For the Love of the Map

Quick Hit Sunday: Swapping Screens for Green Scenes

March 24, 2024 For the Love of the Map

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Ever pulled off a VR headset and felt the sudden urge to stretch your legs in the sun-soaked world outside your door? We sure have, and we're spilling the beans on how digital bliss led us to rediscover the joys of the tangible – from the rugged trails of hiking to the earthy toils of homesteading. In our latest chat, we swap stories about how virtual workouts have unexpectedly fueled our real-life fitness journeys, inspiring us to pursue activities that are not only invigorating but also essential for our well-being.

Bask in the candid tales of our personal quests to stay active and engaged with the world around us. So if you're looking for motivation to step out of the virtual and into the visceral, tune in and let us show you how to keep fit and fabulous amidst nature's splendor.


Hi Marla, hi Julia, happy Sunday.


Happy Sunday.


Quick hit Sunday. Quick hit Sunday. Supernatural gave us some quick hits and this is our quick hit episode for Sunday. So today we're going to talk about things that we do outside of the headset, believe it or not, marla and I do not just walk around with headsets on our face all day long. I mean we should have a monomail during this video. I know we have the Apple one. No, apple doesn't have.


Supernatural in it. I would not be that person, though still I don't think that would be either.


So we do things outside of the headset and it's good to do things outside of the headset it is. I could just get out of the headset and sit on the couch all day.


Yeah, I did that for many years or not even get in the headset to sit around.


Sit around.


Since working out in the headset. It's opened up a whole new world for me of activity outside of the headset, like hiking. I went hiking for the first time like two years ago with my daughter Like a real legit hike, miles up hills. She even like got me running and doing things. It was the best. I would never have been able to do that before Supernatural, yeah.


Well, I have a very small homestead. Nobody gets excited. I don't have like cows or anything. One day, marla.


We're gonna have no cows, we're gonna have cheese. I'm gonna have cheese. Yes 100%.


But I do the whole homesteading. I like to make fresh bread and I have chickens and I have gardens and I'm gonna get country on y'all. So I mean I stay real active.




To make compost for my gardens, I shovel wood chips into the chicken coop.


That's a labor.


I have to be careful because doing the one motion on my one shoulder, you know picking up the heavy shovel of wood chips can get my shoulder really sore. Oh yeah, but it's hard work being a farmer man.


It is Staying physically active in that way. I bet, do you think of it as like exercise? I mean, I know it wears you out.


I don't know, I really don't think about the things that I do outside of the headset as exercise, but I mean they really are Just being more active. Outside of the headset. It is harder for me to go and get out and do things, but you know, I love to go walking, I love to be outdoors, going hiking, like you said. It's very fun Just being outside in the sun. I know that the spring is coming back and I love. I know this isn't active, but I love to just go lay out in the sun and let the sun hit my body and make me warm, and I think that's good for you too.


It is 100% is good. I love being outside, especially spring and summertime. It's my favorite time of the year summer is.


I do have weights and I have on occasion gone back and forth of strength training.


It's hard for me to keep up with some of those routines Same.


I want to get into doing some yoga, a few things outside of the headset, to help me stretch more and take care of my body more. I haven't really implemented those as good, but it's something that I really want to really start implementing to help my body to not have injury.


Right. I know in our group someone suggested yoga and to actually go to a class first, and I agree 100% with them.


You really learn a lot more initially than just a video or something like that, and then you know the movements, you know the way you're supposed to be moving and then you can apply those all at home. That's how I started my stretching practice. I call it more of a mobility practice. I know I usually say yoga because that's what my phone registers it or my watch registers it as, but it's really just a whole mobility routine of functional movements that I do throughout the day anyway. So it's to help strengthen those muscles and keep me limber and not sore, and it's important. Mobility as I age is very important to me and it's supernatural helps with that, but not fully, not all the ranges of motion. So I definitely keep a mobility practice. I do that daily, no matter what, even if I'm sick, I'll get on the floor and do like five to 10 minutes of it, slowly, intentional. Just getting on the floor and stretching and feeling how your body responds. And holding the stretches would be a great place to start. Julia, that is my advice to you.


Thank you, I will take it. I actually started doing a thing and I need to get back into it. When we watch the daytime TV, but we watch it in the evening Some of our shows I would get in the floor and do things during commercials, that's smart.


I love that yeah.


I need to get back into doing that. It actually hadn't been that long that I would do that, but so are there things that you might want to start doing that you have. I know supernatural gives us a lot more energy, like if you ever thought about running or walking even Running not so much.


