For the Love of the Map

Episode 08: Hat Tricks and Leg Lifts

March 20, 2024 For the Love of the Map Episode 8

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Ever felt like burpees were created just to make us question our life choices during workout warm-ups? Well, you're not alone. We kick off our latest episode with a shared commiseration over this notorious exercise and a hilarious throwback to a social media debate that had everyone choosing sides. But it's not all fitness faux pas; we also delve into the unexpected perks of wearing hats during recording sessions. It turns out these head-toppers are more than just a fashion statement – they're our secret weapon against the dreaded "headset hair".

We're sharing our tricks for squeezing the most out of every workout point and decluttering our digital stash of workouts. It's not all about the numbers, though; we delve into the artistry behind engaging choreography and the joy of revisiting favorite workouts. Plus, we spill on some behind-the-scenes podcast research that's sure to get fitness enthusiasts' hearts racing.

As the conversation heats up, we strap on our virtual reality headsets to explore the evolution of Supernatural choreography. From beginners to pros only sweat sessions, we recount our own journeys of leveling up and the strategies that keep us injury-free. Plus, we unpack the joy of stumbling upon hidden gems in the workout library and how these discoveries can shape our fitness progression.

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Hello, hi Marla, hi Julia, how are you today? I'm good, how are you Not bad? It is beautiful here today. It's beautiful here too. It's fall, spring though.


Same same.


It was like 30 degrees last night and it will be in the 60s today, so fair enough, you know what I want to talk about today. I feel like you want to talk about burpees in the warm-ups.


Burpees, burpees in the warm-ups.


No, I want nothing to do with burpees in warm-ups. Why are you saying that? Has that ever happened?


It actually, back in 2021, was a whole post about burpees in the warm-ups. It's a hilarious post.


I missed it.


I'm going to have to go search, yeah, go search and pull up the post. It's got a ton of comments.


Could you imagine it?


It was hilarious.


Doing burpees with the headset on. Yeah, no, I mean, I don't even want to do burpees outside of the headset. This is why a headset, I don't want to do that kind of extra.


Exactly. I've seen a shirt that says burpees and it only has like a one-star review and it says don't.


Do not recommend. Do not recommend the burpees.




So I want to talk about why are we wearing hats today? What's the deal?


Well, it's a coincidence. How did we even? No, it's not.


I think I started the trend because I said I didn't want to do my hair yeah. Because if I did my hair, because I got in the headset super early this morning. It was a 315 when I got in the headset and I had big goals so I was going to be in the headset. Then we're going to record the podcast and then I want to get back in the headset. Yeah, so I'm not doing my hair, no, I'm making it all video.


Listen, you can't fix headset hair. You can I mean maybe some people can Even dudes, you know, using the pictures of the dudes and they come out and they've got the headset stripe on their head yes, I mean it happens to us all. But no fixing headset hair, just put a hat.


I have a lot of hats. I love hats. I wear a hat daily. This hat here, this is from Doc's merch store. I've had it for a few years. I absolutely love it. I wear it basically on the daily because I just put a hat on to go to the store, to go out and about my life and not have to worry about my hair. So I wear them often and you decided to wear hat with me today.


I did, and I mean I found hats and I never was a hat wearer until supernatural that's crazy, my supernatural hat. But yeah, when I found hats, it opened up a whole world for me.




I do my hair, so that's great.


And it's great for protecting your face and the sun. Or, in my case, well, and in your case, because you wear glasses too. When it's raining out and you need to go to the store, it keeps the rain off of your glasses. I mean, I have there's a million reasons why hats are amazing.


Yes, as long as you don't wear it backwards, you know you can do what you want. Do what you want.


Well, speaking of hats and shirts, if you can see my shirt, see if. Yeah, I am working on a hat for the love of the map hat, because I love hats, you love hats, I wear them daily. So I'm working on a hat design.


I find a good embroidery design. Yes.


I am stuck on an embroidery. It has to be embroidered hat and our logo does not lend to embroidery, so it will be a little bit different, but it will be cool. I'm excited about it. Yeah, so we're working on merch.


Everybody hold, hold, hold still.




Maybe eventually we'll have merch.


Yes, maybe eventually we're. We're testing some things checking quality and it would help us a ton with our monthly expenses of keeping up the podcast you know, that's very true. You know we have to pay for services to do this and to keep it running and to keep it up, and it would be nice if we could have a way to pay for that outside of our day jobs.






Definitely we're here so we are. For sure.


It's our time.


We love it, though, man.


But seriously, now that we've gone off on a tangent about hats and merch and all the burpees, I mean, I did not expect to discuss burpees this morning. In fact, I can't even remember last time I did one. I think I did try to do 10 about like a year ago, and I was like why am I doing this? This is dumb.


I think I was in a group a supernatural group that had some like side challenges and we would do some outside of the headset things and it was like it was like burpees, I think, one time, and I actually was able to do a lot of them. I hate them but I worked my way up to being able to do like so many and then I quit and then now I probably couldn't do 10.


So if you don't use it, you lose it. This is true. This is true in all things, except for riding a bike, because you don't lose that one. Yeah, that is very true.


They say you lose your ability to skip. So everybody go outside today and skip and go skip, so you don't for sure.


Yeah, you don't want to skip. You're going to do that. Yeah, you should. It's fun, it is fun.


