.


I think you should. I think I'm just going to go like this.


I think you should, I think I approve Definitely. But Star Wars, we got those episodes.


Three the three workouts. The three workouts that the community is very upset. There is no boxing, but like.


I can't wrap my.


Yeah, I can't wrap my head around like boxing to star wars for some reason.


No, it just doesn't you remember when they put them out the very first time, the first star wars that we've gotten every year? This is the third year in a row and we were kind of secretly hoping. Hoping because they announced you know, this is coming, and we only had it for one day.


We were kind of secretly hoping that we would have lightsabers, but we didn't but, we have bats and it's very similar, you know, very similar I think um, I think everyone secretly hopes that, but I think that would open a pandora's box situation or then everyone would have suggestions.


Well, if they could do it for that one workout, then they should do this, that and the other, and then we should be able to change it and da, da, da, da. And so it's kind of like I I get from a business standpoint why they didn't, but as a fan of all things sci-fi and star wars, um, yeah, it would be really rad to have lightsabers and being there yeah, making the noise, oh, even the noises, yes, that would be really cool, that would instead of, like the normal target, hit sound effects, you'd get that's right, oh man, okay, yeah, see, it.


Could I get the community, but I also get that supernatural can do all of that for one special workout you know yeah, or in this case, three yeah, the last year we got the og.


I call it the og. The first workout we got, the first medium flow we got. We got it again last year, but they gave it to us longer I don't remember how many days. It was, either five or seven a whole week, yeah, and then this year we got two new ones with our og that's right and they're about to leave.


They are they?


are. They're probably gone by the time this comes out yes, but they'll be back next year they will hope you guys enjoy something will yeah, something will for sure.


I hope you guys enjoyed them, and this segues perfectly segues perfectly into what we should talk about this week.


oh, real, for real, I think flow choreography styles.


Now hear me out. We chat a lot about complexity. The both of us say that word in flow nonstop. We talk a lot about high flow. We talk a lot about pros only and the madhouse but, there are other styles besides just complexity and drum rolls and pros only right, yeah.


But people are going to be like isn't flow flow? So that we're probably going to bring in some confusion. Flow is flow, but flow isn't always a flowy flow.


That's right. Not to say that five times fast. That's right, and so that is one of the styles that my mind is currently obsessed with, which is flowy flow, and I've been on a mission to find all the super flowy flow maps in lows and mediums, because we do love lows and mediums, even though we talk about pros only.


All the time, um, but I time and a place for sure, yeah, but I think the style, the choreography style is heavy when it comes to what lows and mediums we like. Now, I know we've discussed like. People are probably like what? It's all flow, like you said. Yeah, yeah, so there's flowy flow.


What other kind?


of flows are there, you think?


I would say there's like a dancey flow, since I talked about the triangle training two episodes ago. Um, I think in the dance I like to see more lower body, triangle foot movements. There's still flow with your arms, but um a lot of times I don't feel like it's always a flowy flow in the dance.


Yeah, fair enough. And then, obviously, one that our audience knows a lot about complexity. Complexity is a style yes, trying to think Quick and choppy, sort of strikes that are Like more drum rolly, not as many many.


Like more fast and not as many tails. And I think the tails is what makes a flowy flow.


Yeah, a flowy flow for sure, and I would say music plays oh yeah a massive role in determining the style the choreographers will use for that map or that workout I think so too, for sure because when I go through and I look at all the ones I would consider super flowy, which hold on a second, hold on on a second.


We need folders. Can we get some folders please? Oh man, could you imagine being able to keep all the flowy flows in a folder and easily get back to them quickly? This is such a memory game for us. And I'm sure lots of other people who play Supernatural every day and have favorite workouts to remember all the styles, all the songs and all the workouts.


It takes a lot of brain power. It does, and I think some of the times we forget. I know, when I was going through and doing my own research for this episode, I started watching side-by-sides that I already had in my phone filmed, whether they were group side-by-sides we've done throughout or just my own personal ones that I haven't posted um, because I film myself, often to check form and test other things.