So I walk, I try to walk. I've kind of gotten out of the habit of daily walking, but for a long time, for at least two years, I walked every single day, like rain, snow, cold. I walked for 45 minutes every day. Now I try and do it at least four to five times a week. It's very important to me. I wake up very early. I go walking very early in the morning. My favorite time to walk is right as sunset's about to happen, so like it will be pitch black when I begin my walk, but then, as I'm in the middle of the walk, the sun is starting to come up and usually all the colors are in the sky. It's just such a great way to start the day. It's a great way to stay focused, to connect to yourself, to have that alone time. It really charges me. Yeah, exactly, it gets me focused and centered for whatever I need to accomplish for the day.


And then I'm not worried about why I need to make sure I'm exercising or I need to do this or that. Walking is my time. Sometimes I have company and I do appreciate the company, but I do prefer to do it alone. It's my time I listen to music, or I'll listen to podcasts, or I won't listen to anything but my own thoughts, and let me tell you that it can be scary if you're not used to it. It does take some getting used to to just go out there in silence with yourself for 45 minutes. So I definitely love that. I have thought about taking some dancing classes. Oh yes, particularly salsa dancing.


I think you're self-weight out there.




That's really cool, yes.


I really like dancing. I've never had any formal training or any classes. I mean, I remember a ballet class when I was like five, but it wasn't something I ever stuck with or did or pursued. I would love to get back into some regular strength training but, like you and most of us, we just can't. I don't find the joy in it. I don't love it like I do.


I think we see the coaches do a multitude of different types of activities.


But I mean for us, we just really like to be in our headsets doing super bad we really do and so it feels almost like a chore to do strength training.


But you know I never have and probably never will. I have never been to the gym, Like I've never been a gym person.




So I probably wouldn't. It just doesn't appeal to me being on equipment that somebody else has been on. I'm in sweat on it, I'm in a wipe it off. I want to share it.


Like I don't.


I think it is just. It's not just that it's somebody watching me do something.




I don't really want to be in there doing it anyway, but am I going to do it wrong? Are they going to film me and put me on YouTube? Is like the person who's doing the thing wrong?


What I love about this is you'd be willing to headset a Walmart. I would.


I wouldn't care, I wouldn't have headset at the gym.


Right, but you don't want to do the workout and the weight training in the gym with all the other people there.


I got it.


I do use resistance bands and I need to get back more into resistance During supernatural. I have tried, I've done that too.


I've gone forward, facing and done, like the booty bands that you put around your your thighs. That is a killer workout. I there was this one particular low glutatious with Rainier. I'll pop it up on the screen. I say I, julia, will pop it up on the screen. I used to do that one at least once a week with a resistance band around my thighs and, wow, that is intense. Again, not recommended for everyone.


Make sure you're safe. I don't know. I think that's a great recommendation because I did. I did it during the glutatious pros only. Oh, my goodness, julia, I think the low, the low flow, I think would be a much better option. It's a great suggestion, Marla.


I have gotten well, I say I have. I had gotten to the point where I could do it with spins on. I didn't have to just do it forward facing and I felt comfortable and safe.


The band with the spins. Yes, I want to try that. So bad.


And so, when the greatest thing is, you're like, you're, so you're doing like a crab walk, you're, you're basically staying in a squad the entire time and you're doing like I can feel the burn thinking about this.


It's intense, oh my.


And I would definitely start with a workout that's not um long. A pros only yeah, we're pros only Gosh, I wouldn't even get in there.


And a pros only Well the reason why I did this was because a lot of other people were.


And so it was like a whole Makes sense.


Yeah, look what we're doing.


Okay, I want to try it too.


I want to try everything once.


Yeah, yeah, you do, it is your thing.


Yeah, well, I think that the community can definitely get in on this and tell us some of the things that they love doing. I mean, we went ended up talking about in the headset but outside of the headset. What are some of your favorite things to do outside of the headset? I would love to know.


Same same. Maybe we could um find something new to do outside of the headset.


I know right Anything, so come over here and shovel some wood chips with me.


No, I'll pass. I'll um make you a latte and bring it out.


Fine, because I'm not allowed to walk with you.


So, no, no, you're not invited to walk. No, I would totally love to go on a walk with you for sure.


Well, that's amazing. I would love to walk with you too. Well, on that note guys we're going to head off here and we're going to go get in the headset and do some fun things. Yeah, we are. So I hope you guys have a great day. Appreciate you guys watching and taking your taking time out of your busy day to come hang out with us. So we'll see you guys later. Bye, bye, okay, all right, bye.