Like being a kid again.


Yeah, but burpees is a functional sort of training because those movements are movements you would do in day to day life almost Anyway. Yeah, I started thinking about functional movements because that's a lot of the training things that we do in the headset or even out of the headset. I do yoga and stretching and things like that are for mobility and functional movements, like picking up tons of grocery bags, carrying them inside and picking toys up off the ground.


I don't have little kids anymore to pick toys up off the ground. But laundry, dirty laundry. Why is there laundry just scattered throughout my house randomly? None of it is mine. Burn it, I should have Burn it. Burn it to the ground. But you know like those are functional movements, things that you're going to do every day and sometimes, being older, you could just throw a whole back out we are forever 25. You could just throw your whole back out by like one wrong move, and so you want to train for those functional movements.


And I could see burpees. One wrong sleep.


Oh gosh, no joke. Yes, one wrong sleep. In fact, I woke up with a weird neck and like ear pain this morning because I was like sleeping wonky on that part of my ear. Anyway to be 25 forever is hard.


Yeah Well, he said well, when's it going to happen that I'm actually going to get old? And it's when you roll out of bed and you're like, oh, why do I hurt all over? What did I do last night? So yeah, it happens.


I think it just happens. Yeah, it definitely creeps up, like it happens one day.


In one day You're like no, yeah it does yeah, and I mean we're very close to the same age and by months and I think it kind of hit us both around about the same time.


It, did it really did. I was not old enough. We're fine. And then it's like wait, like six months ago.


I know I guess we got to get in our joint supplements right.


Yes, in our magnesium. I was reminded last night I had to take my magnesium.


And this conversation is for our sponsor.


Yeah, we need joint supplement and magnesium sponsorship please. Yeah, we can contact that asset for the love. The map at gmailcom.


That's right, just send us a message. We'll get back with you. If we remember.


Well, the reason I had to remember to take my magnesium last night is because I was sore.


I was sore and why? What did you do? Listen, you said you were going to do this and I didn't even know why I did realize. It took me a minute to realize why I did realize. But I was like I'm going to do this too. Like with no prompting or no, I'm like I'm going to do this too. I'm not going to say I failed because I had a big day, that's right. You had a huge day, but you, you go right on ahead and tell them what you did.


So okay, first of all, I had to back up a little bit. My friend Julie and I made a deal a while ago that we were going to hit our 3 million milestone together at the same time. At that point I was way ahead of her and so she had to catch me. And I was like, oh, this is going to be fine. You know, julie can catch me, it's not a problem. I just need you to stay pace, I'll be good.


But let's not let her get ahead of me, because if she gets ahead of me, then I got to catch up. Well, I'm in the point where I have to catch up now. Okay, I got so far behind her. I'm like well, currently I am 47,000 behind her. Okay, well, she's probably done the wads today, so she's probably a little bit far ahead of me now. Anyway, in this week she's sort of busy, so she's not doing her typical 25 to 30k a week, so I have a little bit of room to catch up to her, to close the gap, so to speak, since I was a little bit 10,000 away from my next milestone, which was 2.7 million. So I just decided.


That's a lot, if you didn't know.


It is a lot. It is a lot of points. I just decided well, I do things now I gotta act. No more excuses. And so Sunday night it just said I'm gonna do 10K tomorrow, let's go. We were supposed to record this episode Yesterday, but no, I had more important things to do, like catching back up to Julie and doing 10K, hence the hats. I did shower, but I did not do my hair and I got in the headset very early again this morning, because I'm keeping the momentum I need, I want to close the gap and I'm having fun and I found a challenge that's getting me to do hard things. Yeah, yeah.


You've also found a way to work out and have workouts that have high points.


So I'm trying to.


I'm like how do I maximize your time and?


the headset.


So you have a graphic and. I'll put it in. And it's so helpful because, you know, for me, I go in, I'm like, what do I do? And then you're like, what are you doing? And I'm like I'm doing this one and you're like, get out of that workout, that one is no points. Well, you have workouts on a graphic that are fun and high points.


So if you were looking for that type of thing, I will make sure that you have that I have a couple of those types of go to workouts and on graphics, I have one graphic I share that Julia will share here, and then I have some kind of hidden workouts too, that I don't have on a graphic. I know there's the community air table and lots of us, lots of people use it. It's an amazing free resource, has all the workouts. They even have it broken down to the best workouts for points per minute. This is my issue with that one it does not tell you anything about the choreography or about the workout itself, and so this is why I have made my own list, because for me there are lots of other workouts in the library that I can maximize my time, get more points, but I would probably complain the whole time because I don't like the choreography in the sense that it's just boring for me.


Up and down movements If it's just consistently up down, scissor hits, the setup's not right setup is a huge thing for me. I need targets to lead me to the next target. I hyper focus on it and I try not to, but I do Well, because I think it steals your joy sometimes.


It does. If you do focus, it takes me out. Yeah, I'm thinking. Then, yeah, instead of just flowing and going with the workout, I'm thinking and so, yes, I do have suggestions that I consider good choreography and also high points, and so, yeah, I've been doing a lot of those, and I also did you know Euclund is in the third round of the bracket. Yes, we are still doing this. There are 16 workouts left, so I did. I only care about six of the brackets, so I did those. I knocked those six out yesterday.


