For the Love of the Map

Episode 13: Mastering Triangles and Madhouses

For the Love of the Map Episode 13

Strap on your VR headset and join us in tackling the playful complexities of 'madhouse training' and the finesse of all the different triangles in Supernatural workouts. We share candid moments of our own growth, from the initial stumbles to the exhilarating rush of syncing movement with music. Tips on perfecting the 'step touch' and 'two-step' triangles are served up, alongside discussions on the intuitive nature of hitting targets, offering a rhythmic guide to conquering these dynamic movements.

Whether a workout leaves you buzzing with energy or simply isn't your jam, we salute the individual journey toward fitness and well-being, encouraging each beat, each move, each breath to be a step forward in your personal journey. 

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Hello, how's it going Hi, marla? How are you Good? How are you, julia, doing?


alright. Yeah, you look beautiful today, thank you, so do you, and I see some like extra stuff back there. There is something really extra and really pretty back there.


I went to Colorado this weekend past weekend to meet a whole bunch of my supernatural friends.


Oh my God, it was so fun.


Yes, it was so fun, it was the best. Stayed in a giant house together. We had never met in person. None of us only knew each other from Supernatural and another one of my Supernatural friends lives there. So she came over and hung out with us on Friday and brought this rad mandala Mandela how do you say it?


Mandela. Yes.


Yes, it's beautiful.


It's homemade, it is beautiful, it's crocheted.


Mouse made that for me, you see, yes, it is beautiful, it's crocheted. Mouse made that for me and it is yes, and she took the time to make sure that it matched our logo colors, and I may have cried a little bit when she gave it to me. So now it's got a home behind me and I'm making sure to sit wonky, which will probably drive Julia's brain crazy when she edits this video. Marley, you're not centered.


I'm not because I want the world to see that, yes, it's absolutely beautiful and so creative. We have such talented friends that can do some really cool things.


Truly so much talent out there. It's really awesome.


I also heard a rumor, though, that you went to Meow Wolf.


I did go to Meow Wolf. It was wow, so weird and fun and different and it was all the things and more.


Well, I mean we have. If you want to kind of experience it, since you know we do talk about VR, you can do walkabout mini golf and kind of. I'm sure it was the. The walkabout mini golf, meow wolf was nothing like the real thing, but I feel like it prepared me.


yeah, I feel like it prepared me. I knew to go back to the center, where what I call the giant joy ball is. Yeah, but it's like this alien craft that goes all the way up all the stories, anyway, anytime we get lost while we were there this weekend, I'd be like we just got to get back to the center. If we can get back to the center, then I know where to go from there.


So I felt like it prepared me and there were lots of things that are the exact same. That's crazy as the putt-putt course. I thought it was so cool and I kept thinking about our friends that we played that course with. And I took lots of pictures and some video for you guys. So you would be like, hey, I played putt-putt there. Well, I went there, we were there, that's too cool, it was really fun putt putt there.


Well, I went there, that's too.


It was really fun.


It was really fun, but you didn't fly there, right, because man that made me sick. Oh gosh, no, I mean, did you actually fly like we do in the game?


no, but it felt like that that was the weirdest thing yeah, I mean there's just so much going on, all the lights, all the noises. There was sense. I mean like we were there for at least four hours and then all of a sudden I said okay, I'm overwhelmed and I'm ready to go Interesting. I was just like, okay, I can't, I'm not taking in anything, and feeling good about it anymore. And then another friend was like I'm so glad you said something, because I'm feeling that way too.


I'm like we gotta go right now. Putt putt was yeah, the putt putt was kind of like that, like after a certain and that night we played there was like what six or eight of us, so it took forever. It was fun, but after a while it was like okay, because I had to sit down. I was that place was a lot to take in well, I'm glad you got to go there in person. So yes, it was really cool, definitely like a bucket list thing you know for me I would love to go there eventually one day.


So it was my friend's birthday so we went there, went back to the house and hung out. We had like basically our own personal chef for the whole week weekend, the whole trip. Yeah, one of my friends is like crazy madwoman cook and she just took care of us all weekend long. Like every meal made sure we were taken care of. I did made no decisions the whole weekend and it was amazing. Yeah, right your face.


No decisions, marla, I know, know, so you just went with the flow.


Wow, I really really did, I made no decisions.