And then I just got lost. I was like, hold on, we're going down a rabbit hole here. Look at all these flowy flows. I totally forgot about them. And then I was like, but this one's dancey, but this one's flowy. So I feel like sometimes the styles sort of overlap. Right Right yeah. A perfect example of this would be the hidden prose only Metallica.


The very last song and this has stuck with me since you said it on the podcast a few weeks ago. You said the very last song has all of the choreography supernatural has to offer, all in this one song, and I agree because it's like every style, you get a little flow you get tons of complexity. Yes, fast, I mean, you just get it all, so sometimes workouts overlap, but the ones we should talk about today are just super flowy flow well, and it's throughout the whole workout.


It's not just oh, this song here this song here we're talking about ones where the whole entire workout is just this flowy yeah thing, like. I don't like to say thing, but it's just, that's the way it's a flowy experience but the oneby-sides that you shared with me when we were talking about this. Most of your side-by-sides and you may just now be realizing this or you may already know, they're all the flowy type. Well, I guess the ones of you alone.




The ones that you like and you film. A lot of them are the very flowy flows.


It is that you connect with the, the very flowy flows.


It is that you connect with the most. I feel like.


It is. You figured me out. No, I do film myself a lot, but you're right, I think the ones that I film just for me or when I'm alone are definitely super flowy ones. Um, on occasion I'll reach out and be like hey, go film this. Um, but a lot of times you're you're right, wow, I didn't even. Yeah, it's because it's the experience, it's the music Mm-hmm Flowy flow hits me in my soul.


It's like I know I talk about this a lot and that it's like a therapy session for me to get in the headset, but the flowy flows just do something to me.


They, they made me feel graceful and beautiful and feminine and all the things that, as an older mother who works full time, who, you know, has a million, wears a million different hats, um, it reminds me. Hey, you know, this is, this is me, this is who I am, so maybe that's why I film them and, um, it's easy for me to just like put a dress on over.


That's right, it goes with the flow. Yeah, it's so fun to flow in a dress, it really is. If you haven't flown in a dress, if you haven't done supernatural flow in a dress or flown in an airplane, I guess too, you know, whatever, if you're a dude, you know, try it if you want. We're not saying to flow in a dress, but women, flowing in a dress is the most freeing. It really is.


Beautiful, it really is.


Especially if you record yourself. Because a lot of times, marla will be like do this one and wear your dress, because you've got to have your dress for this one. Yeah one.


Yeah, it's a lot of the jazz ones. And yes, yes, there are so many in this category, but we should probably start with lows, and you said probably a lot of the jazz ones. I would also say sweat symphonies lend themselves to flowy flow. Yes, where lots of tails and the setup when you finish the tail ends in a great target those all go really well together.


Indie workouts indie workouts, yeah, going back to sweat symphonies, I think that was actually, as a supernatural user, one of the first times where I was kind of shocked that I could move like this and enjoy working out, because essentially we are working out, yeah, in a symphony, a sweat symphony, where there's, you know, symphonic type music, yeah, classical music and yeah, classical ballets, and yeah, yeah so you're like this is weird and you click on it.


But, gracefully, as you go, it just the movement just feels so good and sometimes, before we get into the lows first, you just have. You know, I'm kind of trying to figure out. You know, when would you use, when would you say, hey, I need one of these workouts?


you know, sometimes we just need a good stretch, or you have this feeling or you need, you know you have something you need, just need to release or let go. I think that they're we. Like you said you want folders so you can go and be like this is today. I'm feeling like this day. Today I feel like I need to go do a madhouse. I'm, I got some rage, I need to get out, but these are just for for. Like you just want to just gracefully flow and just kind of let let things just go. Maybe that you're feeling I agree with that.