And then it was exactly, and now the rest of the week I can focus on doing some research for future episodes of the podcast, doing some workouts there and all my favorite workouts that's all right. I'm excited about it. Got lots, lots of fun workouts to do. There are so many in the catalog, so many workouts.


They're just mind-blowingly so many to keep up with. And we had talked about on a chat just the other day, like taking everything out of our list or our favorites. It's really called our list, my list.


You will be so proud, so proud of me. I did. I did this morning I went through, I took okay, listen, y'all. I had like 50 over 50 something pages of bookmarked workouts in my favorites. Now, if I had folders where I could categorize them and separate them and do it, it wouldn't be so chaotic in there Cause I've got, I had, workouts I had never done I had. Why did I have to say there were no notes? So I just I removed every single bookmarked workout. It took me I was drinking coffee. It took me about almost 20 minutes to go, click, click click.


That's it. Click, click, click, click yeah it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. It was annoying but cause I really wanna do it too. I wanna do it, it was annoying and only have my favorite, favorite ones in there.


Yes, like totally. So I went back through A few I saved. I left on there because I was like, well, I'm just gonna add them right back. But in the research I'm doing I needed to save a bunch of other workouts, so it would have been nice to have a folder that I can've been like okay, research for this project. That's why they're there. They don't go with my favorite favorites, you know. It's totally different. But anyway, point is my bookmarks are four pages currently, which is huge. Four pages, four pages, that's crazy, it's huge. Yeah, it's really awesome. It's really awesome.


I bet that is. I bet it feels freeing to have it.


It is freeing like that Just four pages. Yeah, because when I was getting to the very bottom of the list, I was like why is this 2020 workout saved? I know I didn't like this workout. Why is it here? I'm not even gonna go. You know, I was overthinking it first, Like I need to go play each one and make sure it's not a favorite favorite. And then that just got overwhelming and I'm like I don't wanna play these workouts, so let's just start all over again. So I started my bookmarks fresh. Yes.


And now I'll have to do mine. But, yes, can we please have folders? We need to solve everything.


Another really great folder thing would be. So this is my idea when it comes to folders you have just one. All of your favorites, everything is in there. It's no organization and then you can take from there and move them to different folders. They don't have to just live in one, they could live in five folders if it applied right. And so I would have you know my high points, favorite highs, my high points, favorite mediums, favorite ones for dancing. Then I would have like a whole folder for leveling up.


Yeah, so I get we get asked a lot. You know, how do you move from high to pros only, or medium to highs? I know there's a level up program that Supernatural offers that's from low to medium.


We did it when it came out, just to test it, just to see what it was all about it's under collection, so it's not I'm not gonna say it's hard to find, but if you're in the headset you go on the collections tab and I believe that's where it is. I didn't check first.


I always forget about that tab. I know I forget. I don't look at it here. I can't see it in the companion app. I do so much of my searching in the app, on the commanding app, and the fact that I have to go to the headset for certain things drives me crazy. It should be the same Everything that you can do in the headset you should be able to do on the companion app on your phone. I agree.


I don't understand Wish list, or just maybe a lot of users don't actually use the companion app. I feel like all of our friends, all of our people in the community use the companion app like crazy, with competitions, with saving workouts. I go in and, like people, I follow those workouts, leave them comments. It's the first place I started building relationships and connections. I do like the little feature in the headset where you can give people unicorns and fire hearts and like there.


And what was my opinion of that? When that first came out, I was mad.




I was very upset with that new feature. I did not understand it when they, in my opinion, I thought they should upgrade lots of other things in the companion app. I was like I don't, I'm not taking my precious time while I'm in the headset to go like other people's activities.


And then I realized I did have some time.


Yeah, exactly.


Well, it's like rating the workouts If you look over to that other side and make that a habit to connect with people there while you're in and just see what everybody's done.


I mean, I've gone on and off of making it a habit. When it first came out, I was like, okay, I'm not, I don't have time to use that. And then for a while I used it every time I got in and right before I got out I would, you know, click on people. It was a good place to not have to pull my app up into it.


Well, I've gotten out of the habit of doing it again, so Do you know what kind of got me in the habit of doing it? Or when I do, it is when we're in parties.




And I know we're all doing the same workouts and we're waiting there's like that in between when we're about to start the next workout, but everyone's blah, blah, blah, blah and I haven't quite been like okay, can we work out now people Come on and so I'll go through and I'll Just listen to the track.


Yeah, I'll give people unicorns, or I like to give people stars and fire hearts. I know everyone else is obsessed with unicorns. I'm a personally a star person and a fire heart person, so anyway, I'll go through and give kudos that way. But yeah, I went off and off about the kudos when it first came out, but, just like anything new, we are not going to like it?


Yes, we don't like anything new for a minute. Takes us a minute. Sometimes it does.


It sure does. So back to folders and leveling up Squirrel, yes, and that is really what I wanted to talk about, not just hats this morning.




Was about leveling up. I know you and I started different in different places in our fitness levels and our fitness journeys. When we start supernatural and I know there's so many people in the community I see posts all the time Like I tried my first high workout and it killed me. I can't. I don't know how you guys are doing this. Or I did a pros only. How do you do this? And it got me thinking like how do we help people figure out when to start leveling up? What's the best way of going about it? So I kind of just wanted to open up a discussion with you here and with our community about how they went. How did they go from medium to high? How did they go from high to pros? What suggestions would you have to help others and what do you think supernatural could do to help other people progress in the intensity levels?