You needed that.


I'm glad I really did my group of friends was like marla's, not managing us towards the end, when it was time to go I was like, okay, it's not managing us yeah. I just sat back. I was like, okay, what do y'all want to do, we'll do whatever. I don't care, you know.


That's so funny. I'm not like you at all, but that means that you were like, just really laid back and just comfortable, ready to just have a good time and spend time with your friends, and you haven't even been back like 12 hours yet. So right, you made me come to work. Quite a way, I did make you come to work.


Get in here.


Let's get this done.


No, I I didn't get home until after midnight last night, um and I I let Julia know we would not be recording at our usual time.


It would be much later in the day until I woke up and my brain was awake, and here we are and had copious amounts of coffee to get you through.


So much, so much. Also imagine seven women staying in this huge house. How much coffee we drank we drank so much coffee. I think there was only one of us that didn't drink coffee out of the group.


Um, we made pots and pots and pots of coffee it was fantastic, fantastic, so fun, yes, so, but it's good to hear a little glimpse about your trip.


So yes, I think going to meet internet friends is scary, obviously. Yeah, it's kind of like, wow, you're going to go meet friends off the internet. But these are people I've been around for two plus years, spoken to almost daily, been in lots of events, worked out a ton with left comments, made posts. I really felt like I knew them and when I met them in person and that initial there was no awkwardness, it's so crazy there wasn't. There's no awkwardness. It's like you've known them forever and you hang out with them on the weekends. That's exactly what it's like to go meet supernatural friends.


And I encourage any and everyone. If you have a little group of friends or lots of friends, get together with them. Make it a priority date. Your friends I say this all the time, all my friends know this, you know make the time. Put it in your schedule.


Then you get confirmation that they're real.


Yes, when you can actually hug them Exactly so fun, and there were lots of hugs lots of hugs, lots of touches on the back, like, oh, you're really here, you're really here. Yeah, we even worked out together on Saturday night, which was really cool. All separated in this giant house, did a workout party with headphones and a messenger call so that we could all hear each other talk. It was great, it was fun, it was a good time, so cool.


So cool.


But back to today's episode. Do you know what we should talk about today, julia? What should we talk about today? Marla, I'm thinking training. We have mentioned a few times lots of different types of training, so I know off the top of my head. We've talked about triangle training, you have, and you at least my head we've talked about triangle training, you have and you at least three times have said I'll come back to that and explain that one day. We should explain that today, today's, the day Today's the day.


We'll talk about triangle training. Also, I would very much like to talk about madhouse training.


Because we can't go an episode without the madhouse Talking about madhouse training. Because we can't go an episode without the madhouse.


Well, yeah, we just had the pros only episode, so this will relate to that and in a future episode here soon maybe we'll talk about the mad houses and yes it would be a good idea to um discuss training for the madhouses if you want to get better at them or prepare yourself for them. We have a list of workouts that will do that and then any other training things that come up.


This whole episode will just be training training like, but that sounds like a kind of a negative word.


But right in our supernatural world. No, it's important, you gotta if you want to get better, yes, if you want to get better at anything, you've got to practice. Practice is training intentional.


You know this is talking about try taking on triangles intentionally, right yeah, it was about a year ago this time where I started to notice that the choreography, especially in the triangles, were changing. I don't know if you noticed it too I know we talked about it a lot because we talk about choreography but I noticed like there were more triangles and more variations of triangles and I started to feel frustrated, like I'm just going to turn these things off. What is happening? And I don't know if it's just I just all of a sudden started noticing them more.


I really feel like something changed with the triangles and they started using them more Well and different. It wasn't just like a triangle tunnel Right, because we used to see that all the time, or just lunges.


And when I started, that's kind of when you watch the triangle training that Supernatural gives you, because I think there is an actual one that will train you on the triangles. They need to make a new one. And I have seen, people in the community ask all right, what are we doing with all these triangles? So I think that there are some new ones and it does need to be talked about and there needs to be a new video made, but I don't work there, so I can't do it, but we can talk about it.