I think that's a perfect description and the reason I would pick a flowy flow um I do often try and incorporate them into a warm-up workout because they are so expansive with the moves and it allows for you to really fully stretch out Um. I have a couple of lows that I use that specifically for Um. In fact, I did that this morning. I've already I've worked out once today and my first workout of the day was a medium, super flowy workout. One of my all-time favorites, florence and the Machine.


We will talk about it when we get to medium.


But that was my first workout of the day and let me say it set the tone. I was fully stretched, I was moving and grooving happy, moved on to highs after that and do you think flowy flow is in highs?


Sometimes but I really don't associate flowy flows with highs Same A whole lot because of the usually the density of the targets in a high. I think it can happen sometimes but I can't really. I can't really come up with a whole flow workout. There may be some parts in a song, or maybe a song here and there that maybe you can flow through kind of quickly, but that I put a spell on you is a medium in that one called Arms that we were talking about, but it definitely feels like a high, high.


it's a lot faster, but there's a lot of tails and I just feel like that's what does it, all the tails it is the tail really swoop around and stretch like like a third you know, the one portal in front of you and then the two others or another one you know, to just really make you lean and stretch out.


Yeah it uses your full range of motion and I know we do a lot of high sempros. And you don't have the full range of motion that you can in a low or a medium, but for me the timing of a low can be rather boring.


But I have a huge list that I love the super flowy ones, ones that move you around with the triangles and encourage your feet to be moving things like that, which I want to mention, one of my favorite lows that I would always I always go back to this. In fact, I think I recommend it more than any workout, and it's a low and it's coached by Leanne and it is from 2022. It is called Power, beauty and the Scars. This is a powerful workout. This is a powerful workout. This is a powerful experience. First of all, you got Coach Leanne in there, being the most Coach Leanne you ever. You know everything you need to hear. It's just so affirming, it is so comforting. It also pushes you. It. Um, she's like there. She's like your girlfriend coming over for a cup of coffee or tea whatever it is you guys drink, chilling and talking to you and doing things, being there for you.


Yeah, dude, it's great Throughout the workout. Yeah.


And all the songs are fantastic. This one. You should listen to the Spotify playlist of this workout. Some people might not like the music. I love the music, especially the last song, falling Water is a beautiful, beautiful song. And then the movements, the flowy movements. Dude, do this workout Seriously, like everyone, go do this workout and if you don't like it, fine, whatever. Whatever, but if you do like it, bookmark it, save it I've actually forgotten about this one, and so I need to.


Maybe I need to warm up with this one today, because you talk about this one a lot and I forget I need a bookmark it and put it in my folder for flowy flows. But you know, I really think that would help.


It really would, because you forget if it's out of sight, it's out of mind and you know, you have this whole big list of bookmarks and there's no order to them.


We have almost 3,000 workouts to keep up with. Yeah, we desperately the community.


It's hard to keep up with? Yeah, we desperately, the community hard to keep up with yeah, desperately needs a way to organize them into folders and categorize them as they see fit. Yeah, because, man, I would have.


I would have so many lists?


I would. I would have so many folders with all the things. So what's another low that you would describe as super flowy?


One of our favorite ones, and this one always is one of the first ones that I think of.




Oh, what's a good flowy low would be the Mood Booster with Dwana Color Our Way Home and the playlist in this just alone. Whatever the choreography is is just whatever, but the playlist in this is so good I'm singing to all the songs, but it is such a good flowy low. And it makes you feel so good when you get out.


It's a true mood booster. It really lifts your mood. It's got a ton of movement for a low. Yes, it's very expansive, very flowy. The last song we did a huge group side by side we did to that, to that one, and there are so many joy balls. It makes me so happy, so happy and one of my favorite, we have two big side by sides with this.


I think we did Home as well. We did do Home. Yeah, I just now thought about that. Oh, wow, maybe.