I know for me, I remember when I went from low to medium, I did the same quick hit. I started once a week with the same quick hit. This is how I kind of measured my success or my improvement, and I sort of I'm gonna say the word cheated. But it wasn't cheating, it was smart. I went with a glutatious, because glutatious and absilicious if you haven't put these two things together are usually not as target heavy for their intensity because they're triangle heavy, so you'll have a little less targets than a normal medium. That's not a glutatious. So I went with a glutatious. I had to pause it, kick my butt. I mean it really kicked my butt. I had to pause during the song, during the second song, like I couldn't make it through the whole quick hit, and so I would do that once a week. Then I would start doing it twice a week and that's how I sort of went up in all the intensity levels besides pros only. I did not do that for pros only, because I did not like pros onlys.


I was gonna say you didn't like pros, only I didn't because I was doing pros onlys, the early pros only. I will say all the pros onlys that have come out since the OG the original welcome to the Madhouse are great. They're different. They're completely different, Completely different style of choreography compared to the earlier pros onlys. I didn't like the earlier pros onlys because they just felt target dense, which I'll come back to this because this is for another episode in another time.


I said I don't wanna go into too much detail, but I have been testing out older pros and I have a different opinion of them Now that I have progressed in my own fitness journey and I am used to doing pros only workouts. So anyway, how would I suggest people to move from high intensity to the choreography and pros only now? And I'm not talking Madhouses, I'm just talking pros only, because to us and to most of the community, as it should be, madhouse is like a step above a pros only, and obviously we're only speaking about flow here and not boxing. I promise all you boxing lovers we will chat about boxing more often, but we are talking about flow right now. So how would you suggest people move from high intensity to pros only? Julia?


Well, I think there's two ways. One way is a smart way and one way is a crazy. I won't say not smart, but maybe a crazy way. Just do them. Now, if you just go in and just do them and your body isn't prepared and you haven't trained for them, you could injure yourself. But if you go in and just do them and not care about your score and not care about if you miss a target or if you didn't get this certain pattern, you will eventually, if you do something over, and, over and over again, just get better at it. So if you go in and you base your first play on if you like it or not, I think that's really not a good way to go about that.




But I think a better way. Well, and I say this because that's how my journey started I got in the headset and I played a low. Well, I did training, played a low, then I played a medium and then I'm like well, all right, all that's left is a high. There wasn't a pros.


Only when I first started and so I played the high with a lot of fear. I was like, what is that happening to me? I was like, okay, I can do this. So I don't recommend just going in and being a high flow person. I really think it's good to mix it up and keep your body guessing, but that's not what we're here to talk about. But I do think that starting with high, working your way up to a high, and then from there you can find some high plus workouts. We kind of call them like training workouts.


Yes, we do that you can. We can compile a list of them for you guys. But if you're curious, but doing those and working up to it, you know some people just can't go get in a pros only. They feel overwhelmed by the targets and the complexity. And some of the old pros you know, target density in there is crazy on some of the songs. So yeah, it would definitely be a journey if you're not just gonna throw yourself in it and just keep doing it over and over again until you get it, if something new, a new pros comes out. That's kind of the way I do it. I just played over and over and figured it out.


I mean, I'm the same way. I think from high to pros is, if you're already doing highs and you're confident in a high, just jump in a pros and just start practicing them. But I would suggest you go back to our episode on form and when we talked about form, because I really truly believe the form that you use in a pros only should be a bit different than the form that you use in every other level to prevent injuries, and I really believe you need to be a lot more relaxed and a lot more flowy and you really have to give up the idea of your power scores Not saying it's impossible to get good power scores on them, but if you're just starting to go into pros, you gotta train for it.




You know and you gotta figure that out, but please stay relaxed. I think that's so important.


It's all about mindset and I think I know when we go in together on pros only day, we're so excited. I think I get really tense and I get really like rigid and I just forget to relax. Well, I'm so excited.


You are.


And I can't wait to see what's about to come. And so I think just having a good mindset being okay if you miss targets being okay if you don't do perfect and just go into it to have fun.


That's what supernatural is about the joyful, fun aspect of working out and it not being a chore. So I think if you go into it, mindset is so important in the way you talk to yourself. I mean, I remember when the first Madhouse came out. If Mark wouldn't have gotten on there and made his message to everybody just go in and have fun, do it to the best of your ability, and who cares what your score is, you know. But he's gonna kind of knock on your door and be like you missed all the targets At the targets.


Right, have fun.


Yeah. So I think going into that with your mindset is very important, on any level you know, from low to medium. I mean, I've seen people on the community ask like, how do I move up, and so it's definitely something that we need. I think a conversation needs to be had about it, because is there really anything there other than the very few things that we talked about? That one workout? With the butterfly on it. Did we talk about that workout?


No, not yet.


Oh, and then?


the level up program. Well, we talked about the level up program.


Yeah, and then there's one workout in there that has a butterfly on it. Do you have it pulled up?