Yes, we can. So I had to either like, start ignoring these triangles, turn them off, something because it was starting to affect my experience, or I had to embrace the triangles, figure out what I was supposed to do in them, learn what was new, because I was, I felt like I was. They were almost like a distraction to me and I didn't want them to be. And I felt like they were there for a reason and I felt like the choreographers put them there because they wanted us to do something. Obviously, if it was. I mean there are triangles that are there. I think there's some stand tall triangles that are in some maps, just kind of as fillers to you know to be there, but these were triangles that were making you move all over the place and they were part of the dance and part of the choreography that we were given. So I wanted to do these triangles justice. Now, if you don't want to do the triangles and you want to do your own dance and you want to do your own thing, go for it. But for me, I just felt like not only were the triangles there for a reason, but I felt like they really helped me to move once I put myself through the triangle training.


There is no real training. I just did it for myself and learned how to move in them to make my experience better. So basically, head underneath the point of the triangle, legs and feet at the bottom points of the triangle. If you follow that, you will be doing triangle training, because that's basically what I did. So I just went into a workout that I was familiar with and I kind of I didn't forget the targets, like the arm targets. I just didn't pay as much attention to them, which, if you've been doing Supernatural for a while, they're already kind of attention to them. Which, if you've been doing supernatural for a while, they're already kind of. What's the word, marla?


You already kind of do them. They're just, they're intuitive.


Thank you you just kind of do them without thinking.


Yeah, you don't have to really pay attention to it.


Right, and that's the way. I wanted the triangles to be the same as the regular targets that we hit. So I went into a workout. I just ignored all of the targets, I didn't worry about my power, none of that stuff, just focusing on the triangles. So you know, we normally just get squat triangles and I said all that. You know the squats and the lunges. But there was there's way more that was going on, so I needed to figure these out. So the first triangle I noticed that I needed to work on was like the step touch triangle, and when you've really got to be able to pick up your feet and move around, Um, so I'm like step touching.


Then there's these. Well, hold on a second. I need to interrupt you. Oh, you're good, step touch. This is a thing I learned about step touches from you. Oh, how did? What is a step touch? I don't even think most people know what a step touch is. They're like what?


well, the triangles get smaller and you'll step over to the side and make sure your head and feet are over one side. And the coaches do talk about step touches sometimes in the workouts. You know, do the step touch. You know you'll see them in fuegos and stuff, but you're basically just Are you talking about like two steps?


Yeah, like two steps, like the two-step triangles yeah.


And then your feet touch.


Is that?


the touch part.


Okay, okay.


So step touches are two step triangles. Let's see. All I can think of is body roll control, but that is a what is the thing it's called Like the dance around the worlds and all of those like. You see these triangles when they're really wanting you to dance, and then you have step slide. I have that one on the bottom, but I should have moved that one up in my notes because I feel like step touch and step slide are similar, but they're not. So instead of picking your foot up and actually moving over and doing a step touch, step touch from either side to side, sometimes we do see the step touch to the same side and back, and I really like those, but the step slide the triangle's big and then it gets smaller as you go over and you slide your one foot to the one side or the other that they're wanting you to slide and kind of lean your head and move your whole body.


Those are probably some of my favorites. My top favorite are the step or not step roll, but the roll triangles. And these are like very different looking triangles that while you're hitting a target you like roll over with it from kind of like one lunge over into the other. It's like this big, big roll. Of course I'll have gameplay rolling when we talk about these things. These happen often. They can be like the bigger, wider roll triangles where you don't really go into a whole lunge. I've seen them where they start in a lunge and end in a lunge on the other side. I've seen them to where you're actually just kind of in the middle and you kind of just go off to one side. So there's like a lot to pay attention to. And look at Lean triangles. They've got lean triangles now where you go back and forth real fast in leans.


I do like that. I do love those.


Well, and I like the like the centipede try centipede tunnels where you're kind of squatting but you're like rolling side to side in it. Those are some of my favorites. Well, because there's app work and you know me and my apps. I'm going to tell you if my apps are being worked. And then I even had to work on leg lifts some, and I don't know about you, but sometimes, well, I do know about you. You don't do leg lifts right, I do them right.


Editing side by side with.


Marla, you do them right, but sometimes you don't do them on the right side.


No, no, no, no, no, no, getting lower in my lunges lower in my squats and really making sure I was doing those lower body movements to the best of my ability. So I truly did for a good three or four months until these triangles were just as intuitive to me as the targets. Put myself through this. Now I can go into a workout like, say, boss moves if you've done that one, and it just feels like I'm dancing because I just know what to do now. Sometimes I do get stumped. Um, clear my throat. Which one is the fuego, the new pro fuego? What's it called?


oh no, why do we forget the name Fusion, fusion.