Two from this, did we? I was thinking maybe we didn't do a giant community side-by-side with the last one. Maybe that's just one of my research side-by-sides. Maybe we did, because I remember watching it the other day, but maybe I watched so many side-by-sides I think I spent all of Saturday watching side-by-sides that I have on my phone, and I think I have over 300. Because I have every copy of our giant group side-by-sides that we do together my own.


I also have lots of video of you and I, or me and another community member and then I went on to Facebook and searched in the community.


Oh, you can get lost on there. Oh, I spent the entire day watching. I've done that too, so I think they're all sort of like blending together.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Another really good one, and it's a more recent one from this year. It's a more recent one from this year. It's a rapture.


Own Up, Own.


It. That one is very, very flowy, very graceful, but the last song. Y'all watch out for the last song. That is not a low, it's a low plus. It is a low plus, but it is so good it is it is. You've said you got into a flow state during that song.


And I have done the same.


There's something about that song and the movement that gets you to just go into another land. It's kind of cool. It is, I think, another really great low flow, flowy flow.


Should we rename this?


I don't know how else to say it other than A low flowy flow.


I think it sounds great.


Right Flowy flow.


What other word A flowy?


I know I'm trying to think of descriptive words to describe flowy flow and it's like it's flow?


I don't know.


We're on a struggle bus on this choreography anyway, trying to explain choreography.


Okay, right, you do this. Move over here like this. You know? Yes, exactly, but this one is from about a year ago, march of last year. This is not music I would typically go. I gotta do this workout. It's a pump you up the 90s and it's called Turn Yourself Around. Pump you up the 90s and it's called turn yourself around. This one took me by surprise. I did it, set up my camera, my phone, to record, and I recorded every single song in this playlist one night long ago. Um, because it was so flowy and at the time I was trying to find lows to recommend to others and I was having a hard time. I was having a hard time because I was in a place like nah, these are boring. But then I came across that one and I was like this is not boring, this is. There was turns, lots of turns, lots of movement, some taking you from one portal to the next portal, and the flow and then back which just spices things up like yeah, we all know my saying.


You know, front facing sucks the joy out of life and this does not suck the joy out of life. There you're moving and turning and flowing beautifully it's great.


Well, it's the low that prepares you, that we talk about, that prepares you for the medium, because there's little aspects of things in there that you would see in a medium flow For sure.


So it's always good when they add.


But yeah, movement and a low flow for us. What am I trying to say? Movement in a low flow for us is very important and makes us feel like, yes, we want to do this, when it's just forward facing three portals barely flowing and moving us. I mean it's kind of not.


We're always working on form right, but it's good to go back to lows and really take it slowly and really get into each movement that's available for you, whether it's squats, lunges, reaching with your legs and your full body over to one side, you know you can really perfect that in a low Right, but you cannot perfect that in a boring low no, because then you just don't want to do it Well, right, and we're also saying that a low can have some complexity to it, and I think that's really cool.


I think it should a little bit to prepare people, like you said for mediums. Like you said for mediums.


And I even like when, as the workout goes along, you know how we were talking about in the which one was it the rapture one? That kind of by the end of the song you're kind of stepped up closer to the next and I kind of the next intensity level and I really like workouts that do that no matter what intensity level they are.


And those are the ones that a lot of times, we would will mark and be like okay, these are good training for the next intensity up, because I think we both like when there's a progression from the first song to the end and it works itself up and then, if it's a really long one, like a monster, you know, you get sort of like a little bit of a break in the middle song and then it starts to progress more.


That's what we prefer. I'm sure there's others who don't like that, but good training workouts for sure. True.


To prepare people. Look at me. I sent us off on a wrong place. Flowy flows Back to flowy flows.


I mean, that is the RMO it is it?


is we're gonna find a way to talk about a madhouse while we're in here maybe um no, I'm kidding, that's.


That's really all we have listed for lows at this moment. I'm sure there's lots more but again you know we don't have a folder to find them, and you know I want to move.