Yeah, I do. It's labeled a high intensity workout. It's called a monster and under it the title of it is medium to high, and so this is the only workout. Even in the description they explain this is gonna take you from medium and get more complex and up too high, and it's a great one. I see lots of us, lots of people in the community, suggest this when people ask. But it's the only labeled workout.


And it's a monster. Could you imagine being like? Oh here's, let me help you move up. And then it's labeled a monster.




I think that it's maybe wasn't the best choice in learning, but I get it.


I can understand, simply because you need the time to have to go to move up. It's 27 minutes. But yeah, labeling it as a monster might turn some people off, for sure.


Do you think that there needs to be like a low plus, a medium plus?


a high plus.


And then there should be a pros, and then there should be a pros plus.


Well, all those workouts exist in the library. They do. The problem is is you don't learn about them or notice them or know about them until you've been doing all these workouts in the library for three years. And how's that gonna help you from the start?


See what I'm saying, and then keeping up with it, we have the folders to be like all right, here's the plus, low plus. You actually have to do a workout, realize that it is an intensity plus and then write it down or make a note of it somewhere and that's a lot of work.


It is, and it's a lot of things to remember, but because we eat, breathe and sleep supernatural, apparently those are the things that stick out in our brain that we remember. Sometimes I forget about them. I forget about a certain workout, but if I could keep them in a folder I would remember better. For sure.


But I do think, especially now, like the new age choreography and when I say new age I say maybe the last 18 months of choreography there are a lot of the lows. You can find a lot of lows that are like low pluses, and it's because some of the choreography from the higher levels is starting to go down and trickle down into there. I did a low flow last week that went, and Sunday we'll get to Sunday's Quick Kits that came out.


They go from lane to lane and I love this. So you have a one armed hit with a tail that moves you to the next lane. You never used to see things like that in a low.


You used to be very forward facing.


You might would have used the three moves in front of you and to me that's training for a medium, because you're gonna find those moves in a medium and then when you go to mediums you should be finding some moves that you typically see in a high and a medium. Just dumb down a little bit, in the sense to make it a little bit easier, but to get you used to doing those movements and for your body and your mind and eye coordination and all that stuff to start improving. And it's the same way in highs to pros we see some really high pluses and those are usually our favorite workouts, exactly Because they start getting a little bit more complex. I always find it hilarious when I see people they'll talk about their favorite workout and I'm like, oh yeah, that is a really great high. I love that. But in the next breath they're like I don't like pros only. And I'm like, well, let me break down all of the moves that you love in that one workout.


That came from a pros only. Or you can find in a pros only. It's just faster, or it's doubled up and more complex, but the base of it is now in your favorite workout, anyway, but I get it. It's not pros only arm for everyone. It's understandable, it's a small percentage of us who really crave pros only flows.


Yeah, it's fair enough. Do you think there's an advantage that we lived through the progression of choreography, or do you think that it's an advantage for new people coming on that they just already have it and they didn't have to?


do you see what I'm saying? I don't know. I was thinking about that the other day because I was thinking about how things are, kind of like a step up now in comparison to three years ago.


They are.


You know a low, you pick out a low from the 2020 catalog and then do a low that came out last week. It's way different. You can clearly see. Do this experiment Seriously, you guys listening.


I think everyone should. Yes.


Pick a low from 2020. Pick a low that came out last week. Shoot we will pop two workouts here on the screen If you're on YouTube watching us. If not, we'll put it in our Facebook community group. I'll give you two examples, two lows, and I want you to see how different the choreography is from then to now. And let's talk about it. You know, if you have been here in supernatural for many years, do you think you had an advantage or do you think the people who are starting in the last six months have more of an advantage? Either way, we're all working out and loving supernatural. We are, and these are just the things that we overthink about when it comes. You know why we love supernatural so much, why we made a podcast about it, Because these are things that we're sitting there at nine o'clock at night texting each other.


Yeah, yeah, you know so true, oh, constant supernatural it's always in the back of our minds.


It is.


Now this is a great segue into how what you thought about the old pros only. But first, before we go there, I want to say I feel like the best way to move up from an intensity is to do a quick hit.


Now, I don't know if that's why the quick hits are there, but for me I think it's a great way If you want to move from a low to a medium, do a medium quick hit. And it's only two songs you can get out if you feel overwhelmed. I think you should stick with it, but and you only have to commit to two songs and just try it out, but would you suggest an older quick hit or would you suggest a newer quick hit? A new quick hit. Of course, A new one.


Same same, same same, for sure.


So yesterday, no, this morning you got into some pros. Onlys this morning, or one.


I did. I'm starting researching for a future episode about pros, only it's really exciting.


More research is pros, so you may not want to talk about this.


I don't want to talk about it too much, but there will be a future episode dedicated to pros only choreography, and then from there we'll segue into the next.


Well, briefly, what did you think about? I mean, were you like?


so I did the very first or Well, I was excited because it was the very first pros only. Leanne was the coach. It was gone from the library for a little while, I'm not sure why, but they put it back in. I've had it in my bookmarks for a long time and I went in the headset and typed in pros only, because we can't easily find all the pros only from the companion app, like I wanted to do while I was drinking my coffee. So I got in that set and I typed in pros only and pulled up all the pros only workouts besides Metallica, because that's not pros only, is not in the description, in the, in the title. So you know the search engine is not going to find that Anyway, and I scrolled away.