Fiesta, fusion Fiesta broke my brain, but anyway, if you are somebody who feels frustrated by, I mean, any aspect of supernatural, you just have to take one thing at a time, break it down and train. So go through some of the things that I did. Of course I record myself a lot. I do side by side, so I'm always seeing. I mean there's been a lot of side by sides. I've recorded that. I haven't even put out and let anybody else see. They're just for me.


I'm either number one, not dressed. I have a workout outfit on that I don't want the world to see me in or I don't like the way something looks in my video, because aren't we our own worst critics? Always, or I have a right or I have one. That is just. I'm like no, I don't think I look, look as good as I could in this one. I mean, probably should put that one out anyway. But so I recorded myself. I played, you know, obviously, fusion Fiesta.


The first thing we did in that workout was went right back into it to like we have to experience this again. So I've done that, gone back and done that workout multiple times. I still don't have that workout down pat, like. I still don't feel like I can intuitively do that workout. And now I've gone probably a good two or three weeks since I've done it, which is not good. I hate saying that because it's one of my favorites and I wish I would have just kept that in my weekly rotation over and over.


And that's how you get good at something. So if you go in and a workout is frustrating to you, it may just either be your mood that day we've talked about that before, yes or just that you just need to do it again, and do it again and do it again until you it just feels natural to you. So if there's something new that comes out, like for me fusion fiesta was, it was hard for me, I had to do it a lot. I just I did it over again until it felt, until I didn't feel like I was like stretching so far to get everything, like it felt more and more okay, I can get this. I can get this move natural, yeah, and your muscle memory kicks in.


I think that's the thing about when you talk about triangle training. What you needed your body and your mind to do is, when you saw the triangles, the muscle memory to kick in all the different variations of triangles, because really there's only what like three or four types of triangles, but it's when they put them in certain sequences that makes the movement different, Right? So if your muscle memory is already there, then when you go into a high or to a pros only and you see a new pattern for the triangles, your body should just kind of take over and do what it needs to do.




That's what I'm gathering from the way you're talking about triangle training.


And that's exactly.


Yeah, when we go in and do really intense pros only choreography, where it's super complex you have to do it multiple times. And then not only that, but sometimes those patterns are in previous workouts just a little bit different and muscle memory just kicks in.


That's how it is for me on some of them.


So I'm imagining that's sort of the way triangle training works as well. Master each triangle train, so that you can later come back and put them all together. Am I right or am I?


yeah, that's exactly. That's exactly it. I mean you, you can't do something once and be mad that you didn't do it right, and then never do it again.


Um, and and I do always take into account when when I feel that frustration, like why is it that? I feel that you know, know, and so I'm I'm really glad. And some people don't want to do this, like I said, and that's fine, but I'm really glad that I did this because it's made my experience a lot more joyful. And I feel I'm a person that really can't. I say I can't dance, and people are like, yes, you can, everybody can dance, but it really is not easy for me to dance, and so I really heavily rely on these triangles now to make me move in certain ways, and I love it when the choreographers put that type of movement in there so that I don't have to do it for myself. It's in there to be suggestive, but also it just tells me what I need to do and makes me move and it just makes me dance and it is just really fun. It's just fun for me not to have to go in and think about it, I guess, and make it up for myself, but then you have people that go in there and they're just able to do that improv. I guess I'm not, so when that's there for me, yeah, I do? I really do, and I'm glad that they're there.


Um, if, if you're, another thing you can do if you're struggling is go to a lower intensity. Obviously, there's not as many targets and not as many triangles the lower you go, but I mean we have come across a few low intensities that have quite a bit. I mean, that's how I learned how to move my feet more, because I was just doing upper body stuff and I wasn't. I wanted to train my body, my lower body, to actually move more and pick up my feet more, went into a low intensity and just really pushed myself to move more in my lower body and I think from there that kind of progressed into OK, well, now I'm not need to do the in my lower body, and I think from there that kind of progressed into okay, well, now I'm not. I need to do the same with the triangles.