There's lots of them, yeah, there's lots of lows and I'm sure maybe there's something, some that some people listening, you know, maybe you're thinking of some of their own favorite tell us please, we really want to play them yes, go to our facebook. Um, what do we call it? The facebook group? Yes, the podcast group, for the love of matt, podcast group, and tell us some of your favorite low flowy flows this is hard to say.


It is really really hard to say um mediums mediums time for the mediums you have on here. Jazz it up, because you're mine and I totally forgot about this one until I saw it in our notes and I was like oh, I love this one.


Um, that one is super flowy, super flowy it is very flowy and I think we forget about it because I think a lot of the jazz it ups don't always have our favorite music in it so we'll do them, but we're they don't stick like this one did right and so sometimes I'll be like let's do that one, and you're like wait, wait a minute. And then you're you see the song list and you're like, okay, and this one does have the um, the because your mind song, what is it called?


I don't know the one that was in the other one I talked about um I know now I'm gonna go soft. Yes, the last song in that call to arms.


I'm having a brain. I know I shouldn't have brought it up. No, you should not.


We have no songs listed like not we're naughty for not doing that, but yeah, um, I will say this jazz it up has just one of those days in it which is originally in a boxing medium Jazz it. Up that we suggested on one of our first episodes. It's a great boxing workout. That song is great and the day this came out in flow, I freaked out and I was very excited to see this song and it did not disappoint. It was very, very good, very good, yeah, that workout.




I got to bump that workout up.


I know there's so many good ones that since we're doing this and we, you know, both of us did some research I'm kind of like, oh, that one needs to go Right, We'll have a medium and low flow week. I know.


No, it's a points week for me. I got to do lots more, I know.


One of our favorite kind of category type of workout what they're called is Indie Structable. It's one of our favorite. What would you call that Kind of the category?


It's the Indie, the category, it's the indie music it's the indie music, but I mean the card of what it's called. You know, we have a rapture, we have broken dreams I would call that a category, a category, yeah, so that's one of our favorites, yeah when, when these come up, we get excited and we go straight to the, to the song list.


So I'll let you talk about.


Well, yeah, this one is this one is called Flow Meets Body, and I mean that's just cheeky and perfect for this because of the set list.


It's got Death Cab for Cutie. It has so many amazing. If you listen to indie music back at the early 2000s, you know about this playlist. Go look it up, Listen to it on Spotify, Then jump in the headset because you will not be disappointed. This is a super flowy fun. Just great workout. And it has one of my all-time favorite songs, sweet Disposition, and I did freak out the morning that this came out.


Yeah, you got right in the headset.


I even propped my. I mean, I got all the recording stuff ready before I even played it because I knew. I knew they weren't going to disappoint me on this song and it was so beautiful, so incredible. And we were lucky to get in a high recently and I mentioned that and can't remember the name of the workout off the top of my head.


But it will go on our youtube video. I will save the card, give it to julia to edit in there. Um, and that one was really good too, but the whole indie structable is a great category super flowy.


It's. It's definitely one, and that that morning you sent me a message like record. I need you to record this one. We need a side by side of this. So I'm pretty sure right, Wasn't that the sweet disposition one that we did?




So another medium workout that I guess you wouldn't think of rap, but we had the rap and then the low also right would be the rap, a rapture. Swagalicious celebration, marla. How many times have we done this workout?


uh, this is like one of our main go-to warm-up workouts yeah, in fact julia is the only one who doesn't go again, marla, when I suggest it during a party to warm up. No, there's a few other friends who love it too and they're like oh okay, but we do have. So I do have some friends that are like really, really let me guess we're gonna warm up with this.


I love this one. This one is so good.


It has my all time favorite, my all-time hype song astronaut in the ocean. It is so good um the movements.


In this one they have the step touches that we talked about in triangle training episode it's just so good, it's so good it's so good the way it makes you move through the whole song, like if astronaut in the ocean was just like five songs. It was just all that I'd be in for it. Just do it over and over and over what you can? You can skip the first song. Do astronaut in the ocean get out? Go back in. Skip the first.