I do want to say everyone get a little mental image of Marla with her coffee and her headset. Yes Morning on her phone, her headset, her coffee. This is what we have to do.


Yes, yeah, well, that was me. I was like, oh man, now I'm ready to work out. But I got to spend five minutes researching this and then in the headset, when I could have had it queued up In my bookmarks and ready for me to go, and I was standing there cold. I was cold, exactly, and I had my hoodie on and my sweatpants, and then, after the third song, I had no hoodie on and had no sweatpants. Okay, so back back to the pros. Only that I did. I was excited because it was the first one, and this is something super interesting and some history for you guys. Leanne says this was filmed during COVID, so she's not there. She's not on the platform.


She's talking to you.


She's like oh, we can't you know where's the COVID times, can't you know, can't be here in person. But since this is a pros only it's the first one they have turned off their dynamic auto intensity so that it stays at a true pros only. And some of you are like, huh, what are you talking about Dynamic? What are you talking about auto intensity? Well, it used to be a feature, an old school feature within supernatural, where the better you did, the faster the targets would come. The worse you did it would slow down a bit. So it was kind of tailored to you.


Which there weren't going to be intensity levels, I guess.


No, exactly.


Your workout right.


Wherever you were, which I will be honest that I believe some of that is still there in the workouts.


They say it is not, but it is what we do.


Yes, we test, we test all the things. So anyway, I found that very interesting and some of you will probably find that interesting, like what. I didn't know about this and you can search in the community group about audio intensity. You can read about it. You should do that if it's something you're interested in. So Leanne explains that that won't be in this workout. It is going to stay pros only. Nothing will adapt, nothing will change. So I was pumped. I was like, oh, this is going to come at me right out the gate. I'm ready for this. And I was a little bored. It was like high, it was a high.


Yeah, but then back then, because remember. I was there when it came out for the first time, scared out of my mind to click start, and I don't remember all this auto intensity talk Like then I know about it now, but I was kind of like I don't remember her saying that, so I'm going to have to go back and do it too. But it was hard. I mean first pros. Only it was a completely different thing in my mind than now.


Like you want me to go do the first pros only. Okay, let's go, it's a high. But then it didn't feel that way.


It would be interesting to suggest, if you are nervous about moving to pros only to go do the very first pros only first, just like find the first pros only in the catalog, we'll put it up here on the screen Coach Leanne did it and then move on from to other pros, because it's definitely it doesn't have nearly the complexity. I did miss a couple of targets, though, I will tell you, because they have you turning quickly and the targets are like legit, right there in front of you and while, yes, I'm used to that, I'm used to the setup when I'm turning, the target I'm currently hitting me is setting me up for the next target hit. That was not this.


Is backup in that one? No, but I kept waiting. I was thinking are they gonna do the backup portals in this one, cause I could see them doing it and at one point I prepared for it and overspent. No, but did I have to go correct and go back? Cause no, they did not. They did not.


Backup is not in that, so you're not jumping two lanes.


You're just jumping one lane, but it was quick and then there were targets right there. Yeah, it was interesting. I'm a little sore from it, simply because it was a lot of old school up and down movements, just repetitive up, down, up, down, up down, and that does get your shoulders after a while and you know I did 10K yesterday, so I am a little sore anyway, but it was interesting. It was interesting and I can't wait to talk all about Presley on an episode here soon, because a lot has happened, a lot of evolution, and we can really get into some of the things that we're passionate about, you and I, when it comes to talking about choreography, because I mean we could just take one song and break it down for like 30 minutes.


We're insane or more.


Yeah, Listen, your homegirls love some prose.


only okay, yes we do love choreography. We could do the same thing. We could do the same thing Choreography With the low quick hit that came out Sunday for St Patrick's Day.


You're right.


I was gonna tell you that low quick hit, that first song, and that low quick hit was fantastic. It was Whoever mapped that first song. Yes, that is what low it was great. It was a low, it was engaging, it was fun, it had some like moving you from lane to lane, preparing you. It was great, had great setup. I have no complaint about it. And I was like high fiving the mapper, yeah, while I was doing that song Cause I was like oh, this is.


They should have switched the songs.


Yeah, this was an incredible, incredible. The first song really really did it for me in the low. So we could probably discuss lows. There have been a lot of lows that have come out. We like all intensities but yes, our true passion is high flow and high prose. Only Now. Prose, only boxing. That's a conversation for another day. That's a whole other episode. I think Don't open the can. The box.


Leave the lid on the boxing prose.


Well, leave the lid on the boxing. We don't really discuss boxing that often.


We'll have a. I think that we will do a boxing episode. Eventually there's have.


Talk you into it, I like boxing, you love boxing, I love boxing, but I don't do it as often as I once did.


I prefer flow. Marla will be sitting with her popcorn just going mm-hmm Right.


During the boxing. Yeah, exactly Now. I have opinions about it for sure. Oh yeah, I do keep up with it. I mean, I do at least two boxing a week, unless I'm going for a ton of points, and then I just don't box at all Because I mean you just don't get the points for it. You need more points for boxing, that is very true.


If you're going for points on your leaderboard not just for your leaderboard, but for a personal points goal you don't do boxing because it just does not give you the points.


It doesn't. You don't get the points from that at all.