So I did Right, but you can find the triangles that I'm talking about that make you dance more and just dance workouts, fuego workouts, dance around the world workouts, glutatious workouts those are some of the things that I would search in Supernatural in the Explore tab. I think you can just put those in and those workouts will come up. I love that. They made it to where you can search by workouts now.


Yeah, that's great.


To make it a A lot easier. But those are more lower body FL, since you know centered type of workouts that have more triangles in it If you want to see more variation of triangles than just your standard. You know squats and lunges and stand talls and you know a few leans here and there. I think that those other triangles are in those. You know you've got one that just came out Brawnfire. It's got it's an absolicious, but it's got a lot of knee strikes in it too, and the knee strikes are also, you know, lower body movement and I do like it when they play with the triangles, with those knee strikes.


Oh yeah, that's my favorite those knee strikes. Oh yeah, that's my favorite, we have a side by side of us doing baby, that's an earworm, yes, that is an earworm. Now that song is going to be stuck in my head the rest of the day, I know.


It has some of the best dance moves in it because of the way those triangles make you move.


Yes, those two step triangles make you move the right. Oh man, I love that map in that song. It's one of my all-time favorites and that one has that step touch to the same side twice.


that I really love. I'm like moving with it. Let's see, take you Dancing in Buns, hun. That has a lot of triangle movement in it. Headsprung in my ride or die. That one also has our head sprung lassos that we always talk about.


Well, let's, let's connect this here. So, now that you're talking about this head sprung map we've mentioned it many times when we talk about fusion Fiesta because, those lasso, those up lassos were first found in head sprung and head sprung, yeah, and I actually recorded.


I recorded myself in head sprung and that's one of the ones that I've recorded kind of for me to see, and I never put that one out. I need to re-record it, but it head spr has some very tricky fast triangles in it that are really hard For sure. And I'm not. I don't want anybody to think that I've mastered them all and I could do them all perfectly. Absolutely not.


Head Sprung is one of those ones where I'm like I don't know if I want to record and put that out there, because I still don't feel 100 percent confident on that. Obviously, Boss Moves that one is a huge so far yes, and it's just that dance making you dance um fusion fiesta sing its praises. Yes, always, always, yeah, I should make you say the next one no one wants to say it.


Did it, did it? Do, do, do, do, do. I don't one wants to say it Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do I don't know how to say it at all Do-do-do-do-do.


The first song in JK Pop. Yes, With the D-U and the D-U, the do-do-dos. That one is filled with dancey triangles as well. Remember is one of my favorites from Dance.


Floor Burn. Oh, so many triangles From Dance Floor Burn. I want to preface this because this just came out in a workout recently, last Friday, and it's a different map. It's a different version.


It is.


I did a side-by-side.


They're completely different. They are completely different. I didn't post that to the community either. But I just wanted to see where there were similarities and differences, Because Remember is up there in my top 10 maps. Oh, I was like oh, it's in high, that one's in high Dance Floor.


Fern, though specifically Now we have to say that because it's in another high now, but it's a different map. It is the triangles aren't there, the complexity is not there. The complexity is not there in the new version of Remember, and so if you want to do triangle training and you're looking for this song, you need to go to Dance Floor Burn specifically yes, and there are some other really good songs in Dance Floor Burn.


I mean, the whole Dance Floor Burn workout is up in our top as well. But yeah, when that came out and I was like, oh, I could just skip the first song and just do remember whenever I want the sadness that I had when it was not the same choreography, right, it was great, I was. I was very sad. Same Moving on Another one of our favorites astronaut in the ocean.


Oh, and I want I gotta say this again because this is in other workouts too and other mediums but this map is only in swagalicious celebration. Yes, and it is. Can only find this map and it is so complex with triangles and movement.


Oh, it has another triangle that I didn't think about. It has a step touch with a lunge step touch in it and it is a harder move.


Those are so hard to do and I guarantee you maybe like 10 people know about this move.


Yeah, and I don't think it's in a lot of other. It's not workouts.


I'm trying to remember the other workout that I know for a fact that it's in well it's in remember, yes, it is in remember, from um dance floor burn.


Yes, and it, and I think it is in one other um yeah, but I can't remember what it is at the time.


Yeah, but as you're not in the ocean, it's a fabulous map yeah, you put your your leg out, so you're leaning on one leg right.