No, just do it as many times as you want. Oh man, um, another one. I don't know if this is a category that we often find flowy flow in, but I happen to find some flowy flow in this one. It's a broken dreams team. Edge of possibility. It's from last year with leanne. It has some super flowy, flowy choreo in it. I really enjoy that one. You make me think this was one.


Yeah, this was one that I messaged you and I said we need to do this one together and it's really cool to watch us in this side by side, um, from this broken dreams team workout. That's hard to say. Our movements are so similar. The way we move our body and this flowy flow that this one has, but I mean the whole workout is that way.


Um, you should see me in a crown as the first song and then the one we and I love that one the bass and that song is so good anyway, and you usually don't get too bassy in the headset unless you're wearing headphones, which, if you've never worn headphones in the headset, do it and go play this one because it sounds so good. I filmed it. I think I filmed it twice. But then was it the Bishop Briggs song that you were like Marla, go film this one, um we have that side by side together.


I don't know if we have it down in our in our thing or not, but I will definitely put that one into side by side of us. I think that that it's in our intro, too, of us doing it together.


It is I can't recall the song right now, but so good. I play both of those songs in my car, so the bass and you should see me in a crown is so good. It's so good. I play both of those songs in my car, so the bass and you should see me in a crown is so good it's so good, um, oh, cold play when that one came out we all needed some tissues yeah, for sure everybody was crying that day.


Well, so categories, I would say. A lot of the times the artist series workouts lend themselves to super flowy flow and not all of them.


I think so too.


Yeah, I don't know a lot of them do like the cold play we've had cold play in supernatural and lots of other workouts.


Fix you is an old one.


That map so flowy, so beautiful, so emotional.


It is, it is.


And it's also in the Artist Series. Then you've got Florence the Machine. The whole thing is super flowy and beautiful. Cosmic love is a dream come true. For me the day that came out. I think I played that workout like four times. I messaged Julia record this, record this. I messaged another friend telling them to record a song with me, but Coldplay. That goes to another medium power workout yeah, the full body chills and this song can only be found in this medium.


It's not in the cold play. Artist series workouts um politic. That is one of the most flowy, beautiful. It's even got complexity in the flowiness. But you like this map is.


It's another one that could get you emotional too, like just, and another reason why is because of the things that Leanne says. She says a lot of great things through the full body chills, power workout that we're talking about. Definitely do not put any of them.


No, any of the coaches in any of these workouts on focus mode, because I think what lends to why we love these particular workouts that we're talking about it's not just the music. It's not just the music, it's not just the movements, it's also the coaching, it's a full package, man, full body, chills.


But when you're doing full flowy flows, you're really, I mean there really is a lot of power there and you wouldn't think power so that, but I mean it is. There's a lot of power in those flowy flows. So the I think the coaches really feed off of those really flowy, powerful movements and the things that they say. While you're you're flowing through that, it's just, it's just so good. It just takes you on that. Like I always say, it takes you on the journey of just feeling all the feels and um, listening to the words in the music and feeling your body go through those really big, wide moves. Plus the coaches telling you different things. It's not always this or that, but I mean sometimes they're saying something very powerful to lift you up and sometimes they're telling you something that happened to them that you know really sparks thought and emotion in you while you're, while you're flowing through that.


So, um, man, I, I really love flowy flows. Look, we just love supernatural and I hope that our audience can can tell that. You know, they get that feeling the way we talk about it. We speak very passionately about all the things we talk about here on the show. Um, flowy flow is definitely a huge passion for us. I would say it's up there with pros only for us. Um, yeah, without super flowy flow, we'd be missing a huge part of supernatural you know, and like just thinking about that politic song and the coaching and the movements, the choreography.


It really is legit, a full body.


Jill's like the name of the workout.


It is incredibly beautiful. One I forgot to put on this list, but worth mentioning, is the Medium Artist Series Muse.