Yeah, we went down a little rabbit hole.


Ha ha ha. Those are my favorite, though, because they're genuinely what we're interested in talking about.


They are. And then they know we're not scripted, because y'all we ain't scripted here, we are not scripted at all. We just talk about whatever comes up.


Yes, so we sometimes have a little outline of things we want to discuss, but we don't always stick with it, Like now. I have no idea. I think we have an outline over here, but I'm like I don't know what we want to move to. We got to talk about yesterday's quick hits.


I mean no.




Sundays, because this is not.


Monday it is not Sunday's quick hits were so fun, so fun All of them, yes, all three.


I went back and did the boxing yesterday, Did you? Because I like to alternate flow and boxing and I was going for points, but I'm like I've got to take a break and do a boxing and it was a quick hit. It was just a two song. Very fun, it makes me jump you were jumping.


What is wrong with me? You jumped through all three of them. You were jumping through the low, the boxing and the high. You were like insane. So when I clean the house now. I'm going to have to turn on Irish music. I think so.


Last year. I really found out because on St Patrick's Day last year we did all the St Patrick's Day workouts, all of them that we had, and now we get to add these three to our list. Yes, we didn't do that this year, but I really realized that I liked the Irish music. It just gets it's so, it has such a good beat and it's joyful. And so I was. Yeah, I kind of was taking not didn't take over the party, but y'all heard me like laughing, just saying, oh yeah, this is so fun. I'm jumping.


Like I was like very vocal. I had a great time.


I don't know if y'all were having this the time that. That was no.


I think you were a step above us.


I was gone y'all, I was fine.


You were having so much fun I had a blast.


It was a great party, and so the low flow, we talked about it. It was great. The first song, I would say was our favorite out of that one.


For sure.


And the second song came and we kind of got all of us kind of got a little bit more quiet.


I mean, this one's good, but yeah, and then the second song's where it was at.


So then we got into the boxing and it had knee strikes. And from what I remember, they were both great. I do think that we did comment on a move where we were doing a knee strike and it was kind of making us do a step forward.


Like it didn't bother me though because I was jumping. You were jumping, we were not jumping and hopping. It was a strange setup for us to get the knee back down and punch out. It was just not enough time for me personally, yeah.


It like made you lunge. Even with my jumping, though it still made me lunge forward.


Which kind of a weird Could hurt your back if you are not paying attention, no-transcript, or just watching your back? You know what I'm saying? Because you don't want to be pushing forward. Yeah, that's what it felt like like a jolt, we should have been hopping.


Yeah, y'all should have been. I still went forward, though, even in my hopping, so hopping didn't even help. But I mean, somebody said it and I'm like, oh yeah, this is making me, it made you take an extra step forward. It did so but, still fun. Both songs were great. Yes, happy, joyful.


I would totally do them again.


Yeah, like I said, I did them yesterday. I had a great time.


But that high though it was bad. What are you talking about?


It was so bad I don't even want to ever do that, ever again. I hope that they just take the high flow out of the library. I mean, who wants green beer anyway?


We should have recorded Julia playing that high flow for the first time.


Very first time. Oh, I wish I had that.


I think it would have sold anyone who's never been in Supernatural before. They would have wanted to buy headset, they would have wanted to subscribe to Supernatural just to play this workout. By hearing Julia, Just her reaction and how excited she was. And she's like you guys. You guys, I'm doing the jig.


I can't believe this. How are they making us do this?


It really was fun. It was a good time.


So my joy of this newfound love for Irish music. Plus they were making us do the river dance. Like I'm going to go put in my application with the river dance, I really think I could do it. Julie's moving her family to Ireland.


She's going to be an Irish dancer who's going to be like. Well, now I need leg lifts and knee strikes and targets to make me look like her river dancer.


So you really do have to jump to do these river dance moves properly, and my body just automatically did it anyway, and I was dumbfounded that it was making me move this way. And you know, my favorite thing is when the choreographer just puts in there what I need to do, so I don't even have to think about it, and this is how this was for me. I want to do this workout all day, every day.


Are we going to end up doing this workout today?


I think so when we get out we got to do some pros. But it feels good today, but then I'll probably ruin it right back. I'll wear my brace.


Do you think you could do that workout without doing your jumps?


No, and let me tell you why I actually have. I recorded it my second time around. I really think my first time around was where it was at, like you said, though, because it's just and I was wheezing. I don't have asthma, I was wheezing by the end.


And I couldn't even do all the moves, so it would have been a good representation of me getting totally worn out, because I had no idea what was coming for me, but I was totally wheezing by the end and I couldn't even do all the jumps and triangles and for about the last 15 seconds I was done Like I could have laid on the floor after the workout was over.


Well, I knew I took when you said that because you told us in the party you were like I'm going to need to lay on the floor. So I waited to queue up the next workout Because I knew you. I mean, you were so out of, you were out. I was like whoa she's.


I could barely speak and I was truly wheezing.


I'm shocked you did not demand we go right back into it.


I wanted to, but I was like they're going to think I'm crazy. Like I would have done that over and over again. I do not think you're crazy when the party was over, I went right back in. I know you did.


You were like she's in there doing it Because you didn't come in the chat and say anything. And I was like, oh, and I look in my Oculus thing to see if she's still online. And she is. And I knew instantly she's in there doing that quick hit and she's recording it. I know her, I knew it, I probably have 50.