It's hard it is hard, you keep you stay in the lunge you keep that leg out, and then you bring, bring your leg in and out and touch it's, it's. I love, I love the move. I hope we see that more and again and some other maps in the future.


I love that I haven't seen it as much, but that kind of in a nutshell. Maybe it was scattered, I don't know. I get excited. That's how I did triangle training. I just really focused on what I wanted to make better, and it again has made my supernatural experience a whole lot more fun for me. So if you're struggling, just train.


Just train. Yeah, look for the workouts that have more complex triangles. Julia just went off a huge list. We'll have the graphic. You guys can see it. That's an example where we know for sure is very triangle heavy, and not just triangle tunnels, squat triangles. It's different movements where you're moving, going from a lunge to two, stepping to a squat, to this to that. So I think it's a good idea. I know I've said it many times, I do what I want.


I do the triangles as intended on occasion but you're still moving your lower body and dancing, so I've seen your videos. It's not like you're just standing still, so you get an excuse.


Well, maybe I this whole episode has got me thinking. Maybe I should focus on triangle training. Just triangle training might be fun, might be a new challenge for me.


It's a whole journey. It is a whole journey. I don't even know how it happened for me. I kind of go back and forth about it. Yeah, yeah, I could see that you just started.


You wanted lower body focused stuff. I remember how it happened, sort of.


I was like I was there.


I was. I was there when it sort of started to happen and when you said, I think I'm going to do this triangle training thing and I'm like, what are you talking about? Where is that? Is that a?


collection. Is that a program?


You're like supernatural didn't give me that notification, right. Where's that? For me, this is a the. This is a julia program, okay, but it really worked for you and it worked your lower body. You weren't complaining how sore your legs and your butt were for weeks. I remember that part and I was like, yeah, you go on your little mission, I'm going to stay over here.


I'm thinking that this started. It just kind of hit me. I think this started in the Tiesto workout, because that first song was so crazy with triangles and I'm like how are we even supposed to do this?


Maybe that's where it started.


I don't know it was this time last year, I remember, I don't know. It was this time last year.


I remember. I think it's definitely worth doing because they are getting more complex the triangles they are and what they're asking you to do. Mm-hmm, and I think for some people, especially if you're doing workout after workout after workout, sort of kind of just phone it in a little bit, you're like oh, I'll just okay, I know what I'm doing, but do you really know what you know? Are you really doing what the triangles are asking you to do? So yeah, and you said this video yourself.


So, important.


I have tons of video that I will not be sharing with the world because they're my training videos you know, to make sure that I'm focusing or I'm doing what I think I'm doing when I'm in the headset. Because, as you start to record yourself, you learn no, I'm not indeed touching the floor with my butt when you swear. That is exactly what you're doing when you're in the headset. So record yourself, just you know, especially if you're going to train and focus on a particular movement. It's so important yeah.


I love that idea, yeah, which moves us on to other training.




We have to talk about the madhouse type training.


Yes. So madhouse training. This all started because madhouses are intense, as we all know, and got us thinking are there high intensity workouts or other pros? Only flow workouts that get you ready for madhouses. And we did find some. We definitely found a lot, in the sense that they feature a lot of the same things that you'll find in a madhouse, such as drum rolls, complexity with three portals or even more than three portals. Um, lots of movement, what else? All the things, all the things, all the things. I mean just everything you would find in a madhouse, the challenge of it. You'll also find longer songs, especially like full throttle roar.


Hail to the king which we now have a quick hit of but um goosebumps every time and then test your endurance on these higher, more dense, complex tracks helps you prepare for the madhouses yeah and when I go back and I include the Madhouse training workouts any of them.


There's seven of them, but if I keep those in my rotation and then I go do a Madhouse, I'm a lot more prepared for them. My brain's not super overloaded, and either is my body, for that matter, because I've been preparing for it and I often give this list to people in the community and post about it in comments. When someone's like I just did a madhouse today, how do you crazy people do this? Blah, blah, blah, blah blah, I'll say you train here, Go try these workouts.


They're step much step farther down than the madhouses, but they'll get you ready.