That's also very flowy it is very flowy very flowy. It is very flowy.


Um, there's another one would be probably the one that we just got last week um and I don't think, have you done it?


I was gonna say have you done it yet, because everybody's telling marla to do this. It has country music in it, I know. But this kiss, I don't have the card in front of me, but I but I'll put it up on the screen. Do you remember the name of it? I don't. It was like country feeling or something.


No, it was like it's a hidden country workout. It's not a hoedown.


It is the first song is a Taylor Swift song. I know that much.


Because I sent a message to one of my friends who's a huge Swiftifty and I was like did you freak out this morning? And you know cause? I look at the cards. Um, it was the category for this one is that feeling, and it is called feeling country kisses. Okay, everyone's telling me to do it. I'm going to do it. I have it bookmarked. I just I've got lots of things on my agenda when I go to work out. I know and I promise I will do it, because everyone's like marla, it's super, super flowy, you're gonna love it this kiss was the best one in there I loved it.


That had some really good choreography it was the most flowy out of all of them, I would say, but it was a full um karaoke sing-along for me and I don't even care for that music that much, but I knew all the songs. It was just, I was just flowing through.


You were having a good time.


I was having a good time, but I thought of another category.


You're going to roll your eyes that we should put on here. Okay, what, what?


Smooth sailing. Do you think that is a flowy flow? We don't do that.


I'm going to be honest. I haven't done enough of them to know I haven't either.


So we need to know.


Yeah, our friend Crystal is going to be like and see, this is why you shouldn't discount any of them. You need to do it for research.


That's my Crystal voice.


No, listen. There is one smooth sailing that I've done. It was with Coach Doc. It's a medium.


I did it in a party with my friend Crystal, because she said I was biased against the music and it was still a really good medium. I have it still bookmarked. In fact, I'm looking it up right now so I can say it. It is oh wow, it is from 2021. That's why I said, oh wow, it's with Coach Doc. It's called Smooth Sailing Feeling Good, feeling Fine. Our friend Julie is going to clutch her chest right now. It has the doobie brothers. Oh man, she is um one of those people who have completed the entire library of workouts. There's actually a significant group of supernatural peeps who their goal is to complete the entire library. Our friend Kim has even started an external community for people who have finished the library. So it's like one of those sort of little you get to join the club when you finish.


It's like our 100% accuracy of the Madhouse group, but for the library. I will tell you right now, I will never join Ken's group. I wish her all the success.


But our friend Julie has a lot of PTSD from all of the Doobie Brothers songs that were in older workouts in Supernatural. Apparently she found them often having to finish all of the different workouts, but this one was flowy, it was fun, I saved it. Am I going to go out? Search in the category. No, it's not my jams. I don't want to work out to this music.


that's me personally like smooth sailing could probably go in here if we liked smooth sailing, but I could see that add it on in on the end. But we're not gonna be like go do a smooth sailing because it's fair, fair.


I think you're right, I think. I think the music does lend to the super flowy flow I feel like it would have to.


I mean, what do we know? But yeah, we need you guys to tell us, because we don't know yeah, we'll definitely have a post up.


I'm interested oh yeah, I want to create a big graphic suggestions with all the super flowy flows. If I could put them in a folder and then screenshot them, it would be a lot easier. That would be the easiest way to do it.


I'd like to have sort of a resource for us all of these types of workouts and so definitely make a post. And if you guys have suggestions, suggestions, let us know about the smooth sailing category and any other category that lends itself to flowy flows. But there's something very important that we ought to talk about. Oh, what's that? Not that you look like princess leia today, but something else. Thank you, I think it is time in our podcast history to open up the show to community mentors, members, to come on and have conversations with us.


I want to hear people's stories. I want others to hear people's stories. Will it be a weekly thing? Probably not, but getting all of y'all's stories out there just coming on here and chatting with us. Bring your coffee, bring your tea, bring your water. Come tell everyone how you got into Supernatural. We all have such a unique story. And I kind of just want to put that out into the universe.