I should count them. Who knows how many side by side I have in the community. I have a lot. Yeah, I have never danced, even in the Cupid Shuffle. I have never danced out of the frame. Yeah, I danced.


You did.


Jigged straight up. You jigged, I riverdanced. You're going to like go over here Straight out of the frame of this. It was just I was everywhere Front, and it was making me go front and back, and I was not doing fast feet in the triangles, I was doing some type of I don't even know what I was doing, to see you go front and back on that axis, because that's not something you typically do.


No, not at all Always makes me excited To see. Ok, a workout got her to do this. Well, now I want to do the workout.


Side to side was hard for me, so I got to side down, Like y'all. When I started, I just stood there. I didn't even pick up my feet. So I've come a long way.


But I was a lot going on in the workout Front to back.


Yeah, training, yeah, you have to train. I talk with my hands, y'all. So if you don't need to, I'm sorry, I can't but man, and when I get excited in this workout, y'all it was.


I really wish I would have recorded you, because man it was great.


I had just at least recorded my gameplay and turned the mic on. The audio of that.


Yeah, we'd be sticking in clips here left and right, because it was really good. I'm telling you, people would go out today and buy a quest, buy an Oculus, whatever they call them nowadays buy a headset, buy the box and get supernatural and play this workout. If they heard. They don't even need to see you do it, they just need to hear your reaction.


Who cares?


how much that cost. Yes, yes, 100%. I mean, you were that excited about it.


It was good. It was so good, and I think what excited me most is it made me move that way.




It just automatically made my body do the river dance, like I was in complete shock because I kept saying I'm doing this, I'm doing it. It was crazy.


I just realized I just had a light bulb moment. Do you remember when we were talking about knee strikes and in that solstice workout we were like our favorite thing was you went from a knee strike to a leg lift, a knee strike to a leg lift, and we loved it so much. That whole thing is filled with that. Why am I just?


I'm having a bulb moment. I actually had already connected that and then I forgot it. I think it was when I was watching it back.




And you realized I've watched it a lot because, like I said, I hurt my ankle jumping. And I didn't hurt my ankle, but I did. They're sore. I was sore and so, instead of going in to do the workout, I did watch my side beside like 100 times. Okay, I will admit it, sorry.


Julia is obsessed with this new leprechaun workout. That's what I'm calling it the leprechaun workout, Leprechaun workout.


It was good, it was really good. Look, we said this was going to be shorter and we're sitting here at like 58 minutes.


Oh gosh, yes Y'all, we want to get in the headset. I want to get in the headset.


I need to edit this and get it updated, uploaded and all the things and we can't stop Marla this is when I don't think they believe us, when we could sit here all day long on this computer with these headphones and microphones and talk all day about this stuff.


Yeah, all day long. We didn't even touch on the March Madness bracket, and what workouts were eliminated last round.


We don't have to. Sorry, guys, Listen our turtle's out the turtle workouts out.


The Metallica pros only is gone. Those are the only two that are super important in my mind.


That's very true.


I can't believe those are gone.


Yeah, my Fliego's gone, yeah, yeah, so it's sad. All it is is sad. We'll update them next week.


The most important thing you all should know is return to the Madhouse Meet in another round.


So we're still here. If you're playing, go do it, ok, please.


Yes, needs to win. It's up against a boxing workout, which is such a weird pair up, but the boxing is much shorter and not as hard, so I foresee people wanting to do the easy thing, do the hard thing. Do the hard thing because you can.


Yeah that's very true.


That's my motivational quote for the day.


I like it. So that leads us to our weekly workout suggestion. If you're a Beat Saber fan, this one's going to be so exciting to you.




Absalicious crab and go crab. Rave is the first song.




I'm not going to say a lot about it, but I will say it works your abs and that's why I love it, because you know I love a high boxing. That works your abs.


Yes, you do. Those are my favorite.


It's like your favorite thing in the word World, my favorite thing Word, word, word to your mom. So go do it, it's OK. We can say all of our cool 90s sayings because we're cool, marla, we're cool, so go do the crab rave and all the I mean spaceship, butterflies, momentum, all of our Do you remember the day that this workout came out and I was like spaceship.


They finally put spaceship in a workout and you guys were all like what, why? And I was like go listen to it. Here's the link on Spotify they put spaceship. I love that song, it's good.


And then complexity is in this workout and it's hard to get complexity. Emboxing like choreography. Unboxing is a hard thing.


It is we talk about, but this one complexity is there. We like it.


Go do it and what do they need to do? Go in the community and then rate it.


And we'll talk about it. Yeah, talk about it when we post it, because we always make our posts Tell us what you think about it, but don't forget to rate it. Rate your workouts, all of them. Look to the left.


Rate the workouts my phone's just going to have to be in the shot.


Rate the workouts. Look to the left. It will be right there. Hit the needful. Whatever applies for you. Do that to old workouts. Do that to new workouts. Workouts of the day All the workouts. Rate them, please.


Rate them. And, guys, we really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy days Day to hang out with us.


We talk so long it is like days. They're listening to us.


Days and days. We do appreciate you, guys.


We do and don't forget. The real joy and love of Supernatural is found in the journey you go on Bye.