They'll get your body and your mind ready for mastering a madhouse very true, I mean, and then add an extra layer, like we do and talk and uh, party with each other, while doing a pros only yes, so cardio training to the max exactly which blows our mind. I mean, every time I do, it blows my mind. I'm like how am I talking to you right now?


right, it blows my mind too, so I'm not going to stay too long. On the madhouse training workouts, you guys can see right here what those workouts are. We talked a lot about most of these and the pros only episode we did a few weeks ago. There are two regular high workouts on here that we have never actually spoken about on the podcast, so I am going to call them out full throttle. Roar, which is an all time favorite, has hailed the King so good. Um, it builds really well.


Yeah, this one. I remember the first time I played it. Well, I think I played it several times on the day it came out. This one takes you to the brink and, just at the right spot, lets off, just when you think like okay, I can't, I can't if you're actually going in and doing these workouts with good intentions with, you know, putting that the work in there I was. I was like, okay, this got let up because I'm getting there, and then all of a sudden it does like it, just at the right places.


So yes, it does.


It'll test you and I find those are my favorite maps when it just takes you right to the edge where you're like, oh, my muscles are about to fail, I can't go anymore. And then you get the second wind, something Julie and I call in a map. You start to feel like you're flying. Yes, and I realized that it's not so much the movement in the map, it's the feeling of the movements. It gives you a second. When you start to feel like you're flying because you're getting that momentum, it's when the movements move you so perfectly.


Oh man.


Hail to the King. Does do that, it does, it really really does at the perfect moment too. And the same way, there's parts in some of my all-time favorite maps. Sudden death has that psychosocial has that it's a feeling and I used to Julie and I used to pick it apart and think it's a specific movement when it goes from a lunge with two down hits to a lunge on, like on another portal that was the flying sensation.


That's where we first discovered it. Right, and it is a combination of those hits, but it's something else, it's, it's a whole feeling, man, it is and man psychosocial.


I almost feel like I'm just gonna lose it, like right. And then all of a sudden we're, you're flying and it's like you're flying. I'm gonna make it because we are not people who pause during the middle of workouts, like unless there's an emergency or something we've, we're gonna, we're making it to the end of the song. Then we'll get our water and take a breath. But yeah, I'm not one that like, I'm not one that just hits pause, just in the middle of a song.


No, no, no, no, then you might miss targets and then mess up your accuracy score.


Oh, man.


No, no, no, that's not cool. You got to get to the end of the song and then pause if you need to.


Yeah, yeah.


So the other high that is not a pros only in this list that we've never spoken about, is stoned into sand. Now the second song caught in a mosh is am I top five all time favorite maps? I absolutely love the map in this song here, cotton and mosh is perfection in my mind. It has knee strikes and it's got a full turning circle where you're in a mosh pit hitting drum rolls. Oh man, it is so good. Also, there's another high with cotton amash yes, and I can't remember that arms.


I know it's an octopus called arms. It is a call to arms. I do not have the name.


That is a different, different map. I am talking about the cotton mosh. From stone into sand. Man, that workout is so good, but this whole workout leads you to a lot more complexity, a lot more density. That will prepare you for a madhouse. Isn't there a song in Stone Into Sand that is in one of the madhouses? That was um step down, or am I going crazy?


what song yes, um, the last song, oh, raining blood is and the well okay. No, the last song is in the metallica workout wait right, yes, okay, yes, yes, raining blood is stepped down into stone, into sand. Yes, it's the third song and I think I did make a comparison video of that with the Madhouse Raining Blood and Stone Into Sand, raining Blood Very similar to be different. It is. They both have a very different feel because there's knee strikes in the Stone Into Sand version. Yes, man.


The Stone Into Sand version is a lot of fun. I like it way better. The stone in the sand version is a lot of fun.


I like it way better. There's a part in there where you're going back and forth in the lunges hitting targets so fast. Yes, I can't even talk during that part. No, I remember the first time you did that, because it's working my abs so hard, yes, but it's my favorite part, though it's one of the hardest parts in it and I'm like this is what I want.


This artist parts in it and I'm like this is what I want. This is what I want. Yeah, and it's funny because enter sandman is a metallic song. That's the first song in stone into sand, um, then cotton amash, then raining blood, and then the last stand is Holy Wars from Megadeth. And that's in Madhouse the Monster. Yeah, the Monster. Madhouse, not the Metallica workout.


Yes, you're right, yes, Holy Wars.


So I have a comparison of that too, I believe you do.