Either Julia or I will make a post with a simple Google form with some questions and just some explanations of how we work, how you come on a video podcast and all the things, and you can just fill it out and we'll send you an email back. It's open for anyone and everyone.


I definitely like to do that, you know wouldn't, that be fun. I think that would be really fun, right? I think it would be so fun and it'd be really cool to meet people that we haven't met before and talk to them, and people that we do know, and talk to them and share their stories, because I've been in a few situations where I've heard some of the stories of some of the athletes and they're incredible stories.


So inspirational and it would be really cool, yeah, and it would be really cool to share them here, because everybody I mean everybody has a supernatural story, whether it's just, you know, like ours, we found our kids head or took our kids headset and found supernatural in there. I mean, our story is more than that, but you know what I mean. Everyone has, everyone has a story.


So and I have a feeling love. So many people took their kids headsets.


Probably, probably so. It's probably the lead in of most, most people. So, unless you don't have kids, but anyway. Um, so weekly workout suggestion we do this every week. Um, this week we're going to suggest one of our favorite low workouts, a low marla.


We're going to suggest a low flow. Look at us. I know this dance around the world. Pop goes the world with the Rainier low intensity 18 minute. That came out on one 1923, over a year ago this came out. I don't know how many times you've done it. I know a lot because you have side by sides.


I recorded every single song for a side by side also. Now I never put them together and I have no idea where in the universe it all is. I probably couldn't even find all of my recordings and stuff. This workout I remember being one of the first lows that I went crazy over it was.


It was one of the first lows, both of us you are the one who got me to play it for the first time and I was like what? And our friend Julie it was you and Julie and I was like Julie's telling me to do a low. What is this about? Julia told me no, marla, you will really, really like it. I was like fine, and I did. I recorded the last three songs the Movement and Lockdown and Bike Engine. Bike Engine is one of our favorite songs to work out to. I love Bike Engine.


It's typically found in boxing Medium and it may be in a low boxing, but I know it's in a medium and high boxing.


It's one of my favorite high boxing, such a great one.


The playlist in this workout makes it. The choreography makes it too, but the combination of the choreography and the songs in here I guess we should say no more, they need to go do it.


So good, super, super flowy you guys. Yes, and move this. This is one of those lows where I can get my heart rate up way high, based on the amount of effort, and lower body movement and full body movement. I'm talking like you're throwing your whole body into the strikes and the movement. This is a good one for that.


It is a good one and I would say this is probably one that does overlap the dance and the flow, but it's all there and a nice little package with a bow on it.


I agree. I agree with that. There's definitely some nuance because there is a lot of overlapping and a lot on it. I agree. I agree with that, it's. There's definitely some nuance because there is a lot of overlapping and a lot of workouts, and that's what stopped Julia and I adding more to this list, because we wanted to stay super, super flowy. But this one, this one is just so good and it's a low, so good.


Yeah, and when you're done with it, don't forget to rate the workout. Uh, you'll see it. When you get done with the workout, the little screen with all your scores will pop up and you look to the left, look to the left I'm not sure where I am on the screen. You look to the left in the headset and do the needful. If you liked it, hit why you liked it. If you want to talk to them about it, hit other and it will prompt an email and you just type all the things you want to say and they love hearing from us. So make sure you are definitely rating the workout and if you have other comments, things to add to just the basic rating because it's very basic Hit other and then, if you play the workout again after you've already done the other, you can rewrite it Loved.


Or whatever it is so don't forget to rate the workout. I still submit and push things through, even though I have I know you do probably doesn't make a difference, but I'm always like.


I still love it I'm gonna hit it again. I love it that much well guys.


We're so glad that you guys tuned in and watched us and hung out with us today.


We appreciate you so much and don't forget the real joy and love in Supernatural is found in the journey you go on Bye.