Maybe. No, I haven't done that one yet, because I have not recorded myself doing the Madhouse Monster.


You haven't filmed the monster.


No, I haven't.


I need to. You do Put it on the list. Yes, you do. But the Holy Wars, oh man, the Holy Wars at the end of Stone and Sand almost takes you out, almost completely takes you out. That one is a great preparation for the holy wars in the madhouse monster it definitely is.


Isn't that the one where mark gets on in the beginning and he's like hello, we're about to put you through something that is a little higher than high, but you'll make it. You'll make it, we'll make it. Yes, yes, it'll make it.


Yes, yes, it's a great, it's a great one.


It is. It's a great one.


So those two workouts full throttle, roar and stone into sand are the only highs that are in this list. That aren't pros. I know you're looking over there at Metallica going. Well, that one doesn't say pros only, but is a pros only? It's a hidden pros only. It says in the description yes, it will forever be in my brain.


The hidden pros only workout, yeah and there's probably at least once a week where I see um uh, posts on the community where somebody's like went into a high and right into the first song marks Mark's like this is a pros only, but I didn't get out of it and I did it anyway, and I made it to tell you on this post on the page.


But yes, what just happened to me? And if you get into the workout and you do it, I don't care what your score is. Celebrate good for you, because that is a hard workout. The songs are long and it is in the last song puts you through every single bit of choreography. I believe that's ever been made and that's why it's one of my favorites so yeah, I want to do all the moves in one song.


okay, here you go, and there's five portals nine minutes. Here you go, and there's five portals Nine minutes, there's five portals.


And not just like here's five portals, you see them no big deal. Oh, that's pretty. It's stuff coming out of all five portals at once.


All at once Nine times, because we may or may not have counted while we were playing the last time.


We're obsessed, just a little, just a little, just a tiny bit, yes. So since we're talking about training, this week we did triangle training. Talk about Madhouse workout trainings, because there are workouts in the catalog that allow you to make your own little training program per se.


So triangles madhouse.


What should our workout suggestion of the week be? Well, exactly.


I don't think we should put it together. No, we shouldn't give them.


You should go train. Go do your training, Whether you want to train for the madhouse or you want to go train for triangles. You heard Julia talk about all these triangles. You're like hold on a second. There's only three triangles in the catalog. What are you saying? I need to step, touch and lunge in this. Well, how about you train for the triangles? Yes, Make that your mission. Exactly. I think that should be our suggestion this week, because it just makes more sense right?


Well, it does. And I mean, I have a graphic, you have a graphic, everybody has a graphic graphic. They've got tons of stuff to choose from. They don't need our weekly workout suggestion. They don't?


There's a lot of things, there's a lot of things.


So if there's a lot of, workouts here, yeah, yeah, if you want to mess around in some triangles and see if you pass a triangle training test, go, do you know, go do some pros, only training. So and vice versa, if you, if you feel like you're a pro at pros, see if you're a pro at triangle training and then you can go into our facebook community and tell us what you did and what you felt about it, because we want to know we love to have conversation.


You know being sparked about all the things, so sure, come tell us.


I definitely want to hear about it, especially if you're going to go um and do julia's triangle training, because I think. I think I might go back and train a little bit there too.


Interesting. I'll be interested to hear all of your thoughts on that.


Oh, you know, I'll have lots.


Well, and if you go in any of these workouts that you've done and you look up, I better have rated them. You better have rated them.


I better have rated them. And so should you guys Look to the left when you're done and your workout screen is up.


I better have rated them, I better have rated them, and so should you guys look to the left when you're done and your workout screen is up, um, and rate them? Do the needful thing. Did you like the workout? What did you like about it? Did you love the workout? Was it like mind-blowingly awesome? You love the movement. You love the music. You love the coaching. You love the movement. You love the music, you love the coaching. Tell them maybe the workout was not for you, maybe the movements didn't feel good.


Maybe the music was smooth sailing you don't like that, and so you hit yeah, didn't like that, didn't like it. Don't forget to rate the workouts.


Yeah, because Supernatural wants to know. Yep. Well, guys, we appreciate you hanging out with us today. We are so glad that you were here and listened to things that we had to say, and don't forget the real joy and love of Supernatural is found in the journey.


You go on Bye, bye.